Miss Complicated

By CCKens

20.6K 1.3K 446

Zara Wexler was so ready to graduate high school. She had it all planned out. She was going to go to Yale lik... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 3

1.7K 134 70
By CCKens

My cousin Mei was arriving today for a short visit before she went back to college. She was the only family member on my mom's side of the family that my mom liked. My mom said it was because she was witty and the only niece that she thought had a personality. I guess it was true, but it's not like she had a lot of options to choose from.

Short story on my family situation. My dad's side of the family was the regular east coast Jewish family. They were a tight-knit group. My mom's side of the family basically hated each other. They all wanted my grandpa's multi-billion dollar real estate development company. When you have six kids and eleven grandkids, there will be a struggle because everyone wants the largest share.

My uncle assumed he would be getting the majority of the company because he was the only son, but my grandpa favored my mom, his youngest daughter. That favoritism caused everyone to hate her. Everyone thought that she would lose that favor when she married my non-Chinese dad, but that never happened.  Then fifteen years later when everyone found out I was gay, they thought for sure I would be disinherited, but that didn't happen so they really hated us now.

Mei was the second child of my fourth aunt. She was a year older and in some ways I idolized her. Unlike my other cousins, she was not a spoiled and entitled backstabber. She didn't rely on her inheritance and she did as she pleased. The only issue I had with her was that she was a hedonist and she basically flirted with any attractive person she came across.

I had a few hours before Mei arrived. Should I wait for her and go to the mall together? She could help me look for a dress for Homecoming. Who else was available today? Madison had a photoshoot and Devin had dance practice, so they were not an option. Kenzie was a definite no. Monique might be available.  I quickly sent her text. To my surprise, she responded rather quickly.

I quickly walked out of my house and towards Monique's since she lived across from me. Monique stood in her front yard dressed in a yellow cami and jean shorts. A toddler with blonde curly hair was sitting on the lawn playing with his toy dinosaurs.

"Hey, Monique. Are you free to go to the mall? Or are you babysitting?"

"No, my grandma is visiting with my baby nephew. He wanted to play outside so I'm just watching him for while," Monique explained. "We can so go to the mall. I don't want to be stuck at home on a Saturday. Everyone else is like with their boyfriends. Byron is doing some basketball thing."

"Is Logan dating someone?" Logan was Monique's best friend. They were normally glued to each others' side. They were both similar in the way they spoke except that Monique was smarter than how she acted while Logan was the stereotypical dumb blonde.

"No, she said she was sick and that's why she couldn't hang out, "Monique answered. She turned to her nephew.  "Jordan, say hi."

Jordan looked up from his dinosaurs and stared at me for a second before he went back to playing.

"He doesn't talk much, " Monique explained. "Omigod!"

"What?" I turned to see what she was looking at.  Kenzie was walking down the street with a bow and arrow. Her long black hair was tied in a high ponytail. "What are you doing?"

Kenzie casually strolled toward us. "I'm hunting."

"Poor animals, " I said.

"I'm not hunting animals. I'm not a monster." Kenzie looked at me as though I offended her. She slid the bow over her arm.

"Then what are you hunting?" Monique took a step back.

"Aslan, " Kenzie answered.

"Isn't that dangerous." I took a step away from Kenzie.

"The tips aren't pointed, " Kenzie stated. She took an arrow out of the holder and poked at the rounded tip. "It'll just leave a bruise."

"Uhh...by chance do you want to go to the mall with us? I need help looking for a dress for Homecoming."  Kenzie took a few moments debating the option in her head. I was a hundred percent sure she was going to say no.

"Ooh, let's get boba too, " Monique suggested.

"I'm up for boba, " Kenzie answered.  She looked down and noticed Jordan on the lawn. "Eww, a child."

"Kenzie!" I glared at her.

Suddenly a cute little Corgi ran out from behind the house and started barking at everyone.

"Woof, woof, woof!" Jordan got on all fours and challenged the Corgi.

"Omigod! Jordan stop it right now!" Monique walked right up to Jordan and dragged him away from the dog as he continued to bark back. "Coco, you stop too!"

Kenzie and I glanced at each other before we turned our attention back to Monique.

"I'll meet you both in like five minutes," She called over her shoulder.

Coco followed Monique and Jordan into the house as it continued to bark back at Jordan.

"Did that just happen?" I turned toward Kenzie.  My eyes widened in horror when I saw that she had an arrow already set on the bow.

"Thought you could hide from me, you sneaky bastard." Kenzie pulled back the bow.

"Kenzie, no!"


Kenzie made me pay for the boba since I made her miss her shot. I would gladly do it again because I didn't want her to hurt anyone. Kenzie's reasoning for playing that game was because it would help Aslan become stronger and he had pads on for protection. Whatever goes through her mind, terrifies me.

"This is so what I needed." Monique took a sip from her strawberry milk tea. "Kenzie, can I try some of yours."

"I don't know you like that." Kenzie continued sipping on her drink as she walked ahead of us.

"Come on Kenzie. We've known each other for like five years." Monique ran after Kenzie. "I've never had oolong before."

"It's like regular milk tea but better," Kenzie answered. "If you wanted it then you should have gotten it."

Monique pouted. "Zara let me try some of her's."

"Zara's weak when it comes to pretty girls," Kenzie stated.

"Not true! That was definitely not me. I'm just a nice person." What the hell Kenzie? I'm not shallow or I like to think I'm not.

"You think I'm pretty?" Monique's lips curved into a grin as she linked her arm around Kenzie, who froze up.

"You're touching me. Why are you touching me?" Kenzie's voice was a mix of shock and anger.

"Umm, Monique..." My hand hovered over Monique's shoulder, in case I had to immediately pull her back.

"Omigod! Kenzie, you think I'm pretty?" Monique had her hand over her chest as she stared at Kenzie with a look of content.

"I said Zara thinks you're pretty, " Kenzie stated. "Now get off me."  She removed her arm from Monique's.

"Okay, let's get back on track here." I placed myself between them. "Let's find a dress for me." I ushered them toward the nearest clothing store.

"Have you thought about wearing a suit?" Monique browsed through a rack.

"I've thought about it but, I think Principal Carter would explode in rage," I said. I could imagine him lecturing me about how girls should stick to dresses and skirts.

"I'm going to wear a suit." I think the idea of Principal Carter exploding made Kenzie smile.

"You're going to get thrown out, " I said.

"That's what I want," Kenzie explained. "I don't want to go anyways. My dad is making me since Maddie and I have to go together because it's safer."

"If you get thrown out then Maddie will have to leave too, " Monique pointed out.

"Then sucks for her," Kenzie said.

"Ooh, I'll help you." Monique dragged Kenzie to the other side of the store before I could say anything.

"Thanks, guys. What about me?" I shook my head and went through the countless racks looking for a dress. I haven't put much thought into my dress. It's not something I was too excited about. Maybe I should pick a blue dress to represent Yale or I can do a green dress since that's my favorite color and it was one of the colors for Westwood.

I robotically picked a few emerald-colored dresses I could find and walked toward an empty dressing room stall. I had a sleeveless woven dress that looked very refined and elegant and a silky satin strapless dress that to my surprise had pockets. That was a winner. I quickly slipped out of my clothes so that I could try the dress on.  The dress was halfway up my body when It dawned on me that I still had my bra on and it was a strapless dress.  Did I need to take my bra off in order to get the full experience or could I forgo that part since I'm just trying it on? I've never had to try a strapless dress before and most of the time my mom was the one that chose my dresses for me during formal events. She would just shove a dress at me and say wear it.  Always obey the tiger mom.

It shouldn't make a difference. I pulled the rest of the dress up my body. I opened my dressing room door and poked my head out, hoping that Monique and Kenzie would have come in by now. I was surprised that I didn't hear Monique's voice echoing throughout the store. I turned back to grab my phone and wallet and when I turned back around, I saw Alyson staring back at me. She was holding a pearl pink dress.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was in here."  Alyson's eyes slowly traveled down my body.

"It's fine. I'm dressed." Why did I say that? I could have said something else. It's fine would have just worked.

"Yeah." Alyson nodded. "Is that your dress for Homecoming?"

I looked down at my dress. "Maybe. I was going to get some opinons about it first but it looks like I was deserted."

"Well, you look beautiful." Alyson smiled back at me.

Wow!  Did I hear that correctly? Did my crush just say I looked beautiful? I wasn't in a dream, right?  "Uh...so do you. Always."  Speak clearly and in sentences! Come on Zara. You had this one chance.

A tiny smirk appeared on Alyson's lips. "I thought you were always so articulate."

"Haha, you caught me in a bad moment." Just laugh it up, Zara. Play it cool. "Well, I guess I found my dress then. Thank you."

With a smile, Alyson shrugged her shoulders before walking away.

"Wait," I called out.

She turned back to look at me.

"Why did you lie to Principal Carter about your dad coming?"

Alyson tuck a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. "It was the best way to get him to shut up and I didn't like it when he said that the short skirts would distract the boys."

"When girls can easily get distracted as well." My eyes widened when I remembered who I was talking to. "Some girls."

"Yeah." Alyson nodded, her eyes never leaving mine.  "Some girls."

"Zara!" Monique's voice called out. "Where are you?"

Alyson glanced toward the entrance of the dressing room before walking toward the back and into an empty stall.

"Bye." I waved at the space she once occupied.

"Oh-em-gee. yes, yes yes!" Monique squealed as she ran up to hug me. "This dress is perfect."

"Kill me," Kenzie muttered while she followed behind Monique.  She had a black suit slung over her shoulder.

"So what happened while I was here?"  Why do I always feel like the mother in the group?

"A sales lady had the audacity to think that her voice was coming out of me." Kenzie pointed to Monique. "Do I look like a girl from the Valley?"

"Some people think that just because I'm black, I have to talk a certain way. Like whatever," Monique said with a wave of her hand. "And what's wrong with the way I talk?"

"Kenzie, don't," I warned. "There's nothing wrong with your voice Monique." 

Kenzie rolled her eyes at me while she tapped her foot impatiently.

"You're so sweet." Monique hugged me tightly. "So what were you doing while we were gone?"

"Just trying out dresses." And talking to my crush, who for some apparent reason wasn't avoiding me. What was going on?

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