Dust Devils - A Girls Und Pan...

By _---AAHW---_

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From the sands of the Mojave, Valarie Woodlin of Mojave Rose High School has been a passionate fan of the spo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Mojave Rose v. Bascom
Chapter 6
Mojave Rose v. Oceanside
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Mojave Rose V. Valentine
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Mojave Rose v. Old Dominion
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Mojave Rose v Mustang Middle College
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Mojave Rose v. Molly Pitcher
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Mojave Rose v. Palatine Academy
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Mojave Rose v. Port Chalmers
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
The Trinity Match
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
A Message From The Author
Mojave Rose v. Dunant Preparatory
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 45

267 7 8
By _---AAHW---_

Saturday, June 29th 2013

At Sea

The sun had just barely crested over the horizon and already was Valarie and Emma awake and were getting dressed in their uniforms. This was the type of situation that Valarie would otherwise be intensely embarrassing and awkward for her. She would recall back in her freshman year when it was required for her, and other freshmen, to have PE. Going outside and doing exercises and other activities was the fun part. That she did enjoy doing and really, PE was the highlight of her freshman year. The part that she didn't particularly enjoy was the locker room part. There, she and the other students would have to dress into their gym clothes. In a rather enclosed spaced with people on either side mere inches apart, it was uncomfortable for her. Even though the locker rooms are separated, with boys and girls having their own areas, did little to put her at ease, always dressing rapidly to spend as little time as possible. Yet, at this moment, she didn't feel that way. Being in the privacy of your apartment and being with someone that you've known for a decade made her comfortable enough, to an extent that she peeked at Emma as she dressed. She did a poor job being discreet, though Emma wasn't at all upset. Because, well, she was doing the same thing.

"You, ah, got an eyeful?" Emma then said

Startled, Valarie quickly averted her gaze. "No,no...um...no." she stuttered out.

"Ha. Whatever you say," Emma remarked, grinning. Once she was done she walked to the kitchen. "I'll take care of breakfast."

"That's kind of you."

Valarie sat at the kitchen table as Emma got to work. The sound and aroma of cooking eggs filled the room.

"So," Emma then spoke as she cooked. "Practice at sea? How's that going to work?"

"Well, Madison has said that a section of the ship has been cordoned off for us to do our practices. Where exactly, I don't know."

"Hmm. Practice is going to be interesting I bet today."

The two shared breakfast and once that part of their morning was taken care of, they left their apartment and went toward the garage. They were by joined by Heather, Ashley, and soon, the rest of the team as they all went. Arriving at the garage, they found Buchanan waiting patiently.

"Good morning everyone," she greeted warmly. "As you all know, we're going to have practice today. Though, since we are on a ship, things will of course be different. Madison will explain."

A moment later, Madison arrived in the garage, pulling a wagon behind her. On this wagon, was a superbly accurate scale model of school ship they were on. Even a scale model of the Rembrandt was obscene. It was several feet long.

"That's one hell of a toy." Ashley remarked.

"Nice isn't it?" Madison said. "Wonderfully crafted by the carpentry club. Now, for where you'll do your practice," she continued, gesturing everyone closer. The Mojave Rose team surrounded the model and paid close attention. "This stretch of so-called 'wilderness' is two miles long and one mile wide. Located toward the rear, this area is called "Inspiration Park", Madison explained, pointing toward a section of the ship that was covered with green. "It's called "Inspiration" because once you go there, you get inspired by all the scenery to create something. On Saturdays, for your practices, you will have exclusivity. The park is based on Yellowstone so the environment is varied and there are also bridges...oh right bridges! Ah, they they were built to support the trucks that made the park in the first place, but, I'm not terribly sure if they can support your tanks"

"We won't mess with them." Valarie said.

"Alrighty. Now, there's one more thing," Madison added. She retreated out of view for a moment and then returned with another wagon. This one filled with a multitude of boxes. "Some equipment for you guys." Excited murmurs erupted among the team. Madison grabbed one of the boxes and opened it, revealing a top-of-the-line tablet. It was then handed to Valarie, who looked at it amazed. It was the nicest piece of electronics she has ever got her hands on.

"Woah! I didn't expect you'd get us these kinds of tablets." Valarie noted.

"Mmmhmm! Only the best of the best for of all you. It sports Wi-Fi and cellular capabilities, 128 gigabytes of flash memory, a 1.2-megapixel front camera capable of 720p HD video...I'd go on but I'm no Steve Jobs."

"How much is this thing?"

"For that model? Nine hundred and twenty-nine dollars for each tablet."

"So...you have there in your wagon almost thirteen thousand dollars with of tablets?"

"Twelve thousand and seventy-seven dollars to be exact. And that, of course, is not taking into account the GPS devices, each costing one hundred and twenty dollars and I got twenty of them in the event you get more tanks."

"Trackers are that expensive?"

"They are if you want super-accurate data up to one meter."

"Geez..." Valarie uttered. The price of everything bewildered her. "So, what about the camo nets?"

"Here's the thing about those nets. You see, the tablets and trackers I got from shops here on the ship. As it turns out, there is no shop here that sells tankery equipment. Or military equipment in general. Hence, I don't have your nets. As such, I've placed an order for them."

"Cool, when can we expect them?"

"When we make port in Ireland, which is the upcoming Wednesday. I've arranged it for the nets to be ready for us."

"Thank you kindly for the new equipment. No doubt we'll use them extensively," Buchanan thanked. "Alright, everyone! Mount up! There's an access road we can use that'll take us right to the practice area. I'll catch up."

The team eagerly got into their vehicles. The garage was soon filled with the roars of numerous vehicles, the air being thick with the gas fumes. One by one, they departed the garage and drove toward the designated area. Buchanan lingered around for a moment. She wasn't alone in the garage. Waiting around for a moment, Redwood come down from the upper floor. It was just them.

"So," he began. "Anything noticeable?"

"I gotta say, lately I've got this metallic taste in my mouth like I'm chewing on pennies." Buchanan shared.

"That's a bit concerning."

"Oh not at all! I've looked that up and that's just the result of the hormones! Thinking about it, I've figured that I'm now three weeks pregnant. On the same site that told me about the hormones, it told me something else. Our child, which is right now just a bundle of cells, it's around the size of a pinhead."

Redwood hugged her from behind, affectionately wrapping his arms around her stomach. "Oh, I just can't wait for our first ultrasound. It's going to be an emotional experience for both of us. Would it be too early to speculate on your due date?"

"Um," Buchanan uttered. She entered into a phase of intense thinking. "Mmm, nine months from June roughly. So...March next year."

"God, I can't wait."

They shared a kiss.

"Now," Buchanan then said. "I got a practice to oversee. What will you be doing today?"

"Uh, not much honestly. With summer vacation in full swing, my workload has plummeted."

"Oh, how will you occupy your time without me?" Buchanan said in a tease.

Redwood chuckled. "Ah, I'll manage. Maybe I'll catch on on some shows I've been meaning to watch."

"Well, enjoy yourself," Buchanan said as she got into the DPV. "You know, I'm glad we got this thing," she said, playfully tapping the steering wheel. She then turned toward the Humvee and looked at it for a second. "Dunno what we'll do with that though. We'll find a purpose for it. Maybe."

"Alright, so you just stick it here...and...that's it. It's installed." Valarie remarked.

She was within the fighting compartment of the T-44, just finished with placing the GPS tracker firmly against the inner steel wall. It flashed a green light and made a little beep. Now, new tablet in hand, Valarie opened an app that displayed a map of the area. On it was a blue blip.

"That's us," she said, showing it to her crew. A second later, more blips appeared on the map, thirteen in all. "And that's the rest of the team. Very cool! We know where we are at all times. Plus, this map is incredibly detailed. I can zoom in and see things far better than a paper map. I wonder what else I can do with this app..."

She played around with it more. By just tapping on a section of the map, a marker appeared which was displayed on all of the team's devices. Valarie hummed with satisfaction.

"Oh, I like this."

"Taking tank combat from the twentieth century to the twenty-first. We're a force to be reckoned with!" Ashley boasted.

"No doubt, but let's not get too overconfident. Practice will still be as vigorous as ever," the sound of the DPV was heard, growing louder by the moment. "Alright everyone," she said over the radio. "Let's get to it!"

Alice has been looking for Madison all day. Any texts and calls sent to have not been returned. She first went to her dorm and saw that it was empty. Everything was all neat and proper. Returning back outside, she stood thinking. Where, oh where could her best friend be? It then hit her.

"...Student council room."

She went off toward campus. Arriving, she headed into the building and ascended to the top floor. She found the door for the student council room to be unlocked. Going inside, she saw Madison slumped over a computer desk. Walking over, she laid a hand on her and gently shook her.

"Madi," she whispered gently. "Wake up."

Madison awoke all groggily. She stood up in her chair and rubbed her eyes. "What...what time is it?"

"It's about to be noon. Why are you here?"

"Taking care of some work."

"What kind of work?"

"Oh, just guess."

"The tankery team? Interesting. What else do they need now?"

"More tanks. Always more tanks. Valarie had explained to me that in the time leading up to the national finals, her team was looking for more tanks but couldn't find any. So, I'm looking for tanks for sales from all sorts of places."

"Any luck?"

"Well," Madison said with a disappointed sigh. "There are a lot fewer results that I would've liked."

"Oh? What about that offering?" Alice said, pointing to the screen. "A school in Costa Rica is selling a," she paused to read it fully. "Het...zer. Hmm. Hetzer. I like that name."

"Yeah, the thing is though, this ship isn't stopping until it reaches port in Ireland. No unscheduled stops, sadly."

"Hmm. Well, in that case, change your search filters for schools in the United Kingdom. See if any of them are selling anything."

"Hey, good call!"

Adjusting the filters, the girls were presented with a new slew of sale offers. Madison pointed to one with glee.

"Alright! An Irish school is selling a tank. Aces! We're already heading in the right direction!"

"The school's name?"

"Saint Apollonia College. Near Dublin. Hmm, that's the city where we're gonna be in port. Neat"

Alice looked at Madison befuddled as she continued to look at the listing.

"Madi, don't...don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"That's the school that's going to teach the tankery team how international matches are done."

Madison's eyes widened as she slapped her forehead.

"I'm...I'm really tired, okay? I'm not thinking clearly," she admitted as she rubbed her face. "God...how could I forget that? I arranged it in the first place!"

"Why are you so tired? Did you marathon another TV show again?"

"Ah, no. I just couldn't sleep. There's something on my mind."

"Well, now you have to tell me."

Madison let out a small sigh. "This doesn't leave this room, okay? It's a highly sensitive matter."

Alice sat down next to her and mimicked her lips being sealed. "Of course."

"Yesterday, I took Valarie a tour around campus. I finished the tour showing her my fencing stuff. She was captivated and wanted to try a practice round with me. Suffice to say, it ended quite dramatically. But that wasn't all. After our little spar, she admitted something to me that is still fresh in my mind. She told me that earlier in the year...her family had a bout of homelessness."

"I see," Alice said solemnly. "That's...that's awful. How did that make you feel?"

"A gut punch. No, more like getting shot. A person in my family going through such a horrible thing? God! I wish...I wish we knew each other months earlier. I could've helped! Give her family money so that they can get by...no, not get by...thrive!"

"Madi, you had no idea then. Don't blame yourself for something like that."

Madison rested her head on her hands and remained quiet for several moments. Her audible breathing mixed in with the odd sniffle.

"I held it in, but later that night, I couldn't stop myself from crying," Madison went on. "That's why I couldn't sleep. Too busy crying."

"And now, that brings you here. Searching for a tank for them. Which, I will rightly guess, you'll pay for."

Madison nodded. Alice leaned in and hugged her, showering her with warmth and comfort that soothed her soul.

"Madison, you have a heart of gold," she said with grace. "Heh, keep this up, and you'll be fully funding that team." she joked.

"If I have too, I will."

Alice chuckled as she shook her head. "Ah, I don't think they're that strapped for cash. You're selfless to a fault. Any who, what kind of tank is Saint Apollonia selling? Is it powerful or something like that?"

"Ah, let's see," Madison said, looking back at the computer screen. "They are selling an AMR 35."

"...What's that?"

"Don't know. There isn't a picture. I guess they assume people will just know what it is."

She typed on the computer the name of the tank and a picture of it was then found. They both tilted their heads to the side upon laying eyes on it. It wasn't what they were expected.

"You know, Madi, I don't think they are that desperate."

"Eh? What's wrong with it? It's cute!"

"...Yeah, you're right. Nonetheless, Valarie is the one who makes the call."

"Indeed. I'll pass along the information in due time."


The Mojave Rose tankey team's first practice at sea has gone wonderfully. Inspiration Park has proved itself to be an excellent range for them to drive around and pop off some rounds. And what more, because the area was thick with trees and other vegetation, they absorbed most of the sound of their guns. Sure, no matter where you are on the ship, you will hear the cannons going off, but thanks to those trees, it's by no means a nuisance. In fact, the people living on the ship actually found this thrilling. For some, it was the thunder of the guns that announced to them that there was a tankery team on board. Mojave Rose has instantly become a local favorite. With practice at its end, the vehicles returned to the garage and the team was together as Buchanan debriefed them.

"That went very smoothly. Glad to see we're all already in the grove in our new setting. Ah, I've got nothing else to say, so, get out of here."

The team left the garage and went in all directions as they all plans. Ashley caught up with Heather, hands behind her back, and looked at her all cute.

"So," she began. "You and I have an...arrangement, so to speak."

Heather glanced at her then looked away. "Yes, we do. What's the plan?"

"Something simple. You and I are going to walk the town and see what we see. Do what strikes us."

"I can get behind that. Though, first, I'm going to shower."

Sniffing her own uniform, Ashley showed a nod. "Yeah, same here. Meet back outside by the front entrance."

The two girls hurriedly returned to their respective apartment units, showered, Fifteen minutes have elapsed when Ashley then went back outside, ready. Her outfit was not at all unusual. Her usual white tank top with black denim jeans. She ran her fingers through her short hair repeatedly as an anxiousness has taken root in her. Her breathing slowly quickened as the minutes gone by. Before her emotions had a chance to overwhelm her, she heard a door open behind her. Turning around, her eyes laid upon Heather. She was wearing a green-and-white sundress that ran past her knees. Across the middle of her dress, were buttons, and functional ones at that. Turning her gaze downward, Ashley noticed that she was also wearing tan ankle-strap sandals.

"Well, um, someone put way more effort in their appearance." Ashley remarked with a chuckle.

"You like it? Check this out," Heather said. She then stuffed her hands done some slips in her dress. "Pockets! Of my own creation!"

"You know, if more dresses had pockets, I'd start wearing them."

"Oh, you looked beyond amazing in that hybrid tux during prom. It suited you perfectly. And don't be too hard on yourself. You always look great in that tank-top of yours. Don't mess with success."

Grinning, and blushing faintly, Ashley motioned to Heather to follow and the pair started walking and continued talking.

"You still making costumes and such?" Ashley asked her.

"Partially. Obviously, I couldn't bring my sewing machine so that I can do is rather limited. Still, I can do a lot with needles. I can still, at least, create something."

"You know," Ashley then said, face thinking. "Since this is an art school and all, they could have classes dedicated to fashion." This caused Heather to perk up. "And, if they do have fashion courses, then for sure do they have sewing machines and so much more to take your work to the next level."

"You're so right!" Heather exclaimed with joy, an emotion rarely seen from her. "I gotta check into that. Now, I bet you have some excitement about this school too."

"Hmm?" Ashley remarked with some confusion. "No, as I said, this place is an art school so I doubt there's anything that has to do with computers and all."

"I wasn't talking about computers."

Ashley remained confused but only for a second. She soon learned what Heather really meant.

"Oh. Music. I dunno..." she said with some reservation.

"Why? You have a heavenly voice and when you played that guitar, it was like an extension of your body. Also, I've yet to see you play the piano. And I know you have experience with it."

Ashley looked at her and smirked slightly.

"Damn, you really want to see me perform again that bad, eh?"

"I do. I love it."

"Well, maybe. I might take a look at this school's music department and get a feel for it. See if it's any good."

"I'll hold you to that."

"I'm sure you will."

Their walking has got them into town. They strolled by various buildings and some shops. The girls took their time as they viewed these shops, deciding which one they'll visit first. None drew their curiosity, so they kept walking. Then, they spotted a double-story cafe. Going up to the window, they saw that it covered with what the cafe offered.

"Bubble tea? I like the sound of that, how about you?" Ashley proposed.

"No complaints from me. I'm game."

They entered the cafe and ordered their drinks. With teas in hand, they walked upstairs and found themselves in a tranquil scene. The chairs here hung from the ceiling, with some hammocks attached to pillars. Then there were the large windows that gave a fantastic view of the sea. It was the mid-afternoon so the sun was only now starting its journey to sink beneath the horizon. As it was still bright, the ocean waters shimmered brilliantly. They found a pair of hanging chairs and sat down right next to each other. What made everything perfect was that they were alone.

"That's downright majestic," Heather commented, admiring the scene. She then took a sip of her bubble tea. "Mmm, this tastes pretty darn good."

"Oh yeah, this is now my new favorite drink."

They sat together quietly for some moments, drinking their teas. Heather's eyes squinted as an interesting question has manifested in her mind.

"I've, ah, got a weird question to ask. It's a bit...out there."

"Knowing you, no question is weird."

"Okay. Do you think we have free will or are our lives predestined?"

Ashley looked at her blankly. "...Alright. That's weird. Could you explain?"

"Do you think what is happening in your life was always meant to happen? That you only had the illusion of free choice, when in actuality, you're just unknowingly following a script?"

"Mmm, no. If true, it would mean that people who die young were meant to die. And that's a depressing thought."

"I feel the same way, but it's an idea that you can't really disprove."

"Oh yeah? Listen, I sincerely doubt there is some all-knowing invisible power that dictates every word I say and action I do. You and I are free-spirits, and that's the honest truth."

Heather laughed softly. "Amen to that. Now, on to something else. Do you think we're alone in the universe?"

"Hell no, there are aliens out. Maybe a few interstellar empires. Man, a huge space war could be going on ~right now~ and we'd never know because it's so far away."

"I've had that same EXACT thought," Heather said with glee. "Just thinking about such a massive event like that happening gives my goosebumps and I love it. Moving on, I'm actually very curious about this, what's your take on ghosts?"

"Ghosts?" Ashley echoed. "I've got a personal story about the paranormal."

Heather learned toward her, eyes hyperfocused. "Tell. Me. Now."

"A couple of years ago, I was at home in my room. I was doing homework, believe or not. While working, I heard my mom call me. I left my room and went to her. I asked her 'what's up' but she told me she didn't call me. I was confused a little, but I chalked that up to mishearing something and went back to my room. I resumed working when after a few minutes, my mom came into my room and asked me what I wanted. I looked at her weird and told her I didn't call or say anything. It was her now that was confused and left. But the truly perplexing, and somewhat scary part happened around an hour later. We both then heard a voice that sounded like dad and walked toward where it came from. Which was my parent's room. It freaked us out, especially considering what happened leading up to that."

Heather was utterly captivated. "God. Damn. Disembodied voices that sound like people you know. Just add in orbs and you'd have your textbook paranormal case. Has it ever happened again?"

"No, that was the only time it has happened."

"Hmm. Say. An idea just hit me. Want to one day play around with an ouija board?"

Ashley shook her head. "I'll be honest, I'm on the fence on ghosts. But, I'd like to be on the safe side and not mess with that at all."

Heather pouted. "Aw...okay," she drank and fished her tea and threw it away. "It's...not every day that I can talk to people about this sort of stuff without fear of ridicule. It's with you, Valarie, and Emma do I feel comfortable enough to share my, admittedly, bizarre interests."

"Heather, I wouldn't dare make fun of you. Sure, your interests are weird but in every good way. I adore when you go on and on about what you're passionate about. It's just one of the many things I...like about you."

Their hands moved closer to each other, to an extent where the tip of their fingers was touching each other. This sensation excited them, causing their heart rate to elevate and some sweat to appear.

"Like?" Heather asked all shyly, her voice just above a whisper. "You like me or...do you have a stronger emotion?"

Ashley nervously cleared her throat and then stood up, throwing away her drink. "Ah..." she muttered. A huge breath was taken. "Heather...the day I first laid eyes on you when the team went to that junkyard looking for tanks, you've taken my breath away. Since that day, you've never left my mind. I always think, 'how lucky am I to spend so much time with such a beautiful, fascinating, talented, and above all, strong girl'."

With Heather still in her seat, Ashley then knelt down in front of her and placed her hands on her lap. She was surprised by this move but made no attempt to stop it.

"Heather," Ashley said. Her voice was as soft as silk that made Heather swoon. "I'm in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ashley looked on with anxious anticipation. Heather slowly rose from the chair and grabbed both of Ashley's hands and pulled her up. In a move that utterly surprised and delighted Ashley, Heather leaned forward and kissed her. An explosion of bliss was felt by them both. From that day on, their souls were mended and became one. Their kiss lasted for several long, tender moments that they savored. They left the cafe and, arms linked, back to the apartment complex. Their happiness soaring into the heavens.

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