By babyyboi

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You're so golden I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken "Your Majesty, I... More

not an update


177 6 2
By babyyboi

When I opened my eyes, my head was pounding. I had to blink my eyes for a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the light and the headache. My eyes were watering as well. I probably had a black eye at that point from how hard the punch was.

I was completely knocked out.

I looked around and couldn't see anything much. I was in a cell. Probably in a dungeon. I heard knight's boots walking and their shadows but no one had yet made any direct contact with me.

I didn't know how long I was out but I needed to do something to get out of the cell.

"Hello?!" I yelled but no one answer. The guards stopped talking but they didn't seem to be answering me.

"HELLO?! HEY! I NEED A LITTLE HELP HERE!" I continued yelling. I heard a loud sigh coming from one of I don't know how many guards who finally make his way towards my cell. He was fully equipped in his armour so there was no chance for me to punch him. Plus the other guards could easily knock me out again.

"What?" He asked.

"Where am I?" "In a cell obviously," Then he laughed. So does the other guards.

"I know sire, but what kingdom am I in now? Why was I abducted because I'm sure I did nothing wrong. And how long have I been out? Why am I even in a cell?"

"Jesus," He rubbed his face. Already regretting his decision to be the one that came to talk to me.

"You're in Volkscreed and you've been out for a couple of days. That's all I can give you. Now shut up!" He left. I bit my lips, the answers weren't enough.

Volkscreed? Two days?

Why was I even in Volkscreed? What do they want with me? But if I were in Volkscreed that means my people are close to me. They're somewhere in the kingdom. Meaning I can save them. But first, I need to get out of this cell. I need to wait for the guards to switch shift for their break then maybe I can do something to escape.

While I was busy coming up with plan and strategies, the donor cell was opened by one of the guards. Then two other guards walked in and lifted me up from the floor.

"Wait, wait! Where are you taking me? Let me go!" I tried to escape from their tight grasp on both of my arms but nothing happens. They didn't answer me and just kept dragging me to a place.

"Get off me!" I still tried. Hoping for a miracle to happen.

They opened a door to a room. It's the Great Hall. Volkscreed's Great Hall. They left me in the middle of the hall and left. The guards closed the door and locked it before I could even think about running toward it.

"Evelyn," I turned to my front and almost collapsed. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Mom!" I ran to her and hugged her. I cried immediately. Both of our hands weren't tied which was weird considering we could literally escape with our free hands but that was the last thing on my mind when my mom's arms were around me, holding me close.

I cried and cried in her arm. It was surreal.

"Mom, what happened?"

"Evelyn, there's something you need to know," She said, with shaking hands. She was scared of something. She was nervous.


"Evelyn," A voice called me from my back. My mom was looking at the person behind me with tears continuously leaving her eyes.



(Harry's POV)

"You need to calm down," My servant said after my hundreds punch on the sack bag full of sands.

"You need to shut up!" I snapped. He knew about what happened between me and Evelyn. So he should know that I wasn't in the mood to listen to anyone. Not even my parents.

So far only my family, James and Kat knew about what happened that night. But I wasn't sure if the words were out already. And if they did then it was whatever. I was pissed. Pissed that she played me. For her own benefits? For a special treatment? What? Why? Why? I kept trying to come up with explanation myself but nothing makes sense.

I could say that she wanted special treatment because she felt threatened because she was the only girl in the knights but then I was the one offered to help her. I was the one asking to meet her in our garden in the first place.

It simply doesn't make sense.

Nevertheless, I was mad. I haven't seen her ever since. I forbid James from seeing her as well. At least for a while. Because I knew he would try to talk me out of my anger and ask me to forgive and forget. Even my sister already tried to persuade me. But I was furious more than ever. It was a mix between humiliation and heartbreak. The way she told me those things were almost like she never, not once care about me.

I didn't know what happened the day I left for the mission. All I knew was something happened that triggered her to explode like that.

"I'm just saying, you might hurt your arm," James continued. I ignored him. Was I being too nice that people started to use me? Walk all over me till I fell in love?

"Your Highness," A voice called me out from behind. I stopped what I was doing and brush my long hair to the back.

"Minister, what can I do for you?" It was Minister Farrington. James walked up to me and gave me some water.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I have to ask you this," I nodded asking him to continue.

"By any chance, did Lady Evelyn ever told you that she's going somewhere?" I frowned. What?

"What do you mean?"

"She hasn't come to work for the last two days and today too. No one has seen her. Not even her little brother." I was shocked. What? What was going on? Three days?!

"What do you mean three days? Why am I only finding out about this now?!" I almost snapped. Suddenly all my anger were gone. Like it never happened. 

"Your Highness,"

"NO! Where's Edmund, I need to see him!" I roared. How could no one told me about this? It has been three days for god's sake. 

"Your Highness, you need to calm down!" I rubbed my face. God, if I hadn't forbidden James from seeing her maybe we all would know what happened earlier.

"How long have you known?"

"This morning. The staffs didn't suspect anything on the first day because they thought she was sick again. The second day, Edmund went to her chamber but no one was there and he thought she was spending time with you. He went to her chamber again today and the room looks untouched." It was almost six in the evening. She could be out there in the woods, dehydrated and starved.

"Send some knights to the woods and find her," I told.

"Already did earlier this morning. They found nothing." God, Evelyn.

My anger was now replaced by guilt and worry. What happened? Was she trying to run away because of what happened? But why would she leave Edmund here? Was she okay? What if something terrible happened to her out there? I would not forgive myself.

"What about my father? Does he know about this?" The minister nodded and told me that my father said to do everything needed to do to find her.

"James, go find Edmund. I need to talk to him." James nodded and ran to find him. I walked back and forth trying to figure out where she could be. How she got passed the kingdom, the guards and why.

"Your Highness," Edmund said when he came down to the field with James. Both of them looked worried. I felt even guiltier. Was I the reason the whole thing happened? Did she ran because of me? Was she scared of something? 

"Edmund, what did you do a day before the disappearance?"

"We went to see Minister Farrington ask what happened to our village and then we went to our work." He explained shortly. Not giving much information.

"Did anything seems unusual or weird about her that morning? Did she asked anything unusual?" Farrington shook his head.

"God," I was about to loose it.

"But she did ask if Minister and you saw any Volkscreed's knights there," Ed said after a few minutes of silence. He and the minister tried to remember exactly what they talked about.

"Oh god!"

"She went back to your village!"


THANKS FOR READINGi love you, you've made my day ♡

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