š…šˆš‘š’š“ š‹šŽš•š„ | madara...

By shisuistan

198K 9.7K 1.8K

ā†’ š€š”āœØ it's been two years since madara left the village, and he's in for a big surprise when he comes back... More



6.4K 355 51
By shisuistan

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Emerging from the dense forestry that adorned the land further in from the crumbling cliffs and deep valley, Madara hoisted Haruka further over his shoulder, eyes darting around frantically for any sign of [Name]. He had noticed her frenzied screams and howls had ceased somewhere in the middle of the greenery, and had been alert ever since he could only hear the rustling of leaves and the click of his sandals against the sturdy branches of the trees. He had only taken a step out of the forest when he halted in his tracks.

She's here. He waited a few more minutes, waiting for [Name] to leap out and try to attack him, but no such thing occurred. There was only silence amidst the sounds of nature. Letting out a little breath, Madara tightened his hold and took a single step forward.


As soon as his left heel broke contact with the earth below, a hand shot out from underneath Madara and wrapped itself around his ankle, pulling him down.

"AH!" As Madara landed on his knees with a crash, a figure shot out from the place the hand had first appeared, surrounded by a cloud of dust.
[Name] rose above the kneeling Uchiha, nostrils flaring as she glared at him with such an intensity it rivalled that of sun rays, kunai ready in both her hands as she apprehended her ex-lover.

"Game over, Madara," she spat venomously, lodging a kunai in the ground before the still kneeling Madara. He slowly rose to his feet, one hand in the air, while he held Haruka in place with the other. "Give me back my son, and then go away. I never want to see you again."

A smirk twitched on Madara's lips.

"In case you've forgotten, dearest [Name], Haruka also happens to be my son," he said outlandishly, flipping his hair out of his eyes. "So, your argument is technically invalid." [Name] let out a high growl of rage and lunged forward to wrap her hands around the Uchiha's throat, making wild noises of anger, but he effortlessly sidestepped her with a small sigh, gracefully dodging all the blows [Name] attempted to throw at him.

"Say, when was the last time you did any proper training?" he sneered, ducking as a vicious punch was aimed at his face. "A year, maybe two? Have you been so preoccupied with Haru that you've neglected your duties as a shinobi? Might I say, your performance right now is shocking. This isn't the [Name] I remember leaving behind."

WHY IS HE TAUNTING ME?! thought [Name] angrily, pulling herself together to launch a proper attack on Madara.

"MY DUTIES AS A MOTHER OVERRULE THOSE AS A KUNOICHI!" she screamed, leaping high into the air and coming back down with a sickening punch that was intended for Madara. He quickly moved away, however, and [Name]'s almighty blow came into contact with the earth instead, shattering the ground around the point of contact and making a series of loud cracking noises. She quickly recovered and threw herself at the Uchiha, who seemed to merely glide away from her every move.

"Madara! Give him back to me!" [Name]'s voiced was cracked, pitchy, and frenzied- totally unlike the calm and composed [Name] Madara had known once upon a time. He raised an eyebrow at her, merely grunting in response.

"I'm helping you, [Name]!" he scolded, evading yet another one of [Name]'s physical attacks; whilst he had Haruka in his arms, [Name] didn't dare to use any ninjutsu, for fear of harming her precious son. "Think about it! You can start afresh with Izuna, while I can keep a little piece of you by taking Haruka! Doesn't that seem fair?!"

"NO!" cried [Name] desperately, her tears of rage turning into tears of fear. "I'VE DEDICATED TWO YEARS TO RAISE HIM, TO NURTURE HIM, TO LOVE HIM! AND I'LL DO IT FOR MORE YEARS TO COME- YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH MY SON!"

"No?" quipped Madara in an amused voice. His senses perked up as company joined them, making him sigh. "Welcome. You're just in time for the party."

"Nii-chan, I don't understand what you're doing!" Izuna reached for a furiously sobbing [Name], who had dropped to her knees with her hands clasped over her eyes, wailing loudly while the Hokage crouched beside her, offering soothing words of comfort. "Please, give Haru back to us!"

Madara laughed.

"Give my son back to you?" he sneered, readjusting Haruka's limp figure over his shoulder. "Why would I do that?"

"Madara, please," begged Hashirama softly, getting to his knees and letting Izuna take his place. "Release the child."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" asked Madara coldly, sneering at his former friend. "This is a family issue; you play no part in it." Hashirama smiled at Madara, much to his contempt.

"Actually, Madara, I believe I do," he said with a broad grin. "[Name] is my cousin, after all. Through Mito, of course." Madara narrowed his eyes at Hashirama.

"What do you know!?" he spat, slightly turning so that Haruka was hidden from the others by his shoulder. Hashirama sighed, and bowed his head.

"You do not need an Uzumaki child, Madara, nor will you ever. All I ask is that you return Haruka to his respective mother, and we'll part our ways here. I see that there is no changing your mind; you've made your choice, and that's that. But while I am the Hokage, [Name] and Haruka are fellow citizens of the village, therefore, I am compelled to intervene on their behalf."

"You think you're so great, don't you?" he snarled, losing all temper he had. Hashirama sighed, and shook his head.

"Our matters do not involve [Name] and Haruka, Madara," said the Hokage softly. "Let Haruka go."

"We battle," announced Madara proudly, striding forward. In the mean time, Izuna had calmed and helped [Name] to her feet, who was glaring at Madara through her red rimmed eyes. "If I win, I take Haruka. If you win, you get him and I leave for good."

"I'm afraid I'm not here to fight, Madara."

"JUST GIVE HARUKA BACK!" screamed [Name], attempting to tear herself out of Izuna's tight grip. "GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!"

With a loud groan, Madara slid Haruka off his shoulder, prompting [Name] to violently shove Izuna away and sprint to the unconscious boy.

"You people are so bothersome," scoffed Madara as [Name] swept Haruka into her arms, sobbing with relief as she darted away from him. Hashirama and Madara stood face to face, unmoving as they stared each other down.

"Really, Madara, did you have to involve so many people in this?"

"It was a necessity," grimaced the Uchiha, unsheathing his katana. Hashirama turned to the still distraught [Name], who cradled Haruka in her arms while Izuna had an arm around her shoulders.

​"Izuna, please take [Name] back to the village," said the Hokage, nodding at Izuna. He then turned back to face Madara with a frown. "I'm afraid Madara and I have some... unfinished business."

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