Panem Boarding School

By jaded_clovers

38.8K 734 669

I swear the story is better than the description. Clove is a sixteen year old girl that makes the long move... More

Chapter 1- Patience is Virtue
Chapter 2- Assumptions
Chapter 3- Cheese Buns Anyone?
Chapter 5- Dodge!
Chapter 6- Paper Airplanes
Chapter 7- You Posted It ONLINE?!
Chapter 8- "My Bikini Top!"
Chapter 9- Mr. Cameraman
Chapter 10- How Much?
Chapter 11- And the Marker Drops...
Chapter 12- No. Just. No
Chapter 13- Delly's Minions
Chapter 14- I Have A Message For-
Chapter 15- Who?
Chapter 16- The Question
Chapter 17- The Pier
Chapter 18- Upperhand
Chapter 19- Jealously, a Downfall

Chapter 4- Coffee?!

2.4K 45 75
By jaded_clovers

//OMG over 100 views? How did that happen? This is such a great X-Mas present. It may not sound like a lot, but in my mind it is so much. Here's chapter 4. Today's song is... All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey

((Wow, I remember when this story had 109 views now it has 8K+  I'm really proud of myself, actually.))//


"Up up up! We have school today and you need to get ready." Annie says as she yanks on the covers over my freezing body. I hold on tight to make sure they don't get yanked off.

"Five more minutes?" I ask covering my eyes with a pillow. "Nope!" She says popping the 'p'.

"Fine!" I groan and sit up to look at the clock. it says 5:23. 5:23?

"Going back. To. Bed." I mumble and lay back down. She grabs my hand and yanks me up again.

"We have to make you look presentable! Make a good impression! Plus, I need to get ready as well." Annie explains.

"School doesn't start until 8:00 genius. We have three hours. And why didn't you wake them up?" I say pointing to Katniss and Johanna.

"Oh Kat and Jo don't really care about their appearance. Now lets get started." Annie says.

"Who says I do?"

"You don't have a choice, Clovey."

I sigh and step into the bathroom to take a shower. I strip down and turn on the warm water. Apparently, this water gets warm quickly, because I burn my hand to see the temperature.

Once I'm done with my shower, I wrap myself in a fuzzy towel and walk out into the dorm. Jo and Katniss are still sleeping like rocks.

"Okay good, your done. Finally. Now it's time to start with your outfit!" Annie exclaims, careful not to wake up the other sleeping girls on one of the bunk beds. Jo and Kat share one while me and Ann share one.

"Hmm, too slutty, too girly, WAY too sparkly... AHA!" She takes out a floral top, some skinny jeans, and some short, brown boots. This is not something I would normally wear... Maybe the boots but the outfit isn't totally me. Actually, to be honest I'm still surprised this school doesn't have a uniform.

"Do you have anything with, let's say, the colour black?" She pauses before returning to her closet. She comes out about ten minutes later with a dark grey-almost black top, some light coloured skinny jeans, black Vans and a flannel. I smile, (yes, a genuine smile) and head in the bathroom to put it on.

Annie was already ready when I got out of the shower, and let me tell you Annie is a very pretty girl. She had wavy, light brown hair and beautiful teal eyes that resembled the ocean.

After I get dressed, she starts to work on my hair. I argue with her not to, but she refused to let me listen. I couldn't exactly threaten to stab her because, let's face it, it's Annie.

She started loosely curling my hair. She applies minimal makeup, because I didn't want it to be caked on my face. I slip on my shoes.

"Hmm... needs something more." Annie says while rummaging through her things. I stop her.

"No, it's okay. I can just wear my watch." I say, putting on my black watch I wore yesterday. Then it was time to wake the rocks. Oh how I wish I could be them. I'm not exactly a morning person. At all. I can't really survive the morning without a cup of coffee but we don't have a coffee machine and I can't afford coffee every single day, so I guess everyone else is going to have to deal with a pissy Clove.

"Let's get some water. They won't wake up otherwise." I suggest as we get two buckets and fill them with ice cold tap water.

"I'll get Jo while you get Kat." Annie says and I climb on the ladder to get to Katniss.

"Three." I start.



The two sleeping girls get soaked with ice cold water. Katniss shrieks, while Johanna has her tomahawk ready to kill the person (seriously how did she get that on campus..?) I chuckle lightly.

"You two jackasses did this to us?" Johanna says while she squeezes the water out of her hair.

"You wouldn't have woken up." Ann says.

"Just get ready." I say and jump off the top bunk. I decide to go over to my guitar and tune it, then I place it on the stand. I get out my knife collection, weird I know, and I hang up the frame on the wall, which holds an array of expensive throwing knives. I hold up my favorite, a small blade with a wicked curve, and I smile. I used this to scare one of my old friends from my old school in England as a prank. It was really funny. I don't remember his name though. I think it started with a J? Jerome? Yeah. (Once again, the rules at this school are pretty fricken loose... I said they were for 'self defense'. Ha. Self defense my ass.)

I put the knife back in its place and take out a sketch pad, so I can draw for the next half hour before school. I decide to draw a rose,with a hand carefully plucking the petals off one by one. I write in cursive,
He Loves Me
He Loves Me Not...

I don't know what my inspiration was, but it was probably my old boyfriend, Eddie. We decided that a long distance relationship wasn't going to work, and an hour later he gets with my best friend, Patricia. I slapped that boy so hard...

I'm not the best with emotions; I bottle them up and they only come out when the thick glass of the bottle shatters. As much as I hate to admit it, I get jealous quite easy. He was a huge flirt.

Anyways, that situation shattered the bottle. I don't trust a whole lot of people at all. But I'm not going to let another stupid boy do that again. It's just not worth it and I'm not that weak. It doesn't matter now; I've gotten over it. But I mindlessly sketch my emotions.

"I didn't know you draw." Katniss sits down next to me and I jump slightly and immediately close the sketch pad. "I don't." I lie.

"Looked like it to me."

"I don't."

"Looked good to me."

"You have very low standards if you think a blank sheet of paper is art."

"Let me see it."




"PLEEAAAAASEE?" Katniss looks at me with puppy eyes.

"NO!" I yell. She frowns, not dropping the stupid puppy dog eyes. I glare at her.

"Fine!" I groan tossing the sketch book in her direction. She flips through the pages, staying longer on one with a forest scenery. "These. Are. Amazing!" She exclaims while th roughing her arms in the air. "We MUST show the others!"

I shake my head and snatch the stretch pad out of her hands. "No."

"Aw why not?"


️Jo comes in the room and looks miserable.

"Can we go get some Starbucks with our extra 15 minutes? There's one on District 1 road." Johanna says. I immediately perk up at the idea of getting caffeine in my system.

"We can go in my car." I offer.

Everyone agrees and I grab my small leather backpack that I bought in England. It has a key chain with Nina's necklace charm, for our old little club we had. I chuckle at the memory and we head outside into the car.

We get in my car and pull into the parking lot for Starbucks. We head in and I order a simple coffee with two sugars. The girls and I head back to the school and meet up with the others. I gladly sip my steaming coffee as Marvel walks up with Glimmer and has his arm wrapped around her.

"Finally had the guts to ask her out, eh Marv?" Peeta wiggles her eyebrows.

He nods his head, I'm guessing too happy to glare at Peeta for mentioning that. No one has told me anything, but I can observe quite well. It seems that they tease each other for who they like... quite a lot at the looks of it. L

We have about five minutes before the first bell, and I decide to check my schedule for the first time. I probably should have done this sooner, but a procrastinator like me always does things later than sooner.

Locker: 202

Period 1: Science with Beetee rm 301

Period 2: English with Trinket rm 312


Period 3: P.E. with Enobaria and Brutus gym

Period 4: Math with Abernathy rm 212

Period 5: Art and Textiles with Cinna rm 118


Period 6: Drama/Music with Trinket rm 312

Period 7: History with Heavensbee rm 230

Not too bad. But I have Trinket twice.

"Why do I have Trinket twice?" I ask.

"Oh she does two classes. Drama and English. Poor you, she's kind of strict." Annie explains.

"What does everyone have first?"

We go around the group saying our schedules. I surprisingly have the exact same schedule as Katniss and Cato. Guess I get no break from braid master or blondie. How uncreative is this school with shuffling students and assigning them to various classes?Everyone has the same drama/music period.

Me, Katniss, Annie, Cato, Finnick, and Peeta have science with Beetee first. Marvel has science with Crane, and the rest have something else.

The bell rings and I head off to my locker. Apparently, me and Finnick have lockers right next to each other. "Locker buddies!" He exclaims, and I half-heartedly laugh.

"Yay.. Locker buddies..." I state, unenthusiastically. He doesn't seem to notice my tone, and we just head off to our first class.

"By the way, Beetee is extremely boring. You'll be lucky to get through 1 minute with his teaching. Also his tests are extremely hard." Finnick says as we enter the classroom. Everyone is sitting in a certain desk, probably assigned, and Beetee walks up to me.

"Hi you must be new. Just stand up here and let me introduce you in just a minute." he walks over to his desk and picks up his cell phone and dials a number. He sets the phone down thirty seconds later. I lean against the wall behind me.

Everyone quiets down when he walks up in front of the room.

"Good morning class." Beetee starts. "We have a new student," he pauses for me to say my name. I don't, and he gets a little mad. "Please say your name." he instructs me.

"Ooh you wanted me to talk. Okay. Your name." I answer using the worst dad joke of all time. Despite that, the class erupts in laugher.

"Miss Kentwell you will say your name or its detention for you on your first day here.

"Well, you sort of said my name there... But I'm Clove."

"Thank you. Now go sit in the back next to Peeta and Cato." I walk towards the back of the room and some blonde girl sticks her foot out. I see in time and I step right over it. She kicks me in the shin and turns to the front again. I grimace at the blonde girl who is looking at her precious acrylic nails. It would be a shame if someone ripped those off her manicured hands....

I take a seat in my assigned spot and Peeta gives me a warming smile. He smirks at Cato, and Cato quietly mumbles, "Shut up."

I sit through an entire hour of him going on and on about what we will be learning, and I nearly fall asleep multiple times. Hitting my head on the desk once after my head slipped out of my hand.

The bell rings, and I'm off to English. Cato and Katniss walk with me to the English classroom, and I almost die from laughter because of Trinket's clothes. She's wearing a pink wig. A PINK wig. Trinket has the stupidest outfit on as well. Her heels are pretty tall, and she has to shuffle to not fall over.

Me and Cato stifle a laugh, but I didn't do as well because I'm standing there, laughing right in her face. Katniss immediately slams her hand over my mouth and continue to walk in the room. Trinket eyes me suspiciously before continuing her life as a cupcake.

I choose a desk between my two friends, and I slam my backpack on the table.

"MS. KENTWELL!" Ms.Trinket roars and shuffles over to me.

"That. Is. MAHOGANY!"

//A/N I know it's kind of shitty, but hey, I updated.

So how was your Christmas?

What did you get?

What did you have for desert?
I had Apple pie, I love apple pie....

Question of the day: What should I call you?


((I remember asking that like four times. I forgot when I picked the stay alive thing my but it works.

Stay alive my little tributes))


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