The One Where All The Knights...

By Sunflowerseed090

106K 2K 1.8K

Instead of Guinevere, Arthur falls in love with a female version of Merlin. The problem is that he wasn't the... More

First Thing's First
Competition and Jealousy
Gwaine (Again)
(Almost) All of Them
Interlude - Gwen and Morgana Talk About Boys
All of Them
Interlude - The Knights of the Round Table Talk About Girls
Get Your Tissues Ready
Interlude - Mourning and Distraction
Sword in the Stone (1/2)
Sword in the Stone (2/2)
Mordred (Again)
Interlude - The Knights of the Round Table Are Jealous... of Each Other
Uther Does Not Ship
Elyan (Again)
Interlude - Merlin's Thoughts on the Boys, + Morgana Learning Magic
All Good Things...
...Must Come to an End
War Preparations
Diamond of the Day

Lancelot (Again)

4.9K 91 64
By Sunflowerseed090

Arthur helped Morgana to mount her horse in the square. "I hope your trip isn't too upsetting," he told her.

"Thank you, Arthur," Morgana smiled.

"Make sure you to Camelot before dusk."

"Yes, sire," one of the knights said.

"And you take good care of her," Arthur said to Merlin, who was accompanying Morgana since Gwen was sick.

"Yes, Arthur," Merlin assured him. 


"Thank you for coming with me," Morgana told Merlin. 

"Of course. It's the least I can do. Gwen feels awful that she couldn't be here for you."

"Well-" Morgana was cut off by bandits jumping into the path. One by one, the knights accompanying them were wounded or killed. Morgana and Merlin were pulled off of their horses by a bandit, who was then killed by a knight, but then said knight was killed by another bandit. Long story short, it was a huge mess. Merlin grabbed Morgana's wrist and the ran up a hill, hoping to get away. Unfortunately, they ran right to a man who appeared to be the head bandit.

"Hello, ladies," he grinned.

"I warn you, I am Uther Pendragon's ward," Morgana said, stepping in front of Merlin. "He'll have your heads if any harm comes to  me."

"I have no intention of harming you. At least, not yet. You're much more valuable to me alive, Lady Morgana."


Meanwhile, Arthur was getting anxious. He went to his father. "Morgana's party has not returned to Camelot. There's no sign of her anywhere." 

"Send riders to the outlying villages," Uther said. "I want every guard, every sentry, looking for her."

"Yes, sire."


Merlin and Morgana watched the bandits from inside a tent. They came up with a plan to escape through careful whispers. Merlin prayed it would work.

"He's coming," Morgana said. "Are you ready?" Merlin nodded.

"I trust you are comfortable," the man, Kendrick, asked.

"I demand to know where you are taking us."

"You'll find out soon enough. We have a long journey ahead of us. Get some rest." Kendrick turned and walked out of the tent, but Morgana followed him.

"I wish to bathe," she told him.

"You wish to bathe?" Kendrick repeated.

"I am the king's ward and accustomed to certain standards. I am sure you are quite contented to stink like a pig, but I am not."

Kendrick laughed and turned to his men. "Lady Morgana wishes to bathe! Who wants to help me guard her?" Laughter filled the clearing.

Kendrick and two men led Morgana and Merlin to a stream. Morgana took of her overdress, dropping it on the ground. 

"You may find the water a little icy," Kendrick said.

"I'm sure I'll manage. If you were any kind of gentleman you'd give me some privacy."

"Well, unfortunately for you, I am no kind of gentleman. Now get on with it."

Morgana took off the outer garment of her dress. The bandit holding Merlin let her go. "You can at least turn your backs," Morgana said.

"So you can make a run for it? Do you think I'm so stupid?"

"I think you're very stupid." Morgana nodded to Merlin, signalling her to do as they planned.

Merlin grabbed Kendrick's sword and tossed it to Morgana, who attacked the bandits, leaving two of them unconscious. "Run!" They started sprinting in the direction of Camelot, but Merlin tripped over a tree root, hurting her ankle. Morgana ran back to Merlin. "Put your arm around my shoulder. Let's go!"

"No," Merlin shook her head. "No, you must go without me."

"I'm not leaving you behind!"

"Morgana, go! Get help!"

"Take this." Morgana handed Merlin the sword.

Merlin took it. "Go!"


Arthur and his men arrived at the place where Morgana and Merlin were first attacked. He got off his horse and scanned the area. On the ground was a piece of paper. "It's a ransom note!" He exclaimed. "Check to see if anyone is alive!"

Arthur heard a rustling of plants nearby. He drew his sword and walked towards the sound. He lowered it when he saw that the source of the sound was Morgana. "Morgana!" Arthur said, relieved. "Where's Merlin?"

Morgana shook her head, tears threatening to fall from her face. Arthur ignored the lump he felt in his throat at that and took off his cloak to wrap around Morgana.


Kendrick was very angry. "How could you let her escape! You bring me the servant! She's worthless to us!" Kendrick paused, looking thoughtful. "Or maybe..." He grabbed Merlin's face and looked her over. Then he picked up Morgana's clothes and shoved it at her. "Put these on."

"What are you going to do with me?" Merlin asked.

"Hengist has never met the Lady Morgana. For all he knows, you could be Uther Pendragon's ward. You look similar enough to her."

"I will not impersonate the Lady Morgana."

"You will if you value your life." Merlin gulped.


"I am so relieved to see you safe," Uther told his ward. "I couldn't bear the thought of anyone harming you."

"The bandits still have Merlin," Morgana said, not even acknowledging the words of the king.

"I believe they were Mercian," said Arthur. "We've received reports that Hengist has crossed over the border."

"Hengist?" Uther asked.

"You must send a rescue party," Morgana said.

"If Hengist has her, it would take a small army to rescue the girl."

"We can't abandon her!"

"How many men would you have me sacrifice for a servant?"

"As many as it takes! Merlin gave herself up willingly so that I could escape. I owe her my life!"

"She did so willingly and will be honored for it."

"I don't want her honored for it, I want her rescued! She is more than just a maid, she is my friend!"

"A servant is of no value to these bandits. I fear she is dead already."

"No! I refuse to give up hope! Arthur? I'm begging you. You have to do something! She's your maidservant!"

"My father's right," Arthur said grimly, avoiding Morgana's eyes. "There's nothing we can do."

"How can you say that! How can you live with yourselves! All of you!" Morgana stormed off to her room, furious at her guardian and his son.


Merlin was led to the main room in Hengist's fortress, dressed in Morgana's clothes. "May I present the Lady Morgana," Kendrick said, pushing Merlin forward.

"You're as beautiful as ever, Lady Morgana," Hengrist greeted Merlin.

"I demand that you release me immediately," said Merlin.

"Just as soon as Uther Pendragon pays me," Hengist told her. "In the meantime, you'll be my guest."

"Do not flatter yourself. I am not your guest! I'm your prisoner!"

"As you wish. Take her to the dungeons."


Morgana charged into Arthur's chambers, fuming. "How can you be so heartless? Merlin is one of the kindest, most thoughtful people you will ever meet. She's been more than a friend to all of us!" Arthur ignored the implications at that statement. "And you would just leave her at the mercy of those animals?"


"Have you no shame? Do you really think of no one but yourself?"


"I knew you were many things, Arthur Pendragon, but I never thought you were a coward!"

"Morgana!" Arthur yelled, finally catching her attention. "Perhaps if you stopped shouting for a second, you would realize that I'm packing."

Morgana's eyes widened in realization. "You're going after Merlin!"

"Of course I'm going after her!" Arthur said, genuinely offended that she thought otherwise. "What do you take me for? I couldn't disagree with Father in public."

Morgana calmed down. "I'm coming with you."


"I owe her my life. I'm coming with you."



Merlin found herself in a small chair next to Hengist in front of a cage. All of the bandits were speaking loudly, causing much noise. "Silence!" Hengist shouted. "Our royal guest, Lady Morgana, has grown bored! She needs entertaining!"

"I never said anything of the sort," Merlin muttered.

A gladiator strutted into the cage after a nod from Hengist. "Bring on the challenger!" Hengist said. Merlin gasped in surprise. The challenger was Lancelot!

"Only one of you will emerge from the cage alive. Do you accept this challenge?"

Both men nodded and the match began. It was thrilling to watch, but in the end, Lancelot ended up on top. Being the kind soul that he was, Lancelot spared the man's life and went to Hengist, who tossed him a sack of coins. "What is your name?" Hengist asked.

"My name is Lancelot."

"You have proven yourself to be a skillful warrior. I believe you may have even impressed our royal guest, Lady Morgana."

Lancelot turned to look at Merlin. From the cage, she looked like Morgana, with her long, dark hair and pale complexion, but up close, he could tell exactly who it was. "My lady," Lancelot said with a bow to hide his surprise.

"Next time you fight, do not expect mercy," Hengist warned Lancelot. Then, he stood up and grabbed Merlin by the arm. "It is time for you to return to your cell, my lady." Merlin allowed herself to be led without a word.

Later that night, as she sat in the corner of her prison cell with her knees pulled close to her chest, Merlin heard a knock on the wall. She stood up and turned around to see Lancelot through the small window. "Merlin," he whispered.


"I could not believe my eyes when I saw you."

"I thought my mind was deceiving me," Merlin told him.

"Why does Hengist think you are Lady Morgana?"

"He believes he's holding Morgana for ransom. When no ransom is paid, he will realize the truth and throw me to the beasts."

"I will not allow that to happen," Lancelot assured her.

"What are you doing here? Are you one of Hengist's men?"

"No. There are few opportunities for men like me, so I've been earning a living the only way I know how. With a sword in my hand. It seems it is my destiny to entertain men like Hengist."

Merlin shook her head. "I don't believe that of you. You were so full of hope!"

"I was wrong."

"I still see hope in you. I will not accept that it is gone." Merlin gripped the window bars.

"I have thought of you often," Lancelot told her. "Have you thought of me?"

"I thought I would never see you again."

Merlin heard a sound coming from the door behind her. "Someone's coming."

"I will get you out of here, no matter what it takes."


Morgana slept lightly under a tree. They had to put a pause on their journey when night fell and there was no light to guide them. Arthur shook her awake gently. "Morgana."

Morgana opened her eyes. "How long has it been?"

"Long enough."

Morgana stood up and mounted her horse. "Did you get any rest?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"I've never seen you like this, for anyone. Well, maybe except for-"

"Don't finish that sentence."

"You care for her, don't you." This was not a question, but a statement.

"What I care about is not wasting time talking. Let's get moving."


Hengist opened the door to Merlin's cell. "I have not yet received word from Uther that he intends to pay your ransom. I was told that he is very fond of his ward. Are you surprised that he is content to let you die?"

"How can I know the king's mind when I am locked in your stinking cell?" Merlin spat.

"If I do not hear from Uther by tomorrow, this stinking cell is the last thing you will ever see." Hengist slammed the door.

Once Hengist was gone, Lancelot appeared at the window. "I was terrified I would find this cell empty."

"There's been no word from Uther. Hengist grows suspicious."

"Keep up the pretense. I will come for you by nightfall."

A few hours later, Merlin was brought to Hengist's cage. "Morgana, Morgana. I keep asking myself, 'why does Uther not pay ransom? He's a rich man. Why would he leave his beloved ward to suffer?'" Hengist grabbed her hand. "Perhaps you could tell me why the Lady Morgana has the hands of a serving girl?" Hengist shoved her at his guards, instructing them to take her back to her cell and then bring Kendrick to him for a slow and painful death.

Merlin waited in the dark for several minutes. Then using magic, she unlocked the cell door. She poked her head out and then walked right out. Lancelot was waiting for her in the hallway with Hengist's men unconscious. "We have no time to lose," Lancelot told her. Hand in hand, they ran through the halls. They were just about to escape when they were knocked unconscious.

Merlin and Lancelot awoke to find themselves back in the cage, their hands tied together. "Release the wilddeoran!" Hengist shouted. A door opened up and a giant rat entered.

Just then, two of the bandits ran into the cage. They pulled off their masks, revealing themselves to be Arthur and Morgana. Morgana freed them and Arthur tossed Lancelot an extra sword. The two men began fending off the beast. Frustrated, Hengist went into the cage to take matters into his own hand. Unfortunately for him, he was outnumbered. Morgana shoved him towards the wilddeoran and they made their escape. Merlin made sure to lock the cage doors so that Hengist could not exit.


Once they were in the safety of the woods, they finally relaxed. Well, the women relaxed anyways. "You came for me!" Merlin exclaimed, pulling Morgana into a hug.

"Of course! I owe you my life! Now come, we should all rest. Especially you, Merlin."

"I agree," Arthur said.

"I'll go stand guard," Lancelot told them.

Once Arthur and Merlin were both asleep, Morgana approached Lancelot. "He has feelings for her, doesn't he?" Lancelot asked quietly.

"He has yet to admit it, but I believe he does," Morgana replied. "What about you?"

"My feelings... do not matter. I will not come between them. Could you tell her goodbye for me? And that some things, they just cannot be."

"I will tell her."

"Thank you."

Morgana watched as Lancelot left. He never looked back.


Who do you think Merlin should end up with in the end? Arthur? Lancelot? Gwaine? ... Morris? And what do you think Merlin's real name is? (My brother picked the name out) Let me know! 

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