Naive (The weeknd fanfic)

By 50shadesofD

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"Forgive and forget" they said "Move on" they said "He loves you" they said I can forgive but I can't forget... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 prt.1
Read Please!
chapter 6 prt 2
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chap. 9 prt 1
Chap.9 prt 2
Please read!!
Chapter 10
Chapter. 11
chapter 12

Chapter 2

3K 107 9
By 50shadesofD

(Tyla in MM)

Tyla pov

I cleared my throat before taking a seat. I could feel Abel's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head.

Me: ok so you would like for me to be the creative consultant for the XO brand?

I said while reading over the file real quick. I would be choosing the brand models, at photo shoots, setting up outfits for the models, and looking over new designs. That didn't sound bad, but I would be working closely with Abel.

Abel: Yes, we would love to have you on the team.

Me: I think I'll take the offer. Please let my assistant know all the details. It was nice meeting you gentlemen. Have a nice day.

I said before gathering my stuff and walking out. I had to get out there quick. I couldn't help it I looked back at Abel. He looked emotionless and high. I shook my head different day same Abel.

Abel pov

Cash: Damn.

Hawk: That ass!

Hyghly: Can y'all shut up. Dang always scouting out bitches....she seems stuck up.

Cash: Nahh she was acting up....Abel probably fucked her and never called her back.

They all busted out laughing at my player ways while I watched on.

Me: That was Tyla.

Cash: oh shit!

Hawk: Dang why you leave her fine ass?!

Me:Hawk shut up like damn nigga!

I seriously needed a smoke, a drink, and a snort. I ran my hand through my wild hair. Seeing her brought back all types of emotions that I learned to ignore. I hated how when she saw me hurt was etched all over her face. If I knew it was her I was meeting with I never would've came. How can I face her after I beat her and left her when I found out she was pregnant. As all these thoughts swirled in my head it clicked. Tyla was the woman I saw at Starbucks when I was getting coffee for my girlfriend Alice. The little girl was my daughter. Wow. She was so beautiful...what am I saying she probably not even mine. I shook my head.

Me: Come on let's go.

I walked out the building and into the Toronto Sun. Tyla really went far with her life. I always knew she would but I thought I would be there to see it...that it would be with me. Seeing Tyla really fucked me up. I can only imagine how she feels.

Tyla pov

A part of me hoped Abel would call for after me, would chase me, but then I remembered who I was dealing with. I went into Tyler's office holding back tears. She gave me sympathetic look but didn't say anything.

Me:Come on Anaya lets go. Thank you Tyler.

Tyler: No problem.

I was so glad I could come in and leave when I pleased. I grabbed Anaya's hand since she didn't want me to pick her up. Walking out hand and hand I caught sight of Abel ahead of us. Anaya noticed to.

Anaya: Mommy!! That's the man from Starbucks!!

She started pulling towards him. All the commotion she was making caused alot of people to stop and stare, and caused Abel to turn around. I could see him contemplating wether to walk over or to act like he didn't see us. He started walking over. I wanted to turn and run but I had to be a big girl. It was time I faced my fears.

Me: Naya please stop and let me pick
you up.

She stopped and agreed to me picking her up. I felt like if she was in my arms she would be safer.

Abel: Hey...

Me: Hey...

Abel: Tyla we need to talk.

Me: No we really don't. When you left you took that chance of us talking out the door with you.

I said dryly. At this point I had no emotions. Our intense stare off was cut off my Anaya.

Anaya: Mommy are we still getting ice cream?

We both looked down at her.

Me: Yes baby...we can go to the mall too.

Our short convo was cut off by Abel.

Abel: Is that her?

Me: As in her do you mean my baby that you left 3 years ago? Yes this is her.

Abel: Wow she is beautiful...what's her name?

Me: Anaya Marie....Tesfaye.

My arms were going numb from holding her...and I noticed paparazzi snapping pictures but keeping there distance

Me: Look I have to go, this isn't the best place for me to fill you in on the 3 years you missed and the many more coming.

Abel: Tyla please. Can we meet up some where and talk? I want to be in her life!

Me: Abel please do me a favor and miss me with bull shit.

I said before walking away. I put Anaya down not feeling the need to protect her anymore. I put her in the car seat before driving to the house. Once we got to the house I put on the TV for her and fixed her some food before going upstairs to change. Looking in my closet i decided to wear a tricot colored bralet with a v-neck and thin straps,light blue wash high waisted shorts, and a acid washed denim biker jacket. I slipped on my light blue converse, and a MK watch. I decided to do something different so I put on a neon bluish purple lipstick.(outfit link in comments) I ran down the stairs with different clothes for Anaya...I didn't want her to mess up her romper. I quickly changed her into a matching out fit. A light blue wash pair of shorts with lace on the sides, a tricot top with a white lace heart in the middle. I brushed her curly hair into 2 buns on each side of her head.

Me: You ready Naya?

Anaya: Yeah mommy, can we walk to the ice cream place?

Me: Yeah sure.

There was a ice cream truck near our house by the park that Anaya loved so much. I decided that we would walk there then take the metro to the mall. That's one thing I love about Canada...the metro. Its clean and nothing like the states'. We walked out side and I locked the house up. Then grabbed Anaya's hand as she babbled on about what ice cream she wanted to try. I wasn't really listening since my mind was on my encounter with Abel earlier. As we walked out the gates that surrounded the house I stopped and waved to one of the security guards, saying hi and letting him know to lock up. Soon after 5 minutes we reached the cart we came here so much that the little old man that owned it knew our names and order by heart. As I stood in line I let Anaya go play in the park. In front of me was a couple arguing. It was annoying.

Me: I'm sorry but can you take that shit some where else like we don't want to hear about how he goin out again tonight and you can't go.

The girl snapped her head back and glared at me...bitch please.

Girl: Look bitch I'm talking to my boyfriend not you so stay out of our business.

Me: First don't call me a bitch second every body here is in your business since you shouting it all out for the whole world to hear. Now do me a favor and shut the fuck up and order your shit so I can go.

The girl looked shocked. She turned around. And started ordering. That's when I noticed some one staring at me. I looked up. Abel. I rolled my eyes. I was slightly irritated that I kept running into him but I was mostly pissed that he had a girl. I pulled out my phone and acted like I didn't see him but I know he saw me see him. Soon they moved out of line and I was next. I yelled for Anaya and she ran right over. I could see Abel watching her from a park bench.

Me: Hey bunny. What do you want?

Anaya: ummm...worms and dirt.

Me: I thought you were trying something new?

Anaya: I changed my mind.

She said with a giggle.

Me: Hey Earl, can I get a vanilla sugar cone and a worms and dirt cup.

Earl: the usual

I laughed

Me: Yeah.

He hand me my order and had a quick convo with Anaya. We walked away and sat on a bench at the other side of the park away from Abel. I snapped pictures of Anaya and posted on Instagram.

@RealTylaMarie_ : At the park with my baby💕

As soon as I posted it I got a lot of likes and comments I looked through the comments, most of them were nice but one caught my attention.

@official_Raye: Her baby low key looks like The Weeknd 🐸☕ @abel_xo

I didn't respond, I noticed Abel followed me and Tyler commented

@Ty.ler: 😂😂🐸☕@official_Raye

I didn't really mind since Raye is my friend and she always says things like that on my pictures. I followed him back before locking my phone.

Me: Anaya you want to go now?

Anaya: yeah...hey look mom it's that man he following us?

I laughed

Me: No baby I don't think so.

I put her on my lap but turning her back to him. I watched as he walked over.

Abel: Hey...

Me: How can I help you Abel.

Abel: I just want to talk.

I really wanted to know what he had to say but I didn't want to get hurt at the same time. Then I had to think of much as I hate it she needs her dad.

Me: ok fine. Your number still the same?

Abel: yeah.

Me: I'll call you.

Abel: ok...can I speak to her?

Me: Don't push it Abel.

Abel pov

I watched as she got up with the little girl on her hip. Damn I didn't even remember her name. I turned around and walked away. I got into my car leaving Alice's ass behind. I don't have my license but oh well fuck it. I called my bro's letting them know to meet me at ecstasy. It was only 8:15 but it was lit already. I walked past the line of thirsty bitches trynna get in and into the club. I saw cash and the rest waiting for me in VIP. I dapped them all before taking a seat and a pill. Hours past and I was high off of everything, crack, Xanax, weed, and a Molly. Had a bad bitch sitting on my lap and Alice blowing me up. Fuck it. I led the girl to bathroom. I forgot to get her name. I didn't care either. She got her knees, unzipped my pants and wrapped her lips around my dick. I wish it was Tyla.

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