
By jjsbabyx

850K 18.2K 13.5K

Bri Jenkins is well a troubled girl always getting into fights never being able to control her anger and neve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Forever lost
Last chapter

Chapter 14

26.3K 578 521
By jjsbabyx

I woke up and I was surprised I didn't have a nightmare last night, I realised my whole body was basically ontop of Xander poor boy I'm probably crushing him to death I hope he's still breathing. I looked at his face for a moment before his eyes opened and looked at me "what are you staring at?" He asked.

"Nothing just admiring how cute you look when your asleep" I poked his cheek.

"Shut up" he grumbled making me giggle and once I did I saw his lips twich as he fought the urge to smile.

He sat up and stood up from the bed talking me with him in the process "Hey what are you doing I was comfy I wanna go back to sleep" I whined.

"Tough you need to get ready" he said as he dropped me to my feet and kissed my cheek.

"Ugh fine" I walked to my room, did my morning routine and changed into some black joggers and a burgandy jumper.

I made my way downstairs and saw that Nick was the only one in the kitchen he was sat at the dining table drinking a cup of coffee he looked really tired which made me feel really bad.

"Hey Nick am I okay to talk to you?" I asked.

He looked up and said "of course baby what's up" he gestured me over to him and grabbed my hand pulling me onto his lap "are you okay?" He questioned looking concerned.

"Yeah I just wanted to apologise to you for what happened yesterday I should have never acted like that I'm really sorry I just let my emotions get the better of me I guess" I said.

"Oh babygirl you have absolutely nothing to apologise for everyone gets angry at times all the boys do and Blake should never have treated you like that he feels really guilty about it he always says stuff he doesn't mean when he's upset" Nick said.

"Yeah I guess I'm still really sorry though and I'll make sure to apologise to Blake to I didn't mean to upset him" I replied.

"Its alright but you need to stop bottling up all your emotions it's not good for you" he said and I nodded my head.

He kissed my cheek and gave me a hug "take a seat the boys should be down any minute and we can have breakfast."

I gave him one more squeeze and sat down in my chair soon enough the boys all came down the stairs Xavier immediately came over to me wrapping his arms around shoulders giving me a hug "You feeling any better babygirl?"

"Yeah thankyou" I smiled slightly looking up at him.

"Good" he kissed the top of my head and took his seat on the other side of the table.

After everybody was seated breakfast was served but I noticed Blake wasn't here he's probably really mad at me but to be honest I'm still mad at him but I know what the boys meant I get angry very easily and can sometime say stuff I don't mean.

"Did you sleep better last night Bri you don't seem as tired?" Caleb questioned me.

"Yeah I did" I replied.

"Good" he smiled.

"Um I'm really sorry about yesterday I should have never said all those things" I sat back in my chair looking down.

"I already told you to stop apologising" Xander said.

"Sor- uh I mean ugh" I said.

"Its okay baby everyone gets upset at times no need to apologise" Cole chuckled giving my thigh a squeeze in reassurance.

"Your not mad?" I asked them looking up.

"Not in the slightest" Ace said smiling.

"I'm still really sorry I never meant to upset anyone" I said.

"Stop apologising we already told you it's fine" Xander said.

"Bri I do wanna make one thing clear though the reason I never took custody of you sooner is because when your mother took you she didn't tell anyone where she was going we didn't even know she had taken you as nobody was home and by the time we came back you were both long gone we found put where you were a few months ago but we didn't want to just rip you away from your life so we decided to wait to see if there was an opportunity where you would need a new foster I'm sorry I should have reached out as soon a I had found you" Nick said.

"Oh I didn't know that I'm sorry for blaming you" I apologised.

"Briii stop saying sorry" Xander whined.

"Shut up Xander and Bri I also wanna say we will never send you back this is your home now for good" Nick smiled and a sent a smile back making him smile even more.

Later in the day I decided to speak to Blake so I made my way to his room. I knocked on his door feeling nervous. "Come in" I heard him say so I walked in to see him sitting on his bed "what do you want?" He said in an aggravated voice rude much.

"Nevermind" I said and went to walk back out.

"Wait come back" he said so I turned back around "close the door."

I closed the door and walked further into his room.

"What did you need?" He questioned sitting up from leaning against the headboard.

"I just came to apologise" I said.

He raised an eyebrow and said "what for?"

"For saying all those things I didn't want to upset anyone and I didn't mean to make you angry with with me so sorry" I replied avoiding eye contact.

"Come here" he patted the spot next to him on the bed.

I hesitantly walked over and sat next to him.

"Look you don't need to apologise I should be the one saying sorry, evreything I said was just mean and unnecessary and I didn't mean any of it I was just hurt by what you were saying and I retaliated when I shouldn't have I should have just realised you were upset so I'm sorry" he said. Wow I never expected that at all.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure go ahead" he replied.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I said.

"I don't hate you" his eyes softened when I said that.

"Then why do you act like you do?" I asked.

"You just remind me alot of our mother I guess and it just reminds me that she left us not to mention she took you" he said "I don't hate you I promise."

"Oh okay" I replied.

He did something I never expected from him he leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry I've been a jerk to you" he said.

"It's okay I haven't exactly been any better" I replied.

"No you've been through a lot lately you needed to let your anger out I had no excuse" he said.

"It's fine" I said.

"Come on let's go down for lunch" he said and we both made are way down to the kitchen.


It's been a couple of days since the argument and today is my first day of school the uniform isn't too bad it's a short sleeved white blouse with a flowy black and navy blue checkered kind of skirt with a navy blue blazer with the school logo with a navy blue and black tie along with black socks that come all the way up to my thighs and obviously my school shoes. I applied some makeup to cover my bruises and scars and left my hair down then I took some painkillers and grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Bri you look beautiful" Cole complimented me as I sat down at the dining table.

"Thanks" I blushed looking away so no one would notice but obviously someone did.

"Awh your blushing that's so cute c'mere" Xavier started pinching my cheeks from across the table.

"Get off" I shoved his hands off me" and the boys all chuckled "I'm not cute."

"Yes you are" Xavier argued.

"Ugh" I grumbled.

"So fucking adorable" he said to himself earning a glare from me which only caused the boys to chuckle more.

"You nervous Bri?" Caleb asked as we were eating breakfast lately I've been able to eat a bit more which I could tell pleased my brothers I'm still not eating a lot though but I'm getting better which is good.

"No" I replied bluntly not looking up and continued eating.

"How it's first day of school?" Ace questioned.

"I'm going to a private school full of snobby rich kids, I don't intend to make friends and I don't need to impress anyone so there's nothing to be nervous about" I replied.

"You can't just not make friends" Ace said.

"I don't need anymore friends two's enough for me" I said.

"But they're not going to be at school you need more friends" Xavier said.

"Why friends are pointless" I said.

"How so?" Xavier questioned.

"They'll end up stabbing you in the back one way or another besides I just wanna get through all my classes without failing any I don't need to be distracted by friends" I replied.

"Are you worried Tyler and Jen will stab you in the back?" Caleb asked.

"Nope" I said.

"Why?" Ace asked.

"Because I trust them and I know them better than anyone" I said.

"Well we already told you to come sit with us at lunch anyway so make sure you do, a few of us will be in most of your classes so you won't be alone" Xavier smiled.

"Remeber to show her around boys and take care of her" Nick said sternly.

"I'm fine honestlynits not the first time I've moved" I said.

"Yes but that doesn't mean we can't look after are baby sister on her first day of school does it?" Caleb said.

"Fine" I replied.

After breakfast I stood up and grabbed my backpack ready to head out the door. "Good luck today hope it goes well" Nick gave me a kiss on the head and a smile.

"We'll see you later sweetheart have a good day" Cole then came and kissed my temple.

"You you later" I replied then made my way to the foyer where the boys were waiting my the front door for me.

"Awh look how cute she looks in her school uniform" Xavier squealed.

"Go on princess give us a twirl" Xander grinned.

I just glared daggers at him and said "go to hell" and walked out the front door.

All five of us sat in the car and Caleb began driving, about halfway there Xavier turned from the front seat and said to me "by the way your probably gonna be getting a lot a stares today because your with us."

"Why? You guys popular?" I asked.

"Yeah kind of" he replied.

"Okay it doesn't bother me" I'm used to being stared at.

"Hey Bri why are your knuckles bruised and marked" Xander asked gently grabbing my right hand to examine my knuckles there were bruises all over them and scabbs from the blood they've only just noticed now jeez that was days ago.

"Did you punch something?" Ace asked from my right.

"Uh um yeah" I replied.

"When?" Caleb asked.

"The other day" I said shyly.

"What did you punch?" Xander asked.

"Bathroom tiels on the wall" I replied.

"Don't do it again you'll hurt yourself" Xander sighed.

"Okay" I replied as he let go of my hand.

Soon enough we arrived at the school and as soon as I got out all eyes were on me. Great!

Xavier put an arm over my shoulder and walked me into the school. He took me to the office to get my schedule then showed me to my locker the entire time I was getting stared at by all the students. Xander came over to my locker and took my schedule from my hand to look at.

"You have history first with me and Xavier come on we'll walk you" he swung his arm over my shoulder and the three of us went to are first lesson.

"I hate school" I said.

"We aren't even in are first class yet" Xavier chuckled.

"Still hate school" I said and we walked into the class I headed straight to the back corner next to the windows I was a few rowsnfromnthe very back and a few seats away from the window Xander sat on my right and Xavier sat in the seat behind me.

The teacher walked in and everyone settled down here we go I guess. "Hello everyone it's good to see you all again" I saw his name on the board Mr Philips "we have a new student today Bri would you like to stand up and tell the class a bit about yourself?" He asked.

"No thanks" I replied bluntly as I was lent back in my chair arms crossed and one leg over the other.

"What was that?" He said.

"No thanks" I repeated.

"It wasn't a request" he said.

"But you didn't order me to you asked if I would like to and I wouldn't so therefore no thanks" I said my brothers looked kinda shocked but trust me in school I'm a completely different person yeah I hate school.

"Detention after school?" He said and went to his computer.

"Sir" I raised my hand.

"Yes" he said with an annoyed tone.

"I was just wondering what the reasoning is for me having detention" I asked.

"For disobeying an instruction" he said and I smirked.

"Well I apologise" I said.

"Thankyou" he said but I wasn't done.

However I must point out that you did not give me a clear instruction you asked me If I would like to do something and I politely declined there was no evidence that you were ordering me to do something therefore I don't think a detention is fair for your misjudgment in words" I said and everyone looked stunned even the teacher and my brothers.

"Well I guess since your new you don't know the rules yet so I'll let it slide this" he said and then proceeded to begin the lesson.

My first few classes were fine and it was now lunch time and Caleb met me outside my class since none of my brothers were in it he put his arm around my shoulder and took me to the cafeteria what is it with there's boys and putting there arms on my shoulders? I can walk on my own.

We sat down at a circular table and a sat between Caleb and Xavier there were a few other boys there that I'm guessing are there friends.

"Awh who's this cutie" I guy who looked about Calebs age asked and I glared at him.

"This is Bri are baby sister" Xavier said hugging me from the side.

"Yeah so all of you better stay the fuck away she's off limits" Xander said.

"Chill bro I know" the same guy who called me cute said "hey I'm Nathan but you can call me nate im eighteen" he smiled he had light blond hair and green eyes.

"I'm Jordan I'm seventeen" a guy with brown hair and brown eyes smiled at him.

"And I Ben I'm also seventeen" he had dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

"And I'm Ryan I'm eighteen" this guy had dark brown hair almost black and blue eyes.

"Hi" I looked at all four of them.

"Dude how come we've never met your sister before or even heard about her?" Jordan asked the boys.

"When are parents spilt she went to live with her mom and recently come back to live with us" Caleb explained.

"Oh I see where's your mom at now" Jordan asked.

I tensed up and so did my brothers they knew she was a sensitive topic to me Caleb shook his head at the boys as if to tell them not to bring her up and they all nodded Xander got up from the table and went off somewhere and came back after a few minutes with food for us both he handed me my food and I quietly thanked him.

The boys all had there own conversation whilst I nibbled on my sandwich and put it back in the wrapper once I was full and just stared off into space for a while.

"You don't talk much do ya" Jordan snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't reply and looked away.

"Awh she's shy that's so cute."

"I'm not shy" I said.

"Well your very quiet" Jordan smirked.

"I only talk when I feel the need to" I said taking a sip from my water Xander bought me.

"Leave the girl alone Jordan" Nate said.

"Sorry" he chuckled "dudes your sisters adorable" Jordan said to my brothers.

"I'm not adorable" I mumbled under my breath causing them all to chuckle.

"Yeah she's the cutest" Xavier said and I immediately snapped my head to his direction and gave him a glare.

"Ignore Jordan he's only playing I promise he's actually really nice" Nate smiled at me and a gave a small smile back.

"So she does know how to smile" Jordan exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot what did I just tell you" Nate whacked Jordan on the back of the head "stop pestering her."

"I was only being friendly" Jordan mumbled pouting like a child with his arms crossed he reminds me of Xavier these boys are quite nice I though my brothers friends were gonna be complete idiots.

A girl walked over with her skirt so short her ass was hanging out and a face caked in makeup with long black hair and was wearing heels like who wears heels to school she came and stood next to Xander "hey baby how are you" she played with her hair trying to be seductive ew please tell me they're not dating please god no.

"Go away Victoria I'm not in the mood" Xander said.

"Who the hell is this?" She said pointing towards me. I had my chin resting on my right palm when I looked at her with a blank expression.

The boys were about to reply but I beat them to it. "What's it to you?"

"Huh do you even know who I am?" She said looking offended.

"I believe you name is Victoria correct" I said.

"I'm Xanders girlfriend so why don't you fuck of and stop whoring around near me boyfriend" she sneered.

"Ew your his girlfriend" I mumbled but the boys herd and I could see them grinning.

"I'm not your fucking boyfriend piss off" Xander said but she just ignored him.

"I'm waiting for you to leave" she glared at me.

"I'm sorry but who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do last I checked I get to decide where I sit and don't sit and if you have a problem with that well then I suggest you get over it" I replied.

"You fucking bitch you can't talk to me like that" she screeched.

"Whatever" I grumbled.

She came over and shoved my head hard and it nearly smacked against the table but luckily I stopped myself "listen slut I can make your life here a living hell so I suggest you do as I say and move" she went to grab me to pull me out of the seat but I grabbed her wrist squeezing hard.

"Don't fucking touch me" I growled.

"Get your hands off me you bitch" she said trying to detach herself from my grip but I'm a lot stronger than her.

"Xander" I called to him.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"She's not your girlfriend right?" I questioned.

"No definetley not" he glared and Victoria.

"So you don't really care what I say?" I asked.

"Nope" he replied.

I left go of her wrist and she stumbled back a bit I stood from my seat and she went to slap me but I grabbed the same wrist and twisted her arm to her back.

"Ow ow owie" she cried "Baby are you just gonna let he do this to me?"

Xander took a bite from his sanwhich leaning one arm back on his chair "I don't care" he shrugged.

"Stop whining jeez it's really annoying" I said "now listen, unless you wanna end up with a broken arm I suggest you leave me the fuck alone. I decide where I sit not you got it?" I tightened my grip on her arm and she nodded her head quickly.

"Oh and by the way I don't like Xander like that I'm not into incest" I said.

"What what are you talking about your related to him look at yourself compared to him he's gorgeous whereas your disgustingly ugly" she said.

I raised my eyebrow and smirked "Oh yeah I wonder what you would look like without all that makeup and the hair extensions oh and the boob job" I said.

"W-what I don't have a boob job or extensions" she retorted.

"Yeah you do now your not gonna bother me again right otherwise I won't hesitate to break something" I said and again she nodded her head when I tightened my grip.

"Oh and stop annoying my brother I don't think he's interested take the hint" I said.

"Brother!!??" She said shocked.

"Huhu yeah now piss off" I let go of her arm and she scurried of.

I sat back down and rested my chin back on my hand "I hate school" I mumbled.

"That was awesome" Jordan grinned.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Nobody ever talks to her like that your badass that was so cool" Jordan said excitedly.

"Why she's just snobby rich girl who thinks she's entitled to evreything" I said with an emotionless expression.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Ben said.

"I wish you would have slapped her though" Ryan said.

"Wow we didn't even have to do anything, you didn't even give us the chance to defend you" Xavier whined at the last part.

"I don't need you to" I said taking a sip from my water.

"I know but it's are job we're your big brothers" Xavier said.

"So?" I said.

"So your are babysister we should be the ones protecting you" he whined.

"Thanks but I'm good" I said.

"It's so unfair" he pouted crossing his arms slumbing in his chair.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness "ugh fine" I put my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me as I leaned towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek "thankyou very much next time I'll let you twist the snobby rich girls arm okay" I said.

He smiled and said "deal" and kissed my cheek.

"Awwww" I looked to the the boys friends staring at us and I immediately blushed and looked away removing myself from Xavier and they all chuckled.

"So cute" Jordan chuckled.

Lunch was over an I went to chemistry none of my brothers were in this class but Ace decided to walk with me anyway.

I took an empty seat next to a dark brown haired girl and a brown haired boy she smiled at me and said "Hey my name's Zoey but you can call me Zoe this is Zayn and Dylan."

"Hey" both if the boys said.

"Hi I'm Bri" I introduced myself.

"How old are you I'm fifteen" Zoey asked.

"I'm fifteen" I replied.

"I'm fifteen too" Dylan he was sat next to me and Zayn was sat on the other side of Zoey.

"I'm sixteen" Zayn said.

"Your new right" Dylan asked.

"Yeah today's my first day" I replied.

"I'm glad there's another girl the rest of the girls here are nasty" Zoey said. "Can we have your number?"

"Sure" I gave them my number and Zayn put all there numbers in my phone.

"Yay I can already tell we're gonna be great friends" Zoey squealed.

"Chill out Zoe your gonna scare the poor girl" Zayn scolded Zoey.

"Oops" she grinned at him.

We spoke for the whole lesson and it was actually quite nice.

The bell rand and I walked out of the class to see Xander leaning against the lockers waiting for me.

"By Bri see you tomorrow" Zoe waved along with the others and walked in a different direction.

"Hey baby how was class?" Xander put his arm on my shoulders and kissed my forehead before walking.

"It was fine" I said "aren't you worried about people seeing you soft?" I was surprised me kissed my forehead in public.

"No I already told you when it comes to you it doesn't matter I don't care what anyone thinks besides I want people to know your my baby sister so they know not to mess with you" he said as we walked out the school.

"Aw" I said.

"Ugh whatever" he said "by the way who were those people saying bye to you?"

"Oh I met them in chemistry and they asked for my number they seemed alright" I replied.

"I don't like you being near boys though" he said.

"I was sat with your friends today though" I said.

"That's different I trust them" he replied.

"I'll be okay I can take care of myself" I said.

"Hm yeah" he sighed.

We made it to the car and got in and Caleb drove us home.

It was dinner time and I went to sit at the table to eat. "Hey princess how was your first day?" Cole came and hugged me as I was about to sit down.

"It was fine" I replied and we both took are seats along with the others.

"Make any friends?" He questioned.

"Well I guess I wouldn't call them friends I only just met them.

"You'll get to know them I'm glad you gave it a chance what changed your mind?" He asked.

"Well I never bothered because I never knew how long I would be staying so there was no point plus I don't trust other kids but I guess they just seemed nice and I know I'll be at the school for a whole so" I said.

"I'm glad you made some friends" Cole smiled.

After dinner I went straight to bed and fell asleep straight away.

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