Bates Lane || Narry AU

By Dianarry_

16.8K 793 208

"Beware of the man who lives on Bates Lane." More

The Dark Legend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Black. Lives. Matter.
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Announcements !
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn

Chapter eight

539 28 2
By Dianarry_

I woke up that morning from the sound of our with my face in Harry's chest and him asleep in a half way sitting position with his arm over my chest.

Okay this is weird.

I sit up moving his arm softly before reaching over and turning off the alarm. Once I settled back into the bed I sat there and stared at Harry as his lips were parted slightly and he had small but cute snores escaping.

He looked very relaxed and harmless.

I felt a bit creepy looking at him like this but I couldn't help but notice Mr. Styles was kind of hot. I've never looked at him in that sense because he was my teacher. Plus I got this whole bisexual situation going where I'm not even sure if I like dick really and experimenting with in the closet dudes isn't cool.

"Why the hell are you staring at me?" Harry's deep morning voice rings through my ears interrupting my inner thoughts.

Whoa, he sounds sexy as hell

Wait stop Niall! This is your history teacher and currently some guy you helped commit a crime, not a potential life partner

Well technically as a graduate he isn't my teacher anymore

But he was literally a month ago Niall catch a grip.

"Shit. Sorry I was zoned out." I say scrambling for an excuse trying to hide my blushed cheeks by looking down.

He crosses his arms and closes his eyes again leaning his head back against the headboard before he sighed. I continued to stare but subtly because why not? I'm already fantasizing-about him snogging my face off we might as well

"Get dressed and stop staring at me." He says sternly and I snap out of my fantasy before I turn and jump out of the bed.

Teacher Harry was back and ready to boss me around. I got up and got dressed wearing a hoodie and sweats followed by some vans Harry had. He soon waited for me to get dressed before he started packing things up by the door. I could see grab our phones and place them in a ziploc bag and wrap them around tinfoil before putting them in the suitcase.

He catches me and I frown at his actions.

"Can't detect the phone." He say and I nod understanding before I joined in on helping him. We soon got the luggage to the front door where sooner or later the sketchy dude came through.

"Okay we have exactly thirty minutes to get you on a plane and out of here." He says to us and I look to see Harry holding that emotionless expression on his face again.

I reach over and touch his arm looking at him concern. He coldly looked at me before going with Liam to put the stuff in the car. I sighed knowing Harry was just overwhelmed and trying to stay calm and go with the flow.

I followed them both and tried to help as well before Harry stopped me.

"Get in the car." He instructs and I roll my eyes.

Okay bossy Harry is gonna make me snap.

"Who died and put him in charge? Oh wait!" I mumble angrily to myself as I stomped to the car and got in the backseat. This is honestly so irritating how weird and different he can be. This isn't at all attractive.




Back at home Louis and Zayn sat on the hood of his car drinking four lokos staring ahead at the house in front of them. Both were distraught and tired after looking everywhere and hearing the devastating news.

Everyday they went to check on the Horan family and try themselves to contact Niall but it seemed like he fell off the face of the earth. They almost couldn't live with themselves after figuring out Ammiel Keaton had died in the riot and dumped in the lake.

Maybe Niall was dead too they thought but neither brought it up. They sat on the hood looking at the very crime scene filled with trash, vandalism and broken windows. The town came by and destroyed this mansion from the outside due them not being allowed inside but they weren't there to cause damage.

They were there to try and cope with the fact that their friend may be gone.

"Do you think he's dead?" Louis asks taking a sip from his drink before he turned to look at Zayn who was smoking.

"No! What- Louis why would you say that?" Zayn exclaims at his blunt friend.

"I meant Mr. Styles." He reassures his friend before he settles down.

"It wouldn't make any sense." He says back to Louis knowing there were so many possibilities at this moment with them not knowing anything.

"I mean they didn't find his body. They found Ammiel's." He retorts.

"So what? Maybe he's not in that lake?" Louis says and Zayn quickly cuts him off.

"Louis. It's pretty obvious. Mr. Styles didn't kill himself. It was a cover." Zayn tells him before he took a long hit. Louis who was worried for his friend took the drug from him and put it out.

"Can we be positive for Niall please? For all we know he could be somewhere hurt and astray waiting for us and we have already made up in our minds that he's dead." Louis curses before taking a sip of the drink he had before slamming it on the ground.

His head was spinning nonetheless when he heard Zayn sobs. But he was so broken himself that he couldn't think straight.




"Niall do you want a happy meal?" Harry asked me from the front seat as we were parked next to the menu at McDonald's minutes away from the airport.

"Do I look like a fucking child to you?" I snap and Harry didn't even flinch at my coldness before he takes a deep breath.

"What do you want then?" He asks crossing his arms. I shrug before I look to the mic with the brightest smile.

"Can I have a happy meal, with a boy toy?" I ask sweetly before I could hear Harry face palms himself cursing at himself for me being difficult.

Well honestly if he wasn't so bossy and trying to all of the sudden be some big huge man leader person after crying in my arms twice, maybe I'd ease up.

"We have fifteen minutes." The creep man says before I roll my eyes. Before I could say anything that when I heard Harry speak up.

"Don't rush him." He says trying to be discreet but I heard him. That little gesture kind of made me blush but I was still irritated with him.

After we got our food we made it to the plane on time. We made it out to the field where the private plane sat with two men standing outside of it and one looked as if he were the pilot. We let the other guys collect our things along with creepy guy to load it on the plane while we simply headed over to get on.

Harry grabbed my arm pulling me in his direction as we walked over to the pilot.

"We have to show him our information so he knows it's legit." I say and he passes me my passport. I open the small book and see the picture of me next to the name Chad Nordoff.

"Who the fuck is ch-"

"Hello captain." Harry says to the man as we approach him. I quickly close the booklet and smile at him trying to act as if nothing was wrong even though I couldn't help but wonder why we could keep our regular names.

"Hey guys! Wonderful weather for flying huh?" He says placing his hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun as he looks up to the sky and back to Harry.

"Yes. It's very beautiful." Harry says and reaches his hand out to shake the pilots hand and I follow suit.

"I hear it's raining in London. We're supposed to have a pretty rocky landing but trust me, I'll get you there safe and sound." The man says letting his hand touch Harry's shoulder patting him.

The mans suit was crisp and white along with his hat on his Snow White hair. He reminded me of Captain crunch on a cereal box but I didn't want to be rude.

"When is it not raining in London?" Harry says is a joking manner making him and the pilot erupt into laughs leaving me to awkwardly laugh on the side.

"You're funny. And very handsome. Just like your boyfriend here." The pilot says looking to me with a small wink and then back to Harry.


God this man may be older than I thought? Maybe he was a flight fighter in Vietnam and he lost his sight or something. There's no way Harry and I look like a couple. It's too weird. I'm practically still his student.

"Oh yes. He is very handsome." Harry says smiling to me briefly before turning back to the pilot. I frown before thanking him.

"Well I'm gonna get the ship ready. You boys get settled in." He says and tips his hat off to us and disappears into the plane leaving me and Harry.

I quickly turn to him to smack his chest which made him laugh. He probably already knew I was complaining about him calling us a couple.

"What? He's old! Let him think what he wants." Harry says between me and my soft attempts at hitting him.

"Now he's gonna think we're together!" I say hitting him a final time before Harry takes out some sunglasses and puts them on before smiling.

"I'm not complaining." He says and then pats my side before walking behind me to board the plane as I stand there confused as to what just happened before I too boarded the plane.

I wave bye to creepy man and head onto the plane before the door eventually closed and took a look around at the interior. God I sometimes can't believe how lavish Harry lives to be a history teacher.

I mean the Creme leather seats and the flatscreen tv. Crystal champagne glasses and soft carpet. Even the chairs with reclining and soft.

I sat down and reckoned mine right away to sink down in the seat to relax directly across from Harry.

"Hey do you mind checking your phone for the news? I think mine is still dead." Harry asks me as he flips through some magazine he had in his hands reading through sunglasses before pointing to mine sitting in a bag ahead of me.

Yknow because he's so smart.

"Sure." I murmur before taking out the phone from the bag and turning it on. I could lowly hear Harry singing to himself as he flipped through catalogs before mine finally came on.

I unlocked it and searched for our towns newsletter of the day to be completely shocked.

"Missing boy: Niall Horan has been abducted by Town killer." I say out loud that had caught Harry's attention. He threw his magazine down and not long did his glasses follow.

"Killer?!" Harry says and rips the phone from my hands to look at the article. He starts to read and I could slowly see the tears forming in his eyes. I didn't even know to do as they fell onto his pink cheeks.

"They think I kidnapped you." He says barely above a whisper. His body looked frozen in shock. I stood up from my chair and wrapped my arms around his upper torso to feel him go weak in my arms.

"This is bad." He says and I rub his back as he so s into my chest.

God what else could go wrong now.


Everytime I ask myself that question I get excited because there is so much shit that could go wrong

How are you guys?

Comment on what you think should happen next

Love and kisses ;)

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*previously posted on @harrehstylesfan*