My Brother's Best Friend


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Max Gate is the little brother of Jax Gate, Max doesn't have many friends, it's not like he keeps to himself... More

chapter one :their childhood
chapter two: That night
chapter three: Boyfriend?
chapter four- Blast from the past
chapter 5- a break to something new
chapter six- just a little longer
chapter seven- I love life so far
chapter eight-OH HELL NAW
chapter nine- this is...
chapter ten- The Dance
chapter eleven - what is wrong with...
chapter twelve - just a little longer
chapter thirteen-when will it stop
chapter fourteen- Good byes part 1
chapter fifteen- Good Byes part 2
Chapter sixteen- Good Byes part 3
Chapter seventeen - Surrounded by psychos
chapter eighteen- Psycho school
Chapter nineteen- Life is good, could be better
chapter twenty-Visitor
chapter twenty one- I'll wait
chapter twenty-two
Twenty three- Lets go
Halloween special
chapter twenty-four- training
twenty five- Finnished...well almost
twenty six- Lets start...kinda
author note
twenty seven
ok listen
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
first date
thirty three
epilogue part one
epilogue part two
author note
an update about the next book,(sneak peaks)
first Chapter of My Mute Bad Boy is out

thirty four

1K 24 6

This is a long ass chapter


Tenton has not left my side at all, tonight we go to war and he has been my fucking shadow all day, "you seem angry" he said calmly as we walk into the kitchen, "we're about to go fight another gang, that may of may not have my boyfriend captured, and there is a lot of people who I don't know living here,I tried talking to them, but there is a lot of them, too many names too many faces, cute ones in fact" I said, taking a coke from the fridge which was pulled out of my hand,I turned around and saw Tenton glaring at the bottle of Coca-Cola.

"This isn't healthy" he said still glaring at the bottle "my sleep schedule isn't healthy,my obsession with Netflix isn't healthy, that coke isn't healthy, what? Is the way I'm breathing not healthy too?" I asked rolling my eyes, "well sometimes you breathe-" I groaned cutting him off,"I'm going to train then get some sleep, then kill a bunch of fucking assholes, bye" I said walking through the crowd of people and to the training field.

I trained with some members of the other gang and their leader, who happens to be Vicky and her girlfriend Opal, Aiden and I met them on our first date, they're both good at fighting and Opal is great in the medical feild,so thats a good thing, we're now sitting on a patch of grass talking about stuff.

"so you don't know if he was taken, or actually went with them?" Opal asked,"not a clue" I answered, "if he went with them?" Vicky asked "I'd take him and lock him in his room,or have him on a leash, Aiden and Oliver are mine, they should always be with me, and I should be with them, even in death" I replied looking at clouds, one looks like the devil fucking smiling at me, what the hell.

"You sound married" Opal said awwing "I mean I love him, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with him, he's been in love with me for almsot our whole lives, I want to make up for the years I didn't return that love" I said thinking back of the first time he kissed me.

Would you like to dance?" he asked having his hand out to me, "s-sure" I stuttered out, taking his hand, he pulled me towards the dance floor, wrapped his hands waist,my hands wrapped around his neck and we danced like that, swaying away to the music, then he pulled me closer,which was was surprising to me, I think I was blushing, comfortable with this I rested my head is on his chest, and we just swayed away to the music.
I decided to look at him and he was looking down at me with an unexplainable look in his eyes,his fingers held my chin gently and made me look at him,and, he...he...he kissed me.

"That sounds so cute" Opal said fangirling, "at the time I was daiting Adam" I said cringing at the thought that I dated Adam, "well ladies hope you are ready for tonight and have a nice stay, I am going to sleep while Tenton probably watches me," I stood up dusting myself off, "lets go Tenton" I said making Vicky and Opal confused, "that big tree over there" I said and pointed to the tree "TENTON LETS GO" I yelled smiling, he slowly walked from behind the tree I was pointing at, "weird" Opal giggled, he came over to me with his head down like a sad puppy, I patted his head, and he looked at me with happy eyes, so cute.

"Lets go" he said grabbing my hand and walking away with me, "BYE GIRLS," I waved off to my friends and they waved back, giggling.

We got to my room and I flopped on my bed, snuggling in my pillow, Tenton stood there looking at me, he blushed and looked away, I rolled my eyes, "would you like to sit?" I asked gesturing to the free space in my bed, he blushed deeper red, "how red can you get, and when are you going to tell me you have a crush on me?" He turned even redder, adorable, really "umm,I-I I have to get some bullets from...bye" he said before leaving, I rolled my eyes and closed them, I don't care if he likes me, my heart belongs to Aiden.

3rd person view

Cars pulled up at the spot where both gangs were suppose to meet,Max,Adam,Jax and Caleb stepped out of the car they were in, and met Emma,Ava,Ethan and John, Ethan broke a smile,"looks like you're missing someone" Ethan laughed, Max also broke a smile,"see that with your glasses did you? I'm going to shatter them in your eyeballs, ugly Velma looking ass" Max said with a glare after the question, "Now where is he?" Max asked in a serious tone.

They all begun to laugh and chuckle, Max rolled his eyes raised his hands and snapped his fingers, soon people started running out of the cars, Tenton was by his side in seconds,Vicky was there beside Adam and the rest of the gang were behind the six of them, "give me, my boyfriend" Max demanded, Avan smiled raised her hands and clapped them, then their gang were behind of them and two men were beside Ava, "now you see that building over there" Emma pointed to the worn out ware house, "that's where he is,BUT that's where we will fight to the death to keep him,all six of us,you Jax,Caleb,Adam, and these two, John,Ethan,Ava, our two and I" Emma said calmly,Max took out his gun and pointed it at Emma which made his gang members and Emma's gang members put up their guns.

"what's stopping me from dying your obviously faked curled blonde hair red with your brain?" Max asked with one eye closed "ok first off, my hair is naturally,fucking, perfectly curled" she screamed "OH BULLSHIT" Max mocked "second off you'll need us to see him so..." She said trailing off, she honestly didn't know what she was doing, no one on Emma's side knows exactly what they are doing, Max had a feeling that they had no idea what they were doing, but he wanted to see what would happen "lead the way" Max said they started walking, Jax turned to his gang members, "when we are off the court, kill" he said, then walked off hand in hand with Caleb.

When they got inside Jax and Caleb started shooting upwards in different directions, five bodies fell to the floor, "wow, you guys are assholes" Max said with a bored expression, the the six who were half way on the other side of the ware house, putting good amount of distance between them, "now lets get this over with," Max said, pulling out a gun, "wait wait wait" Ethan said with hands in front of him, Max rolles his eyes, and shot Ethan in the leg, Emma,Ava,John and the other two pulled out their guns, while Max and his friends were distracted with the people in front of them, it was too late when they realized someone was behind of them.

The person grabbed Jax by the throat with gun to his head, and walked slowly to Emma and Ethan's side,"Oliver" Max breathed out.

"Oliver has been on our side for a long time, and the reason is these pills, they keep Oliver in control" Emma said showing the pills,"that way you can be with me, and me alone" Oliver said lovingly, "no,no, Oliver come back we can work this out,and I can't leave my family and gang members to go to them.I thought we were fine, come back we can work this out" Max said taking a step forward before, John shot at the ground, Max glared at the hipster looking bitch.

"I know you won't do that, that's why we" he said gesturing to himself and the people behind him"are going to kill them, starting with Jax" Oliver said pushing the gun to Jax's head, Caleb was fuming with rage, Vicky and Tenton just wanted to protect Max and Adam, Adam couldn't believe his own brother will kill Jaxcb, his own bestfriend, "wait wait what if I went with you guys,and leave them behind?" Max asked stepping forward, "you let them go I'll come with you"  Max said getting a bit closer to Jax,"what about the clients you stole from us?" Ava asked pointing her gun at Max, "we'll deal with that you can have them back" Max said holding on to Oliver's hand putting the hand he held the gun with down at his side, Jax ran back next to Caleb, Jax wanted to cry into the arms of his beloved but there was no time for that.

Adam, Vicky,Tenton and Caleb waited for Maxto make his move, Max hugged Oliver snuggling into his chest, before making them both fall the floor "NOW" Max yelled, Tenton was the first to start shooting at the enemies,everyone else followed, John was shooting back,had Ethan in his arms and dragging him behind a big metal cube that covered them, Emma and Ava ran behind the big metal cube opposite of Ethan and John with the two males they were with.

Jax ran to the cubes where Ethan and John were, with Caleb, Jax took John's gun and threw it across the room,he then grabbed John by the collar and started beating the shit out of him while Ethan was screaming at him to stop, Ethan turned his head to Caleb with tears his in his eyes "stop him please" Ethan cried to Caleb who smirked at his boyfriend enjoying himself, Caleb stooped to Ethan's level,smiled at him and looked at his bleeding thigh, "you are, REALLY bleeding a lot you know, you are probably going to bleed to death, and your boyfriend is also going to die,you can die together isn't that great?" Caleb asked a glaring Ethan with a smile, Ethan looked up at Caleb terrified, Caleb chuckled and stood up,"ahhh,you love it" Caleb then ran off to help Adam and Vicky.

Max and Oliver were rolling around on the floor before Max straddled Oliver's waist and pinned his hands down, "AIDEN!" Oliver was taken back by the fact that Max called Aiden and not Oliver, Max saw Oliver's shocked expression and began talking again"AIDEN WAKE THE FUCK UP, PLEASE WAKE UP,FOR ME!" Max screamed once more in Oliver's face, Max was crying and screaming Aiden's name squeezing his eyes shut.

"Max" he opened his eyes to the sound of his name leaving his boyfriend's lips, he can tell that he is face to face with Aiden, Max tears busted from his eyes, he kissed all over Aiden's face, then kissed Aiden on the lips, Max released Aiden's wrist and sat up still in his lap, "that was some Deja Vu shit back there"Aiden sat up and said with a chuckle, Max then had a flash back of what he meant.

After a while I heard doors being slammed open and out of curiosity I looked up and saw a panting Aiden looking at me shocked, I ran towards tackling him to the floor kissing all over the face "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you" I kissed him on the lips "I missed you too Max"

"What happened, and where are we?" Aiden asked, he looked behind Max, saw Vicky and Adam moving bodies of his friends from the institution and two unknown males in to a pile, Jax and Caleb having a heated conversation on the other side of them, "well then, I guess you can tell me later" Aiden said with a smile, Max breathed out,wrapped hisnhands around Aiden's neck and hugged him tightly, Tenton watched from the side where neither Max nor Aiden could see him, he watched them with a broken heart,but had a smile, 'at least Max is happy' he thought as he went over to Adam and Vicky.

"Caleb, I'm not saying you can't protect me,but you can't be mad at yourself" Caleb rolled his eyes at what Jax said "or at me" Jax said squinting his eyes at Caleb, "you could've died, excuse me for being upset that I couldn't do shit" Caleb said angrily, Jax hugged him and squeezed him tightly and let go,looked up at Caleb and asked "did I hug out your insecurities?" Caleb blushed, "one more time, but stay a bit longer" Caleb said to Jax who hugged Caleb and stayed there, "I rather snuggle into you,you know" Caleb whined with a pout, "I know, you can be such a baby" Jax said with a smile,Caleb smirked, snaked his hands down to Jax's ass and grabbed it,"I can also be a daddy"

"baby stop laughing at meee" Caleb wined which made him cuter,which made me aww and laughed more "Babyyyy stoooop" he wined picking me up and making me straddle him, I looked down at him with a smile and he's pouting like a little puppy, he buried his face into my chest "Anime is dumb" he mumbled "or maybe you're too dumb to understand it" I said petting his head,he looked up at me with a glare, "no I'm not"he said pulling me into him more his hands on my ass "baby do you mind if we fell asleep like this?" He asked "whatever you want daddy" I told him.

"Eeww stop gropping my brother" Max said hand in hand with Aiden, Caleb squeezed Jax tighter and glared at Aiden, which made Aiden growl and glare at Caleb, "Calm down this is Aiden not Oliver" Max said to Caleb with a glare, this made Caleb glare soften a bit but not disappear, Jax turned arounad and smiled at his bestfriend, Aiden retured that smile, and held out a fist,Jax looked at it and bumped fists with Aiden, "so anyway Aiden is going to take his pills to keep Oliver at bay....again, Emma and Ethan and their stupid lovers are dead, Aiden is mine again,now lets go home" Max said before turning around and started walking to the doors, holding Aiden's hand,"hey" Aiden stopped Max to look into his eyes, "I never stopped being yours and you never ever, stopped being mine" Aiden said smiling at Max, Max smiled and kissed the back of Aiden's hand, licked his lips, and cringed "Oliver did crack, and not even the good kind" Max said disappointed making Aiden chuckle.

They began walking holding hands when Aiden came across a gun on the floor,Aiden looked at the gun infront of his feet and he picked it up, "hey guys you forgot a gun" he said, looking at everyone who are wearing worried faces ,"should I put it back?" He asked confused, suddenly his head started to hurt  big waves pf pain rushed through his head, he held his head with his free hand and squeezed his eyes shut, Max was worried and started to walk towards him, when Max gently held Aiden's hand in his Aiden calmed down,he lifted his head with a smile Max relaxed knowing it was Aiden,"Max, I'm sorry" Aiden whispered,Max face tensed with worry,"I can't hold on any more, just know I don't regret loving you, and I love you ok?" Aiden said weakly, "Aiden, I love you too,what's going on?" Aiden face turned from a loving smile to a sinister smirk, but it wasn't Aiden, Max dropped his boyfriend's hand and had a shocked expression"Oliver give me the gun" Max demanded.

Oliver backed away from him, Max also backing away from Oliver"this is going to sound so cliche" Oliver said pointed the gun to Max, "but if I can't have you" he smiled "then no one can" Oliver shot Max in his side,Max hands rushed to the place he was shot he looked down at the blood leaking out of him and onto his hands which were now very bloody, he couldn't hold his weight anymore.

He was about to fall to the floor but before he could Tenton caught him,he looked at his wound again wide eyed then looked up at Tenton who was crying, he looked over at Oliver who had the gun to his own head, Max saw Jax and Adam run towards him, everything looked so blurry and slow to Max, he reached his hand out towards Oliver, "D-don't" was all he said before a gun shot went off and Max fell into unconsciousness.

Dont kill me I'm sorry,let me know if it was boring,
last chapter next week,
Im evil broo, Does Aiden and Max make it? Does-
Yeah I cant do that question about the cliffhangers shit, hoped you enjoyed,
Next chapter next week lmao
Here's the description for the spin off.

A mute bad boy, a bipolar nerd, what do they have in common? what could make them mee?, why do they have such a connection? Did they meet before? Did both have traumatic back stories that messed with their lives? Read about the both of them,their families and how they are somehow connect.

While i was writing "what do they have in common" i was like "they reliable with the LADIES" yooo #hamilton, if u have any suggestions about making the description better lemme know, should I change it up?

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