Billionaire's Toy

By Archsxz

151K 4.5K 1.5K

Would you go against your pride and dignity in exchange of money? "I told you stay away from us. From me, did... More

Chapter | I
Chapter | II
Chapter | III
Chapter | IV
Chapter | V
Chapter | VI
Chapter | VIII
Chapter | IX
Chapter | X
Chapter | XI
Chapter | XII
Chapter | XIII
Chapter | XIV
Chapter | XV
Chapter | XVI
Chapter | XVII
Chapter | XVIII
Chapter | XIX
Chapter | XX
Chapter | XXI
Chapter | XXII
Chapter | XXIII
Chapter | XXIV
Chapter | XXV

Chapter | VII

7.3K 211 58
By Archsxz

"We'll drop by some other time, hmm?" Jean gave Charles a one last hug, preparing to leave. "If it wasn't for your dad, i would like to stay here with you longer. Unfortunately, i don't have the last say."

"It's okay, mom. You really should go, it's a pretty long drive back." He gave her a light pat and shot a smile towards Richard who's patiently waiting in the car. "Oh, Jordan wanted to give you these by the way."

"Uhuh, you sure he's not the one you wanna introduce to us? I actually quite like him." She said, poking Charles' side teasingly while winking. "Oh, well. We'll be on our way. Don't forget to call, hmm?"

"We just met. We've known each other for like, less than a week mom." Besides, he's straight.

"Whatever you say. We'll be on our way, take care of yourself okay?" She lent in and pecked his cheeks, patting it lightly as she pulls away. "Bye!"

Charles smiled and waved as she retreated to the car. The sky is still bright, but the sun is starting to go down.

"Your dad seems scary.." Jordan whispered suddenly, making Charles jump from his sudden appearance.

"How long have you been here? You creep." Charles stepped back, keeping a short distance. "Next time, please keep your mouth zipped up. 'Boyfriend', really? Why address that crap like that?"

"Well, i didn't know that they don't know!" He defended briefly, before poking Charles' chest teasingly. "But i think it's only appropriate to call him that. Didn't you agree to smiley face already? I heard."

"Smiley face?"

"Uhuh. Such a shame, really. He seems posh and uptight. He's like a robot programmed to smile everytime. Kinda attractive tho." He shrugged.

"...ew..." Charles got confused even more when he saw him lick his lips sensually. "I'm starting to think that you're not as straight as you says. You really are so weird, you know that?"

"Ermm...that's not the point!" Now, Jordan was grateful for having a darker skin tone since it hides his blush. "So...did you accept it? The offer?"

"....I did."

That night,
Leblanc Residence;

"Why would you do that?" The lady was more than furious. Not only that Xànder probably made one of her acquaintances upset, now the ambience is also ruined. "Where's your manners, young man? I personally invited her here--"

"Then maybe you should stop inviting them here. Why did you even bother? I told you i'm not interested in her. Or anyone you want me to see."

"Still, that's not an excuse to be disrespectful! How am i gonna face her after that? You humiliated the poor girl in front of everyone!"

Earlier that day, Mrs Leblanc invited Jade for dinner, one of the elegant women who caught her interest and attention. Also one of the few ladies who stood out in her imaginary list of possibly furture daughter-in-law.

Of course, Ms Brookes accepted with such gratitude. The young lady is polished looking, prim and pretty. Like a beautiful doll sculpted to perfection and clear from any flaws. It's also obvious that she felt an attraction to her son as well, although it's one-sided.

At first, Xànder tried to ignore her presence, but her advances soon started bothering him a little too much. If his mother thinks this lady is somewhat a shimmering furbished gemstone, to him she's nothing but a cheap plastic rhinestone.

"Hey, Xànde--"

"I refuse to let any person whom i don't share any connection with, to call me by my first name. So it's either you to talk to me formally, or don't talk to me at all."

"Oh? But don't you think it's only appropriate to start cutting the formalities since we're being paired?"

"Who told you we're being paired?" He gave his mother a look, which she responded with a warning glare. Though both women in the table are tensed because of Xànder, Milliard seemed to be having a good time observing. "You can start giving up that dream since i will not even consider even befriending you. Disgusting, fucking leech."

"Excuse me? Wha--"

"I don't know if you're just a little empty in the head but if you really can't understand, you can call this a rejection. You may leave, and never show me your face again."

Since there was a guest, most of the maids and helpers we're in the room ready to serve. Xànder's voice was loud and well-projected as well. It wasn't his intention to shame, but he didn't regret anything he did.

"She's bluntly flirting, too. How come she's the only one allowed to be straightforward?" He rolled his eyes. "You wanted me to start seeing that parasite? Raise your standards."

"My standards were high, that's why i picked her of all people!" She wanted to pop off and just explode, but she knew she's also to be blame why he grew up like this. "Why do you keep acting like this? You're no longer a teen! And i'm doing this only for you!"

"I didn't ask you to do anything for me. I don't need any of this. I don't need you." Those words pierced through Mrs Leblanc's heart, so hard that she shed a tear. Though, what broke her down is when Xànder stood up and started walking away. Though, before he exits the lattice;

"No, if you want me to stop looking out for you, then act like your age and be responsible enough--"

"Being responsible isn't about dating and starting relationships. I know that to you, i'm just a lost wreck who can't move forward from their beloved's death, but you're wrong. I'm more than that." He said, glancing back at her, then on Milliard. "You don't even know me that well, you just rely on what people say about me. What a great mother you are."

Milliard felt uncomfortable witnessing that. She pity the poor woman for being treated poorly but seeing his cousin like this made him feel a sensation of triumph. It only ignited more when Xànder walked out.

"I know that i'm probably just a hitch here and my opinion doesn't mean anything but maybe inviting a colleague out of the blue was a little over the line." Milliard mumbles, constantly sipping his iced tea on a wine glass. "He needs a handful of work on that attitude."

"How am I supposed to know when i'm pushing too hard?" She sighed, glancing on the table gloomily. "He changed so much after that incident. I hardly know him these days."

"Maybe take it easy on him, yeah?" Milliard shrugged, pushing his chair back to stand up. "I don't know, but nothing can't be solve by motherly love, am I right?"

"He doesn't even seem to see me as a mother figure anymore."

"But I know you're very capable of finding a way, Aunt Aussie." He smiled, patting her back for encouragement. "So, is it still on? The shindig you're preparing?"

"But don't you think i'm pushing him too hard? It's his life afterall. I have no right to decide for him. Maybe i should just let him have his way..."

"But that's like spoiling him all over again..?" He said, slowly seating back. "I mean, he's used to always having it his way, that's why he acts like this when he doesn't. A little disciplining and guiding won't hurt him, right?"

"Yeah, but i'm just worried i might suffocating him with all these things i'm doing..." Guilt, that is what eating her right now. Lately, her relationship with her son had been rough and all the words being thrown at her pierces through her brain.

Having someone to guide you to the right path is great, but once you start being pulled to what you've been told to be right, it's only a matter of time for that grasp to be firm and hurtful. Soon you'll be throttled from it so hard that you'll want to break free. That's exactly what Xànder is doing.

"Well, suit yourselves. But if you need help in planning the event, i'm just always a call away."

Apartment Complex,
Jordan's Unit;

"So...he'll call?"

"He said so. I don't even know why i agreed, it's just...his words were somehow hypnotizing. I shouldn't have let him talk me out like that." Charles sighed, hitting his head with his wrist a few times as a self punishment for being dumb. "He said i don't have to do anything yet, but he'll call once there is."

"Oh, man. What kinda' shit did you got yourself into?" Jordan snickered, but partially worried for his friend too. Charles had been groaning for the past hour, staring onto the phone he was given before. He had it on silent because of the fear that the device might ring from calls and notifications. It once vibrated, but he was too scared to open it. "Eat. You'll feel better after."

"But my parents know! And they're expecting me to introduce my 'boyfriend' to them! As if i have one in the first place, i'm not even into men!" He ranted, pulling on his hair in panic.

"I am to blame for that. Don't beat yourself for it." Jordan handed him some leftover creampuffs and macaroons. "But why didn't you deny it? I know you make lots of stupid craps but this? Another level. Are you outta yo' head?"

"You're right. You are to blame." Charles rolled his eyes. "That guy, Milliard. He said it's better to just tell them."

"Your parents, it's better not to inform them about this deal as well." Milliard said, clicking his tongue and glancing away. "Your name and face might appear in articles and news. Just say that you have a male lover, so they wouldn't be too shock. But leave this deal out of your explanation."

"You mean..." Charles mumbled, looking up to the man only to meet his haunting jaded look, nodding. "Then how am i gonna explain it to them? And I don't want to be exposed to public, that's bull!"

"We can avoid some exposure, but being completely invincible is unattainable." He said, nodding once again as if he's having a inner conversation with himself. "I'll help you deal with those, there's no need to worry. I can even take some down, if that's what you prefer."

"....okay, I see...but what would you have me to do? You didn't actually specify things clearly."

"You don't have to worry about that yet. As for now, you can relax and ease your mind. Though, i'll make sure to inform you once I steadied everything. You still have the phone, right?"

Charles nodded.

"It's settled, then." He smiled from ear to ear. It was a close-lipped one but it resembled a Cheshire's. "I hope we work well as a team, Mr Monroe. I expect your cooperation and loyalty."

"...why do we have to do this again?"

"Everyone of us has at least one person that they despise. Envy, even." He said, his lips parting a little and letting the latter get a glimpse of those creamy porcelain teeth. "Don't you want to see them fall, Mr Monroe?"

" that's that." Charles sniffed, throwing a whole macaroon onto his already occupied mouth. "I didn't even gave him a concrete answer. He just assumed stuff and left li-- h-hey! What are you doing?!"

Jordan looked up innocently, tapping on his phone once again to take a photo. Then another, then once more with a flash--

"Stop, you bastard! Why are you taking pictures? Haven't heard of privacy and consent?!" He fumed, throwing the almost empty bag of macaroons onto Jordan.

"Ow, that hurts! Why you always violent?" Jordan said with a pout, massaging his now swollen forehead. "Sorry! I'm just tryna take pics 'cause you look cute! I mean, look, your cheeks are puffed here-- ow!"

"Delete those!" Charles screeched, standing on his feet and ready to pounce on Jordan to delete the scandalous images himself.

"Okay! okay, fine! Just-- no, keep yo' distance! Don't-- AHH!"

"Give me!" Charles screamed, coming for the mobile phone but Jordan turned the screen off before he can even snatch. "Wha--hey, you better type in your password or else i'll skin you alive to make some chips!"

"Ew, nasty-- o-okay! Careful, you might break my things!" He complied, not by typing the password in but by fingerprint scanning. "There! I'll delete it, please get off me!"

"No, delete it first! Who knows what you'll do to those, you maniac!"

"Okay, done! Move, I can't breathe--!" After disposing the images, he pushed the smaller male off him as he really needs to inhale. "The fuck, are you try'na kill me?! What are you thinkin' pouncing on me like that? You ain't that light!"

Jordan had a sour look on his face, probably the first time he got annoyed at Charles. Though, Charles didn't seem to notice since his attention is focused on something else at the moment.

"...who's that?" Charles frowned, staring at Jordan's phone screen. It's displaying a muscular shirtless man of color wearing an officer cap, black shades and very transparent lace shorts. "Why do you have that as your wallpaper?"

"Huh? What are you talki--" oh shit. "Err--i dunno, why is that my wallpaper? Haha~?" He nervously laughed, snatching his phone and hiding it inside his pocket.

Is he..? Charles thought, but assuming things based on a single image is quite wrong. Can Jordan's fidgeting be considered as a sign, too? If he wants to keep it hidden, then he shouldn't be this obvious. What an idiot, he needs to attend acting workshops.

"..sorry, I overreacted..." Still, he decided to let it go. It wasn't his business, anyway. It probably wasn't ideal to push. Just let him collect his thoughts first. "Anyways, i should probably go. It's getting late."


"...and um...your place is nice...goodnight, see you tomorrow." He pushed himself up, also taking his phone and the macaroon bag he threw earlier before heading to the door.

"..wait..." Jordan caught his wrist with a tight grip. He had his head down, purposely avoiding Charles' gaze in shame. "I know what you're thinking...but it's not what you think it is..!"

"Hey, don't get too worked up." Charles crouched down onto the floor, facing Jordan. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I don't really care about what your...preference is. Besides, it's none of my business. Just...don't fantasize over me, that's weird."

"I never did! Yeah, i'm into men...but not only men! Girls are hot too, y'know?" Jordan awkwardly scratches his head, slowly looking up only to see Charles trying to hold back his laughter. "What's so funny?"

"Pfft--so you like your man big and buffed, huh?" Charles snickered.

"Hey, i do have a thing for muscles but that's not something to laugh about! You meanie, as if you don't have a potential sugar daddy and smiley face chasing yo' ass!"

"Excuse me? Sugar daddy? Ew, i would never stoop that low. I don't even swing that way. And even if I do, those two pricks would never be my type. Xànder is a fucking uneducated dick who thinks so highly of himself and the other one is just straight up creepy and weird like you."

"Like me? Tch, you know, i'm actually thinking about making you my official best friend but now i'm reconsidering it. If Xànder's a dick, then you're an asshole. You two go together, am I right?"

"No, that correlation is disgusting." Charles gagged, rolling his eyes at the same time. "Don't say lousy things like that, you're making me lose my appetite here. Do you want me to punch--hmm?"

Charles looked down upon his hand where his vibrating phone is, seeing Milliard's contact Id.

"Huh? Why? What's with the-- oh~" Jordan stared at Charles, observing his reaction. "I mean, you don't have to answer it."

Charles was dumbfounded at the moment, fingers aligning with the red circle ready to decline. Like what Jordan said; i don't have to answer.

Though, just declining wouldn't do the trick. From the looks of it, Milliard is pretty persistent. If he want to keep him off his back, then he should set his words straight.

It's not too late to back out, right?

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