lovesick ➳ destiel oneshots

By douxdestiel

9.9K 342 248

Destiel oneshots! A lot of these prompts will either be found online or some I'll base off of episodes. Mostl... More



307 16 1
By douxdestiel

description: Cas watches Dean sleep.

note: Day ten of my thirty day writing challenge! A third of a way done!

words: 1,146

"'Night Sammy, 'night Eileen." Dean yawned as he walked through the hallway, his footsteps creaking and heaving into the old, wooden floor.

Sam and Eileen were sitting at one of the three tables by the library, laughing together as they were drinking a pair of beers. Dean decided that he had enough that night and decided to go to sleep. He had a long day of hunting with the both of them, tracking down a wraith who was killing straight A-students at a community college.

They had managed to track it down by following the guy's footsteps. He would go into the college when there were smaller classes going on, seduce one of the students, and suck the brain fluids out of their skull with their spike located in the inside of their wrist. Each victim had the same mark behind its ear so they knew what they were looking for. Eventually, they saw his true form walking by him with a mirror in the hallway, and they killed him immediately before he could hurt anybody else.

Wraiths were disgusting, in Dean's opinion, and their true form wigged him out. He was happy he got the final blow by piercing it with silver, since he had cut Eileen with his spike. Dean liked Eileen a lot, and he was extremely happy that Sam found a girl like her. She was the sweetest person Dean had probably ever met, all while being a tough and fearless hunter as well.

"Goodnight, Dean!" Eileen smiled, she also signed the words, trying to teach Sam how to do the hand gestures as well. Sam had been working hard, trying to learn just for Eileen and just in case he met anybody else who was hard of hearing or deaf. 

Dean watched as they continued their conversation, Sam softly speaking as Eileen read his lips, and then she talked back in a very impressive voice, while signing the key words as well. Dean knew she was the one for Sam. They were both skilled hunters and would protect each other through everything. However, most of Sam's relationships never ended well. It took Sam a long time to find a girl after Jessica's death. The eldest hunter was very proud of his younger brother for overcoming her death and realizing it was never his fault, just like the death of their mother. None of it was Sam's fault yet that was what he told himself over and over. Eventually, he got over it and started "dating" girls again.

Brushing his teeth, Dean stared at himself in the mirror. After brushing them for the appropriate amount of time, he spat in the sink and got a glass of water, using the tap. He sipped most of it and gargled it, and spat that out too. He splashed his face with the water and used his towel to dry himself off.

He left the bathroom, looking around his own room, just feeling an eerie, odd ambiance in the room. Almost as if there was nobody there. Dean had had feelings where he felt like he was being watched, but it was mostly just Sam sitting in a chair, glancing at him every now and again, waiting for him to wake up when he was asleep. Other than that, he didn't think anybody watched him. But he liked the feeling of feeling secure. 

He peeled his tight, black t-shirt off, and began unbuckling his belt, only for himself to be left with in his underwear. Appropriate attire for a man going to sleep, Dean thought. Running his fingers through his hair, he sat down at the side of his bed, setting his alarm on his watch for a suitable time. He checked underneath his pillow to make sure his gun was under there. Falling asleep was hard but he eventually managed to do so by humming himself Metallica and Led Zeppelin to calm himself. He wasn't necessarily on edge, but he usually was very alert most of the time. So singing and humming to himself usually made him sleepy.

A sudden swoosh filled the air as Dean went into a slumber. An angel stood at the foot of his bed, watching Dean as he was tangled up in his blanket, his legs sticking out in an unnatural position, his right arm underneath the pillow. 

Silently, Cas made sure that Dean was breathing and he checked the room for hex bags and any other things that might make the hunter in trouble. That was what Cas did every single night, making one hundred percent sure that he was okay and in bed. If not, the angel didn't know what he would do. He wouldn't be able to do anything if he didn't know for certain. He was safe, which was the usual quota of every night.

But he had to make sure. So he stayed for a couple of hours. Dean was so cozy in his sleep, sometimes tossing and turning while dreaming. But that was normal. The angel eventually sat down on his chair, losing track of time. 

Cas was in love with the hunter. He always had been. The angel practically called dibs on the hunter after his Father had told him that there was a pure soul in hell that needed saving. There were hundreds if not thousands of others who wanted to as well, but Cas was determined. He had always wanted to save somebody and be their guardian angel. He wished loving a human was simple though. It had more cons than it did pros. If anybody, probably even Dean, found out, he would be ridiculed and mocked by his heavenly family and his earthly family.

He didn't want to think about the consequences if he gave into his feelings, though. It would probably be catastrophic. He noticed how Sam looked at the both of them, almost as if he knew something was going on. But there wasn't anything. Cas was for certain. The angel saw how the hunter looked into his eyes so passionately that it made his head spin, or the way he hugged him for too long to comfort him.

At about six o'clock, Cas heard a humming of synchronized beeps, coming from over across the room where Dean was. He stirred awake and Cas immediately flew away, disappearing with the familiar sound.

Dean thought he was insane, he heard that noise every time he woke up, so it must've been him. He wished that Cas was in the bed next to him, waking him up with kisses and snuggles and whispers. But there was nobody next to him. He was alone.

He could only dream of sleeping with an angel.

Oh wait. He did.

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