Don't Back Down Again

By riverajocabed1

8.4K 322 535

They solve mysteries and rewrite history for living. No matter what, they did it as a family but a new threat... More

Story Time!
What's Going On?
7 Years Later
Birthday Surprise!
Pary Disasters
What Happened?
Robots and Tea
Dance Part 1
Dance Part 2
What to Do
Next episode (Author notes)
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
Out of Time
None Date
Robo Battle
Forget Me Not
Spillinf the Truth
Blood Stone
Hallucinations or Reality?
Robots, Why Did it have to be Robots?
What to Believe
Elevator Incident
Abigors Past

Welcome to the Other Side!

184 11 6
By riverajocabed1

*explodes from excitement* wish me luck on Wednesday because in my Italian class we were assigned to sing any song in Italian as our final….. I'm listening to the Ducktales theme song in Italian right now. I actually know the theme song in several different languages. English (duh), latin spanish, Spain spanish, Italian, and French. I know a good chunk of it in Thai, Portuguese. I know the chorus parts of it in Finnish and Japanese. A pinch of it in Norwegian (the da da danger lurks behind you part). I recognize the song in the Cezech, Dutch, Korean, Chinese, and Turkish, Swedish, and Romanian. Basically, of course I choose to sing the Ducktales theme song for my Italian final test….

Here we go!

Dewey and Webby were keeping a close eye on everything and everyone. If they were right, someone might try to pull something tonight. Magica is no force to mess with. They had to be stealthily, carefull, bled in the shadows.

"Why are you on top of the pole?" Daisy looked up from her cake to see Dewey and Webby on top of a pole. They both glanced at each other, not sure what to say.

"Reasons," Dewey tried to skip this topic. Daisy gave them a look that couldn't be mistaken. It was her you can't fool me look. Dewey and Webby gave in quickly and hopped down, "We just wanted to keep an eye on the party."

"For?" Daisy urged them to continue.

"For Magica," Webby said. Daisy simply shook her head and gave a small laugh.

"You two don't need to worry. Gyro set up a machine in the boat that'll create a force field. No one with magical abilities is getting near us.

"What?" Dewey sounded disappointed. Daisy was taken back by this.

"I thought you would be happy about that. No one is going to harm us tonight," she said.

"Yeah but….. It's nothing," Dewey turned around and walked away with Webby. Daisy cocked her head to the side, wondering what that was about.

"Hmm, not very open to you is he?" Daisy looked behind her to see the blue bird.

"Hello?" Daisy wasn't sure who this was. The blue bird gave a charming smile and took his hand out for a shake.

"Dewey and Webby invited me here." He assured her.

"Your friend's with them?" Daisy shook his hand.

"Not really, we just met around an hour ago." The blue bird revealed, "But as Webby put it, I have a charming and magnetic personality. They just had to have me over for a while."

"I see," Daisy wasn't feeling too welcoming about him. The two just met him and invited him here? "Do you have a name…."

"I see you don't have much of a connection with the boys," The bluebird cut off Daisy's question.

"Pardon?" Daisy was taken back by the sudden remark.

"Dewey, he didn't tell you what he's up to?" The blue bird said.

"He said he was keeping an eye out for Magica," Daisy remembered.

"But did he say why?" The bird said, making Daisy feel a hint of worry.

"Well, no," Daisy sounded a bit discouraged at this, "But teens will be teens. They tend to keep secrets from adults."

"He wants to prove himself," The blue bird remarked. This caught Daisy's attention.

"Prove himself? Why would he do that?" She asked. The blue bird gave a shrug at this.

"You tell me. Aren't you his aunt?" He answered her with another question. A question she wasn't exactly prepared for.

"I am married to his uncle Donald," Daisy told him but he was not satisfied with that answer.

"But are you their aunt?" He asked, adding some more emphasis to his sentence. Daisy looked down at her cake before back at him.

"Legally yes… where are you going with this?" Daisy wasn't feeling too safe around him.

"How long have you and Donald been married?" He asked her another question.

"2 years." She answered straight away.

"Do you feel any closer to the boys than before you married into the family?" All these questions made her feel like she was about to get cornered somehow.

"Of course. We've spent time together, we laugh, we talk," Daisy told him. "They mean a lot to me."

"Well I assume you know that Dewey wants to prove that he can take care of himself. You know, in order to stay in Duckburg longer." He revealed. Daisy looked back at Dewey who was sadly eating a cake with Webby.

"He never told me that," Daisy turned back to him. The blue bird gave a confused look.

"I assumed you did considering everything that happened," He began to explain, "The fact that he wants to be with Webby, stay in contact with his friends but his uncles and mom don't think they can take care of themselves. It's pretty clear that he would want to prove them wrong."

"Oh…." Was all Daisy could say. He looked at her cake, eye's telling him she was in deep thought.

"Were you not aware of all this?" He asked.

"Not exactly. I stayed at Cape Suzette to help out with the business. We get paid for helping with deliveries. Donald has been keeping me up with what is happening. The dance, the potion…."

"But it's not the same to hear about it rather than experience it," The bluebird interrupted her. Daisy was again taken back by his words. She couldn't tell what his angle was or what he was trying to tell her, "You would think being the wife of these boys uncle, they would involve you a little more…."

"You don't have a say in what I get involved in," it was Daisy's turn to interrupt him, "If Donald needs me to help in Cape Suzette I will. I've been there for the boys, I've been there for Della and Donald. Me missing out on the events of the past few days means nothing about me."

"Nothing?" The blue bird didn't seem fazed by her. He just repeated her last word. Daisy tried to cool down her rising temper. Who did this guy think he was? Telling her what level she was on with the boys.

The blue bird gave her one last blank look before walking off. Daisy stood there, repeating what she just said in her head. Me missing out on the events of the past few days means nothing about me.

"Nothing," Daisy repeated to herself. Did it mean nothing that she wasn't there with the Duck family for the past few events? Would things have been different if she was involved? Her train of thoughts soon crashed when she heard yelling behind her.

"I'm going to destroy you!" Huey was bending over the table Dewey and Webby were at, trying to reach for Dewey. The only reason he didn't have Dewey in his angry grip was because Violet was holding him back.

"We did it cause we were worried," Dewey backed away from the angry Huey.

"Spying on us like that? You can't just do that!" Huey was slipping out of the hummingbirds arms. He came closer and closer to the blue triplet and Dewey went further and further away from him.

"How did you even figure out we were spying?" Dewey asked him. He didn't show any fear from his brother's anger, just concern.

"HERO told me! I suspected someone was watching but you two? Come on! You of all people should know about personal space and time!" Huey claimed.

"Easy lads!" Scrooge wedged himself between the two boys while Della and Donald helped Violet hold Huey back.

"He spied on Violet and I! I will not take it easy!" Huey claimed again.

"Is that what this is about?" Della asked confused, "Don't you think you're overreacting?"

Her only answer was another force towards Dewey. Huey kept trying to slip from his family grasp. One thing they noticed besides Hueys sudden short temper was that he's become stronger. They knew he became the Hulk when angered but to almost escape the grasp of three people was intense.

"I wouldn't have spied on you two if you weren't acting so weird!" Dewey shouted back at him. This time Webby had to hold him back, "I don't care if you date Violet, but going all googly eye is just straight up freaky!"

"Date?" All the adults said in unison.

"Huey?" Donald looked at him confused.

"Violet?" Della was just as confused.

"Oh! Like you and Webby is any different! How would you like it if I spied on your date with her?" Huey shouted.

"Webby?" Della glanced at the pink dressed duck. Her boys, going on dates, here in Duckburg? This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Dewey?" Beaklys voice suddenly broke in his ears. Dewey didn't even realise that she was grabbing him by the shirt to help Webby hold him back.

After a painful gulp of fear, Dewey shook it off and glared at his uncles and mom, "Oh now you notice? I thought you were all too busy making life changing decisions behind our backs to even see what we were up to."

"That's not the point here." Scrooge finally gave one last push between his nephews, making them fall back at last, "You lads need a little more trust in each other! You can't just fight for the smallest things."

"Oh you're the one to talk about trust," Dewey spat out as he got up, "You would think you would trust us to keep ourselves safe? Instead of sending us away!"

"We already said we're doing this for your safety, what is so hard to understand?" Scrooge snapped back at him.

"Why can't you understand we don't want to leave? We never did in the first place. We want to stay here with you, fight for you, fight with you!" Dewey stomped hard enough to make some sand puff up" But you can't see that can you? You just want to run away. Some adventurer."

With that, Dewey stormed off. His footsteps on the doc were loud enough to make one think he was so close to breaking the wood. He hopped into the houseboat and slammed the door hard. Webby was just about to go after him until she felt her granny grab her arm.

"We need to talk, young lady," Beakly said sternly. Webby gulped, knowing just where this was going.

What felt like hours, Scrooge was pacing to his office. He had to return to his mansion after the heated argument, to at least cool off where no one could see him.

"Ungrateful lad," He mumbled to himself angerly, "Why can't he see we're doing this for him? His and his family's safety."

He roughly opened the door to his office and shut it. He went straight to the window and looked out at the city. All this was his, he owed the lands, he ran multiple businesses, and yet he can't handle one teenage boy.

"Am I doing the right thing?" Scrooge asked himself. Was this the solution? Of course it was! They may be tough, smart and sharp, but this was a scheme even he had trouble figuring out. If there was anything he learned from the past, trust no one. But Dewey had a point. They were strong spirited children. Who faced deadly forces before. Escaped death and helped gain treasure more valuable than gold. Maybe they were better off staying here with him. He could use their help to solve this pandemic. Keep an eye out for danger, for all he knew the enemy could be in the same room as him.

"Got in a heated argument Scroogie?" Speaking of which.

Scrooge took a deep breath in and refused to even look at her. His first three words came out like a growl, "Not now Goldie."

"Oh I don't believe pushing me away is the best option here," he could hear Goldie's footsteps walking around his office. This felt all too familiar to him.

"I don't need anyone in me office right now. I need to be alone to think."

"Think about what Scroogie?" Her footsteps came to a stop, "How your family is leaving again? How you're pushing them away?"

"I am not pushing them away," Scrooge finally turned around to meet two emerald eyes near his dark ones. He gave her a hard glare, his hat slowly slipping over his eyes, "I'm protecting them."

"Hmm, doesn't seem that way to me," Goldie fixed the collar of his coat and tipped his hat up to get a better view of him.

"What's your angle Goldie?" Scrooge huffed and walked past her. He didn't have time for her mind games.

"No angle. Just truth," Goldie told him, switching her flirtatious tone to a more serious one. Scrooge scoffed off what she said and faced another window. This one leading his view to the beach. He could see the lights decorating the area and the sun dipping into the horizon.

"You need to hear this Scrooge," Goldie took a seat in his chair and looked at him. His back still turned to her, "Your family is in danger, you want to protect them, and while I can see why, you're not the best at that."

"What do you mean by that?" Scrooge was all ears after this sentence. Goldie gave a small smile as she continued to speak.

"Well first of all, you feel like you're going to fail your family so you chose to send them away. I'm I right?" She didn't get a single answer from him. She simply shrugged and spoke slower, "Only, you already did fail them by sending them away."

"Failed? My family?" Scrooge repeated her words. Goldie nodded yes and kept playing around in his chair.

"It's rather sad thinking about it, ain't it Scroogie? You couldn't protect them so you send them away thinking they'll be safer away from you," Goldie said in a low sympathetic tone, her smile still plastered on her beak.

"I… I guess it's true," Scrooge thought about it even more. He turned to her direction to see a frown on her face. Worry began to fill his thoughts and emotions. He paced back and forth, mumbling to himself what to do. His pace became faster and faster with each thought that passed by, "But I can't let them stay here any longer. I can't protect them like I used to."

"Tell me about it," Goldie had a slight smile from watching Scrooge get so anxious. Anxious and very vulnerable, "You couldn't save Lena from Magica during the Shadow War, You couldn't keep Webby from getting hurt from Black Heron, you lost your one and only niece to the moon and let's not forget about the time you couldn't save me from falling into The White Lagoon of Golden Agony Plains."

"I get your point Goldie," Scrooge snapped at her. Her green eyes seemed pleased at this reaction. She turned the chair so she was facing away from Scrooge and listened carefully.

"As much as I love them, I can't keep them here….." He let out a sorrowful sigh at the thought. Goldie hopped out of the chair and looked over at him with sympathetic eyes. Her smile was gone and replaced with a frown.

"Scroogie, I know this is gonna be hard for you…" she placed a hand over her shoulder for comfort, "But if you think this is what's best, then make your choice. You'll still have me with you."

Scrooge let out another sorrowful sigh, "Your right."

"Aren't I always?" Goldie laid her head on his shoulder. Scrooge glanced down at her, scanning her face and figure.

"That necklace seems familiar," Scrooge pointed out the gem she had around her neck.

"This old thing?" Goldie lifted her head and plucked her necklace up, "Got it while digging at the mountains of Belarus in Russia. Beautiful place, you should go sometime."

"Uh huh….. Must've been a quick find," Scrooge comment. Goldie chuckled at this.

"Took me a couple days until I hit the jackpot."

"Really? Because last time I checked, Belarus highest mountain was 345 meters. Not even considered a mountain," A hint of cockiness was sensed in his tone. Goldie's body tense a bit but she didn't show it, "And while we're still on the topic of correction, it's The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains. Not The White Lagoon of Golden Agony Plains."

That was it, Goldie pushed Scrooge away and glared at him, "What is this? Geology class?"

She turned her heel and began to walk off. Only, Scrooge blocked her way with his cane and pulled her to him.

"May I see the necklace?" Scrooge asked. Goldie eyed at the gem on her chest and glanced back at Scrooge, unsure of what to do. There was only one thing she could do. Shove him to the floor and make a break for it, "Get back here you cheap gem stone…."

Before Scrooge could even take a couple steps from his office, he came face to face with some angry faces.

"You couldn't break him," Gyro scoffed at Goldie, twirling a dark green gem around his neck. With him were Gosalyn holding her hockey stick, Honker, Gandra, Fenton, Drake, and Goldie. All with a gem somewhere on them.

Scrooge didn't need anyone to tell him that this was bad news. All he needed was to take a look at them and run. In a blink of an eye, the group ran after him.

He was confident enough to take all of them at once, but if his suspicions were correct, they were still flesh and blood, just different souls. And he didn't need to hurt any of them, just find a way to bring them back. He came to a turn and ran into a room. He listened carefully and heard everyone run past where he was.

"Where did he go?" Gosalyn demanded.

"Check the West wing Drake and Gosalyn. Fenton, Gandra, check the right wing. The rest of us will keep looking in the main areas," Gyro said. Once he heard they were gone, Scrooge let out his breath in relife.

"Uncle Scrooge?" Huey was sitting on his bed. Scrooge nearly jumped but relaxed when he saw he was in the boys room.

"Lad, what are you doing here?" He asked. Huey hopped off his bed and walked up to his uncle, wearing a sad face.

"I needed time away after the fight," he admitted, "Sorry Uncle Scrooge. I let this whole situation get the best of me."

"It's alright Huey," Scrooge took out a notebook from his top hat, "I'm glad you're here."

"Really?" Huey didn't expect this.

"I've been researching this very thing since you boys left," Scrooge shut the curtains and locked the doors. He placed his notepad on the table and opened it to show Huey all the notes he gathered the last 7 years, "There's a magic spell out there. A spell that with the help of gemstones, can transfer a person's soul to another world, an alternate prison more like it. Their bodies are still alive and moving but they don't hold the original soul. Instead, the gems are the ones controlling the bodies. It's like a parasite. It takes over your mind and won't let you wake up until someone pulls it off or the person comes back to their senses on their own."

"It's kinda complicated wouldn't you say?" Huey tried to understand all this.

"It's a lot to take in, I know lad," Scrooge began to explain, "This is why they've been playing with our hearts. They can only take over the body once the heart and mind is weakened. When the person is in their most vulnerable state, that's when they strike!"

"So… to make sure I have this right," Huey tried to wrap his head around this, "Gandra was the first to get taken away because she felt left out due to her past troubles. This made her mentally and emotionally unstable making her an easy first target?"

"Exactly!" Scrooge snapped his fingers to confirm he was right.

"And the purple gem in her ring is what's controlling her body, while Gandras soul and spirit is in another world?" Huey finished. Scrooge gladly nodded yes, "Whoa, that's pretty crazy. Drake was next due to his worrying for his daughter, then Gosalyn because she was heartbroken about her dad disappearing….."

Scrooge kept nodding, proud that his nephew understood everything. Until a thought suddenly hit him.

"Lad?" He interrupted the red triplet. Huey stopped talking and looked at him, "How are you aware of who's fallen victim to these gems?"

"What?" Huey asked.

"I didn't say who was captured…. So how do you know who's been captured?"

After this comment, Huey stood still in his tracks. He glanced to his left then back to Scrooge. It was clear as day that "Huey" was caught.

After a moment of silence, Scrooge dashed to the door only for Huey to make it before him. The triplet pushed the treasure hunter to the floor and took out a gold stone from his pocket.

"You can't escape this time," Huey tried to grab onto him but Scrooge swiftly rolled to his side. He hopped over Huey and reached for the door handle only to feel Huey grab him by the coat. He pulled Scrooge back to the floor and held him down the best he could.

"You ... will not… take me today," Scrooge struggled to get out of Hueys grasp, "I'm more than mentality, and emotionally stable."

"Your sudden outbursts moments ago said otherwise," Huey sounded mean and cold when he said this, "You're scared Scrooge. Scared that you'll fail your family once more. What was it that Donald said. Ducks don't back down? What do you call running away huh? Fear took over you Scrooge! It made you send everyone you loved away. Weakening your heart and mind. But not weak enough for us to take over…"

Scrooge kicked Huey off of him and made a run for the door once again. Huey grabbed Scrooges cane from the floor and hooked onto his neck. He pulled Scrooge back down to the ground and attempted to place the necklace over him.

"And now…. Your family is back, filling your heart with love and joy!" Scrooge tried with all his strength to push the necklace away but his nephew definitely got stronger when he last saw him, "Well guess what Scrooge? That's what we wanted! The more love in your heart, the harder your heart breaks! You may be smart, tough and sharp, but you couldn't save your family for nothing. You couldn't save Lena! You couldn't save Webby! Goldie! Or even Della! You send us away uncle Scrooge!"

Huey kept hitting a nerve on Scrooge. The man had tears forming in his eye for being reminded of the times he failed to protect the ones he loved.

"You send your family away because you couldn't protect them like a man! You backed down Scrooge! You backed down again!" With one last push, he forced the necklace over Scrooge's neck.

The treasure hunter felt a sudden weight fall on him. Pulling him down to the bottomless part of his mind. The farther his mind went, the blurrer his vision became. He could hear familiar voices and see images of his memories flashing before his eyes. From going on adventures with his family down to the day he earned his first American dime. Once his memories came to an end, a bright flash of gold light was the last thing he saw.

After such an experience, Scrooge opened his eyes slowly. He felt as if his head was about to explode. It was pounding with all it might from his head injury.

"Blast me…." Scrooge couldn't even talk from the pain. He tossed and turned for a while before finally opening his eyes all the way. He was greeted by three pairs of eyes looking at him.

"Mr Mcduck? Are you alright?" A white duck asked him.

"Can… can someone tell me what just happened?" Scrooge asked as he tried to get up.

"You tripped over some papers I dropped," a blond lady answered him right away. She was fidgeting with her fingers and nervously talked to him in a soft and gentle tone, "I apologise Mr Mcduck, I didn't see you coming. You just came all of sudden. Please please forgive me."

"Easy lass, I'm sure it was an accident," Scrooge assured the lady. He observed the girl for a while to see if he recognized her. She was very tall compared to many. She wore a professional light blue jacket and skirt. Her blond hair was past her waist and very neatly brushed.

"Do… do I know you lass?" He asked. The three birds were suddenly taken aback by this comment. The three looked at one another as if asking one another what happened.

"Mr Mcduck? Do you remember who we are?" The male chicken asked him. Scrooge thought for a while as he looked at him. The male chicken had messy red hair and wore a rather colorful attire. The only duck in the group was rather short compared to the other two. He had his hair brushed back and wore a purple jacket.

"No…. Not that I can think of," he answered. The three seemed very disappointed in his answer.

"Oh what a tragic event! Mr Mc Duck lost his memory!" The short duck exclaimed dramatically. He frantically paced back and forth thinking of what they were gonna do," What will we do!? What will happen to the business!?"

The lady kneeled a bit to his height and patted his shoulders to calm him down.

"Now now Fenton, I'm sure we don't have much to worry about," she handed the duck a paper bag for him to hyperventilate in, "I'll go grab us all some coffee. Be right back."

"Fenton?" Scrooge repeated the lady's words in his mind. He took a quick glance at the white panicking duck, "You sound familiar. Do you work for someone I know?"

"He's an employee of your business Mr Mcduck. An accountant," The tall chicken reminded him.

"My account… oh yes! Now I remember," Scrooge snapped his fingers at the memory, "I hired you because of your impressive mathematical skills."

"He remembers me!" Fenton exclaimed excitedly. Scrooge then looked over at the red haired chicken.

"And you, your professor Gyro Gearloose. My employee who invents all the gadgets and gizmos,"

"At your service Mr Mcduck," Gyro gave a bright smile when he remembered him. The lady came back in and handed the men their cups of coffee.

"And I remember you," Scrooge pointed out as he took his cup, "Gandra Dee right? My receptionist at the bean factory."

"There, told you boys we didn't have anything to worry about," Gandra politely smiled as she sat back down on her desk, "You took a nasty fall Mr Mcduck. Why don't you go back home? After a hard day like today I'm sure you need your rest. I'll call Duckworth over to pick you up."

Scrooge gave a bright smile that he didn't forget his employees or family. He glanced over to a glass wall that revealed all of Duckberg. All the buildings and parks to see and visit. And a huge white and gold money bin in clear view. He walked up to the glass wall and looked at his reflection.

Big round glasses, red ribbon around his top hat, blue coat and red spandex. Yep, he was Scrooge Mcduck alright.

Welcome to the other side! … were you expecting hell or something?

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