fairytale | soonhoon

נכתב על ידי dakutogi

57.9K 3.7K 1.5K

soonyoung meets a dreamless boy עוד

vingt et un
trente et un
quarante et un
cinquante et un
soixante et un
and they lived happily ever after
thank you


780 52 8
נכתב על ידי dakutogi


jihoon liked weekends.

mainly because he didn't have to do any work and didn't have to wake up early. he also got the chance to spend time with seungcheol and chan, sometimes he even got to bring the two out and head to the forest to relax and even maybe head off to where all the shops were.

although jihoon doesn't like that place, both chan and seungcheol rarely go so they both get overly excited whenever he mentions it. and jihoon finds their behaviour tiring but also adorable, so it's always worth it.

this particular morning, chan is in an especially good mood and that sets smiles on the other two boys' faces. jihoon watched from the kitchen as chan hung upside down on the ratty couch with a wide smile on his face, which was getting redder and redder by the second.

seungcheol chuckled from the kitchen table and called out at the youngest. "channie, you'd better stop doing that or your face is gonna turn purple." he warned, "you're gonna look like a grape if you continue." laughing, the boy tumbled off the couch onto the ground. "i wonder what's up with chan," seungcheol said, turning to jihoon. "the last time i saw him this happy was back at the orphanage on his birthday."

jihoon nodded along, he was looking more energized than usual, "but whatever the reason, it's good that he's doing well." humming in agreement, seungcheol handed his cup of medicine he had just emptied to jihoon. "there's still some left cheol, don't think that i'm gonna let you avoid taking all your medication."

seungcheol grumbled and grabbed the cup back, tilting the remaining liquid down his throat. at that moment, jihoon wanted to laugh. he couldn't believe that choi seungcheol, a twenty one year old man who had seen what war was like, was currently complaining about taking his medicine.

a sudden light knock on the door caught the attention of the three boys. scrambling up from the floor, chan hurried over and yanked the door open only to be surprised by the face of jeonghan. "who is it, chan?" jihoon called out from the kitchen.

"morning ji!" jeonghan walked into view. one arm carrying a large bag full of things and the other one was wrapped tightly around chan. when his eyes landed on seungcheol, jeonghan quickly dropped his bag onto the table and released chan from his tight grip. "cheol!" he cried out happily, "my favourite seungcheol! i missed you!"

"but i'm the only seungcheol that you know," he said laughing as jeonghan pulled him into a tight hug and then planted a kiss on his cheek. ignoring his comment, jeonghan grabbed seungcheol's shoulders silently and inspected him up and down.

there was a pause.

"c'mere chan!" he barked out. the boy rushed over wondering what was going on. suddenly both boys felt a sharp pain on their cheeks. "these babies are practically skin and bone." jeonghan said to jihoon while pulling at each of their cheeks. "when i kissed cheol, all i felt was hard bone," he yanked harder on seungcheol's cheek, making the man wince.

"and chan. look! i can barely pull at his cheeks. these two are walking twigs!"

"hannie- my.. my face hurts." chan whined out.

"sorry baby," he released both of the boys and marched over to jihoon yanking at the boy's face as well. jihoon yelped at the sudden motion. "actually scratch that, all three of you are walking twigs." he said with a sigh. grumbling, jihoon rubbed his red cheek. jeonghan always did things like this when he came over.

"that's why today, i'm going to cook you an actual proper meal!" reaching over to his bag he brought over, jeonghan reached in and pulled out a whole bunch of different foods. ranging from fruits and vegetables to deserts and bread from his bakery.

in addition to all that, he also brought out a shiny metal pen which he gave to chan, who carried it to his backpack as if it was the most precious thing and a pack of meds for seungcheol who threw them over to jihoon carelessly. "how did you get all this..." jihoon gestured to the impressive amount of food.

"oh, i did some... trading and some shopping but don't worry i didn't steal anything." jihoon nodded with uncertainty as jeonghan shoved him out the kitchen. "you go get some rest, i'll make the food." jihoon took a on the couch with chan and watched as seungcheol and jeonghan exchanged words. he had to admit, it was nice having someone do work for him. turning his attention to the younger, who had a large smile on his face, he asked.

"how's school chan? what's got you so excited today?"

clapping his hands with excitement, chan turned to face jihoon, "it's amazing! it's great! we're learning about different types of writing and how to solve equations and about the land... and.. and.. oh!" chan's eyes lit up, " i haven't told you about my friends yet, have i?"

jihoon shook his head.

"well, they're really awesome! both of them are from the middle class but they're super nice. one of them is boo seungkwan and he's really funny. the other one is chwe hansol and he's really smart." chan said, stretching the "really". "whenever i need help, i ask him."

"and you know what?" chan continued on.


"they invited me to go to the market with them! i've always wanted to go to the market with my friends. i can go right? right ji?" jihoon was thrown off guard with chan's request.


"please," chan said, throwing on his cutest face.

"sure," jihoon swallowed, "i mean, you're not a little kid anymore. it's only fair that i let you go out."

chan threw himself onto jihoon. "iloveyouiloveyouthankyoujihoon." he squeezed jihoon as tight as he could and then planted a wet kiss on his cheek.

"but no walking off alone and make sure to tell me before you leave." jihoon warned. "now get off of me." chan scrambled off and happily skipped over to jeonghan and seungcheol.

jeonghan managed to get seungcheol to stand and help him with cooking. looking at seungcheol knock over bowls and containers while jeonghan patiently picked things up again, jihoon had to admit that those two were kinda cute.

it was these little things that happened once in a while that made nytis a whole lot better.

"lemme help too!" chan said, leaning on seungcheol. jeonghan handed chan a bowl of eggs for him to beat. he looked over at jihoon who was staring from the couch.

"just so we're clear, i'm not letting you do anything, ji."

jihoon snorted and closed his eyes.

"thanks for the food!"

"..thanks for the food." jihoon mumbled sleepily. jeonghan stood over the table and looked proudly at the dishes. jihoon could tell that the ones that were slightly burnt were the ones that seungcheol and chan helped with.

"eat up twigs."

although the meal made up of vegetables and eggs and bread might've looked like nothing to royals, it was the most food the three had seen in a while. "hannie, tell us, has anything cool happened at the bakery? new customers? new recipe?" seungcheol asked with his mouth full.

jeonghan munched on a tomato slice thoughtfully. "hmm... right! jihoon found himself a new little friend," jihoon shot daggers in jeonghan's direction.

"he's quite handsome too, don't you agree jihoon?"

"shut it."

"anyways, he's been showing up everyday for the past week. and that guy can manage to distract ji! he can even make ji laugh!"

"for real? and you never told us about him?" chan said.

"ooh, jihoon's got himself an admirer?" seungcheol grinned from across the table.

jeonghan, clearly enjoying himself continued on, "he seems like a great kid. he even offered to help bake something, i told him no of course.. but i might accept him if he's looking for a job. i think ji would love that." the man laughed, very pleased with himself.

jihoon wanted to sink into the ground. "mention him again and i'm kicking you out." he said threateningly to jeonghan.

"but i'm your boss!"

"in my house?" jihoon rose a brow. "i think not."

"..fine." jeonghan finally decided to settle down and turned his attention to chan. "what were you so happy about earlier?"

"me? oh, jihoon said that i can go out to the market with my friends!"

jeonghan's eyes sparkled. "really? are you guys going to go drinking?"

"he's underage." both seungcheol and jihoon cut in quickly.

jeonghan died down once again. "actually channie," he said with a hint of mischief in his voice, "anything's allowed as long as you don't get caught-

jihoon and seungcheol both stopped him immediately.

"chan, don't follow jeonghan's advice."

"chan, if you listen to hannie, you'll end up in jail."

"chan if you listen to hannie, i won't let you out the house."

"breaking the law isn't cool."

chan laughed, "i'll keep that in mind."

jihoon sat down shaking his head with the smallest smile. it was definitely nice to be able to have fun like this.

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