Hunter X Hunter Reader Insert...

By A__k123

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This is a story about a girl named YN Zoldyck. As you already know the Zoldyck family are a family of assassi... More

Prologue: Meet me
Chapter 1: How it all Started
Chapter 2: Meeting Gon
Chapter 3: The Lonely Cedar Tree
Chapter 4: The Married Couple
Chapter 5: The First Phase
Chapter 6: First Phase Part 2 + Phase 2
Chapter 7: The Second Phase
Chapter 8: Arriving at the Third Phase
Chapter 9: The Third Phase
Chapter 10: Kurapika's Fight
Chapter 11: Leorio's Defeat and Killua's Victory
Chapter 12: My Fight
Chapter 13: A Special Chapter
Chapter 14: The Fourth Phase
Chapter 16: Final Phase Part 2
Chapter 15: Final Phase Part 1
Chapter 17: Final Phase Part 3
Chapter 18: Gon wakes up
Chapter 19: Journey to Killua's home
Chapter 20: The Testing Gate
Chapter 21: Entering the Main House
Chapter 22: Reuniting with Gon
Chapter 23: Heavens Arena
Chapter 24: Nen
Chapter 25: Gon's Promise
Chapter 26: Hisoka vs Kastro
Chapter 27: Hostage?
Chapter 28: Our win
Chapter 29: Water Divination
Chapter 30: My Training
Chapter 31: Gon vs Hisoka
Chapter 32: Whale Island
Chapter 33: Ging's Box
Chapter 34: Leaving Whale Island
Chapter 35: September 1st
Chapter 36: Bounty Hunt
Chapter 37: Captured by the Troupe
Chapter 38: Unexpected Arrival
Chapter 39: Kurapika
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Plan
Chapter 42: Mission Start
Chapter 43: Beitacle Hotel
Chapter 44: The Troupe's Decision
Chapter 45: Greed Island
Chapter 46: My Ability
Chapter 47: Entering Greed Island
Chapter 48: Starting The Game
Chapter 49: Biscuit Krueger
Chapter 50: Binolut
Chapter 51: Masadora
Chapter 52: Training with Bisky
Chapter 53: Killua Leaves
Chapter 54: Chrollo in Greed Island?
Chapter 55: Razor and the Fourteen Devils
Chapter 56: A Shocking Encounter
Chapter 57: Hisoka in Greed Island
Chapter 58: Teaming up
Chapter 59: Down to One Man
Chapter 60: Patch of Shore
Chapter 61: #0 Ruler's Blessing
Chapter 62: Clearing Greed Island
Chapter 63: NIGG
Chapter 64: NGL
Chapter 65: First Encounter With A Chimera Ant
Chapter 66: Kite
Chapter 67: A Mysterious Woman
Chapter 68: Knuckle the Softie
Chapter 69: Flashbacks and Dreams
Chapter 70: Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 71: A Shock
Chapter 72: Come Back Home
Chapter 73: False Memories
Chapter 74: Pain and Agony
Chapter 75: She's Back
Chapter 76: Good bye and Hello
Chapter 77: Astrid the Mantis
Chapter 78: Not all are bad
Chapter 79: Bittersweet

Y/N Zoldyck

1.7K 50 87
By A__k123

"Why the hell would you make her go through that?!" yelled Killua, holding himself back from punching his family.

"She asked for it. We warned her" replied Silva with his arms crossed over his face.

"That is not-" before Killua could finish his sentence, Zeno interrupted him.

"Y/N came to us and asked us to release the seal. And so we did, after warning her of course. She knew what she was getting herself into and still went through with it. There is nothing we could do" he said with his raspy voice.

"It's a shame, but if she couldn't control it, then it just shows her limit" said Leon simply.

"Are you even her father, you bastard? What type of father wouldn't even care if his daughter died? So what if she asked? This isn't her fault. Stop making it seem like it is!" shouted Leorio, grabbing Leon's collar with enough force to pull him forward slightly. The servants around the area all flinched. However, before they could leap forward and apprehend Leorio, Leon placed his arm in the air, stopping them.

"You're one of the clowns my daughter travelled with, I presume. Well, what happened, happened. Are you asking me to bring her back to life?" replied Leon, placing his hand on top of Leorio's.

"Leorio, it's no use talking to them. Let's leave it at that and not disrespect Y/N's place of rest anymore" said Kurapika, his eyes solemn. Leorio gritted his teeth in anger and let go of Leon harshly. He turned back to Killua, who was silently shaking in his spot.

"Oi, you. Make sure to keep her place clean" ordered Leon to a servant, turning around and leaving with Silva and Zeno.

"It's a shame she couldn't stay alive for a while longer" said Remi shrugging at her older sister's grave.

"Well what could we do about it? This was always one of the outcomes" replied Tsurugi, placing some flowers on the grave and doing a quick bow before leaving with his sister.

"So she's met her end, huh? After all of that. I warned her too. What an idiot..." muttered Yutsu with a regretful smile. He bent down so he was at eye-level with Y/N's grave. Placing his hand on the cold, unwelcoming stone, he traced his fingers on the carved letters of her name. "Rest in peace...Y/N" He stepped away from the grave gingerly, shutting his eyes and covering his face with his hand.

"How ironic..." said Kurapika, facing the wet ground. "The person she chased after her whole life to kill, is actually the one who cared for her the most"

"Their attitude stinks. How can they call themselves her family" said Leorio.

Everyone left, even the servants. All who were left were Kurapika, Leorio and Killua. Kurapika clutched onto the bouquet of flowers he's holding and kept his eyes on the ground. Killua stayed near the grave, squatting down and staring at it in denial. "Where is he?" muttered Leorio, checking his phone.

As if on cue, they heard heavy panting and footsteps running in the mud. Their heads whipped towards the direction of the footsteps. A horrified Gon hurried through the path, sweating like crazy. His gaze was fixated on the single grave, not noticing some rocks on the ground. Tripping on one of them, he was sent flying through the air, smashing into the ground. He fell face-first into the mud. The same expression did not leave his face as he tried lifting himself up and continued on his way towards the others.

"Gon..." breathed out Kurapika as he stared at the boy's state.

Mud covered Gon's clothes. But that was the least of his worries. Once he reached the grave, he gazed at it with a blank expression. His chest heaved up and down, his eyes not moving until they trailed over the carved letters on the headstone.

"So it's true...?" he tilted his head slightly, darting a glance at the three men before him. Everyone avoided his gaze. "She's...Y/N's dead...? From what? How did she just die like that? Who killed her? Why-"

"Gon. Calm down" said Kurapika. Gon stared at Kurapika with wide eyes.

"Answer me" he demanded with a low voice.

"She...According to her family, her Nen was sealed and she asked them to break the seal so she can use her Nen properly. She might've rushed the process because you guys were waiting for her and as a result, she couldn't control her Nen anymore, which resulted in...her..." Leorio trailed off slowly.

"So she died because they broke the seal?" said Gon, using selective hearing. "Where are they?" his face flushed in anger as he began looking around frantically.

"They just left" said Leorio.

"Those bastards. I will show them!" exclaimed Gon, turning around. Before he broke into a sprint, Killua stopped him by grabbing his wrist. Gon twisted his body around, a vein popping on his forehead with fury. "Why are you stopping me?" He shouted at Killua.

"It's no use going to them" said Killua, staring at the ground with a miserable look on his face.

"What do you mean there is no use going to them?! I need to talk to them"

"Stop. Are you hearing yourself right now? You're just lashing out because of anger. There's nothing you can do. Calm down"

"Calm down? There's nothing you can do? Are you screwing with me? You won't know until you try! Now get out of my way. I need to talk" insisted Gon, his voice raising.

"Are you an idiot? That's the Zoldyck Family. Do you think they'll sit down and listen to you over tea and cake? Get real and stop acting selfish" replied Killua, his voice raising too.

"So what? Do you think that will stop me?"

"Gon! Stop! Y/N...she...Do you really think she'd want you to leave right now and pick a fight with her family? She's been waiting. Please. Leave those dumb ideas and stop being stupid. Stay by her side. She needs you...." Killua's voice broke, tears emerging from his sorrow-filled eyes. "Stop being stupid" he repeated, his voice raised.

"That's right! I am stupid" shouted Gon angrily. Killua stared at Gon with a shocked expression. It was as if his words went through one ear and left through the other, he thought. Kurapika and Leorio watched in shock, too, thinking the same thing. Gon was blinded by fury. This thought floated in their minds until he said the next line. "If I wasn't stupid, Y/N wouldn't have died. Kite too. I couldn't see that Y/N was having a hard time even though she was right in front of me. For her to leave suddenly...I didn't even try to go after her! I must be stupid!" said Gon, his voice breaking. "To think she wanted to stay with us that badly. She even went back to her family's house... What was she thinking of before she left? Did she hate us? Did she?!" Gon's grip on Killua's hand loosed, his form falling on the ground and tears welling up in his eyes.

"Gon" said Killua, looking down at the fallen male. His hands rolled into tight fists, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. "Damn it" He cursed, gazing at the foggy sky. Clouds began gathering in the sky, signalling to the world that it will soon rain.

Kurapika made his way to Gon placed his hand on his shoulder as tears rolled down his cheek. Leorio pushed his glasses up and gritted his teeth at this bitter atmosphere.

"She was desperate for power. So she could help you guys in the battle. But..." said Leorio, fixing his black suit.

Kurapika inched closer to the decorated headstone with a melancholy smile on his face. Kneeling down, he placed a bouquet of flowers onto the moist grass, tapping them gently. "I got your favourite, roses" he smiled, tracing his hands along the carved letters.

"She was a bright child, huh?" said Leorio, coming over to Kurapika's side. Kurapika gave him a small nod, his gaze still fixated on the stone.

After a minute, Kurapika and Leorio moved away from the grave. Gon sniffed and wiped his tears on his sleeve. He treaded towards the headstone and sat in the muddy grass, crossing his legs over each other and took a deep breath.

"Hi" he said, a bright smile on his face. "Sorry for my earlier behaviour. I didn't mean to upset you. I hope you're not upset" he said, a frown appearing on his face. "Y/N. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. It was my fault for not chasing after you when you left. I'm sorry..." Killua, Kurapika and Leorio frowned, Gon was still blaming himself... "BUT" he shouted suddenly, making the other three jump. "I know you don't like it when the mood's down, so I won't be like that" Gon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and laughed nervously.

"Oh, right. We have to tell you about everything that happened when you left" said Gon, a grin appearing on his face. He began ranting and blabbing around, talking to the stone as if it was Y/N, about everything that happened to them. Soon, Kurapika, Leorio and Killua joined in, and they chatted away.

"Remember when everyone failed in the Second Phase?" said Killua with a giggle.

"That was horrible. I really thought that was the end..."

"That was hilarious. She even failed Hisoka" laughed Leorio out loud.

"Okay I'll admit, that WAS funny..."

"To be honest, that was a dent in my pride" said Kurapika, facepalming and shaking his head.

"Oh shut up, you perfectionist..."

"But then we had to work together to get the spider eagle eggs" said Gon, leaning backwards.

"Thank God they weren't actual spiders. If they were I would've quit the exam..."

"Yeah. But nothing will top the whole Third Phase. That was stress" said Leorio.

"Don't even remind me. That Jack the Ripper guy really thought he was some type of shit..."

"Stress indeed. Especially the last part. But Gon always comes up with cool ideas" said Kurapika, patting Gon on the back.

"He really does, hehe..."

"I owe it to Y/N. She believed in me and pressed the button anyways" he said.

"Oh shut up"

"Yeah. She was always saving our asses" nodded Leorio.

"I really was...And I didn't even get paid..."

"You mean only your ass" said Kurapika.

"I mean, you're not wrong"

"What did you say?" Before a fight could erupt between the two, a water droplet landed on Leorio's cheek. "Oh. Seems like it's raining" he said, getting up.

"Oh are you leaving now...?"

"Yeah" replied the others, getting up themselves.

"Shall we go back to the hotel?" asked Leorio, everyone agreed with him and began walking.

"Before you all may not hear me but... I'm sorry for leaving you all. I really wanted to stay with you longer. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. Thank you for always helping me...You might've been strangers, but you were the best thing that could happen to me. You guys, thank you for staying here and chatting, even if you didn't need to. I really appreciate it. Thank you..."

Turning back, they all bowed, showing their respects and began waving.

"Until we meet again, Y/N!"

"Bye Leorio. You better visit me with that graduation hat when you've become a doctor or else I'll haunt you..."

"Thank you, Y/N!"

"No problem Kurapika. You have to stay alive and safe. If not, who's gonna lead those three idiots?..."

"Save us a spot up there!"

"After all those times you said I was going to hell. NOW you want to tell me to save you a spot in heaven? Idiot...Of course I'll save you one, Kil..."

"You better keep watching over us!"

"Without getting paid? No way...Just kidding. Even if my Nen failed to protect you when I was alive, it'll definitely do its job once I'm dead. Gon. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my friend. I'll always keep watching over you all..."

They each began walking their separate ways, each of them following their own path. The more they inched away from Y/N's place of rest, the stronger and heavier the emotions got, weighing them down and slowing them.

They might've acted happy and jolly in this moment.

But were they over it?

Only their exasperated cries could hold the answer...

"Thank you, guys...Truly, thank you..."

"Youre my family...I love you..."

Their heads all turned back, for one last time.

"No problem" They replied, as if they heard the voice.

The voice they once knew....

Her voice...



Seems like Leorio has beef with everyone's dad these days 😂🤣

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Unfortunately, our precious Y/N could not control her Nen. She lost.

I would love to say that I'm writing this for April Fools.'s September.

Guys, I love you all, thanks for always staying with me and reading all about Y/N's adventures. All of you who comment, I see you! I'm always reading your comments, and sometimes even cry coz of how precious you all are.

Anyways, thank you guys for everything!

This had been your one and only, Me.

Thank you and Stay safe❤❤❤

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