Destiny Calling

By flowerydimwit

1.5K 81 32

A Ghost aka Kate Williams, is the sixteen year old loner. But it was never that way, she used to have friends... More

Destiny Calling
EIGHT- *Belated Tanksgving Chap**
NINE~ T/D w/ G N G
TEN ~T/D w/ G N G {Part ll}
EIGHTEEN: Ares and Hades POV
TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress
Notice me!!
THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins
THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This
THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After
Epilogue: Reincarnation
A Poem For the Fans
Thank You.

ELEVEN- I hate you all. {Happy Xmas Eve! :3}

31 3 2
By flowerydimwit

This one was different, more real, more there. It was like I was someone else but looking with my own eyes, in a bedroom decrorated with gold feathers of a bird, I was lost. A room full of bird feathers? Who would-

The starer, the Queen! She had the same type of feathers in various colors. 

Why am I her?

My vision blurred, and a feeling of a merge started. My head, our head hurt, our minds were being forced together, forcefully and creulessly. 

'Kaate, innocent and unaware mortal, it is so sad really? You dont know, do you?' a voice cooed in my head. My vision cleared, I was in the feathered room. But the voice was still there, 'Dear girl, so sweet, so foolish, so ignorant. You dont know do you?'

I shook my head, "What do you mean? Who are you? What are you?!"

A melidious sound echoed through the quarter, a sound of mystery and hidden secrets. 'Would'nt you want to know?'

"Tell me!" my voice percing as she kept annoying me, ditching my questions. 'Oh, half-breed, youll soon know. For now, youll be my entertainment, court gets so exhausting.'

Half-breed? That word again? Didn't Aphrodite say it was something close to awesome. Was the goddess calling me almost awesome?? And court?! What was she going with that?

Laughter echoed again, 'Just watch where you peek. You don't know what will happen if you don't, dear Kate.'

My name rolled off her tone as a toxin, and it sounded she was taking me as a crimminal instead a girl who just came over a day. 'Remember, though, your up here. There are 2 people down there who you care deeply for.'

Who-? ]

Mom and step Dad!!! 

"Tell me, what o you want? Money, food, a title, a servant?!" 

Evil laughter sounded, ''None, will do. I only want you. With your head on a spike. As a bedpost in my bedroom.'

I froze, I had a serial killer whose after me, and she was a goddess. She was completely going to kick my butt, and I cant do nothing 'bout it. So long world, I thought to myself.

My vision blurred as it fell black, and finally before I passed out, I felt something leave the body, then everything fell dark.


The sunlight filtered in, bathing my eyelids in heat, but that wasn't woke me up. It was probably the screams of horror, that echoed throught the large house. Piercing squeals, frustrated shouts, and annoyance laced into the air. I thought it was loud enough to wake everyone in the house, but no one came. Thankfully. No queen came down, she must be a heavy sleeper, hopefully. 

I flipped upward, in a sitting position. I wiped my eyes which got a bit crusty, betting it was dried tears from that nightmare. I shuddred, before 2 people plopped next to me, my accomplices, Artemis and Hephaestus.

Artemis, grinned eviling, from ear to ear as Apollo unconsciously an his whipped creamed hand through his perfect hair, which was no longer perfect anymore. As he realized this, his face paled as he swiped a pillow in front of his face, and the worst part is the screaming did wake somebody, or should I say sombodies. 

A group of Apollo's fangirl club stared the perfect imperfect god, who was know the color of a peach. I let out a low chuckle, and Artemis was off the couch laughing.  Hephaestus, sitting next to me, smiled a little to widely as he looked at me, his eyes saying 'Mission accomplished.'

I nodded turning back to the Scene of Choas created by a god, a goddess, and a 'mortal.' 

The word 'mortal' whispered to me, in my head, my mind, and my ears.

'Mortal. Mortal, I am. Mortal, I am not. What am I?' it seemed to say, going in and out of my ears. I cupped them, the voice stilll there, more crisp, more clear. 'What am I? What am I?'

I closed my ears, as Hephaestus nudged, obvious to my worried actions. His brows were creased with concern, 'What's wrong?' he mouthed. I shook my head, as he looked confused. 'Take me to the room' I mouth back. He nodded understanding.

As we got up we were met by Artemis, who asked, "Where you guys going? Arent your going to admire our work?" I shook my head, as Hephaestus sent her a look that made me confused. Artemis nodded, knowingly and let us go on our way. What was that-

'Oh, child. If only you knew,'  annoyomous voice said. The voice of a woman, 'You only wish you knew, dear Kate?' I froze, it's her. And she's in my mind. Like a shrieking smack was planted in my face, I fell down on my knees. Hephaestus was looking at me, wildly gesturing everywhere, panicing. He ran back to the living room.

I shook my head, as if to try to pop it off. I started to sweat, and my vision blurred with tears. Her voice was still inside.

'Aw, Kate how i love torment you with just a wisp of my immortal power. How are you to face me with such weak form. How would you fall?' she asked in a menacing tone.

Laughter sounded, "Ah yes, by the magic blade I will slay your head will be on a spike for all to behold. I will grin in satisfaction in your poor effect stop the darkness that will consume everyone. Your beloved mother and father," a chill went down my spine.

'Your new friend, the goddess Aphrodite.'

"No, no, stop! Please!" I screamed at nothing but the thing that was in my mind.

"Your nothing Kate, nothing will out your friends and family. Your mine, and when the time comes I will take you," the voice whispered in my ear, one last time before fading. I looked at the staircase in front of me, and I saw a glimpse of a woman.

A woman who wore a purple robe decorated with feathers, and her victorious grin moved along as she disappeared around the corner. Leaving me there, in shock and fear.

My head lightened a little, but the tremendous pressure weighted it down, and my vision went white. "Kate?!" I heard a concerned voice ask.

Before I heard a thud and I collapsed on the floor, the image of her winning grin as the Queen walked away. 'I know I cant win. She's too powerful,' I think in my confused head. Finally, my head shut down and I was forced to sleep.


 Dark. Dark, why was it dark?

I sat up, my eyes opened. The room I was in was foreign, not the one back home. I looked down, and I noticed I was in my own pajamas. I slowly slide off the strange yet comfy bed, I made my way towards the door.

Near a window, a great bug moon, snow-colored shone through the night. I placed my hand to my temple, Where the heck was I? 

At that, my stomach thought it would be a good time to rumble. A knock was placed on the door, and I mentally blamed my stomach for it. 

Carefully, placing a square item in my hand, I slowly and cautiously opened the door. It revealed a blond. with a perfect everything, and my brain clicked everything. I threw my arms around Aphrodite and i landed eith a 'uff.' But seonds later, arms circled me as she hugged back.

"Goddess, you scared us Kate. The way you collapsed in a heap of pressure. You werent breathing, your eyes were rolled back," she pulled out of the hug, "yYou werent even moving!? I thought you were dead! If you were which i thought I went up to He- um...the Queen and knocked the sense into her!"

I blinked, she stopped at the last part. "What?"

"You looked like you were dead!" she said, her voice still laced with worry.

"No,no," I moved away standing in front of her, "Why did you stop when you said He- and then you stopped and changed it to the Queen. What were you going to say? Her name, what is it?!"

Aphrodite visible paled, "I-ii cant tell you that. I'm sorry," she looked at the floor remorsely.

I smacked my hand on my forehead, Nobody tells me anything.

"They do, just... not all of it," Aphrodite rreplied. I realized I said it out loud.

"Then," I pull on her arma and pull her into the room, "tell me all of it."

Aphrodite shoook her ehad, and i gave her the epis puppy dog face, and I pouted adding a few tears for effect. It was a slim chance, and my face started to hurt, but finally she nodded, deafeatedly.

I smiled, already happy.My memory returned the second she mentiond the Queen. I lead her to the window where their was a couch type of set on it. I gestured her to sit and she sat, placing a plate of food next to me. "Food for you," she says, nodding to the food.

 I waved my hand, I could really care less. I gestured for her to continue. She shook her head sternly, a 'no' stated from her mouth. My smile dropped, "But-"

"Not buts Kate, You have to eat, you've been out for about morethan a day. You are going to eat or i will not tell you a word," she crossed her arms and gestured to the food agin. I looked at her and attempted to do the puppy eyes, but her head moved, and she was looking at somthing else.

I sight muttering an 'Alright.'

I moved the plate closer, and suddenly hunger moved me. I stuffed every piece of food into my mouth, rapidly chewing it and swallowing it into a bite. By the time 5 minutes, passed I was done. I shoved the plate aside and gestured Aphrodite to continue. Smiling satisfactory, she began.

"Hera. That's her name. And she wants you dead, Kate. Dont let her do that."


Hey Guys! 


2. Have an awesome breaks, you school ppl! :3

3. ENJOY! Thanks for reading and your support.

Dedicate to Julia who dedicated her chapter toe me but also cause she's one of my Wattpad besties. Thanks, Julialuvescupcakes, you rock! :)


PS This is your Xmas gift btw + a cliffhanger! XD

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