
By Zam_Mahone

958 100 12

Many Feels Are Hurt Dirty Secrets Dirty Things Sexy Moments Loving Moments Come see what happens More

Reckless Cht.1
Reckless Chapter:2
Reckless Chapter:3
Reckless Chapter:4
Reckless Chapter: 5
Reckless Chapter: 6
Reckless Chapter:7
Reckless Chapter: 8
Reckless Chapter:9
Reckless Chapter: 10
Reckless Chapter: 11
Reckless Chapter: 12
Reckles Chapter:14
Reckless Chapter: 15
Reckless Chapter:16
Reckless Chapter :17
Reckless Chapter: 18
Reckless Chapter: 19
Reckless Chapter: 20
Reckless Chapter: 21

Reckless Chapter: 13

37 4 0
By Zam_Mahone

Lizzie POV
I woke up today at 6:00am because we have to catch a plane to Tennessee today. Then we have 3 shows there soo will be there for a while. The memories of yesterday attend to fill my mind. Currently I am waiting to know when we left because for the first time I'm ready before Taylor.
"You Ready, We Gotta Meet Everybody Else In The Lobby Now," Taylor said throwing everything in his suitcase.
"Yes, I've been ready," I said being a smart ass
"Come on then," Taylor said picking up his suitcases and walking out the door.
"Ok," I said picking up my suitcases and following out the door.
"Baeeeeee," I heard someone yell from down the hall.
"Lizzieeee," I heard the same voice say. Now I know who it is. I turn around to see Hayes running to me with his one suitcase in his hand.
"Hayessss," I said back to Hayes which made him run faster.
"Hey," Hayes said making it to me out of breath.
"Hey," I said kissing his cheek.
"Do you need help," Hayes said gently grabbing one of my suitcase.
"Thwanks," I said like a baby.
"Come on we gonna catch up to the group," Hayes said taking my hand and running again making me run with Him.
"Look at the Lovebirds," Jacob said as we let go of each other hands.
"Soo," I said laughing and blushing.
"Ok You Guys We Are In A Hurry.. So Come On Outside And In To The Vans," Eric the manger said.
We all did as told and filled into the vans and put our stuff in the truck but weirdly this Hayes and Jacob came with the girls. Because you know Autumn and I there girlfriends they felt a need to come in the car with us.
I am sitting next to Hayes and Hayes is sitting next to Autumn and Autumn is sitting next to Jaocb and then there is another back row which Kimberly and Isabelle are sitting.
"Hayes Stop," I said laughing because he is tickling me.
"Stop what?" Hayes said stupidly.
"Stop Tickling Me," I said laughing really loud.
"Then Kiss Me," Hayes said.
"If you stop tickling me maybe I would kiss you," I said laughing and basically falling off the seat.
"Fine!!" Hayes said stopping tickling me and lean toward me so I did the same but I quickly pecked his lips.
"Really that's a kiss," Hayes said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Give me a kiss or else," Hayes said leaning in again I leaned in too then ours lips met and we kissed.
"Was that better?" I asked Hayes.
"Way better," Hayes said.
"We have arrived at the airport," the man who was driving the car said.
"Yay!!!" I said running out of the car like a freak.
"Wait up," Hayes said getting out of the car and grabbing our bags and catching up to me. I love when he is helpful.
-On The Plane-
I am sitting next to Hayes of course!! Kimberly and Cam and Taylor and Matt and Nash and Isabelle and Jacob and Autumn.
"Lizzie say Hi to vine," Hayes said pointing his phone at me.
"Hey, Vine.. Who ships Liayes," I said.
"I do," Hayes said kissing my cheek. Then it ended.
"I'm posting this," Hayes said smiling.
"Ok, go ahead," I said smiling back.
Kimberly POV
"Kim did I tell you, that you look really hot today," Cameron said making me blush.
"I bet your baby is going to be just as beautiful as you," Cameron said touching my tummy.
"Awe, Thanks Bae," I said.
"So you are ready to be a dad," I asked him.
"Yeah!!! I'm really excited," Cameron said as he started talking to my tummy.
"When are going to tell people," Cameron asked me.
"We have to go to the Doctor when we get to Tennessee to see how long I have been prego," I answered.
"Ok that's sounds great will tell everyone after the appointment," Cameron said starting to move down toward my tummy.
"Hey little one it's Daddy," Cameron said making my cry a happy cry.
"Awwe, Bae don't cry," Cameron said looking at me and smiling.
Hayes POV
"Lizzie get it back!!," I said acting like alittle kid.
"What are you talking about," Lizzie said.
"My phone," I said.
"Are you hiding something," Lizzie asked.
"Mhm. No Pwlease," I said like a baby.
Lizzie POV
When Hayes talks baby talk it's sooo cute I can't help myself!!
"Here," I said throwing it in his lap.
"Thanks," Hayes said winking at me.
Now I'm on my phone doing a follow spree!! And then I felt a hand on my thigh. I look and of course Hayes put his hand on my thigh making me weak!!
"Hmm Hayes," I said try to get his attention.
"Yes Bae," Hayes said.
"Why is your hand on my thigh," I asked him.
"Because I like it there," Hayes answered.
"Ok," I said laughing.
Jaocb POV
"Autumn I love you sooo much," I sang to her.
"I love you too," Autumn said.
"When is this plane ride going to be over," Autumn complained.
Omg that's all she is doing why?!?
"In 5 minutes," I answered.
Why can't our relationship be like Liayes or Kimeron. There are romantic and sweet!! How do I tell her that we have lost our spark!?!
Whatever I'm stuck with it for now!!?
Lizzie POV
"This plane ride is almost over," I said.
"Everybody can slowly unbuckle we are landing now!" The airplane lady said.
-Skip To The Hotel-
After the plane landed we all got off and got into Vans and arrived at the Hotel and it's only 3:00pm everything happened soo fast!! Right now I am in Hayes's room laying on his bed. Hayes is unpacking!! We have been spending a lot of time together I like it!!
Cameron POV
"Kim I'm gonna look for a Doctor Office on my phone," I said.
"Ok thanks Bae," Kimberly said sitting on my bed with me.
I started to search Doctors Office in Tennessee and one popped up right around the corner.
"Bae I found one." I said.
"Ok," Kimberly said.
"You want go," I ask her.
"Yup," Kimberly said smiling.
-Skip To Back To The Hotel-
While we were at the doctor we found out that our baby is healthy and really big already! Now I am heading to bed!
Lizzie POV
I am still in Hayes's bed but we are currently making out/ cuddling!
I feel Hayes begging for an entrance. I let him in and your tongues begin to fight each other! Then we hear the door open and we quickly pull apart!
"I'm gonna go," I said.
"Ok goodnight Bae," Hayes said.
"Good night," I said walking out of the door.
I walked in my hotel room and yes I'm still sharing with Taylor who was already sleeping so I decided to do the same.

Author Note
Hey guys 162 eyes that makes me happy... I love you guys!! I will update again soon!!

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I'll help you remember me, one more kiss is all it takes I'll leave you with the memory, and the aftertaste