Monster (Marvel Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

1.4M 47.4K 27.4K

Y/N L/N doesn't know much about his family or where he came from. All he knows is that he's lived in New York... More

Origin of a Boy
Testing Pt. 1
Testing Pt. 2
Testing Pt. 3
The Next Avengers
Life in The Tower Pt. 1
Life in The Tower Pt. 2
Life in The Tower Pt. 3
First Mission Pt. 1
First Mission Pt. 2
Crossing a Black Cat
Small Time Heroes Pt. 1
Small Time Heroes Pt. 2
Small Time Heros Pt. 3
Capture the Flag
Viv The Human Pt. 1
Viv the Human Pt. 2
Viv the Human Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 1
Avengers Tower Pt. 2
Avengers Tower Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 4
Morning Chat
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 1
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 2
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 3
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 4
Welcome Back
Under the Surface Pt. 1
Under the Surface Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 1
School Days Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 3
Team Shorts
Midtown High's Podcast
Venom's Child
Blood Tests
The Archer and The Monster
Gwen's Music Pt. 1
Gwen's Music Pt. 2
Gwen's Music Pt. 3
A Hero's Dilemma
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up With Monster and Wasp Pt. 1
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up with Monster and Wasp Pt. 2
The Monster's Goals
A Cat's Confession
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 1
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 2
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 3
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 4
The Tokyo Mission
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 1
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 2
The Big Heroes of Japan
Quentin Beck
The Monster's Doom
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 1
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 2
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 3
The Monster's Victory
A Little Problem
Confronting a Friend
The Monster's Friends
The Master of Illusions Vs. The Monster of Power
Nadia's Confession
An Old Friend
Team Shorts #2
The Godfather
Investing With The Moon Pt. 1
Investing With The Moon Pt. 2
Investing With The Moon Pt. 3
The Strikers
Absolute Carnage Pt. 1
Absolute Carnage Pt. 2
Absolute Carnage Pt. 3
Family Training
A Runaway
Hail Bones
The Duo
Break Down The Walls
What We Left Behind
In The Desert
The New Strikers
The Restless Monster
Canadian Bros
A New Family Member
A Rather Odd Addition
The Old Monster
The Return Home
Late Night Food Run Pt. 1
Late Night Food Run Pt. 2
Late Night Food Run Pt. 3
Late Night Food Run Pt. 4
Late Night Food Run Pt. 5
Boys Night Out
A New Oppent Arrives
Time Trouble Pt. 1
Time Trouble Pt. 2
Time Trouble Pt. 3
Time Trouble Pt 4
1922 Pt. 1
1922 Pt. 2
1922 Pt. 3
Intermission 1
1969 Pt. 1
1969 Pt. 2
1969 Pt. 3
Intermission 2
1950's Pt. 1
1950's Pt. 2
1950's Pt. 3
Intermisson 3
Team Shorts #3
The Future Avengers
The Dark Future
The Future Tyrant
The Elites
Road to Freedom
Breaking In to Break Out
The Preparation
Future Fight
The Monster of Power Vs. The Emperor Of Power
The Bad Truth
From The Basics Pt. 1
From The Basics Pt. 2
From The Basics Pt. 3
From The Basics Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 1
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 2
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 3
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 5
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 6
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 7
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 8
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 9
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 10
Celebrity Status Pt. 1
Celebrity Status Pt. 2
Tense Reunions
Reed Richards Pt. 1
Reed Richards Pt. 2
Reed Richards Pt. 3
Godslayer Protocol
The Monster's Mission
Monster in Space
Knowhere Pt. 1
Knowhere Pt. 2
The Story of The Iron Fist
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 1
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 2
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 3
The Story of The Ghost Rider
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 1
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 2
The Story of The Black Cat
The Trip To Asgard
The Story of The Android
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 1
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 2
The Collector
The Story of The Runaway
Sakaar Pt. 1
Sakaar Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 1
Once Upon A Time Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 3
Once Upon A Time Pt. 4
Once Upon A Time Pt. 5
The Gladiator Pt. 1
The Gladiator Pt. 2
The Gladiator Pt 3
The Gladiator Pt 4
The Story of The Illusionist
Last Wishes
The All-Father Vs. The Godslayer
The New King Of Asgard
Declaration of War
The War Council Pt. 1
The War Council Pt. 2
The War Council Pt. 3
The War Council Pt. 4
The Knights and The Children Pt. 1
The Knights and The Children Pt. 2
The Knights and The Children Pt. 3
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 1
Team Shorts #4
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 2
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 3
The War of The Realms

Kang The Conqueror

3.6K 122 28
By IvanBullock

You opened your eyes and found everything around you was shaking slightly. Your entire body hurt like hell and your head was spinning. You slowly sat up but felt pain from everywhere. You looked down and saw that you had bandages wrapped around most of your body. You looked around and recalled that you were back in 2099. You tried to get out of bed but couldn't.

Y/N: Jesus fuck.

You groaned as you turned to roll out of the bed. You stood up but had to catch yourself on the wall before noticing you had an UV in your arm. You followed it to see the bag before you pulled it out. You slowly stumbled towards the door before someone appeared behind you.

Lyla: You shouldn't be up and moving in your present state. Seriously. You're pretty messed up.

You looked back at her and sighed.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Lyla: In our time, 2 weeks. In yours, 2 days.

You groaned. You wasted two whole days.

Lyla: While you were missing for the 5 hours you were gone, Miguel and the others retrieved the rest of your friends. They're all chilling in the lounge right now. I can notify them that you're awa....

Y/N: Don't. They'll end up storming in here. Just, give me an hour to gather my thoughts. I had a tough few weeks.

You slowly laid back on the bed. In truth, you didn't want to see any one. How could you face them? You killed Katie and yourself with your own hands. You watched so many of them die. Out of everyone there was only four survivors. How could you possibly see them the same?

You groaned before you sat up. You looked out the window. This was the future you were fighting for.

Then another thought crossed your mind. The Godslayer Protocol. This is what would push you even further off the edge. Reed Richards. That name floated around in your mind. He could get rid of it or at least calm it down. He can help you but you don't even know who he is. You suddenly got a headache.

It was that girl again. Who the hell was she even? You hadn't had a vision since before you got dragged into that dark future. This was the last thing you needed. Suddenly, the door opened. Lyla appeared and looked embarrassed.

Lyla: It slipped!

Everyone came rushing in as you sighed. You closed your eyes suddenly out of pain. You pulled the blankets close as you heard everyone surround you.

Miles: You're alive!

Sam: Jesus dude! You were so messed up!

Riri: Where did you go?!

Miguel: Why aren't you looking at us?

You slowly opened your eyes and looked up. It hit you all at once when you saw their faces. The blood, gore, pain, suffering, everything. You suddenly felt your stomach turn before you rolled over and threw up on the floor.

Miguel: Lyla!

Lyla: He had a sudden spike in brain activity. I-I think he has PTSD.

You closed your eyes again. You sat back up and opened your eyes again but only to look at your hands. Your heartbeat was racing. Memories flashed through your head before you covered your face.

Nadia: Why does he have PTSD? What the hell happened?!

You could tell that they were all looking at you. You shook your head.

Y/N: I ended up falling into one of the alternate futures. A terrible one.
Everyone sat in silence as you told them what had happened. You still refused to look at any of them. It hurt too much when you thought about what happened.

Y/N: So now, unless I can find Reed Richards, the Godslayer Protocol will activate on my 18th birthday. 4 months from now.

Miles shook his head while Kitty remained horrified. You didn't blame them.

Quentin: You c-can't even l-look at us.

You shook your head. You felt well enough to stand so you climbed out of bed. You walkes over to where your new uniform laid and started to get dressed. Once you were done, you turned towards the door and sighed.

Y/N: Let's go. We have to take care of Kang.

Everyone looked at you in disbelief.

Danny: You faced such a foe and yet, you're still determined to fight Kang?

You shrugged.

Y/N: I just want to go home. Once we beat him, I'll rest for a few days. Come on.

You walked out of the room and shokk your head. Everyone just looked at each other.

Nadia: What are we going to do?

Tandy: All we can do is be there for him. We need to help him.

Felicia nodded.

Robbie: Still, being stuck in a place like that has got to have taken a serious toll on him. He might not be in the right mindset.

Miles: All the more reason to be there for him.

Everyone nodded. Right now, it was time to defeat Kang.
You stood on the sidewalk of the "present" New York looking up. His ship was there somewhere. Above the Empire State. That's what Riri told you. Everyone had broken up into groups but you opted to stay alone.

They didn't need to see what you were about to do.

You closed your eyes and listened carefully for Kang's thoughts. Suddenly, you had them. You opened your eyes and blasted off with great speeds. You felt that sharp pain stab into your mind as your eye became purple. You ignited your fist and punched a hole into the invisible ship. You stabbed into it to keep yourself from falling before tearing the metal off enough to climb in. You entered the ship and began to walk through it. You were sure that the entire ship was now visible to the others but you didn't care.

You kicked in the door you found shocking Kang. He stood up from his chair and turned to face you. You didn't waste a second. You grabbed him and threw him through some of his machines. He stood up and brought out his gun but you sliced through it with the blades.

Kang: How?!

You appeared before him and lifted him up by his collar. You slowly popped your claws out as you looked him in the eye.

Y/N: Return everything to normal. Of you don't, I'll personally rip your spine out through your nose.

You dropped him and Kang quickly got to work. You looked over at his map and saw that the Loops were now dissappearing and the city below slowly returned to normal.

Y/N: Good.

You picked him up again just as everyone stormed in. You slammed him against the wall and stabbed your claw through his shoulder. Everyone watched in absolute fear as you snarled in his face.

Y/N: You caused a lot of problems for me. Now, you pay.

Your claws began to heat up causing him to cry out in pain.

Eli: He's had enough man!

He tried to grab you but you simply swatted him away. You twisted your claws before pulling them put. Kang fell to the floor in pain before you placed your foot on his head.

Danny: Y/N!

You slowly started to push down as your eye glowed brighter.

Y/N: Stay out of this.

They all flinched at your voice. What the hell was up with you? You looked down at Kang as he began to beg for his life.

Kang: I have technology that you can use! I can bring back the dead o-or take you back to refix something!

You squeezed harder.

Y/N: Begging? I thought you were a conqueror. You're nothing but a pathetic worm. I should kill you as such.

Felicia: Y/N! Stop this!

You suddenly snapped out of your trance and realized what you were doing. You stumbled back and looked at the blood your had sprayed over the wall when you stabbed Kang. You turned back to everyone but quickly looked away when that pain returned. It was getting worse. Much worse.

Riri: We won. It's over.

Kamala: You can calm down now.

You shook your head. What the hell did you even do? Your body pain returned in full and you leaned against a nearby control panel to rest. The others got to work with detaining Kang as you looked at the ground.

Y/N: I almost, killed him.

You covered your mouth and closed your eyes.

Y/N: I hurt Eli to. What the hell is wrong with me?

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