adore you // [h.s]

By lawleyxstyles

131K 2.6K 312

He placed his hands on the side of my face before he pulled me in for a kiss. I stared into his eyes as I la... More

Meet the Characters
Epilogue - 2


1.1K 32 0
By lawleyxstyles


Things have been different ever since we went to Antelope Canyon. I can see a change occurring in Harry and it almost makes my stomach twist into knots.

I don't know if I did something without realizing or if it was all the stress weighing down on him. I could feel him pulling away from me and I felt so hopeless. I felt like we were in the exact same boat we were in when we first started.

Harry walked around the house, getting everything ready for work today. I had tried speaking to him, but he barely responded. He would just hum or nod his head. I just stopped talking because it was obvious that he didn't want to speak to me.

I noticed Harry went to walk out the front door without even telling me goodbye which really hurt my feelings.

"Have a good day," I said, pushing a smile onto my face. He turned around with a blank expression, he could barely even fake a smile. "Can we talk later?"

"Won't be home until late." He shrugged before he stepped outside, "M'Sorry." He pressed his lips together in a flat line. He didn't say anything else before he shut the door behind him.

What the hell is going on? Harry has been distant before, but he's never been so cold. I have never seen him act this way before. Was it all the stress? Was it all finally catching up to him? Or was he desperately trying to push me away? Does he not want me anymore?

I sat in the living room allowing my mind to wonder which was probably a huge mistake, but here we are. I just wanted answers, but how was I supposed to get them when he wouldn't talk to me?

Maybe I should start looking for another place to stay just in case everything goes south between us. I wouldn't be able to stay here if he ended things, it would be too awkward.

I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had resting in my belly. It hasn't even been a week since we went to Antelope Canyon. He was fine Sunday, but Monday it was like I had a different Harry. He started dodging my phone calls, taking hours and hours to answer my texts, not speaking to me when he was home.

I didn't understand how he could change so fast. I honestly don't believe that I did anything to him. Actually, I know for a fact I haven't done anything. I haven't really seen him since Sunday and we spent most of that day driving home.

I needed to talk to Mitch or Sarah. They would know if anyone did. They would be the only ones, Harry tells them everything.

Hey, do you think we could meet up at some point today? I really need to talk to someone.

Sarah Jones(2);
Of course! I have to meet the boys at noon, would you want to meet at three?
I could meet you at Robeks!!

That sounds lovely, thank you so much <3

It felt good to know I could always count on Sarah. I'm just praying that she could answer some of my questions about Harry. She was my only hope at this point.


I kept a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel the entire way to Robeks. I don't know why I was so anxious, it was Sarah. She would always be honest with me, but I know that the truth hurts. Maybe that's why I was so anxious. Maybe I didn't want answers to my questions.

I walked to the door, seeing Sarah's figure sitting with her back facing me. I opened the door to hear the bell chime, letting the workers know that a customer had arrived. I was greeted with a warm smile and 'Hi, welcome to Robeks!'

I sat down across my Sarah. She laid her phone down to give me her full attention.

"You look lovely." She complimented. I smiled while looking down at my clothes. I was dressed in ripped jeans, an old shirt with a white long sleeve shirt under, and an old pair of combat boots.

"You look lovely as well." I complimented her back which caused her to smile.

"I didn't tell Harry I was meeting you." She blurted out, "I didn't know if he knew or not, and I didn't want him to freak out if he didn't know. I know he can be a bit dramatic sometimes." I chuckled. She wasn't wrong. Harry has always had a flair for the dramatic, but how could you not adore him?

"I actually needed to talk about him, so no he doesn't know. Thank you for not telling him." She nodded. I watched her whole demeanor change whenever I said I needed to talk about Harry.

Does she know something that I don't? Am I about to hurt my own feelings?

"Harry has been very cold with me this past week. I can deal with him being distant because I know that he does that sometimes, but I can't handle him being so cold towards me. He ignores my phone calls, my texts, hell he even ignores me most of the time. I'm lucky if he will speak to me in complete sentences anymore."

I tried to examine the expression plastered on her face, but I couldn't get anything from it. She didn't look the slightest bit surprised, but I could see a little bit of concern peeking through.

"I tried to push it off at first. I thought maybe it was something to do with how much stress he is under, but I really don't think it is. Then I thought I did something wrong, but the more I thought about it I know I didn't do anything." I sighed, propping myself up on my elbows. "I have no clue what's going on, but I feel like I'm losing him. I feel helpless."

"Love, Harry is weird. He doesn't think everything all the way through, he never has. I don't think he would intentionally hurt you, I really don't." Sarah had such a soothing voice. I adored her accent. "Have you tried to talk to him about this at all?"

"He won't talk to me. He just hums and shrugs. I asked him if we could talk whenever he got home tonight and he said 'won't be home until late, 'm sorry." I mocked his accent as I rolled my eyes.

I was frustrated to say the least. I was a mix of emotions right now, but I was scared to show it. I hated showing how upset I was to someone. It's always been hard for me to be vulnerable to someone.

"I can feel Harry pulling himself away from me. I know it sounds so stupid, but I can't lose him. I've put so much of myself into him, into being with him. I would be completely lost without him." I could feel my body start to shake while I fought back the tears, "Has he talked to you any?"

She just looked at me for a moment. I could see it in her eyes, there was something that she wasn't telling me. Sarah wouldn't be the one to hurt my feelings, maybe I should've called Mitch. He would've been very honest with me. Maybe I won't handle the truth.

"Harry hasn't been himself in a couple of days actually." She admitted, "I think he is under a lot of stress right now and he doesn't know how to deal with it. Maybe you should give him some space, let him figure some things out. I don't think that you've done anything wrong, and I don't know what's going with him." I nodded, fighting back tears. "Mitch and I are going up to an art museum tomorrow, why don't you come with us? It'll be fun and it will get your mind off everything."

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on you all. Would Mitch even want me to come?"

Sarah gave me the 'are you kidding me?' look. "Mitch and I love you. We would both love for you to come. We will come to get you in the morning."

Before I could say anything, Sarah's phone started buzzing against the table.

"It's Harry. I'm probably needed." I nodded while she pulled herself out of the chair, "I won't tell him about this, I think you all need to sit down and talk about it within the next few days."

"Thank you for meeting me," I said, standing to my feet.

"Anytime love." Sarah pulled me in for a hug. She waved goodbye then disappeared outside.

I let out a deep sigh. I knew that something was off, but I didn't know what it was. I didn't really get answers to any of my questions, but maybe that's for the best. I don't know if I would've been able to hear her say 'Harry is thinking about leaving you' or 'Harry doesn't want to be with you anymore.' I would've fallen apart.

What the hell is going on?

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