The Sanctuary✔️

By vixen_magic

5.7K 154 11

"You have no idea how much I would love to tie you up Ms. Nicholes. Make you squirm and flourish underneath m... More



200 5 0
By vixen_magic

Closing the building after everyone had left Ashley made her way to her car to go and meet Danny at her apartment. It was a friday meaning no one had to work the next day, meaning everyone was hammering her to go clubbing that night.

And being someone who couldn't turn down four men and a granny begging her to come with them, because it was a tradition for the workers to take out the new workers for drinks, Ashley couldn't refuse. It got to the point where Daniel and Jack were on their knees while she was working, both of them begging from under her desk.

"I shouldn't be going, John will be upset....but then again he said he didn't want to talk to me, why should I even worry about him? I mean....he, he was also with that girl so maybe he is busy visiting with her? I'm just going out with some's not even that big of a deal. I'll be back before he even knows I was out if he does care, right?" Ashley talks to herself as she drives in the almost empty streets going down to her apartment.

"Oh what am I even doing?! I'm talking to myself...nice going Ashley, creeping your own self out in your own damn car...." She mentally slaps her head as she drives, pulling over to the curb to get out, seeing Danny sitting on the steps outside the door on his phone. She slowly walks to the steps, peering over her friend on his phone as he looks up with a dorky smile.

"Finally. Let's get you out of....that." Danny stands and brushes his pants off before pointing to Ashley's outfit from work, his nose scrunched up and eyes narrowing as he looks at her outfit.

"What's wrong with this? I thought it was cute...." Ashley looks down to her outfit with a small frown.

"Oh it's cute, but we need a sexy tonight. So unlock this door and move your beautiful ass up those stairs!" Pulling his friend up her stairs as soon as she is in the door, into her apartment and to her bedroom, sitting her onto her bed and digging straight into her closet.

Knowing exactly what dress he is looking for, he shakes his head at the rest of the closet. "Remind me to send you on a shopping spree with Marco and Tommy, jeez when was the last time you went shopping?"

"A few weeks ago..."

"And you bought a hello kitty sweater! That is not shopping! All you have are blouses or sweaters and nice pants...We need to upgrade you best friend."

"Why would you ever trust Tommy to take me shopping?" Ashley questioned, imagining what the old woman might do. She'd enjoy herself too much.

"Because she'll make you get somewhat revealing things!" Danny's voice is flat as he talks, frowning when he can't find what he is looking for.

The girl also frowned, "I don't think I will ever go shopping with Tommy when you put it like that...that woman is crazy. And I don't need revealing clothes!"

"Oh please, you work at a BDSM place and you only have little innocent angel clothing...not going to work if you go by my books....oh my God!" Danny screams when he finds the little black dress he was looking for. Pulling it up and kissing it with a smile before turning around with it proudly, holding it up as Ashleys face pulls down to a frown.



"No No No, not in a million-"


Standing in front of the full length mirror with the little black dress that cuts at her mid thigh, is slit down the back revealing more of her than it really should, it's sleeves are very short and off the shoulder and tight, and paired with heels that make her at least four inches taller, Ashley can't remember the last time she looked like this. Her hair was let down, her short curls free to fall off her shoulders ever so slightly as she stood there, she looked pretty,

Huffing as she turns around and looks at her backside, her mind races with millions of thoughts as she looks at herself, her face and body waiting for Danny to come back in. "Danny? Are you sure about this?" she yells despite having Danny basically force her into her old college dress for parties back then.

"Hundred percent Honey. We should get going, everyone will be at the club soon."

"Danny...." Danny looks up and smiles at his friend, looking amazing in a dress that shows off more than needed for once.

"You look amazing! Now stop worrying!" He complimented.

"But what if....what if John gets mad?" Ashley asks, worry and anxiety building up at the idea.

"So what about John? He said he didn't want to talk to you so you are not going to talk to him! Who gives a shit what he thinks, you don't pick up the phone once and he acts like you just gave the world a death bomb! You are going out because you said you would! You are going out with friends and if your boyfriend doesn't like that, he can come talk to me and I'll shove Tommy's pencil right up his ass...I think it has magical gay powers that can turn a vampire only instead of a bite, it's a poke up the butt." Arguing and going off on a tangent about the pencil with Ashley about her so called boyfriend, Danny stands firm and unwilling to take no for an answer from the girl who is questioning everything.

After standing in silence, Ashley bites her cheek and thinks, he's right, I'm just going out with some new friends..."I forgot my phone at my desk, we should stop by before we head to the club." Ashley mutters, looking up and grabbing her keys off of the counter in the bathroom.



"Okay, I'll be quick."

"Everyones already there and they can't start drinking without us so yes, please hurry!" Ashley hurries across the street to The Sanctuary, unlocking the doors with her keys and quickly shutting off the front alarms in the building as she gets in.

Trying to rush around to the hallway in a tight dress and heels was not easy in the dark, but thankfully Ashley knew that her nook was the first opening to the right if she went down the right hallway. In the dark, Ashley used her hands to feel her way through the dark building, way too scared to turn on a light and looking like an idiot.

Once she gets to her nook, she reaches for the small desk lamp and trips over the chair slightly, cursing in her innocent angel ways that weren't really swear words coming out of her muttering voice.

"Ow, shoot. Um..." When Ashley finally turns on the lamp and can see slightly, she realizes how creepy the building is with no one here with her, in the dark, at night....Ashley fearfully starts to search for her phone.

Shaking her head after looking on Tommy's side of the desk, she makes her way looking over and inside her half of the desk, searching for her phone that somehow isn't here. Her mind goes into a panic as she doesn't see her phone. Knowing that it isn't in her car, maybe I left it in the breakroom...there is no way I am going back there by myself....way too creepy

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ashley screams and falls to the ground with a thud from the sudden voice intruding the place and her thoughts, scared shitless as she looks up and see's Gabriel standing in the doorway, arms crossed as he stares down at the girl on the floor. He looks like Satan with only a small amount of light on him, his dark features staring into Ashleys innocent soul as they just look at each other for a moment.

"Ow....s-sorry." Muttering out to her boss, still, her heart beats loud and clear against her chest from the fear just then.

"What are you doing here?"

"I would a-ask you the same thing." Continuing to mutter as she stands and rubs her backside from falling on the floor, she looks back up to Gabriel for his answer, waiting, regretting what she just said.

"Doll, I own the damn building and I am the boss here, I can come whenever the fuck I want. Now what are you doing here, I don't want to ask again." His clearly dominant voice covers Ashley's mind like a blanket, getting lost in it for a second before stumbling to find words again.

"I-I forgot my ph-phone... here when I left. I just came back for it...but I c-can't seem to find it. I just needed it before we go out..." Ashley stands and rubs her arm as she looks around, feet glued to the floor.

Gabriel's deep voice scoffs at her as he walks over to the files, unlocking it and shoving some papers into it before making his way back. Her eyes meet his as he walks close to her, Ashley instinctively backing up until her bum hits the desk, her hands grip it behind her as he nears her, looking at her with a look Ashley couldn't name.

Her eyes widened as he continued to come closer and closer to her until they were barely inches away, biting her cheek to keep her from stuttering. Ashley could smell the mintiness of his breath and too, Gabriel could smell the sweet smell of strawberries emitting from the smaller girl's curly hair. The smell was intoxicating his lungs and the only thing he could smell or suddenly think was strawberries.

Leaning in so their faces are hardly touching each other, Gabriel leans in and reaches behind her, his head moving by her ear as her breathing stops completely, scared and intimidated by the man almost pressed against her. Pulling back slightly, their faces still just inches away from each other still as Gabriel's hands move in between them, one of them holding Ashleys phone.

His face held a sly, subtle smirk as he looked at Ashley with hooded eyes. She looks down and a crimson blush pulls up onto her face as she takes it, her hand shaking slightly as she looks up.

"T-Th-Thanks...H-How did you know it was o-over there?"

"Besides the fact that I saw you leave and set it there just before...I was down making copies of some things doll. Nothing of your concern." Gabriel's deep voice is so close to Ashley it was hypnotizing to her.

The trance she was in didn't last long as she remembered her best friend was waiting for her outside. "I have to go..." She told him quietly before slowly pulling away from him. He watched her escape, and even in the limited lighting they had he knew she was flustered and the idea made him smirk. "Everyone is going to t-this should come when you done."

"I don't go clubbing." Gabriel steps back, leaning his body against the desk as he watches the flustered girl.

"I-I kinda got that from everyone else, but you know, if you want to come and just hang out, the offers o-on the table. You never, you might have fun. Just thought I would offer."

"Have a good night Ms. Nicholus." He told her, and she quickly nodded before rushing out of the room. Keeping her head down as she walks past the desk where Gabriel stands there, eyes squinted as he watches the girl rush out of the building.

To say he was slightly confused, puzzled, and intrigued by the girl who just politely offered him to come with to go get drinks with everyone. The fact that she told him to stop by without hitting on him puzzled him even more. This girl who wasn't swooning over him asked him to go out and get a drink, and that almost upset him.

It made him crazy, a girl who didn't give into him right then and there when so many girls would kill to be in the position of Ashley was in--is in.

Ashley Nicholus was something else.

And as he walked up to his office again, Ashley got in Danny's car and they sped off as soon as her door was closed. Ashley's face was still flushed pink as she gripped her phone tightly in her hands. It was dead, there wasn't a point in holding it, but she for some reason couldn't let go.

"What took you so long?" Danny asked her, peering at her before returning his attention to the road.

"I...uh, just couldn't find it...sorry about that." She replied, Ashley felt bad for lying to him again but she didn't want to tell him about the encounter she had with their boss not too long ago.

"Well you're lucky we're close to the place Marco chose, everyone is officially there and somehow we got Summer to come along too."

"We?" Ashley questions Danny with a high eyebrow and smile on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jack got Summer to come, but she says it's because of the free beers. I don't think that's why, she'll ditch us after a few and go find someone to take home, she does it every time." Danny stated, sounding a bit irritated.

Ashley blinks a few times, somewhat surprised by what he said. "Oh...well...that's fine I guess. If that's her way of fun, that's why we are going."

"And you call me a dork? God you just being a poet over there. My little angel poet sitting next to me, on my shoulder for my very own guildence!" Drama queen, Ashley thought to.

"Are you just drunk all the time?" She questioned him.

"Nah, I'm fun when I'm drunk. But you wouldn't know that because you refuse to go out. So tonight, you are going to get drunk with me and make great memories with your very best friend."

"I wouldn't call you my very best friend...."

"Oh shut up you bully." Danny shushes her with his hand as he shuts off the car and gets out, seeing Billy outside with a cigarette in hand, looking at Danny with a blank stare as he runs over to him. Billy's eyes drop to the 5"5 girl in heels and a little black dress, his eyes widening a bit, but the blank stare stays on nevertheless.

"Hey Billy!" Ashley smiles brightly at the tall man as he takes a last hit at his cigarette, throwing it down on the ground as he looks at the two. One being dorky and the other being cute. Both of them looked up at the tall man for a welcome or even a hi.

"Hey Ashley. Everyone is inside." His deep voice rumbles through his chest as he looks at the young girl, opening the door for them. Danny takes Ashley's small hand in his and leads them to the rather odd group of people she now calls friends.

Everyone is around a table doing shots without the three who just enter the bar, it's more of a bar than a club and Ashley is probably more comfortable with that as Tommy looks at her after doing a shot and running to hug the girl in a short dress, grabbing her butt instantly as her head rests right under Ashley's breasts.


"Woah Granny! Off the ass! Off! Now!" Yelling at the little woman holding Ashley dearly, clearly drunk along with that, Billy grabs the granny and prys her off of Ashley, dragging her to the bar stool to sit down. The little lady pouts as Ashley laughs a bit, joining the group around a large table.

"Phone." Danny said.

Ashley looked at him with confusion, "What?"

"Phone my little angel! You are not going to be worrying about that one tonight." Danny mutters the last part so the rest of the group doesn't hear him talk about John. Reluctantly handing him the phone, even though it is dead, Ashley sighs and looks at the group.

As Jack and Marco chug beers down to see who can finish first, Billy scorns the little granny in the chair for grabbing Ashley even if she is drunk. Summer sips something out of a small glass while she watches the group as Danny gives Ashley a beer and starts drinking his.

Some were clearly drunk and tipsy, some not even effected. It was somewhat funny to watch the odd group like this, everyone was great together sober, and Ashley was scared to see what would happen when they were all intoxicated with alcohol.


"AYE! ME GAY ASSS IS B.E.A.UT.IFUL!" Marco screams back at Jack, just as drunk as Jack as they sloppily yell at each other.

"OMG IT ISS! DANNY IS MY ASS BEAUTIFUL?" Looking back at his friend, Danny leans down and nods to the butt.


"EW! THATS GAY DANNY!" Jack hits Danny's head with, thankfully, the open hand. Swatting the head away from his butt as he yells.

"Well then don't ask gay questions Jackie."

"GET THIS GAY FUUUUUCKER AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE PLEASE!" Yelling over the table for Billy, his new best friend, to come and get Danny, waving his hands over as he hiccups. Billy of course just rolls his eyes and drinks down his own beer.

"I'm NOT gay you pussy!" Danny counters back, his voice getting louder the more he drinks, somehow he is already past two beers and it's been maybe five minutes.

"YOU WISH I HAD A PUSSSY! CAUSE THEN YOU'D TOOOOOTALY FUUUUCK ME!" Jack yells, getting dangerously close to Danny, looking at him as the two boys stare each other down.

"I can fuck you right here!" Danny said daringly.

"I TOLD Y'ALL HE WAS GAAAAAY!" Spinning in his chair, Jack basically yells to the whole bar but that was nothing new.

"Jack! Shut up!" Summer scorns the boy from across the table, sipping down her drink before standing up. "I'm gonna go get another, anyone want anything?"

"Oh my god she's being nice!" Danny yells, his hand covering his mouth as Summer rolls her heavily makeup coated eyes and walks away, forgetting that she even asked. Her long heels click and clack against the wooden floor as men across the bar make way for her to get another drink, watching her as she walks with confidence.

"ASHLEY YOU...LOOK AMAZING!" Marco compliments the poor girl, standing in the ring of drunks. "WHO KNEW YOU HAD THAT IN YOUR CLOSET!"

"AYE! GET YOUR EYES OFF MY GIRL!" Tommy yelled defensively.

"You are married!" Countering back at the granny next to him, Marco yells like she is hard of hearing.

"BOOOO, you whore!" Tommy yelled back.

"Why do you even know that movie?" Billy asks, clearly questioning what this woman does in her free time.

She raised her head proudly, "I am a very cultured lesbian!"

"I don't think cultured is the word." Billy stated.

"Shush! Ashley dear, Billy says I have to apologize for grabbing the butt! That wonderful butt." Tommy complained, waving her glass full of alcohol at the buff man which caused some to spill out of her glass.

"Pervert!" Danny yells, hugging Ashley tightly so she can't get away. Ashley chokes on her drink as Danny pulls her in, crushing her with his arms as she tries to say something. Coughing when Summer gets back, the tall girl looks at her with a smirk.

"What? Princess over here can't even drink a beer?" The granny pinches her arm making her yelp and stare daggers into the granny's eyes.

"It's fine Tommy, Don't worry about anything." Ashley can barely speak because of Danny holding onto her tightly, "Danny, let go please." His arms loosen and he puts on his dramatic puppy dog face as she steps away from him with a smile, everyone laughs at him as he fake cries while drinking his fourth beer.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, Ashley had barely gotten through one bottle of beer while everyone besides Billy was drunk now. Summer had wandered off with some guy, no one but Ashley was worried that they should go get her, but the only response she got from everyone was "If you wanna walk in on her getting freaky be our guest."

At some point Danny and Jack went to dance leaving Billy, Marco, Tommy and Ashley there at the table. One hammered, one talkative and the other flirty and pervy. Billy had to sit in between the older woman and Ashley so she would stop trying to feel her up.

Watching Danny and Jack dance was kinda embarrassing to Ashley, not for her but she felt embarrassed for the two with crackhead energy. Plus, watching Danny and Jack grind up on each other wasn't something Ashley had on her to-do list that night.

Between watching her friends dance and talking to drunk people, the night was going great, though Ashley was slowly drinking, and worrying still about John, she also kept her eyes on the door, Maybe he'll come?

She didn't tell anyone, not even Danny about what happened in there, not that she needed to. It was on a need to know basis and none of these intoxicated people needed to know. And though John was still in the back of her head, so was Gabriel.

"Alright, what's eating you?" Billy's deep voice comes through, his elbow nudging Ashleys arm, making her look up at the grizzly like man.

"What do you mean?"

"You have barely gotten into your second beer, and that's all you've had. So what's eating you? We've been here for a few hours and for the past twenty minutes you've been staring at the same empty glass." He stated, gesturing to the glass she had finished a long time ago.

"I just...I haven't done this in a while. John would kill me if he even got wiff that I was here. I just-"

"John?" Cutting her off with a bit of concern, Billy looks at her, his eyes raising a bit as she continues.

"Uh...m-my boyfriend...I don't know. We got into a fight and he said I shouldn't call, which just means he needs time to calm down." I hope. "I haven't gone out in a while because of him, I mean he doesn't even take me out anymore. I stay home in case he decides to come over, which hardly ever. I'm always tracking my fat ass to him. I'm just worried that he's doing something dumb right now I guess. And I don't think I could get another drink down, I should be the sober cab."

Ashley somewhat spills her problems to Billy, who is the only one not drunk even after drinking so much. He calmly looks at her as she speaks softly, worry coating her voice as she traces the wooden lines carved into the table.

Her curls fall into her face as she talks, hoping that Billy will be at least to tipsy to fully register everything she had just told him to remember what she just said, being as it is less important than prying two 'straight' boys off of each other before they think they should fuck for a night.

Billy's hands slide a shot of vodka to her, replacing her beer with a more intoxicating beverage to ease her edge.

"I'm sure he's just sitting at home right now worrying about you Ahsley." I know he's not doing that. "But I know one great way that you can take your mind off of him, and that is vodka. It worked when my wife and I were like that, besides the headaches the next morning."

"You're married?" Ashley's voice raises as she yells at him, clearing not knowing this.

"Five years, and a kid on the way." Billy for once smiles, thinking about his wife at home sound asleep in bed knowing he'll be home late, and completely okay with it knowing that he is the papa bear of the group. "Jasmin. We had our rough times, a lot when we were young actually. Arguing all the time and storming out of the house every other night. But, we'd get drunk, go home and say we were sorry, go to bed and forget it was even a thing. We never broke up even through those times, one of the great things when you find your someone, is that you just go through it and get over it. I don't think we've fought in at least a year and the last time we did I think it was over the color of the dog's collar..." He chuckles to himself, his chuckle rumbling through his chest making Ashley smile at him.

"That's...that's great Billy. I would never have pegged you to be married." She stated truthfully, somewhat regretting it because it sounded rude.

He shrugged, not taking offense to it, "Most don't. But, moral of the story, vodka works."

"I don't think that, that is the moral of the story." She said, smiling.

"No it is. Cause when you drink vodka, you get drunk, when you get drunk you forget for a few hours, when you forget you can forgive more easily, and if you can forgive you can move on and get to the good shit. And although, from what I am hearing, it sounds like this John dude needs to apologize. You can forget and let loose for a few hours at least, right?"

"You're right. You are completely right." Ashley mutters out before taking the shot.


Enjoy our drunken children, who have some serious issues...but we love that for them.

In all seriousness, don't take the advice in this does not solve your problems....most of the time.

Love ya!

Vote, comment, share, do the basic bitch things in life cause whhhhhy not have have fun!

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