Total Drama All Stars Edition...

By lilah505

27.4K 420 2.5K

Total drama got renewed for another season! So why not make another all stars season? 48 ex contests all com... More

Things you need to know
First Challenge
Party time!
Noco Oneshot Book!
Villainous Night
The Awake-A-Thon
Relaxing... for now
Doom Balloons
I got tagged!
Scary Stories and Ice Cream
A Night In The Woods Part 1
A Night In The Woods Part 2

Meet the Campers

3.5K 56 728
By lilah505

I forgot to add another thing (my bad). Dakota is able to turn into Dakotazoid whenever she wants. The roots of her hair will also be light green. Okay let's get started!

"Welcome to Total Drama All Star Edition 2. This season every ex contest from the past seasons of Total Drama will be competing for 5 million dollars!" Total Drama host, Chris McLean said. He was standing on the dock waiting for the contests to show up.

"Let's start with the classics. First up we have lovable lame brain, Lindsay!" Just then a boat pulls up with Lindsay on it. She gets off but looks confused, as usual.

"Hi Kyle!"

"It's Chris. Next up we have the nut-job Izzy!" Another boat was coming to the dock but Izzy tried jumping to the dock but hit her head on the dock and fell in the water.

Chris started laughing, Lindsay went to help her out. After the two girls gave each other a quick hug and went to the other end of the dock.

"Next up we have, Queen Bee Heather!" Another boat pulled up, Heather had her sunglasses on and immediately took them off when she got off the boat.

"I can't believe I signed up for this crap again." Heather said as she walked past Chris and stood next to Izzy and Lindsay.

"Awe is someone sad that their boyfriend isn't here yet" Lindsay said. Heather just shot her a death glare.

"Now we have Ms. Know-it-all, C.I.T, Courtney!" Courtney's boat pulled up and she got off. She didn't speak to anyone mainly cause she doesn't like any of them.

"Next is the guy who blew up my cottage, Duncan!" Chris said, clearly he was still upset with Duncan about the whole blowing up his cottage. But he still wanted him on the show.

"It was not a cottage!" Courtney yelled.

Duncan got off his boat and said, "Next time, don't put me on the heroes team." He then went and stood next to girls but not near Courtney.

"Now we have the ex hottie, Justin." Justin's boat then pulled up and Justin got off it.

"What do you mean 'ex hottie'. I'm still hot. Like have you seen me!" Justin said frantically, Chris just shoved him away towards the others.

"Dude, have you seen World Tour? Alejandro stole your place." Duncan said. Lindsay helped Justin up and comforted him.

"Speaking of Alejandro, here he is!" Chris said, a boat then pulled up with Alejandro on it.

"No!!!!!!" Heather yelled out. Alejandro simply winked at her.

"What does he have that I don't have?" Justin asked Lindsay.

"Oh oh, he's hotter than you!" Izzy answered making Justin more sad.

Alejandro went to go stand by Heather to annoy her even more.

"Next up we have the party dude, Geoff!" When the boat came to the dock Geoff jumped off it. He did that guy hug with Duncan and gave a mean look to Alejandro.

"Hurry up!" Courtney yelled. Chris just ignored her and went back to announcing the next camper.

"Now we have the Duncan puncher, Cody!"

Cody walked off the boat winking at the girls. He then stood next to Justin, who was doing fairly better now.

"Next up is Cody's stalker, Sierra!" Sierra quickly ran off the boat and tackled Cody to the ground hugging him and trying to kiss him.

"Get off me, Sierra!" Cody yelled, Alejandro then pulled Sierra off of Cody.

"Thanks..." Alejandro just walked away without saying anything back.

"I'll give you a foot massage later!" Sierra exclaimed as she pulled him into a hug.

"Next is boyfriend kisser, Gwen!" Duncan immediately had a smile when he saw Gwen, even Cody.

"Argh! I broke up with Duncan!" Gwen yelled walking past Chris, Cody and Duncan. She decided to stand next to Geoff.

"Now we have, Katie and Sadie!" Katie and Sadie came running off their boat holding hands, they both had a big smile on their faces.

"Ohmygod Sadie, look! It's Alejandro!" Katie exclaimed as her and Sadie stood next to Alejandro staring at him. Heather was getting jealous but tried not to let Alejandro know.

"Hola, ladies" Alejandro said to Katie and Sadie  while giving the girls a smirk making them both squeal.

"Next up is the guy who thought he was cursed, DJ!" DJ came off the boat and had a small smile. He gave Chris a high five and went to go talk to Geoff.

"Next up is surfer girl, Bridgette!" When Geoff heard Bridgette's name his face instantly lit up.

When she got off the boat Geoff ran up to her and gave her a big hug, after he gave her a quick peck on the lips. After they walked hand in hand back to DJ and Gwen.

"Next up is the girl who slapped a tooth right outta Heather, Lewshana!" Everyone started clapping at her expect Heather and Alejandro.

"She had it coming since season 1" Lewshana said as she went to Gwen and started talking to her.

Confessional- Heather
"Lewshana is going to pay for what she did to me on World Tour! But least I had a golden tooth!"

"Next up is our favorite, Eva!" Everyone seemed scared when they saw Eva coming in on a boat.

Eva didn't saw anything, she just stood next to Duncan with her arms folded.

"Next up is the sarcastic, fan favorite, Noah!" Cody smiled a bit when he saw Noah, he wished Sierra would let him go so he could go talk to Noah.

"Now hold up a min. String bean is the fan favorite?" Lewshana asked Chris.

"Yeah! Turns out they love him and his sarcastic remarks!"

"Finally someone appreciates me" Noah said with pride. He didn't really like people so he stood away from everyone.

"Next up is lovable Owen!" Owen came running off the boat and gave Chris a big hug. After he hugged Chris he said 'hi' to the others expect Alejandro and Heather. He then went and stood next to Noah.

"Next up is the boy whose own girlfriend can't remember him, Tyler!" Tyler tried jumping off the boat but landed on his face instead.

"Noah! Are you okay!" Lindsay yelled while running to Tyler.

"It's Tyler!" Tyler muffled. Lindsay helped him up and took him back to where she was standing.

"Next is the guy whose lucky number is 9, Trent!" Trent came off the boat and as usual had his guitar with him. Trent went and stood next to Justin and Cody, who was still being hugged by Sierra.

"Oh hey, you must be Sierra?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. I'm Cody's wife." Sierra said, she tried kissing Cody but he kept squirming around.

"Cool." Trent replied back.

"Next up is, Harold!"

"Gosh! I don't even get a cool intro!" Harold said while walking off the boat.

"Losers don't get cool intros" Duncan replied.

Harold went to stand next to Trent, Justin and Cody.

"Last of the originals is, Beth!" Beth came off and ran straight to Lindsay.

"Eeee! I missed you so much, Lindsay!" Beth said while hugging Lindsay, Lindsay returned the hugged.

"Alright, everyone is here. Can we go now?" Heather asked as she folded her arms.

"Nope. We still have more contests!" Chris said making the other campers groan.

"Now, for the the contests from Total Drama Revenge of the Island! First up is tan in a can, Anne Maria!" A boat came up with Anne Maria, she was spraying her hair with hair spray like usual.

When she saw Alejandro she shoved Heather out of the way and said, "Hey, baby. You must be Alejandro." Anne Maria said as she gave Alejandro a hug.

"Indeed. I love your hair." Alejandro said while giving Anne Maria a smirk. Making Heather jealous.

Confessional- Heather
"Alejandro is obviously flirting with her to make me jealous. It's not working. I'm not jealous"

Confessional- Alejandro
"It is true, I'm using Anne Maria to make Heather jealous."

"Next up is multiple mike!" Mike came off the boat and gave everyone a awkward smile and wave.

Confessional- Duncan
"I still don't trust Mike or Mal. Especially what he did to Gwen."

Confessional- DJ
"After watching All Stars I'm a bit scared of Mike. I don't want anything to do him"

Confessional- Mike
"Ugh, everyone doesn't trust me anymore. Only Zoey, Cam and Gwen. I can tell they're all scared of me after what happened with Mal. But I'm all Mike.

"Vito, baby! Are you in there!?" Anne Maria said pushing Alejandro away from her.

"Nope. I'm all Mike" Mike replies making Anne Maria scoff at him. Mike went and stood next to Noah and Owen, who were standing far away from everyone.

Gwen saw Mike all alone and went to go talk to him.

"Hey, Mike!" Gwen said as she gave him a quick hug. Mike returned the hug and the two of them started talking. Lewshana followed Gwen and was introduced to Mike.

"Next up is the winner of Total Drama All Stars, Zoey!" Zoey came off the boat and gave Mike a big hug and quick peck on the lips. She gave Gwen a hug too and introduced herself to Lewshana. And the 4 of them started talking.

"Next up is the girl who can turn into a mutant whenever she wants, Dakota!" Dakota was finally back to normal after the mutation, but the roots of her hair were bright green.

"Wow, you can turn into a mutant whenever?" Harold asked Dakota. Dakota nodded her head.

"Ohmygod, I love your boots!" Dakota exclaimed to Lindsay. Lindsay said, "Thanks! Ohmygod that nail polish is super cute!" The two girls then began talking about fashion.

"Next up is, Lightning!" Lightning jumped off the boat and made a pose showing off his muscles.

"Sha-bam! Lightning is ready to win!"

Confessional- Gwen
"If he says 'sha-bam' one more time I'm going to lose it!"

Confessional- Cody
"Some of the campers are... strange. Mostly Lightning and Mike, but Mike seems cool. Not as cool as me, but still cool.

"Next up is, Dawn!" She smiles and waved at everyone and started talking to Zoey.

Confessional- Lewshana
"I heard bout the creepy girl, she gives me a bad feeling."

"Next we have, silent B!" B came off the boat and waved at everyone. He stood next to Owen and Noah.

"Hehe, so you don't talk? That must be hard!" Owen said to B. B simply just shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, maybe you should try it" Noah said sarcastically to Owen. Owen just laughed and pulled Noah into a hug.

"Next we have video game nerd, Sam!" When Sam got off the boat Dakota ran to him and gave him a hug. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked hand in hand back to Lindsay.

Confessional- Lindsay
"Sam and Dakota are so cute! Dakota is even giving me fashion advice!"

Confessional- Cody
"How can a video game nerd get a super hot girlfriend?"

"Next is bubble boy, Cameron!" Cameron came off the boat and went straight to Zoey and Mike and gave them all a hug. He even hugged Gwen and say 'hello' to Dawn and Lewshana.

Confessional- Noah
"He's like a stick compare to me."

"Next is, Brick!" Brick came off the boat and saluted to Chris. He walked over to Zoey and started talking to everyone there.

Confessional- Owen
"Was Brick in the army?"

"Next is dirt boy, Scott!" Scott came off the boat and gave Courtney a mean look.

Confessional- Dawn
"Scott was the reason I got eliminated, he will pay!"

Confessional- Courtney
"Scott's still mad about my chart from All Stars, but I need to get him back on my side."

"Next up is, Jo!" Jo came off the boat and she and Brick started doing push-ups to see whose more stronger.

Confessional- Lightning
"Everyone keeps telling me that Jo is a girl. But Jo is obviously a dude! I'm not dumb."

"Last of the Revenge of the Island contests is, Staci."

"Yeah, my great great great great grandma invented boats. Before people would have to swim to across the ocean." Staci was saying as she got off the boat.

Confessional- Noah
"Does she ever shut up! She's worst than Harold."

"Now the last cast! They are from Total Drama Pahkitew Island! They've never been to Wawanakwa before. Let's start with, Beardo."

Beardo came off the boat and started making trumpet noises. Which was annoying Noah.

Confessional- Noah
"Great. More annoying people."

"Next up is wannabe villain, Max!" Max got off the boat and looked at everyone.

"I am not a 'wannabe villain'! I am pure evil!" Max said while laughing evilly.

"Hey! Shut it, you purple weirdo!" Lewshana yelled out. Max then went and stood next Beardo.

"Next is, Leonard." Leonard came off the boat and everyone gave him a strange look.

"Dude, why are you dressed like that?" Duncan asked Leonard. Leonard said, "Because I am a wizard!"

Confessional- Harold
"Me and Leonard should team up. With both of our mad skills combined we could win this game. And Lewshana would finally like me back!"

"Next is the guy who literally loves me, Topher!" Topher came off the boat and went up to Chris.

"Hey Chris! I'm so glad to be back! You're such an amazing host!" Topher exclaimed. Chris shoved Topher away from him.

Topher went to go find a place to stand.

Confessional- Heather
"How can someone like Chris?"

Confessional- Noah
"Okay, Topher is kinda hot. Not as hot as Geoff. But still hot."

"Next up is, Jasmine!" Jasmine came off the boat and immediately everyone was surprised by how tall she is.

"And I thought Lindsay was big foot." Duncan said. Jasmine overheard him and said, "Are we gonna have a problem?" While looking down at Duncan. Duncan didn't say anything back which made Jasmine smirk.

"That's what I thought." Jasmine said as she went to to find a place to stand.

Confessional- Courtney
"Did she just do the impossible?!? Did she just shut Duncan up!?!"

Confessional- Sam
"Wow. She's really tall!"

Confessional- Gwen
"Finally someone shuts him up."

"Next up is our favorite villain, Scarlett! Scarlett literally took control over the island last season, she's a better villain than Duncan." Chris said as Scarlett's boat came to the dock.

Scarlett's hair was down this time and wasn't in a bun, she also didn't have her glasses on.

"Get out of my way." Scarlett said as she shoved Chris out of her way. When she saw Max she intensely got annoyed.

Confessional- Max
"Scarlett might've betrayed me, but she will be my minion! And I will take over the world!"

Confessional- Duncan
"Whatever. She just took control over the island, I blew up his cottage!"

"Next up is heartbroken Dave!" Dave came off the boat and looked around and let out a sigh of relief

"Didn't you get rejected by that girl?" Anne Maria said while spraying her hair.

Dave intensely got sad and found a place to stand.

Confessional- Bridgette
"I feel bad for Dave. I saw that episode where Sky rejects him."

Confessional- Zoey
"Poor Dave..."

"Next up is the twins! Amy! And Samey!" Samey tried getting off the boat first but got pushed down by Amy.

"Move it!" Amy yelled as she walked by her sister.

Jasmine went and helped Samey up and the two started talking.

Amy spotted Alejandro and pushed Anne Maria away from him.

"Hi, I'm Amy! The better twin!" Amy said to Alejandro. Anne Maria tackled Amy to the ground and started spraying her with her hair spray.

Confessional- Heather
"Barf! Why are they so obsessed with him? I mean sure he has dreamy eyes, silky brown hair.... I mean barf!"

"Next up is, Ella! Who I repeatedly told her not to sing last season." Ella's boat appeared and she jumped off it and started signing. Birds started landing on her fingers.

"No singing!" Chris yelled making Ella stop singing, she then walked to Dave.

Confessional- Gwen
"She actually WANTS to sing?"

Confessional- Courtney
"She was a little bit pitchy."

Confessional- Duncan
"If this is another musical season I'm quitting again. I don't care if he puts me back in jail, I don't sing."

"Next up is, Sugar!" Sugar came off the boat and saw Ella and gave her a mean look.

"Sugar! Oh what good news, my bestfriend is back on the show!" Ella sang while she danced her way to Sugar.

"Shut up." Sugar said as she shoved Ella out of her way. She went and stood next to Leonard.

"Ohmygod, the wizard is back! Have you learned any new spells?" Sugar asked Leonard.

"I have a whole new book full of spells, which I'll be using this season." Leonard replied while pulling out a spell book.

Confessional- Dave
"Are you serious?!? He isn't even a wizard!"

Confessional- Jo
"These new contests look like they're going to be easy to manipulate."

Confessional- Noah
"I can't be the only who thinks Sugar is the girl version of Owen."

"Next up is, Rodney!" When Rodney was getting off the boat he immediately froze up when he saw Jasmine, Scarlett and Amy.

"Girls... I... Brain... sorry... pig... chicken" Rodney said, Chef then pushed Rodney with the others.

"Next up is heartbreaker Sky!" Sky looked very awkward when she got off the boat. Dave was trying to hold back his tears when he saw her.

"Dave... I'm sorry..." Sky said as she made her way to Dave. Dave just ignored her. Sky looked hurt and walked away.

Confessional- Zoey
"Ouch. Poor Dave."

Confessional- Noah
"I felt the tension."

"Last but not least is the winner of Pahkitew Island, Shawn!" When Shawn got off the boat Jasmine ran straight to him and picked him and hugged him. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and put him down.

"So... Ezekiel isn't in this season?" Heather asked Chris.

"The interns couldn't find him. But he's still on the island. Now let our first challenge begin!" Chris said as he started walking off the dock, the campers all followed him.

Confessional- Courtney
"This time I will win!"

Confessional- Scarlett
"The 5 million dollars will be mine!"

Confessional- Noah
"Let the torture begin"

A/n: Hey guys here's the first chapter of Total Drama All Stars Edition 2! Also I've decided to have chapters in between challenges, that way everyone can interact with each other!

Also don't worry the next chapter everyone will be put on either the heroes or villains team. Also sorry if the chapter is long, do you guys like long chapters or short chapters?

Okay that's it, I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you had a great day too! I love you all! <3

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