By lo28012

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We know this isn't supposed to be yet here we are, the two of us together taking this chance to be all alone... More

chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 17..
chapter 18
chapter 19...
chapter 20
chapter 21....
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25....
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36...
chapter 37...
chapter 38...
chapter 39...
chapter 40...
chapter 41
chapter 42...
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49

chapter 31

3.5K 235 38
By lo28012

REHAN: why are you staring at me like that khushi??

KHUSHI: am just wondering how I should murder you..... should I just murder you in your sleep or should I just

REHAN: khushi that's enough... it's not good for a baby to hear such words

KHUSHI: he is asleep

REHAN: which is why you shouldn't talk, you will wake him up

KHUSHI: you said you were taking him for a walk.... what kind of walk lasts two hours ???

REHAN: a long one

KHUSHI: rehan!!!! you always do this... you say your going to take him for a quick walk in the park and then you take hours to come back

REHAN: fine at first it was all about the walk but then I realized something ....ask me what


REHAN: just ask me

KHUSHI: fine what did you realise??

REHAN: statistics say 99.9% of women love babies and your baby is like a magnet...he is super cute, if he was a vegetable, he would be a cute-cumber.... get it.... cucumber......cute-cumber

KHUSHI: how am i related to you....????? Oh not.....

REHAN: just listen to me, do you know how many phone numbers I have gotten just by taking your son for a walk.....???

KHUSHI: no I don't

REHAN: I don't too...i lost count.... you know if an ugly woman approaches me he becomes my son.....which makes you my

KHUSHI: don't even finish that statement

REHAN: fine where was I??

KHUSHI: you were standing right there and I was standing right here

REHAN: no I was saying if an ugly woman approaches me he instantly becomes my son but if a hot woman approaches me he is my nephew who I like to take care of and love very much

KHUSHI: so you did all of this for women

REHAN: woman....i happen to be on a hunt for a wife

KHUSHI: rehan if all you wanted was to get a wife... all you had to do was ask me but don't worry once we reach India I will make it my responsibility to find you a bride..... some one made just for you

REHAN: really??

KHUSHI: of course, your my brother.... I would do anything for you..... it shouldn't be that hard.... I mean all I have to do is go to a mental institution and enter a psychiatric ward and I will find you your perfect match....

REHAN: can I escort you??

KHUSHI: what if you get locked up too??

REHAN: and we wouldn't want that.... just one question when you say you will search for my bride in a mental institution...are you referring to the patients admitted there or the doctors treating them?? Because I would love to marry a psychiatrist

KHUSHI: why would a doctor marry you???  Infact why would anyone with half a brain marry you.???

REHAN: for your information alot of women would die just to be in the same room as iam... just look at me khushi .....different women swoon over me: professors, doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers and .... ..hey where are you going Khushi??? Am still talking to you..... (he says as khushi walks towards the stroller and picking up her baby and walk towards the stairs)

REHAN: khushi i wasn't done talking

KHUSHI: i was done listening

REHAN: khushi

KHUSHI: just pack your bags .....we have a flight tommorow

REHAN: I thought you did it for me

KHUSHI: whatever gave you that idea?? Am not your wife

Mean while......

ARNAV: where is it??

DEV: i have no idea what your talking about

ARNAV: think harder

DEV: the human body isn't supposed to bend that way.....awww.......(dev screams as arnav is currently on his back and twisting his leg in all angles)

ARNAV: tell me where it is and i might consider letting you go....

DEV: over my dead body

ARNAV: that can be arranged

DEV: awww arnav i will tell you

ARNAV: start talking.....(he says as he gets off him and dev adjusts himself as he stands up facing him)

DEV: about what??

ARNAV: tell me where it is??

DEV: tell you where what is??

ARNAV: dev!!!

DEV: arnav!!!

ARNAV: if you dont tell me where it is, am going to hurt you in ways that haven't been invented yet

DEV: if they haven't been invented yet, how are you going to----

ARNAV: you really want to find out....

DEV: no

ARNAV: tell me where you put it

DEV: it depends

ARNAV: on what??

DEV: on what you mean by it...

ARNAV: if you don't wake up tommorow morning ....don't ask who is responsible.... just know it was me

DEV: but if i don't wake up how will i ask??

ARNAV: i said don't ask

DEV: how will i not ask?? If i dont wake up???

ARNAV: you will be too dead to care

DEV: its a long story

ARNAV: every story no matter how long or how short has a beginning.....start from there

DEV: you are gonna laugh...but

ARNAV: just tell me what you did with my paintings

DEV: my cousin's neighbour's sister's boyfriend's father has a---

ARNAV: dev! dev!

DEV: what???

ARNAV: your killing me...i dont need to know your cousin's neighbour's whatever .....what did you do with my paintings

DEV: fine i know someone who knows someone that knows someone and that someone is holding an art exhibition.... i gave them your paintings

ARNAV: you did what??

DEV: i said i know someone who knows som----

ARNAV: i heard you the first time

DEV: arnav

ARNAV: don't

DEV: arnav you have a talent is meant to be showcased...

ARNAV: dev when you spend your whole life being told you have no future being an artist you tend to believe father didn't want me doing this

DEV: so why did you start painting again??

ARNAV: i want it back

DEV: arnav

ARNAV: i just want one painting back....its special to me and you shouldn't have done that without my permission...

DEV: but i did.... art is meant to be seen

ARNAV: not had no right

DEV: i want to say am sorry but i won't

ARNAV: if i wasn't staying in your house....... i would kill you but then i would be the first suspect....

DEV: i don't want to sound mean but remember when you said you would stay here for 5 days------5 days have lasted 5 months

ARNAV: am still trying to figure things out

DEV: till when

ARNAV: don't tell me your tired of me

DEV: for one thing you have turned my house into an art gallery

ARNAV: i need that painting

DEV: why that one?

ARNAV: because its important to me

DEV: arnav he is going to display some of them at the art fair

ARNAV: well better hope its not one of them

DEV: on unrelated issues, are you finally ready to come back and become ceo again


DEV: arnav

ARNAV: dev the reason i gave you the power of attorney was so that i could figure out who iam without my fathers name

DEV: arnav

ARNAV: you have been doing a good job not ready to come back

DEV: arnav

ARNAV: call your cousin's whatever and ask for my paintings

DEV: but

ARNAV: dev i dont paint to get credit or praise....

DEV: then why do you do it?? Wait forget i asked...

ARNAV: why should i forget you asked?

DEV: because you might answer....Please dont answer begging you

ARNAV: i do it because, to paint is to show a bit of your soul....where words fail, colors and strokes convey...The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting....the happiness i feel when my imagination translates with my hands, the despair of a wrong brush stroke, the anxiety of using a new color, the confidence of a repeated brushstroke, the tension of a measured stroke, the---

DEV: arnav please stop there

ARNAV: don't interrupt asked me why

DEV: i get it you love to paint because of the emotions

ARNAV: its so much more than that....

DEV: someone help me

ARNAV: when i paint its like i have created myself a tiny bit more – and i actually can see more, feel more, because i have become more, by that tiny bit”.

DEV: someone kill me

ARNAV:When I look back at my drawings and paintings, I see a person so far and distant – that was once me.

DEV: are you done with your speech, did you practice this speech infront of a mirror....

ARNAV: the point is am content with who iam right have managed the company so well

DEV: even better than you

ARNAV: i wouldnt go that far.....the point is am happy with who iam right now.....

DEV: atleast you arent speaking about khushi....wait tell me the important painting wasnt the one of khushi

ARNAV: it wasn't

DEV: good

ARNAV: it was

DEV: but you just said it wasn't

ARNAV: because you asked me to

DEV: oh God

ARNAV: has she ever called you on your phone or email you

DEV: no

ARNAV: has she ever----

DEV: no no no and no to all your questions

ARNAV: but i didnt finish them

DEV: arnav when you talk about khushi you never finish so am leaving to save


REHAN: what are you doing here??

KHUSHI: i should be asking you that??

REHAN: but i asked first

KHUSHI: i cant fall asleep so i decided to quench my thirst and have a snack while at it

REHAN: you aren't pregnant again....are you??

KHUSHI: of course

REHAN: huh!!!

KHUSHI: of course not idiot

REHAN: that's a relief, i never want to relieve the day you gave birth to ansh.....

KHUSHI: rehan

REHAN: you know its okay if you dont want to go dont have to

KHUSHI: except i have to

REHAN: khushi

KHUSHI: your dad is sick

REHAN: you mean our dad

KHUSHI: pradeep is ill....the least we can do is free him from the burden of work....i wont be at peace....besides am ready

REHAN: to see arnav??

KHUSHI: what has the person whose name i forbade you to say infront of me got to do with this??

REHAN: if you say the word arnav....the world won't end....why do you keeping avoiding that topic khushi???

KHUSHI: how can you forget something if you always talk about it??

REHAN: how can you get over something if you never talk about it??

KHUSHI: just ruined my appetite

REHAN: i haven't mentioned arnav to you in a year but we are going back to india tommorow what if you meet him

KHUSHI: i won't

REHAN: that's not up to you

KHUSHI: rehan stop talking about him

REHAN: if hearing his name gets you this rilled up, then how about if you see him??

KHUSHI: what if i see him??? I dont feel anything for him....whatever feelings i had for him have been replaced with one word....HATE....i hate him more than hate itself....

REHAN: just because you hate someone, it doesn't mean you don't love them

KHUSHI: rehan!!!

REHAN: i forgot to add more than love itself.....just because you hate someone more than hate itself, it doesn't mean you don't love them more than love the way those are your own words

KHUSHI: can we stop talking about it him???

REHAN: khushi you loved is the strongest thing in the world and---

KHUSHI: i think you will find that metal is the strongest thing in the world

REHAN: its been a year tell me have forgotten about him

KHUSHI: i didnt need time to forget about him....i needed a reason and i found one

REHAN: so him abandoning you when you were pregnant wasn't reason enough, him choosing to stay with his fake wife wasnt reason enough..

KHUSHI: those reasons made me hate him not forget him....but my son soon as i looked into his eyes.....he became the most important thing in my life....i don't need him....i mean

REHAN: arnav

KHUSHI: enough already....don't talk to me about him....

REHAN: arnav??

KHUSHI: yes him

REHAN: i won't

KHUSHI: and why is that??

REHAN: your affected by a name khushi....i dont know how but somehow he still affects you....i just don't know if its positively or negatively....

KHUSHI: thats enough talk about him

REHAN: arnav??

KHUSHI: just stop saying his name??

REHAN: i won't .....infact just to bother you, i will say it a thousand more times....ARNAV! ARNAV! ARNAV! ARNAV! ARNAV!

KHUSHI: those were seven times

REHAN: you want me to say his name a thousand times??

KHUSHI: do whatever you want, cause apparently my opinions don't matter

REHAN: i haven't talked about him because i was trying to give you your space....but i need to know...are you still in love with arnav??

KHUSHI: whats it to you??

REHAN: tell me you don't love him, unless you can't

KHUSHI: how can i still be in love with him??? why would i want to be in love with him?? after everything

REHAN: falling in love is not a stay in love is....are you still in love with him??? Yes or no???

KHUSHI: i feel nothing for him

REHAN: but you hate him ......thats still something....stick to the question, do you still love him???

KHUSHI: how can you love someone if you hate them?? i don't love him

REHAN: and it took you this long to say it because???

KHUSHI: because i didnt want to talk about it

REHAN: you can close your eyes to the things you dont want to see.....but you cant close your heart to the things you dont want to dont stop loving someone because you dont want to love them

KHUSHI: but i was hard at first but it got easier, everyday it got a little easier, that was the hard part but it did get easier....i forgot all about him...i don't need arnav in my life

REHAN: you finally said his name

KHUSHI: no i didn't

REHAN: yes you did

KHUSHI: did i??

REHAN: yes

KHUSHI: prove it

REHAN: regardless of what you may or may not feel for arnav i wont let him hurt you ever again

KHUSHI: i dont need you protecting me....arnav means nothing to me

REHAN: and if you meet him again

KHUSHI: then i will let him know that......i will make sure he knows that he means nothing to me....i will let him know where he stands in my life which is way beneath my feet.....infact i will go write a speech and then sleep

REHAN: wow just by speaking about him your ready to fall asleep....he must be a magician

KHUSHI: rehan

REHAN: what??

KHUSHI: if you were a vegetable i would cut you in half and feed you to a

REHAN: hot woman

KHUSHI: i hope you have nightmares....

REHAN: why would i dream about you khushi???

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