It's in the way she moves ( A...

By Camrenansnorminah

217K 5.6K 3.7K

Ariana grande is starting her sweetener world tour and is in need of a few dancers , what happens when she fa... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Sneak peek
Thirty Four
New story and Happy Birthday Ariana
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine

Thirty Three

3.2K 96 21
By Camrenansnorminah

A/n: before you all begin reading I just want to thank you all for the incredible feedback on my sneak peek

Based on all the positive and great responses I got,  this book will be released.

'Our Sacred Space' (Ariana/you) *not a g!p* chapters 1,2,3,4 and possibly 5 will be posted on June 26 in honor of Arianas birthday

I cannot wait until you read, I love writing it so much

Thank you and have a great Wednesday

🚨 And I'm very Sorry for not updating these past 3 weeks I will try to make up for it

I was involved in an accident and I wasn't doing well I was in critical condition and right when I thought I was getting better

I got a blood clot and was forced to be hospitalized a bit longer, anyways you wanted a chapter not a life story :) 🚨

Love you all and stay safe
#BLM #pride
And enjoy this chapter

"Morning everyone, today is going to be pretty extreme so I want you all to warm up and manually prepare yourselves for a both physical and mental task" Scott shouts.

The twins give us time to warm up which gives me time to talk to my baby.

"So I was thinking..." Ariana trails.

I raise an eyebrow allowing her to continue.

"Because this weekend is our final weekend before we go on tour, the entire crew including the photographers, music, lighting and prop crew should go out together and celebrate"

I smile "that actually sounds really cool babe"

She nods "yeah? I'm glad you think so"

"Where is it going to be at?"

She shrugs "my home, I figured that I'd do the ol'classic house party"

I chuckle "sounds good babe, I'll help you set up, are you doing it on Saturday?"

"Yep, and thanks I'll let you know when to come over and help"

I peck her on her lips before walking over to the twins with her by my side.

"Okay guys today we are going to work on timing and changing into our outfits to set up after breaks and intermissions so we can get ready for the next set of songs" brian explains

"This is how it's going to roll, there is about thirty seconds,a minute or two minutes max for each break to pursue an outfit change, in order to get you to perform this quickly we are going to rehearse the last song before a break and run into the dressing rooms and change just like a show but instead you'd be running back stage behind some curtains" Scott adds.

"In order to give you a good idea about how much time you have left to change and get on stage, Ariana has set up small clips for her intermissions and we will play them for you before we rehearse each song and outfit break" Brian continues

"Mhm we will let you know during which section of the clip you should be done changing and getting on stage, and remember! It is your responsibility to get on stage on time and listen to the clips, do not get distracted and miss your count" Scott orders

We all nod and listen intently as the twins keep explaining.

"Unless there is a malfunction and/or minor set back  or emergency with the outfits or on stage, you must play your part if not the whole crew will be confused on their positions and that can mess up or irritate Ariana, we are not doing this for us, we are there to put on a show, it is for the fans, it has to be perfect" Brian points out.

"Although it sound pretty rough, you have to remember your counts and positions which is why we did so many run throughs...anyways with all that said the most important thing is that you have fun and don't forget to interact with the fans too! As much as they love Ariana, they love the dancers as well, we've received a lot of love along with Ariana so don't be shy" Scott cheers.

We chuckle.

"So now that we've explained everything, without further ado let's get into the counts, any questions before we start?" Brain asks.

Tony raises his hand and lowers it as the twins nod at him.

"Are the clips going to be loud enough for us to hear from the rooms backstage where we will be changing or something? How is that going to work I'm confused on that?"

Scott smiles "great question, the clips will be played on stage from a protector for the fans, yes it will be loud so you will be able to hear it, but in some cases the fans will be extremely loud or there will be a malfunction, in that event there will be a crew member letting you know how much time you have left and when to be on stage, does that answer your question?"

Tony nods and gives a thumbs up "yeah, thank you"

"No problem, any one else confused on anything?"

I look around and see that no one is raising their hands so Brian continues.

"Perfect, lets get to work, so the first break and outfit change will be right after breakup with your girlfriend, it is a childhood interlude included by Ariana, we have a protector set up right behind you so let's take a look and listen to the entire clip and after one look we will do another one but on the second one we will let you know when you should be done changing and getting into position on stage" Scott explains pointing to someone in the studio on the left to dim the lights and someone on the right to play the clip.

The protector turns on and soon I see my girlfriends younger self appear on screen with a not so great video quality.

I glance at her and chuckle "so you were cute your entire life? Damn"

She eyed me and shakes her head "stop being adorable and pay attention"

I smirk, knowing I completed my goal and focus on the video.

I coo at my baby being adorable and giggle at her horrible interviewing skills.

When the video ends Brian speaks up "cute right? Okay so this video last a while so you have a few seconds to relax and grab a drink of water before waiting on the sides to get into position for be alright, Ariana will perform r.e.m and as soon as that's over you must be in position when the lights turn off, so in conclusion you should be on the sides of the stage by the time you hear r.e.m begin to play and Ariana begin to sing, sound good? We don't need to watch it again and repeat ourselves right?"

Everyone shakes their heads but we being the amazing girlfriend I am, I decide to tease Ariana "actually Brian can you reply that video?"

"Oh...uhm sure is there something you misunderstood y/n?" He asks politely.

I shake my head and smirk as I notice Ariana blush beside me "nope, just want to see baby Ariana interview bob again"

The dance crew chuckles and Ariana smacks my arm.

"Sorry babe, but you're adorable" I tease.

She rolls her eyes and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, so let's go ahead and rehearse that, we will only go until the first verse of be alright just so we have time to do another practice of that one and another outfit change before lunch" Scott claps, the lights shine back on and Brian says one more thing.

"Oh by the way dancers!, we will do a tour of where to go and change when we arrive in Albany for a real concert, here and for every concert your outfits will be in order, there will be a curtain or door with your name on it for you to change in, even with the crew whom executes perfectly, they can make mistakes too

so make sure to go to the right area and double check that it is the right outfit for the set, we went over that yesterday now let's begin, to practice you will run to the dressing rooms that we showed you to replace it being back stage"

"By the way ariana, you remember what your count is right? We went over it while we were picking the set list for the tour" Scott asks.

Ariana nods "yeah I got it, thanks scott"

"Okay so everyone in position for break up with your girlfriend and we will take it from there for outfit change, when the lights dim just as they will in a concert you will then go backstage but until you see nothing but the darkness, stay in position okay now are you all ready?!" Brian says as we all grab the chair and get into position.

We rehearse buwyg,ib and again I'm wet, because of the sexual dancing between my girlfriend and I. We stay like that until a studio member dims the lights, giving us our cue to rush to the dressing rooms, the chairs and set will be fixed by a different crew.

As I actually find a clothing rack with my name on it, I select the right outfit and hear the childhood audio playing outside the dressing room.

Everyone gets behind a curtain including Ariana, which makes me huff because I wanted her to be with me. Yes sue me for being "perverted" with my own girlfriend.

I change from my dancing clothes into my outfit for the next set and right as I head out, I notice Ariana slipping out the door right as the interlude ends due to her having to be their quicker for r.e.m.

I look at myself in the mirror, I look good. I look at everyone else and they look spectacular.

As soon as I hear the intro to r.e.m, I know that's my cue so I gaze at everyone whos finishes changing and follows me out the door to the studio stage.

Ariana sings along with the song playing on the speakers and lays down as she pretends to sing to her fans with a fake microphone in her hand.

Right as she finishes singing the first verse, I see some more dancers come join us to spectate, their timing was off, they were too late and I know the twins noticed.

I enjoy watching my baby rehearse r.e.m and when she finishes the final verse of "wake up,wake up,wake up, does this end?" I pull myself from the daydreaming and wait for the lights to dim to rush behind Ariana with the others to set up for be alright.

Ari jogs into position along with us and on time, the lights come back on and the music begins the play.

We correctly do the dance until the first verse ends and then the twins stop us.

"Alright Guys so here's the review, the setting up for be alright was perfect, no need to change anything there but I saw some of you changed to slow and were late and showed up in the middle of r.e.m and that's not what we want" Scott says.

"We want you guys to go change but not into your dancing clothes you brought, change into the outfits you will have at the beginning of the concert for god is a woman until break up with you girlfriend, when your done changing come back out here and we are going to do the same thing and hopefully get it right this time" Brian orders.

The crew and Ariana oblige, heading back into the dressing rooms to change.

The outfits are really comfy from what I've seen so far, they are incredible looking and really comfortable to dance in.

We do another run through of me getting wet after dancing buwyg, and changing during Arianas childhood interlude.

I make sure to change quicker this time to catch up with Ariana before her count to get on stage.

As soon as I step out behind the curtain after changing from my clothes from buwyg into the next set of clothes, I see ari listening outside the door for her count.

I poke her shoulder, causing her to jump.

"Babe you scared me! And how are you ready so fast?" She gasps.

I giggle "I figured this should be a routine for every concert, I change faster and wish you good luck for r.e.m"

She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck before leaning in and kissing me softly. She pulls away with a grin "thank you"

She listens by the door and right on cue, the interlude comes to a close, letting Ariana know to get on stage.

She slips out the door and heads to the studio stage.

By the time the music for r.e.m begins to play, everyone is changed.

We head out to the stage together.

We fixed it from last time and the timing was perfect, even for getting into position for be alright.

The twins stop us at the same position and cheer "that was great guys! Obviously this next one is going to be a lot more difficult but this one is great! Good job, let's continue, group together so we can preview another clip"

This outfit thing is challenging but nothing too extreme.

It gives me such an energy rush, and the fans aren't even there yet.

I'm so fucking excited for our first show.

A/n: I will update this Wednesday as well

I apologize for any mistakes, due to me wanting to publish something as soon as possible I did not proofread

Have a great day❤️

Love you all and stay safe💕

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