
_Ephemeral_Dream द्वारा

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Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... अधिक

Kim Taehyung


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_Ephemeral_Dream द्वारा

The meeting room was covered in thick silence as everyone anticipated the CEO's thoughts. Kim V.

V as in Victory. Or V as in Vicious and Villainous according to his employees.

After a hard staring contest between V and the board, V rolls his eyes and throws down the manila folder. The papers inside scattering everywhere. "Is this what's gonna make us beat Park Jimin and Min Yoongi?" His sharp eyes scan the meeting room.

Not one pair of eyes could meet his. "Is it?" V asks again harshly. "Answer me!"

"No," a few voices muttered. V stands up abruptly, hands clenching on the table.

He laughs but there was no tint of joy. His hands stop clenching. "Then why would you present this piece of crap to me?" Silence fills the room again. "I didn't know I hired a bunch of statues."

"Sorry, Chairman Kim," all the employees say in unison.

"Don't disappoint me again. Meeting dismiss." The employees stands up and bows, grateful as V leaves with Secretary Jung.

"Your husband called," Secretary Jung tells V as they continue walking to V's office. V looks straight ahead not caring much and still annoyed from the meeting. "He wants to know when you'll be home tonight."

"Tell Seokjin I'm just going to spend the night in the office," V says with no emotions. All he could think of right now was coming up with ways to be better than his two enemies.

"But he insisted that you come home or else he'll-"

"Hoseok!" V stops walking. "I'm angry and I have a lot of work on my hands because of those idiots, so if you would, please so very kindly tell Seokjin I won't make it home tonight."

V turns to look at Secretary Jung. "Okay, Secretary Jung?"

"As you wish, Chairman Kim," Secretary Jung says defeated. By now they've reached V's office. V goes inside as Secretary Jung pulls out his phone.

"Seokjin? Yes, I spoke to him. He's gonna spend the night in the office. The meeting wasn't very pretty . ."


Seokjin sighs as he ends the call. This would be the third night in a row that V didn't come home. More than sad, he was mad. V treats him like nothing. He doesn't hate the fact that V doesn't love him necessarily.

He hates how V doesn't love him but V doesn't hate him either. He's just nothing to him. Nothing important.

You think Seokjin would be used to this by now. It's been about a month. A month since this marriage. At first Seokjin actually kind of liked V. At first.

He still remembers everything like it was just yesterday.


"Come on, Seokjin. He's not a bad person."

"Dad, do you even hear yourself?" Seokjin's dad looks down. Seokjin looks at his mom. "Did you guys even consider me at all when agreeing to this? Did you even think that Seokjin, your son, would not want this?"

"Seokjin, your dad and I don't mean for this to be a bad thing for you. We want you to be happy. We love you. That's why we're doing this. We want you to live a comfortable life," Seokjin's mom tells him softly with pleading eyes.

Seokjin looks away. Was he being selfish? His parents do love him and since when did they ever do anything not in the benefit for him? Never. They always did it for him. His rebellious and angry side stutters and he looks away from his parents.

"I-I'll think about it."

He never saw his parents so happy.

The first time he was meeting V was for their wedding photos. He was a nervous wreck. What if V was really really annoying? What if V was really really nice to him?

He didn't want to be an ass towards V even though he doesn't want this wedding.

V showed up before he did but Seokjin didn't see him until they were actually taking the photos. The place was buzzing with more people than Seokjin expected. For what exactly, he didn't know.

Did two people really require so many stylists?

Seokjin finished with all the stylists gushing. His white suit clean and wrinkle free. His black hair styled with his forehead showing a bit. He had on a little bit of makeup too.

They would be taking some pictures inside then some outside afterwards. Seokjin arrived at the first set. V was apparently still inspecting the sets outside.

Seokjin sat down on the provided sofa waiting for his soon-to-be husband. His thoughts were everywhere. Thinking about how to act like towards V to thinking about what show he should make for dinner.

"I apologize for making you wait."

Seokjin looks up. He could feel his exhaustion and many, many thoughts fade. V is so handsome. He didn't think V would be this good looking, no offense. Actually, not once did he think about how V would look like.

His black hair was styled with his forehead showing. He was wearing a white suit too. His strong gaze pierced into Seokjin's. He didn't try to hide the fact that he was staring at Seokjin. Despite the strong gaze, he seemed extremely calm.

Seokjin felt himself holding his breath and exhaled.

"I didn't wait long," Seokjin manage to say as V walked over to him, standing behind him. He put his arms on the hand rests of the sofa, leaning close to Seokjin from behind. Seokjin tensed up as he could feel the body heat of V.

He turned his head slightly. V was looking straight ahead at the camera but upon Seokjin turning, turned to look at Seokjin. The two locked eyes.

"Wait! I didn't know the shoot was already starting," the cameraman yelled and rushed over. Seokjin moves away from V as much as he could. Hard though since he was basically caged in with V's arms on both side of him.

"Do that pose again," the cameraman directed them. Seokjin reluctantly turn to V again. V was still looking at him like before. Seokjin felt so exposed. At the same time though, Seokjin couldn't stop looking at V. He gotta admit, the man does look gorgeous.

They take a couple of shots with Seokjin sitting in the chair before V was placed in the chair. Seokjin was honestly a little awkward with posing. The cameraman directing him most of the time.

Meanwhile, with V, he knew exactly what to do. He didn't seem to know the definition of personal space as he wrapped an arm around Seokjin's waist, flustering him. Or how his lips was a centimeter away from Jin's face.

He didn't seem to mind one bit as the cameraman directed them to be closer and closer until Seokjin could memorize the smell of V's shampoo and cologne.

He found V hard to read. It seemed like he wasn't thinking about anything at all throughout the whole photo shoot. Or he was just real good at masking his thoughts. He didn't smile at all, unless told to. And when he did, that took Seokjin's breath away.

V hadn't spoken a word to Seokjin since they started shooting. When they finished and the two went their separate ways to change, Seokjin thought he wouldn't see V again until the day of the wedding.

Yet, when he stepped into the parking lot, he saw a plain yellow sticky note on his car. It was a phone number. Seokjin looks up and meets V's eyes across the parking lot. The two stared at each other silently as if they didn't do that at all for the past hour.

V breaks into a small smile then he dips down into his car, driving away. Seokjin watched as he drove away, smiling at the thought of his future partner.



V lifts his head up. It was morning and he was still in his office. The room was bright with daylight since he had ginormous windows. He doesn't let the quietness lull him back to sleep though and picks up where he left off yesterday.

A knock sounds the room not long after. "Come in."

Secretary Jung comes in with a cup of coffee. "Bright and early like the past two mornings. What time did you go to sleep?" He sets the coffee down on the desk.

V immediately takes it and gulps down large amounts. "I don't recall."

"I can't believe that after all those sleepless nights, you still don't have dark circles," Secretary Jung states in awe.

"Dark circles or not, nothing's stopping me from working," V states and puts down his empty cup of coffee. Hoseok opens his mouth in shock at how fast he finished the drink but doesn't say anything else as V gets up. "I need to go home to shower. Make sure they don't lack off while I'm gone."

"Of course, Chairman Kim."

V grabs his phone, checking all the missed calls he got. All of them being from Seokjin except one. Min Yoongi.


V walks into his house and a servant approaches him. "Is Seokjin awake yet?" he asks.

"No, Sir," the servant replies. V walks up the stairs and into his bedroom. He takes a shower and changes into a new suit. As he's eating breakfast, Seokjin walks down the stairs.

"Good morning, V," Seokjin spoke softly. He sits down across from V and the servant brings him his breakfast. V doesn't look up or say anything to acknowledge Seokjin. "Mom and Dad wants us to go over this afternoon."

"Okay," V says. Before Seokjin could even take his first bite, V gets up and leaves.

He calls Yoongi as he's driving. "Hello," Yoongi answers.

"So you called. What for?" V says straight away.

"Wow," Yoongi chuckles. "Straight to the point. I guess that's why I like you a little more than Park Jimin."

V scoffs at Yoongi's statement. The three have been at each other's throats since V got on the stand in place of his father. They're what some may call, the big three.

"If you've been following Jimin, you should know he got signed with two other companies. They're rumored to be pretty big companies," Yoongi tells him.

V laughs into the phone. "Big companies? Min, we're the big companies."

"That's why I said pretty big companies. Anyways, I thought you and I should team up, just this once to make sure Jimin doesn't grow a big head."

V only teamed up once since he became CEO and that was with Jimin. To bring down one of Yoongi's project. Obviously, it worked. "Are you sure you're not just doing this out of spite because Park and I did the same to you?"

Yoongi laughs. "Just last month, your project was nothing compared to mines." V seethes at Yoongi's reminder. "Do you want me to give more examples?" V clenches his fist and cracks his neck.

"Shut up. I don't need you to help me bring down Park Jimin. If it comes to that extent, I'm powerful enough to do it alone," V spat into the phone.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let your ego get in the way first. Call me when you change your mind." With that, the call ended.


V parks his car and gets out. The sun has already set and he knows his parents will scold him for coming so late. He could hear the car door close behind him and Seokjin hurries to his side.

As soon as they step into the house, V's mom comes up to them. "Why are you guys so late?" The house was pretty full with people.

"Sorry, Mom. V had to finish something up," Seokjin tells her looking over to V.

"What! V, don't you ever stop working?" V's mom narrows her eyes and pinches his cheek.

"Mom, I'm a grown man," V groans but his mom just giggles.

"You need to spend more time with Jin. Right, Jin?" Seokjin smiles sheepishly at her words.

"Yeah or else I'll steal him from you." V looks towards the familiar voice, Namjoon.

"Namjoon. Jungkook," V greets his best friends.

"Wow, Mrs. Kim, you look so beautiful tonight," Jungkook compliments V's mom.

"Oh~ Thank you. You two are such cuties." With some exchange of words, Mrs. Kim leaves.

"So, Jin. How you been?" Jungkook asks cheerfully.

"I'm good. How about you, Jungkook?" Seokjin likes V's friends. They're so bright and nice. He wonders how V ever became friends with them.

"Great! I just got this new c-" V interrupts him.

"I need to take this call. Stay with Seokjin," he tells his friends and leaves. Seokjin's eyes follow V as he goes outside but Jungkook continues talking which makes Seokjin focus on the two again.

When V comes back, he pulls Seokjin away. "I need to go back to the office. Jungkook or Namjoon can drop you home." With that he lets go of Seokjin's wrist and turns back to the door.

Seokjin follows him outside. "V," Seokjin pulls V back who glares at him. "We just got here. Don't you think you're working way too much?"

"I've always been like this. You should be used to it by now." V pulls his arm from Seokjin's loosening grip and walks to his car.

As he's driving, he thinks of Seokjin's face. The look in his eyes when he pulled V back. 'Don't you think you're working way too much?'

But that's just how he is. Why couldn't Seokjin understand that? V leans back against his seat. He was already on the highway but for just a second, he felt like turning back.

His phone rings and he's about to pick it up but doesn't when he sees it's his dad. He continues driving but his phone rings again. He looks. His dad again. More rings follow. Coming from his dad and Namjoon.

V takes in a deep breath and answers his phone when his dad calls again. But before he could even hear his dad start yelling at him, he was spinning. Everything was spinning.


There was so much noise. Why was it so busy today? Nurses rushed past him. He was so tired. It was still dark out when he got the call.

"Namjoon," Jungkook calls out when he spots a familiar face. He rush towards Namjoon. "What happened?"

Namjoon was rubbing his forehead. He seemed exhausted too. "They don't know yet. He's in surgery still." Jungkook looked to the side where V's parents were waiting. Mrs. Kim was wiping her eyes. Mr. Kim seemed to be praying.

"Does Jin know?" Jungkook didn't see him.

"No. V's parents don't want anyone to panic. They want to keep it as small as possible until we find out what happened," Namjoon whispered to him. So only V's parents, Namjoon, and him knows that V got into a car accident.

"Do you think it's Jimin or Yoongi?" Jungkook whispered. He didn't want to think that way but with how everything was going, it could possibly be one of them.

"I'm not sure. We have to wait for the police to get back to us," Namjoon tells him. "Go sit down. You look like you need more sleep." Jungkook obeys and sits down on one of the waiting chairs.

Somehow through all the noise, he managed to slip back into sleep


Jungkook turns the wheel and slows to a stop at Namjoon's command. "Here?"

"According to Mrs. Kim," Namjoon checks his phone.

Jungkook gives the apartment a once-over. It was old and seemed to be falling apart.

Last night, they were given the news that V is in a coma. They also found out that V's car accident was no accident. It was planned. Someone had done something to his tires.

In the early morning, Namjoon and Jungkook were called over to the Kims' residence. Mrs. Kim had puffy eyes and Mr. Kim's forehead was creased with worry.


"We need to find out who did this to V," Mr. Kim spoke quietly as if he was scared others were listening. "Can I trust you two to do it?"

"Of course, Mr. Kim," Namjoon answers. Jungkook nodded in response.

"While we piece this mess together, we need to pretend V is fine. Whoever did this, wanted V to die and if they find out he didn't, but is in a coma. It won't be safe for him. So we need to pretend he's not in a coma."

"Sir, what do you mean by pretend V isn't in a coma . ." Jungkook ask.

"We found a look-alike," Mrs. Kim chirps in. Namjoon and Jungkook turn to look at each other, brows raised.

"How close a-like are we talking?" Jungkook ask.


Now here they were. Searching for V's doppelgänger. While they wait for V to wake up and find out who targeted V, they'll have someone in place of V.

"Do you think he'll actually look like V?" Jungkook asks as they got out.

"Honestly, I don't know. But it would be cool if he does. The chances of your doppelgänger living just a few cities away is rare," Namjoon tells him. "It doesn't hurt to search though."

When they reach the said room of V's doppelgänger, Jungkook knocks on the door. No footsteps. No answers. He knocks again. Radio silence.

"He's not here."

They turn towards the voice. A lady carrying groceries is opening the door next to them. "You're looking for Taehyung, right?"

Jungkook already forgot the doppelgänger's name. Thankfully, Namjoon remembers. "Yes. Do you know when he'll be back?" Namjoon asks.

"He won't be back for hours but you could try the park around the block."

"Thank you," Jungkook manages to say just as she goes inside and shuts the door.

Namjoon and Jungkook drive around the block and a park comes into view. No kids on the playground but, a bunch of bodies on the basketball court. "I'm guessing he's one of those peeps," Jungkook says as he parks the car.

The sun was shining brightly down on them and the heat was hotter than ever. They walk towards the crowd, eyes scanning throughly.

"What do you think he'll look like?" Jungkook asks, searching through the sweaty bodies in jerseys and snapbacks.

"I don't know. Maybe like V," Namjoon replies sarcastically. Jungkook chuckles but nonetheless scan the crowd. All of them seemingly to be in their twenties. Around their age.

Namjoon stops. Jungkook stops too. "What?" Namjoon is speechless so Jungkook follows his gaze. His jaw drops.

In a white snapback, wearing a gray t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, is V's doppelgänger, Taehyung. He jumps into the air and shoots the ball, scoring.

"Shit," Jungkook says breaking the silence.

Taehyung hollers and throws his hands up in the air as he scores. Another player playfully shoves him causing him to break out into a boxy grin. "We haven't even met him yet but I say, he's the total opposite of V," Jungkook says.

Never once, has he seen V play basketball. Or holler like that.

Namjoon shakes his head. "Let's go. We don't have much time to waste."

The game ends and Taehyung steps off the court. "Taehyung?" Namjoon says to catch his attention.

Taehyung stops drinking his water bottle and looks at them. "Yeah. . that's me," he says cautiously.

Namjoon smiles. "Can we talk to you? Somewhere in private?" Namjoon smiles again showing his dimples.

Taehyung presses his lips together and squints as he scan the two. Namjoon continues smiling and elbows Jungkook who was still wide eyed and gaping. Jungkook smiles too. "Um. .okay then." Taehyung smiles and picks up his black backpack.


"I wasn't expecting visitors. Sorry," Taehyung tells them sheepishly. He kicks some trash out of the way.

They were now in Taehyung's apartment. It wasn't messy nor was is it clean. They sit down in the living room. Namjoon and Jungkook sitting together and across them was Taehyung.

Taehyung looks at them to start. Namjoon takes in a deep breath. "So we have this friend, his name is V."

Namjoon explains to Taehyung with Jungkook chirping in there and there. "We can give you money. As much as you want." They finish and both look at Taehyung eagerly.

"Oh wow," Taehyung breathes in. "Wow. That is a lot to take in. Can I see a picture of him?"

Jungkook is quick to pull out his phone, showing Taehyung a picture of V. Taehyung grabs the phone bringing it closer to his face. "He does look like me. Except for one thing."

Namjoon and Jungkook immediately scoot forward. "What thing?" both say together.

Taehyung takes off his snapback and shakes his head, letting his brown hair fall over his forehead. "I'm a brunette."

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's joke but Namjoon shushes him. "We can always dye your hair."

Taehyung frowns. "I like my hair."

Namjoon sighs but, Jungkook is quick to speak. "We can keep your hair then. Will you help us?" Jungkook widens his eyes in desperation.

"I don't know. I'm not- I don't think I could possibly lie to so many people. Actually, I'm kinda an actor but I don't feel right doing this." Taehyung's phone rings as he finishes. "Excuse me for a moment."

Jungkook nods as Taehyung stands up and leaves. "Mom," Taehyung's voice rings out softly and full of love.

Jungkook looks at Namjoon who had his hands clasped in thought. "It's alright if he doesn't want to do it," Jungkook tells his friend. "We gave it our all."

"I know. I just feel bad. Guilt, maybe." Namjoon looks at Jungkook. "We saw him the night of the accident." V. "Right before he left. We could've stopped him from leaving. We could've done something."

"You can't blame yourself. Things just happen sometimes," Jungkook pats Namjoon's shoulder. "I wonder what he was thinking before. . ." But, Jungkook knew exactly what he was thinking. Work. Just work.

Who else but his best friend, Kim V.

Taehyung walks in and the two friends sit up. He ruffles his hair and looks away from their waiting eyes. "I-uh. I don't think I can do it." Namjoon's shoulders slump and Jungkook sighs.

"It's alright," Namjoon says and stands up. "We'll get going then." Jungkook stands up too. Taehyung shows them to the door.

"Sorry I couldn't help you guys . ." Taehyung apologizes.

"It's okay. We'll find another way," Jungkook assures him. "But, if you change your mind," he reaches into his wallet. "you can call me." He hands Taehyung his business card.


Taehyung watches as the ball makes the hoop. It was already night and everybody had return home to their families, except him. He dribbles the basketball then shoots again.

His only family was his mom who didn't even live in the same country as him. The ball bounce off the rim coming straight at him.

His dad past away two years ago. Taehyung catches the ball and moves around the court looking for another place to aim. He's an only child.

His mom got remarried this year and moved away when his stepdad did with their daughter. He shoots from his new spot. It misses widely and Taehyung chase after the ball. He picks it up and decides it's time he heads home.

He picks up his backpack and starts his walk home. It's been three days since those two friends came to ask for his help. Namjoon and Jungkook.

He wants to help because why not? It's not like he's busy with anything. He doesn't really have a job. Well, he works for the convenience store sometimes. His mom sends him money every month though.

He wanted to be an actor but, that didn't turn out so well. Taehyung opens the door to his apartment and walks in. He throws his backpack into the living room and grabs himself a can of soda.

With his drink he turns on the t.v. and watches an idol group perform on music bank. But, as he settles into the sofa, he feels something poking him. He scoots up and reach for it. A phone.

He turns on the phone and the lock screen shows Namjoon with a beautiful skyline behind him.


Taehyung had called Jungkook and was told to meet them in a hospital since that was where Namjoon was spending most of his time lately.

Taehyung waves as he sees Jungkook. Jungkook waves and walks over to him. "Typical Namjoon thing. To forget his phone."

"Ah really?" Taehyung chuckles. The man seemed to be full of wits but, at the same time, he did seem to be a big ball of fluff. He looks at Jungkook who was suddenly quiet.

Jungkook was staring at him intently. But, he shakes his head and continues talking to Taehyung as they walk to V's room. They enter and Taehyung stops talking as he sees his doppelgänger lying on the hospital bed.

He finds himself walking closer to the bed as he studies this stranger's face who looks closely like him.

Taehyung's examination stops though when he sees how many bandages V had. He also had a tube helping him breathe. He looks so different from the picture. Less tough and intimidating. More weak and hopeless.

He takes a deep breath. "Did you guys get any closer to finding out who did this?" He looks at the pair who shakes their head. He passes Namjoon's phone to Namjoon who thanks him.

Taehyung looks at V. Many thoughts fill his mind. He wonders who did this to him. Wonders if V's life was like his despite all the money and people surrounding him. What he constantly worried about? Who he constantly worried about?

Does he have a dream he originally wanted but didn't follow? Taehyung does. Does he have regrets? Taehyung does.

But, if he dies now. Dies with nothing. Dies with no justice, he won't be able to do anything more. And a deep gut feeling is telling Taehyung that V, has unfinished business. Business that needs to be finished. That can happen, if he helps.

"You know," Taehyung looks away from V's helpless body. "helping my doppelgänger won't do me any harm."

Namjoon's eyes light up at his words and he instantly gets up and gives Taehyung a hug. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Taehyung smiles. "No problem."

Jungkook gets up and pats Taehyung on the back. "Thanks Taehyung," he smiles feeling a big weight on his shoulder get lifted.

"No." Jungkook and Namjoon both look at Taehyung in confusion. Taehyung steps back and his bright, happy face changes. Somehow he looks less like Taehyung and more like. . .

"Call me V."

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