Sweet'N Low [Tweek x Clyde]

By st_op_cry_ing

16.3K 484 373

Clyde develops feelings for his best friend's EX. More

Plain Black Coffee (chapter 1)
Blondie (chapter 2)
"Loca Moca" (chapter 3)
Versace (chapter 4)
Go Cows! (chapter 5)
The Green Shirt (chapter 6)
Friday Sunset (chapter 7)
Feel at Home (chapter 8)
After the Game(chapter 9)
The Hat (chapter 11)
A Night With Bebe(chapter 12)
It's a Date? (chapter 13)
Get Away!(chapter 14)
Night at Token's (chapter 15)
What's Your Deal?(chapter 16)
Chocolate Chip Cookies (chapter 17)
Smirnoff (chapter 18)
Green Letterman (chapter 19)
We're a "Thing" (chapter 20)

Unknown Number(chapter 10)

698 19 14
By st_op_cry_ing

[Saturday night/ Sunday morning]

"C-clyde??" Tweek said as he felt the brunette hug him. Clyde's face was warm, and he just sorta rested his head on the space between Tweek's neck, and shoulders.

Clyde always got sleepy, and relaxed after a few drinks, so he decided since it was late it was a good time to go back to the room and sleep. "Tweaker- I think I'll go back to the room now.." he said still hugging the smaller boy's back.

Tweek turned around to Clyde's smug smile, he laughed. Tweek was also a little tipsy, but not to Clyde's extent yet.
"Alrighty, Clyde- I'll guide y-you back.." Tweek took the brunette by the hand, and walked him back to their room leaving their shirts, and the one third empty bottle of vodka next to the pool.

Tweek handed Clyde a fresh pair of clothes, and shoved him into the restroom so he could change. While Clyde changed in the restroom Tweek look in his backpack for something to change into himself. Since Tweek hadn't been to his own house for at least two days now he didn't really have his own clothes so he just borrowed some from Clyde. A few minutes later after changing Tweek sat on his bed looking through his phone, he was surprised to find he had been getting messages from an unknown number.

so now you're just running off like a slut? Who do you think you are? If I see your face in school I'll kill you
Tweek, or should I call you Tweaker?

Tweek dropped his phone and almost threw up on the bed.

"This is t-too much PRESSURE!" he said while throwing the phone across the room. "How could they know Clyde calls me Tweaker??" He said out loud as he pulled on his hair "They want to kill me-!"

Clyde came out of the shower in a rush with his hair, and clothes slightly wet. "Is something happening spaz~?" He said with as much concern as he could have in his drunk state.

Tweek looke around hiding his phone in his pocket, "I- uh, it's nothing.. it w-was just the TV heh.."

Clyde looked at Tweek.
"you look pale Tweaker-"

"Don't worry Clyde, it was just something scary I saw on the TV"
he said trying to give him the most reassuring smile he could in that moment.

"Well at least we're going back home tomorrow morning- " Clyde said as he laid back on his bed "I don't like Denver that much if I'm being honest, everytime I'm far away from our little mountain town I always miss it."

Clyde turned on the TV to a random channel, and it was game of thrones.
"Damn, I wonder when the dragons are coming-" he said, Tweek laughed and sat down next to him. Tweek got comfortable in the bigger boy's arms like he had been doing the past few nights. He blushed as the silence between them grew, and the sound from the TV filled the empty space.
He looked up at Clyde, who was now fully invested into plot. He listened as Clyde rambled on about how hot the princess was, and when the fuck the dragons were going to show up.

After a few hours of random conversations with the smaller boy, Clyde started to realize his feelings for the blonde were more then platonic. Clyde LIKE LIKED the blonde boy, and the sudden realization felt like a slap, how could he catch feelings for HIS friend's ex. Honesty Clyde was still a little confused about the whole situation with Craig, because he wasn't sure if they were still friends or not.

"Clyde it's sorta getting late now, so I'm gonna go to b-bed." Tweek said getting up from bed, and going to his own right next to Clyde's.

"Alrighty spaz~ look at you getting all sleepy, it's barely 3:30am~" Clyde teased.

"Sh-shut up Donovan-
if we don't sleep early, th-then you won't want to get up tomorrow~" Tweek said in an embarrassed voice.

"Oof, damn. You're probably right spaz."


After a half hour of "trying" to sleep Clyde realized it was just gonna be a sleepless night. He pulled out his phone and messaged Jimmy to entertain himself as he waited for the sun to rise. He was looking through Instagram's "dankmemes" hashtag. After he got bored he decided to stalk Tweek's Instagram account.
He looked through Tweek's comments and all the people that liked his posts, it was sorta sad, Tweek only got around 10 likes per picture.
Tweek sadly wasn't as popular as the brunette boy, but that didn't matter to him, he felt a connection for Tweek he had never felt for anyone before.

It was a little while late, around 5am when he heard a phone notification go off. He checked his messages because he was pretty sure it was his phone, but to his surprise it wasn't. Then he heard another one. He turned around to see that the notifications were coming from Tweek's phone. He felt curious about them but decided he wasn't gonna snoop around Tweek's personal business.


(Writer's note. I hope y'all are enjoying so far👌🏻 I'm sorry chapter 9 wasn't as good as the rest, I'll take my time to make decent content. Love y'all, stay safe.)

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