Cancer Free (sasunaru)

Galing kay Windlil

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The war is finally over. Sasuke is back home and Naruto is living his normal life in Konoha. Everything is no... Higit pa

Cancer Free (sasunaru)
That Old Hag
It's not the cancer that hurts
Making A Deal With The Devil
My Heart Stops Because Of You
I'm Back!
Dr. Sakura
Feverous rampage
This is reality

Surprise attack

1.3K 39 17
Galing kay Windlil

Naruto is back to normal, as normal as he can be. Sasuke is as frustrated as always. And as usual, things just don't seem to be going either's way.


Sasuke's P.O.V

The soft sounds of birds outside my window slowly shook me out of my deep slumber after a very long and stressful night I might add. Not really feeling the need to rush I let my eyes adjust to the ray of sunshine lighting up my room through the small glint of my curtain at their own pace. I yawned instantly feeling my body tense up when I tried to stretch. Damn last night's fight really took a bigger toll on me than I want to admit. I'll have to inform Tsunade later today considering the trouble he could cause if I didn't get him to calm down in time if it happens again. When my eyes finally adjusted to the new light I tried once again through force, as my body didn't want to comply, to get up. That's when I also remembered a second weight on me. I subconsciously cursed under my breath realizing the fast asleep blonde had securely locked himself into place beside me one hand draped over my chest. I groaned. Fuck how am I gonna get out of this mess.


Naruto's P.O.V

The atmosphere was nothing but strained as they both glared at each other from across the room. Apparently Sasuke was in a pissy mood this morning for no apparent reason that Naruto could think of and of course the bastard didn't feel like telling why either. No matter how much he pressed the topic the other boy only gave him a death stare and told him clearly annoyed to 'drop it'. It would take a lot more than that though as he probably knew for Naruto to stop bugging him about it. No way he'd let his day be ruined before it even started because Sasuke wouldn't get off his high horse and cool his prevalent extreme ego. Sighing louder thanmnecessary, again, only brought forward another glare from his companion and he couldn't resist rolling his eyes crossing his arms over his chest preparing for pushing the truth out of him, and also his anger issues.

"I don't understand why you don't want to tell me why you're in such a shitty mood this morning."

He sneered eyeing him from the side. Sasuke took a deep breath lowered his shoulders, turned around, and started heading towards the kitchen clearly trying to be as unbothered as possible so Naruto would drop it. Like that would happen.

"Hey, I asked you a question bastard!"

I tried again yelling after him.

"And I told you to drop it earlier. Ten times."

You could hear the bitterness in his voice as he glanced over his shoulder only to glare back at me. Ohmygod this guy is impossible. I sighed again getting off the ground grabbing an apple on my way over to join the mood killer in the kitchen to further bother him. My days weren't very exciting after getting on Tsunade's drug so I might as well make some excitement for myself when I can. And pissing Sasuke off is actually kind of funny, when he doesn't go all "I'm going to kill you mode". Which rarely happens...ok maybe not, but less than before at least which is progress! I do not know why though. Maybe he's tired of throwing useless threats my way. We both know I'd beat him. I smiled to myself at the thought sinking my teeth into the sweet apple I grabbed before standing.

"Why are you so secretive about it anyway?"

I murmured out while chewing stretching my hands out behind my head. He didn't answer right away which was weird, but the glare was still present. Just when I thought he wasn't gonna answer and press him again he turned sharply meeting my gaze with angry orbs.

"If you'd have some control over your own body, which I'd hoped you'd had at this point I wouldn't be in "such a shit mood"."

He spit out.

"Ahh Come on Sasuke. That doesn't tell me anything."

He complained dragging out the 'e' as I whined leaning back against the wall.

"Was there a complication with the medicine that happened?"

I suddenly asked thinking that would be the most reasonable reason why. Right? His eyes darted to the right for a split second and I knew I was somewhat right. A triumphant smile spread across my face but died down to a thin line as I really thought over what that meant. Goddammit now I have to try something else won't I? As always Sasuke must have seen I figured it out as he closed his eyes slowly preparing for what most likely is a lecture of some sort. Or just being mad at.

"Look. I reported to Tsunade about what happened so we'll just have to wait and see what she says before- "

But before he could finish his sharingan abruptly activated making me reflexively take a step back as I originally thought he'd use them on me, but to my surprise I don't think that was the case as his mouth opened for a split second before he grunted a 'fuck' and I just barely managed to block a forceful kick from him that sent me crashing into the other side of the room. I gasped as the air got knocked out of me from the harsh impact with the wall clutching my shoulder which took the worst hit. I was about to yell back a 'what the fuck are you doing' but the words got stuck in my throat as I saw the wall where I was standing 2 seconds ago was blown to bits. My eyes widened. An attack? Now? From whom? Where? So many questions flooded my mind as I tried to collect myself somewhat. It was a second too late though as I felt a wooden plank crash into my already wounded shoulder again. Fuck I sneered as I pushed myself to the left letting the plank fall to the ground. When I looked up again I was reminded that I wasn't alone and panic rushed back over my mind again as the adrenaline fuelled my body and I leaped forward seeing Sasuke fend off multiple projectiles being flung at him by the explosion. The kunai I grabbed mid-air just managed to block one brick aimed to hit Sasuke's right backside. His body swiftly turned around probably expecting me to be an enemy as his eyes were dangerously sharp with an intent to kill anyone setting their foot inside this now very open and broken house. I managed a quick smile and was about to tell him I got his back when his gaze again suddenly shifted, and it looked as if he looked right through me. The look on his face at the moment was indescribable. I don't think I've seen such pure shock on his features before. He's always so monotone. Except when he's angry, but that's beside the point.

Unfortunately, I'd soon figure out why as my head went blank meeting Sasuke's eyes who darted down and up in panic as to figure out how to stop whatever was happening from happening, but even with his eyes and skill it happened too fast for anyone to be able to react. The only thing my mind managed to do in that split moment was to wrap myself around the other body and take as much from the attack that I could. Something I can't help and even though I felt his hands lock themselves in a death grip on mine trying to pry them off it was to no avail as the rock hard something reminding me of maybe steel? Rammed itself into my back making me let out a terrifying scream as it made us both crash against another surface. As we collided with the woodwork Sasuke's body also tensed, and a sharp gasp followed spewing out what I'd imagine was blood onto my shirt.


He yelled tearing my own very limb body off of him. I grunted coughed up some blood as well and tried to use my feet to not collapse. I could only weakly smile and mutter a 'sorry' as the raven-haired boy continued yelling insults at me with a deadly expression on his face.

"You need to think before you act! What would you do if that- "

But his sentence got cut short as the ground below us suddenly disintegrated sending us both falling down a slim rocky tunnel. Fuck I'm gonna break my legs if we hit the ground at this speed I thought as I tried channeling chakra into them, only to feel a sharp pain and nothing happening. Sasuke's hands from before let go of my collar as we fell and just before he was about to bring them out towards both sides to stop us from falling his eyes again got filled with that pure emotion resembling panic as he muttered a 'fuck' and somehow managing to glare at me simultaneously. The rock bottom hit us. And it hit hard. As I was prepared to say goodbye to my legs as sudden hands grabbed my frame pushing me back at the last second still making me hit the ground extremely hard, but somehow my legs were still intact. My head would not stop spinning at all though as the impact on my back being pushed into the muddy rocky hard wall was just as intense. The only thing I managed to make out was a familiar voice almost yelling loudly beside me as black hair blurred my line of sight. The feeling of blood once again intruded my senses as it slowly ran down my shoulder soaking my now very roughed-up jacket. Some seconds after me forcing my body to move I noticed how little space there was to actually move, not to mention the excruciating pain it brought trying to. I bit my lip trying not to scream out at my joints feeling like they'd been severed and pushed back into place just to be severed again. Which at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they were. The only movement I was able to force was slight twitching in my fingertips grazing a very torn-up shirt.

"You fucking idiot!"

I heard the familiar voice yell once again.

"If I hadn't been able to channel chakra into my feet before the landing you'd break both your legs!"

I coughed as his fist not too forcefully, probably because he was very beaten up as well, drove itself into my stomach. For some reason though, I couldn't help a small smile from escaping.

"ha...yeah thank you..."

His body suddenly tensed, and I heard the low mutter of something sounding like "idiot" again and this time the smile only grew. Although the small movement of my face brought back the pain as well though and I winced, and I swear to god I almost heard the stoic one let out a small laugh as well. As I was about to pull back my head hit the wall and again realization hit me that there really was no room at all to move. I felt a lump got stuck in my throat as my mind somehow only now registered that Sasuke was breathing very heavily beside my ear as I felt the warm breath hit my skin. My hands involuntarily twitched again as to push him away, but stopped halfway as it hurt to move them and the fact that I could feel almost every muscle move in both my friend's back and arms and legs twitch every once in a while against my own. They were practically stuck flushed against each other with no possible way to move and for some reason, this made him very nervous. I mean when was the last time he and Sasuke was this close? Most likely not since the last time they fought in the war. And that was quite different. At least to his own knowledge, this time Sasuke was not planning on killing him on the spot, and having him this close not knowing what he was thinking made his heart race, and thinking rationally was harder by each second passing.

"You really are more stupid than I thought."

And for once Naruto was really fucking glad Sasuke decided to be his usual dick self so his mind wouldn't work itself out of this world imagining every possible horrible outcome of this situation. He laughed and winced feeling his right leg suddenly give out making him stumble forward only to be pushed back hard against the wall by arm forcefully holding him up.

"Don't you dare pass out down here."

He spit angrily keeping the force up. Even though it was meant as a threat the words were actually comforting in some twisted way. At least that meant he needed him in some sort of way to get out of this mess. At least that was his best bet at the moment. So, he forced a smile through gritted teeth and grunted a steady 'no way I'd pass out before you' and he could feel Sasuke's body slowly relax giving him a chance to steady himself again and he did. As best as he could, anyway.


He breathed feeling his body shake when he tried to apply pressure to his feet attempting to stand.

"I think my ankle is probably at least fractured."

"I'm not holding you up."

He heard him cough out between ragged breathing. And it wasn't the fact that he wanted to prove something to him that he didn't answer. And it was definitely not the fact that he wanted Sasuke himself to realize that if he hadn't wanted to help him out somehow he wouldn't have taken the majority of the fall by himself and therefore his threats now hold close to no validity to him anymore. Ok maybe there was a small reasoning behind it, but nonetheless pushing the limits in this situation really wasn't the smartest he could think of doing. Too bad for Sasuke that he isn't thinking most of the time, by the bastard's own standards anyway, so he let himself put pressure on his bad ankle just to wince out in pain followed by a rough push to put him back against the wall again.

"That doesn't mean you need to make it worse! Dammit, think a bit for once Naruto!"

He only snickered at the reply nodding and letting his head fall back breathing a 'yeah yeah' dismissing his threats as anything worth noting. Why is him calling out his name so comforting though? Maybe it's because he always dismissed him with an insult that actually hearing him use his normal name makes him offer some kind of recognition at least? Or is the lack of oxygen making his head light?

After a good while of just standing there trying to regain some strength, Naruto let his mind wander again. Yes they probably were under an attack right now, but really there wasn't much they could do before some part of their chakra was regained and Sasuke was probably already thinking up a plan to get them out so would it hurt to ponder a bit? He thought no to himself and a question quickly rose to his mind. He and Sasuke was still forced to practically stand pushed against each other by the tight spacing in this hole. Honestly, he would think the other boy would be more repulsed or freaked out by the whole situation.

"Neh, Sasuke?"

He heard an almost tiresome sigh from the other but didn't miss the quick way his body tensed up again at his voice.

"If you're not going to say anything revolving around how we're gonna get out of here I don't want to hear it." He pouted annoyed as usual by his companion's tired voice.

"Honestly, I'd thought you'd be more freaked out by this whole situation."

He said carelessly dropping the question as if it was of no particular importance. Again, the body pressed against his own tensed up slightly and he felt the grip on his arm tighten. Ouch fuck, he'd almost forgot he was still propping him up as to not fall over. And his eyes couldn't help but widen at that tilting his head to the right to look at Sasuke's head that was looking downwards right into his shoulder. The sudden urge to know what emotions were displayed on his face became increasingly bigger as he waited for his answer. When he realized he probably wasn't going to get one he felt a sudden surge of determination join him as he pushed the effort to small talk.

"And honestly you don't need to help me stand anymore it's fine."

His voice came out a bit brattier than he'd wanted to and at that Sasuke suddenly let go and he winced as his foot hit the ground forcefully biting down the urge to scream. As if Sasuke had proven his point he pushed him back against the wall again keeping his forearm securely in place across his chest.

"You're rude you know that?"

"So I've been told."

"And you're not going to maybe change that someday?"

"Not really, I'm not concerned by how other people view me."

"Can't really argue there."

He sighed in defeat almost feeling the triumphant smirk from beside him. For some reason, he still wouldn't meet his eyes which annoyed him. I mean at least he bothered answering him this time, so he decided to push his luck.

"Why did you dampen the fall?"

"You really aren't that stupid, are you?"

He snorted clearly annoyed.

"It wouldn't affect you if I hurt my legs."

"Stop talking."

His ears perked up at that wanting really badly to see the other's face. Should he push it more? He really did want to know, but also Sasuke could decide he'd changed his mind and let him rot down here. Just the thought made his mood sour and he tried to slowly apply pressure onto his foot again. Same as before it hurt like a bitch so he let it go resting most of his weight on his other foot as he had done before. Feeling tired and mad at himself for not being able to recover faster he let his head fall down and rest against Sasuke's shoulder for a split second before the other boy pushed him back a little too hard, but before he could shout back at him for overreacting to a simple touch making the excuse that he needed to rest to recover the same body that pushed him away came slamming itself back into him. His body instinctively grabbed his shoulders and gasped for air at the same time but froze seconds later. What is going on he thought as the other boy's frame was roughly pinning itself against him way closer than before with a hand slammed into the wall beside his head. He could only stand there dumbfounded not knowing whether to grab the boy and push him away or not.

"Uhm S-Sasuke are you oka-?"

"There's something behind me!"

What? He still could not get his mind or body to comprehend what was happening as the other boy yelled out to him. He could feel the other's heartbeat rapidly against his chest and his warm uneven breathing against the side of his face making his mind go blank. It wasn't before he got nudged one more time by a 'what are you doing?! Get it! ' that he snapped back to reality stretching his arms out while looking for what Sasuke was talking about. As wines from the wall suddenly gripped his hands, he panicked for a second before narrowing his eyes slicing them off with surprising precision. When they didn't grow back he only stood in the same position silently wondering if that was really it. After a while and nothing happened he let out a relieved breath nudging the other one everything was fine so he quickly pushed back both just awkwardly not knowing what to make of the little moment of panic.


Sasuke's P.O.V

After a while of silence, Naruto apparently couldn't take it anymore and loudly let out a frustrated growl. 

"Fuck man how long is it going to take before someone realizes we are stuck down here."

It had currently been probably way over half an hour since the attack and frankly, it was a bit weird that no one had noticed the big commotion happening, considering the attackers fucking exploded his whole wall. However, that also probably means there were more people getting attacked. And maybe it was the fact that Sasuke was tired, thirsty, and exhausted but he suddenly felt very intrigued by the fact that Naruto after all the fights still haven't made an effort to leave and live with someone else. His brows knit themselves together and he felt himself getting annoyed as he could think of several reasons for his " best friend" being so persistent in staying at his house. 

"I know you're trying to 'rebuild' whatever you wanted us to be but that's wishful thinking and I think you know it."

The words came fast and uncontrolled. The blonde boy only stared back a bit shocked not responding at all. I don't know why I suddenly feel the need to know, but we're stuck down here for a while anyway so where's the harm. I might as well try to for the last time make this blonde idiot realize that what he's doing for me is incredibly unrealistic and stupid. Any sane person would have thrown someone acting as I did aside a long time ago. As he relaxed, as much as he could against the rough wall Naruto's face dipped down a bit his eyes carefully avoiding meeting my own. I couldn't help but glare as being ignored ain't my favorite thing in the world definitely not when it's usually the other way around. So you better answer me when I for once want something from you other than you to leave me alone. The other figure slowly breathed out and chuckled silently. Of course, he'd take it with a smile. And for some reason that made Sasuke even more annoyed because he knew what a punch to the gut every time he told Naruto how he was not on the same page as him and probably never will be was. 

"I think I have a warped perspective on how relationships are supposed to work."

His blue eyes carefully slid upwards catching my slightly unimpressed ones.

"Like we don't already know that."

I rolled my eyes which he only snorted at to then shifting his gaze towards the ground again. For once though he was pleased as Naruto actually took a deep breath and readied his explanation. Talking after all is something he knows how to do irritatingly well.

"I...You know I told you that stuff at our last uhm 'big battle'." And you could hear the slight hitch in his voice at the end. I silently nodded urging him to go on. I already know and don't really answer my question and I'd rather get it over with so we could resume our plan on how to get the fuck out of this hole.

"For some reason...well, I actually talked to Tsunade about why this might be and-"

"Naruto Uzumaki actually struggling to find the right words? Usually, it feels like you're speeches are readied in advance."

The little comment almost effortlessly slipped through before I could catch myself a bit shocked at my own remark. Do they? I mean he always has something to say, but...oh well doesn't matter. Luckily he didn't get too pissed off at the remark and only shrugged it off muttering a "shut up" before trying to continue where he left off before I so rudely interrupted him. Hence the sarcasm.

"She meant that because you were my first. Uhm, connection. Kinda. That it was the first time I'd resonated with someone that-"

He abruptly stopped looking to the left as he'd find some answers behind the rocks on the ground below us. My patience wore thin and I coughed getting his attention again. We glared at each other a while before his mouth started working again.

"If I remember correctly-"

Idiot like you would ever forget something involving my whereabouts or condition.

"She believed that because you were the first person I kinda connected with, in a weird way, and because we went on missions together-"

His pace slowed down as he was searching for approval to continue. Why is he suddenly acting so weird about this usually when we'd meet before he'd shove that "because we're friends" bullshit down my throat without even thinking twice about it. I sighed looking him directly in the eyes nudging him to finish before I'd ask him to drop the whole conversation and use his body as a ladder to get out

"It kinda unconsciously developed into a stronger connection for me, but since I was kind of 'naive', as she puts it I don't think so-"

The flicker of me glaring again almost made him bite his tongue and he laughed awkwardly taking a deep breath. Get to the point dobe.

"Short version I get it."

Yes, thank god. This man is so slow even I get surprised from time to time.

"It was the first kind of 'love' I ever felt towards someone who wasn't an authority. Somehow that's different from Iruka. I don't know why so don't ask."

And for the first time since we started this weird trip down memory lane, he actually held his gaze linked to mine the entirety of his sentence. He looked almost nervous but it quickly shape-shifted into a shocked expression, probably because I was maybe looking a little bit surprised myself. And before I knew it his personality whipped him back to reality and the words started spilling out.

"I've told you before anyway I don't know why'd you'd be suddenly interested in hearing my side of it now I thought you got it at the last battle but apparently you're slow."

And the only thing he managed to respond with while processing all the information was 'shut up'. Luckily for them, just then a faint yell could be heard from above. Both of their heads shot up and thank the lords someone had finally found them. The chaos above had apparently slowed down without them noticing and now two ninjas were working on getting a rope down to them. Sasuke's chakra was more than enough to let him jump out but considering the tight space and that Naruto had most likely broken his ankle that would be too risky. He'd get scolded for sure if he abandoned him down here alone. So he did what any good friend would do and helped the other boy get the rope secure around him, while he was arguing that he didn't need any help of course which was annoying and almost made him just flip him off and take the rope for himself, but he didn't and not after long the ninja finally got him out of the hole. When he himself got out they asked if he was okay he nodded and sighed turning around to look at his house now missing a wall. Great looks like he will be using the rest of the day rebuilding it. 

Just as he was about to start picking up the wood spread around Naruto called him while being dragged off by the two ninjas, to get to a hospital hopefully, and he turned around to hear what he was making a fuss about now.

"I forgot to mention it to you earlier because of the sudden explosion and stuff, but Hinata is coming back with me when I'm done at the hospital just to chat and give me some lotion stuff I hope that's okay either way I already told her it was fine. See ya then!"



Not too much happening in this chapter except for a little reminiscing for our two boys. Trust the process it is needed for later development. Also, Hinata's visit might stir up some unwanted feelings stay tuned the next chapter will be a spicy one. 

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