Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT A...

By Jira03

40.3K 1.4K 222

Mai Taniyama is just another highschool student when she met an unfeeling narcissist who came to investigate... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Author's Note
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
My Apologies!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: The Final Arc (01)
Chapter 45: The Final Arc (02)
Chapter 46: The Final Arc (3)
Chapter 47: The Final Arc (04)
Chapter 48: The Final Arc (05)

Chapter 16

861 31 0
By Jira03

Surprise were revealed across Mai's face as she struggled to 'crawl' towards the young man. Her ankle is sprained and that made Mai 'crawl' in an inelegant way and worst, in front of Naru! She really lost so much face at the moment and it was because of this stupid Zuso curse! Mai clenched her teeth as she examination Naru, from head to toe.

"Your face is pale and your shoulder is wounded. Ugh! Why did you have to save me? You can just save yourself from trouble and pain!" Mai scolded him as tear are beginning to form to the rim of her eyes.

"In case you didn't know, I didn't save you----" Naru said but he was interrupted by Mai.

"Stop! Don't answer! I know what you're going to say!" Mai said and facepalmed.

"The ladder is broken and there is not way up. Tsk! Did you tell anyone where you are going?" Mai asked and Naru shook his head.

"Tsk. Great. We're trapped here." Mai said sarcastically as she cursed in her head while massaging her ankle.

I really have a bad feeling about this.

Mai look at Naru and saw his calm face, seemingly unbothered by the situation.

How can he be so calm in a place like this?! And besides, the sun is about to set! What is those spirits appeared?! The ghost that pulled me seem to only target me. Naru's hitogata have been found and burned so I don't need to worry about some ghosts targeting him.

Mai sighed as she realised that the hexer took notice of her and even cursed her. Mai cursed under her breath as she remembered the little ghost's face. Mai's foot touched something and she reached out to grab the thing beside her foot. Mai knew that it was a hitogata as soon as she touched the wooden thing. She brought out her phone and turn her flashlight on to see what is written on the hitogata.

Mai Taniyama. To be trapped in a manhole........ That damn Hexer!!

Mai fumed at the words written. She didn't mind being cursed but to be trapped in a dark and disgusting manhole?!?! What the heck! Arg!..... Wait... She still have her phone! She scrolled through her contacts and dialed Bou-san's number but her phone don't have signal. Her hopes died down as her shoulders slumped.

She sighed but she knew that Lin will find them since Naru is with her. Mai is sure that the Onmyoiji bodyguard will find them sooner than later since according to her research about him, he has 5 shikis with him to help so she don't have to worry.

Her eyes sparkled again and look at Naru, who is looking at her with a faint smile on his lips. Mai's words were stuck in her throat the moment she saw that smile.

He looks more like Mr. Guardian.

Her eyes widened as she stared at him in daze. Before she got to enjoy more of Naru's smiling face, the youth already reverted to his usual self.

Naru got lost in watching how Mai's emotions change that he didn't noticed himself smiling. Naru coughed to his fist to cover up his embarrassment. There is a faint blush on his cheeks and ears but because Mai turned off her phone's flashlight to hide her own embarrassment, she didn't see the other's face.

"Are you okay now?" Naru asked after regaining his composure.

"Y-yeah! How do you know?" Mai stuttered as Naru smiled secretly, seeing her stutter.

"First, you get depressed. Then you get upset. But after that, you start to feel better and start to think positive." Naru explained as Mai look at him in daze.

A memory pop out in her mind while Naru is speaking. It looks like a vision that appeared inside her head but Mai is so familiar with it so she regarded it as her memory that she forgot.

She saw a kid beside her. Although she can't see that kid's face, she knew it was a boy. His child like voice sounded in her mind as Naru spoke the sentences a while ago. The two had said the same thing.

Is he that child? That's why he is familiar? That means I know him in my childhood? But why can't I remember anything about him? Is this a coincidence? Vision? No... It's not a vision.. I can feel that Naru is certainly that child but why can't I remember more about him? But what if I'm just imagining it? But if so...

"Why did you say the same thing?" Mai whispered with her head hung low.

Naru didn't know why but he felt something wrong with Mai as he heard her whisper. Naru is confused as she said that but sensing the sad mood around the girl, he decided to let that thought go and plan to cheer the girl up.

"Mai. Let me introduce you to my pet." Naru said pulling Mai from her thought.

Before Mai could raise her head, she felt a faint energy coming from Naru. It is the same force she felt when he bend the spoon in front of Kasai-san and Ubusuna-sensei. The force also did not escape her senses when Naru used his PK a while ago to move some rocks away from their landing place. He is using his PK often. Will he be okay? Mai look up to see Naru but was dumbfounded when she look at his hands.

"A 500 yen coin? Really? Are you serious, Naru?" Mai said mockingly, thinking that Naru might have lost it due to the fall.

But thinking about it, Naru must've felt her worries so he thought that she needs to be cheered. Mai smirked warmly at that thought while Naru show his magic tricks in front of her. Mai knew that he is using PK but she never stop it since it would be embarrassing for Naru. Mai just played along as the 'ventriloquist' perform a show. Naru smiled faintly as Mai laughed at the entertainment joyfully especially when she saw Naru looks gentle.

Mai suddenly stopped smiling as Naru put away his coin, seemingly exhausted. Mai noticed it and was about to touched his forehead when a familiar chill waved through her again. Naru suddenly look up and moved his body towards Mai as if protecting his precious treasure from something.

"Mai. No matter what happen, stay close to me and don't panic." Naru said looking at the ceiling.

Mai narrowed her eyes as she grip Naru's clothes, following his gaze. Mai saw a small hand pass through the ceiling. It is almost transparent but because it is dark inside the manhole, Mai can clearly see that silhouette. Mai calm herself saying that she has seen so many of these things previously and that it was no different from normal.

Naru tightened his hold in Mai's hand as the half head of a child emerges. It continue to appear upside down as it smile to Mai maliciously. Naru's heart soured and covered Mai using his body. He won't let anyone harm Mai! Never!

That child ghost's smile grew wider and put a clawed hand on her mouth. It open her mouth and took a long wooden handle out of it until a blade came to their sight. It continue to take the long blade scythe out of her mouth while looking like she's been enjoying the pain brought by the blade slicing her mouth.

Once the whole scythe were out, the ghost point that thing to Mai and float in front of Naru. Mai peek through Naru's side and saw that ghost smiling at her devilishly. Naru moved back inch by inch, protecting Mai from the ghost. Finding Naru as a nuisance, it raised it's weapon wanting to slash Naru's shoulder down but Mai acted quickly and flipped to Naru's front, facing the ghost face to face while chanting soundless words.

"Get away from him!" Mai screamed as she change her finger style and chant again, forgetting the pain on her sprained wrist and ankle.

The ghost was constrained by some kind of energy and it struggled violently. Mai blocked Naru, imitating what he did earlier to protect her as her mouth move soundlessly. Naru was so entranced at Mai's serious face that he didn't noticed a warm glow on Mai's fingertips. Mai was about to throw that energy to that ghost when it suddenly stop struggling and vanish in the air..

Naru didn't noticed anything unusual when Mai stood in front of him but he saw Mai mouthing something so fast like a chant so he knew Mai tried to exorcise that ghost a while ago. He thought that he is able to protect her but he was protected by her in the end. Naru smiled self mockingly while he stared at Mai, who is panting heavily after the ghost disappeared. Naru sighed and hold Mai's hand tight, feeling the warmth coming her hand.

Mai felt the coldness of his hands and look at Naru who is calmly looking at her. She smiled bitterly and hug him tight, catching Naru off guard. Mai was so worried about him. As that ghost move towards Naru a moment ago, Mai's heart almost jumped out of her chest. Naru didn't allow her to step in front and continue to cover her from that ghost. Mai was helplessly worried and guilty. She was the target of that ghost so when she found a chance, she flipped forward and chant to exorcise that ghost. She didn't care if Naru discover her abilities. She had to protect him!

Naru's hand unconsciously raised and pat Mai's shaking shoulders. Warms tears flow through Mai's cheeks as she cried soundlessly. Warm tears fell in to Naru's shoulder as he calm the crying girl clumsily.

"Naru, are you in there?" The voice of Lin sounded from above as light flash on them.

Naru look up and saw Lin staring at them with shock. Mai is still clinging on Naru as the young man requested a ladder and a flashlight for them to use in climbing up. Once out, Mai still hold Naru's hand tightly however Naru's head is now ringing loudly in result of overusing his PK.

"!.... Naru!.... Naru!!! Naru!!"

Naru can faintly hear Mai's worried cries and the warmth from her hold but because of the pain on his head, he couldn't muster a strength to talk and he fall to the ground. The SPR members came witnessing Naru collapse and hearing Mai's hysterical cries. The girl's a crying mess as she is tightly holding unto Naru's body as she called for his name.

Author's Note:

I just wanna say that this fanfiction will end after the Bloodstained Labyrinth Case.

I also want to take a break from updating and analyze my story plot first. With the twists I made to this story, I kinda get confused sometimes.😅 I made this fanfiction last year and forgot some of the details I made. I hope you understand.

But I will make sure to finish this fanfiction as soon as possible and create more Ghost Hunt Fanfictions for you..

Thank you for all of your support.

I hope you enjoy and always stay safe!

I will come back next week! See you soon!

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