Total Drama All Stars Edition...

By lilah505

28.1K 421 2.5K

Total drama got renewed for another season! So why not make another all stars season? 48 ex contests all com... More

Things you need to know
Meet the Campers
Party time!
Noco Oneshot Book!
Villainous Night
The Awake-A-Thon
Relaxing... for now
Doom Balloons
I got tagged!
Scary Stories and Ice Cream
A Night In The Woods Part 1
A Night In The Woods Part 2

First Challenge

2.7K 36 343
By lilah505

"Alright campers, the first challenge will be the same from the first All Star season. One member from each team will jump into the water and try and find a key, the key goes to the spa hotel and whoever finds the right key wins. Oh and someone needs to push the baby carriages all they way to the spy hotel."

"Wait, whose team are we on?" Bridgette asked. A smile then appeared on Chris' face.

"This season is another heroes vs villains!" All the campers groaned expect Topher and Ella.

Confessional- Mike
"Please don't be on the villains. Please don't be on the villains."

"On the heroes we have, Izzy, Lindsay, DJ, Bridgette, Lewshana, Katie, Sadie, Noah, Owen, Tyler, Trent, Harold, Gwen, Beth, Geoff, Cody, Sierra, Zoey, Dakota, Dawn, B, Sam, Cameron, Brick, Staci, Beardo, Jasmine, Dave, Samey, Ella, Shawn, Rodney, Leonard, and Topher. You'll be known as the Heroic Dolphins!" Chris said as everyone who was called all stood together.

Zoey, Cameron and Gwen were shocked to see Mike wasn't on their team.

Confessional- Gwen
"Finally! I'm not on the villains team! Least Courtney and Duncan are on the villains team... but poor Mike..."

"Courtney, Eva, Justin, Duncan, Heather, Alejandro, Anne Maria, Mike, Lightning, Scott, Jo, Max, Scarlett, Amy, Sugar and Sky. You'll be known as the Villainous Jaguars!"

"I don't want to be a villain! I'm nice!" Courtney complained to Chris.

"Nope. Remember last All Stars, you made a chart which peeved all your friends off. You're a villain!" Chris explained to Courtney making her more upset.

"Why am I a villain? Shouldn't I be a hero? Lewshana should be a villain! She slapped Heather's tooth out of her mouth!" Sky started complaining to Chris. Lewshana overheard what Sky said about her.

"How bout I slap a tooth right outta you!" Lewshana yelled as she tried to but was being held back by Gwen, Zoey and Jasmine.

"Cause you broke Dave's heart, member?" Chris simply said as he walked away from her.

Confessional- Courtney
"Gwen should be a villain! Not me! It's not my fault no one appreciated my chart!"

Confessional- Sky
"This stinks! I didn't mean to break Dave's heart... I still like him and I want to give us a shot... but I think I messed it up..."

"Why am I on the villains!" Mike exclaimed.

"The last All Stars you were viscous! Member, as Mal." Chris said making Mike sad, Chris just started laughing.

"Finally! A team of evil!" Max exclaimed while trying to do his evil laugh, key word is trying.

"What bout me? I'm no villain." Sugar said.

"I don't have to explain the teams anymore. Let's start the torture- I mean challenge!" Chris said as he ran down the mountain.

"Wait! Shouldn't we change into our swim suits? And how will the driver get down the mountain?" Cameron yelled out to Chris but Chris never heard.

"GO! Drivers jump first don't grab a key though." Chris yelled thought his megaphone.

"Wait! They have more players than we do! That's against the rules!" Heather yelled out to Chris.

"Yeah... I don't care. This is MY show and I make the rules up. Member?" Chris yelled through his megaphone.

"You are such an amazing host!" Topher yelled which made the heroes gag.

"I'll be the driver." DJ said as he jumped off the cliff and into the water. The rest of his team cheered for him.

"Lightning is driving! Sha-yeah!" Lightning yelled as he jumped off the cliff before his team said otherwise.

Both DJ and Lightning swam to shore and stood next to the carriage.

Geoff was the first was to jump for the heroes and came out of the water with a key and swam to shore and hopped into the carriage as DJ pushed him to the spa hotel.

Alejandro went first for the villains. When he found a key and swam to shore and hopped in the carriage and was pushed to the spa hotel.

"How can you like Chris?" Dakota asked Topher. Topher just looked very shocked.

"How can you not?!? He's incredible!" Topher replied back making the others roll their eyes.

Confessional- Dakota
"Yuck! Chris is not incredible! He's the meanest host ever!"

"I'm Bridgette... nice to meet you- ahh!" Bridgette was saying before she tripped on a rock and was about to fall but Rodney caught her.

"I'm so sorry!" Bridgette said immediately getting up. She then thanked Rodney and went to go talk to the others.

Confessional- Rodney
"We were meant to be! She fell right in my arms! But what about Amy, Jasmine and Scarlett... they'll be devastated"

DJ came back with the carriage holding Geoff. Geoff jumped out and ran back up the mountain, Izzy then jumped off the cliff.

A couple minutes after Lightning came back with Alejandro. Alejandro started running back up the mountain.

"Whose next? Cause I'm not going. I'm not getting my clothes wet again" Courtney was saying before Eva pushed her off the cliff.

Confessional- Courtney
"Eva will pay for pushing me off the cliff! She will also pay for my dry cleaning!"

Confessional- Eva
"She just wouldn't shut up."

Confessional- Scott
"Hahahaha! Courtney was just pushed off the cliff! Hahaha!"

Izzy and Courtney finally found a key and swam to shore and hopped in the carriage. DJ and Lightning were racing against each other to see who will get to the spa hotel first.

"I don't get why I'm a villain?" Justin said out loud.

"Because you punched me to get to Courtney in season 2!" Harold yelled at Justin. Justin just rolled his eyes and pulled out his mirror looking at himself.

"You all will listen to me! For I am pure evil!" Max said pointing at all the villains.

"Ha! My grandma is more evil than you" Duncan said making Max a bit scared.

"Ugh you all are a bunch of losers!" Amy said crossing her arms together.

Meanwhile the heroes were busy getting to know each other.

"So you think the zombie apocalypse will happen?" Noah asked Shawn.

"Yeah! You don't?" Shawn simply replied.

Confessional- Noah
"Is he serious? Zombies only go for brains, he should be fine."

Noah just walked away from Shawn without even answering his question.

Courtney came back and started sprinting up the mountain. Eva then jumped into the water and went searching for a key.

"And the villains took the lead!" Chris yelled through the megaphone. The heroes started looking out for DJ but couldn't see him.

Eva swam back to shore and hopped in the carriage as Lightning ran back to the spa hotel. Moments after Lightning left DJ was running back. Izzy jumped out of the carriage and ran back up the mountain.

Zoey jumped into the water but soon Fang appeared making Scott and Zoey scream.


Mike then threw a rock hitting Fang in the nose. Fang rubbed his nose a bit and swam away. The villains all looked at Mike.

"What was that?!?" Jo yelled at Mike.

"What? I had to save her." Mike said walking away from the rest of his team to stand far away from them.

Confessional- Sky
"I might as well play to win. Even if I'm on the villains. Zoey is very athletic..."

"What took you so long, Izzy?" Sam asked Izzy. Cameron was hiding behind Gwen since he was still scared of her.

"I saw this cool rock." Izzy simply stated. Jasmine did a facepalmed.

Meanwhile Dave was sitting on a rock far from the rest of the heroes. He felt uncomfortable with them, he didn't care if the rock was dirty. Noah noticed Dave and decided to try and talk to him.

"So.. your Dave?" Noah said to Dave. Noah then sat on the rock with Dave.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Noah? Right" Dave asked, Noah nodded his head. There was a moment of silence before Noah spoke again.

"How did you deal with them?" Noah said pointing to Leonard and Beardo.

Dave let out a small laugh and said, "Beardo was eliminated first. Leonard was 2nd. I was pretty lucky."

Cody was watching the two boys talk. For some reason Cody felt jealous? He didn't know why though. Sure he hasn't said a word to Noah yet, but he didn't know what to say.

"And the villains won! Heroes I'll see you at the bonfire tonight!" Chris said through the megaphone.

The villains were all cheering as they walked back down the mountain. While the heroes were deciding who to vote off.

"Did you know my great great great great great great great grandpa invented bottles. Yeah, before people use to drink water with their hands. Did you also know-" Staci was saying before everyone on the heroes yelled at her to shut up.

Confessional- Gwen
"Does she ever stop talking!"

Ella was singing a song on the way back down the mountain, birds then landed on her fingers.

"Wow... your aura is a positive orange." (Sorry if im wrong about the aura colors... I just found it online) Dawn said while a butterfly landed on her finger.

The two girls then began talking about their favorite animals. Noah and Dave were still talking making Cody jealous still. Harold and Leonard were talking about nerd stuff. Gwen, Cam and Lewshana were all talking too. 

No one was talking to each other on the villains though. For then it was just a quiet walk to the spa hotel.


They were at the elimination ceremony. The villains were in the peanut gallery watching to see who goes home. The heroes were all sitting and standing waiting to see who stays and who goes.

"Just like the last All Star there is a Chris McLean statue hidden on Boney Island. I'll need someone from the villains to spend a night on Boney Island." Chris said while holding the tray of marshmallows.

"I'll go!" Alejandro said while standing up and walking to the boat which will take him there.

"What?!?" Heather yelled out making Alejandro smirk.

"No! Get on the boat!" Chris yelled shoving Alejandro on the boat. The boat then left to Boney Island.

"Now heroes, you will go into the confessional and vote out the camper of your choice on the 8 by 10 picture of them. Got it? Lindsay?" Chris said while looking at Lindsay. Lindsay was just braiding her hair and was zoned out.

"Huh? Can you explain it one more time, Kyle?"

After explaining 10 times to Lindsay she finally understood how to vote. All the campers went to the confessional to go vote off one of their teammates.

When they all came back Chris' intern gave Chris a paper of who's good and who got voted off.

Heyo it's me! The author! Okay, sorry if the challenge part sucked. It's hard when there's a lot of people.

Okay it's time for you to vote someone off the Heroic Dolphins! And choose wisely...

Here are the campers from Heroic Dolphins:

Remember vote wisely...

Okay that's it! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you had a great day! I love you all! <3

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