The Good Girl's Bad Boy

By nat518

203K 5.6K 1.5K

Spencer has been through more pain than most girls her age. Tyler has endured more hardships than most boys h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13- Friends? Friends.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 14

5.6K 202 45
By nat518

After Tyler and I chilled in the water for a while swimming, jumping the waves, and seeing who could hold their breath for the longest (I won obviously) we got out and went to where our stuff was to dry off. I was careful to keep my arms close to my body so Tyler would not see my scars since they caused an argument earlier. I got out my towel which matches my bathing suit to dry myself off as Tyler does the same. I can't help but notice how his back muscles flex as he moves. This boy is a walking sin. I turn my head before he can catch me staring and make fun of me. I lean down to dry off my legs and when I do, I can feel Tyler turn around and stop, staring at me. I smirk to myself whilst hating the way he makes me feel. Standing up and turning I see Tyler staring at me, deciding what the hell? I tease him.

"Take a picture, it will last longer."

His eyebrows shoot up as he realizes I took what he always says to me and threw it in his face.

Spencer: 1 Tyler:0

With a lazy look, he points to my towel.

"Your towel matches your bathing suit."

My eyes light in amusement seeing him try to change the subject.

I chuckle saying, "Uh yeah, they came in a set together."

Nodding his head, he mutters 'that's cool'.

"If you want, we can stay here for a bit. I got some chairs in the back of my car I can haul over."

I mull it over deciding I don't want to end this day just yet. Nodding my head yes, I ask Tyler if he needs help with them and he says no, so I just wait for him and pull out my phone. looking at my phone I see it's already 2:27 pm noting at how I have never skipped school like this. I see a few messages from Fallon wanting updates on my "date with Mr. Bad boy" and laughing at her comments to "Make sure he wears protection" I text her back saying it's not at all a date and that we are having fun, but not that kind of fun. I see some notifications form a number that I don't recognize and immediately start to panic but then I realize its Kyle and I smile instantly. Reading his texts and responding I am transported back in the past to when everything in my life changed. Kyle was always there by my side for everything for as long as he could, but I was stubborn and kept pushing away until he would let me go. Seeing him today made me realize how much I missed him, and what a truly good person he is. I feel intense regret and sadness for the things that happened and what I put him through, thinking that I was alone. Seeing him today gives me a chance to make peace with him and maybe myself. I feel lucky to connect with Kyle again and I am grateful for Tyler for unknowingly bringing me and Kyle back to meet one another again. Tyler on the other hand is confusing, he has somehow managed to entangle himself in my life in a matter of days even though the only person I have ever let in is Fallon. I don't know what to do or feel when I am around him, he is an enigma that I want to unravel. I am still guarded around him because I know what pain is, and not just small insignificant things, no, I mean life altering pain. I don't want to go through that again and I don't want to hurt anyone ever again. That's why its better if I am alone but I don't think Tyler is going to leave me alone and frankly I don't think I want him to leave me alone anyways.

I'm being snapped out of my thoughts by a voice behind me saying "HEY".

I jump up in the air in fright seeing Tyler standing there with two chairs laughing at me.

"Not funny!" I glare at him taking one of the chairs for myself.

"It so was. I was calling your name for a few minutes with no reply, but you were deep in thought. What are you thinking about?"

Immediately my walls are up again, "Oh you know, a little bit of this, and a little bit of that." I say evading the question.

I see the confusion in Tyler's face, but he doesn't say anything, instead, he just plops right down next to me in his chair. We are silent for a few minutes wrapped up in our thoughts.

"Hey, Tyler?"

He turns to look at me, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for today. This has been one of the best days I have had in a while."

He smiles and nods, "No problem."

We both turn our attention back to watching the waves in our little worlds, but together.

I don't know when it happened but at some point, I discovered we were holding hands.



Not edited

Hi everyone! first I want to thank the people who have added this story, voted, and commented, because of you I am going to start it up again so let me know what you think! Be sure to vote, comment and share, thanks!

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