Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

360K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 18

9.3K 215 370
By ItsyBittySpider01

This chapter is UNEDITED! My laptops being weird but I didn't want to keep everyone waiting! After I get my laptop fixed I'll edit this chapter!


David's sleep talking about naming different trees was currently keeping (Y/n) awake. Her tired eyes scanned the ceiling as she counted how many times David said "Elm,"

As the tired (Y/n) closed her eyes in an attempted to sleep, she heard a second voice coming from below the bunk bed. She opened her eyes as she made her way to the edge of the bed, looking down to see if Gwen had called her.

Gwen continued to sleep soundly at the bottom bunk, which cause (Y/n) to feel a bit paranoid. Suddenly she heard the voice again,


(Y/n) jumped from her top bunk after hearing her childhood nickname. (Y/n) was still wearing her (fandom) pyjamas and socks as she rushed towards David's bed. She quickly began to shake him awake.

"(Y/n)? What are you-" David's voice went quiet as he heard the voice  

"(Y/n/n), Davey,"

The two turned their heads over to see Jasper, floating in the room. His aura was able to be see through as he continued to chant their childhood nicknames.

"Davey, (Y/n/n)... Why?"

The two had pale faces. (Y/n) had let go of David and almost fell over. She watched as David ran after Jasper's figure as he floated away, screaming his name in the process.

With the commotion that was happening it caused Gwen to wake up. She turned over to see a paled face (Y/n).

"What are you two doing?"

When Gwen saw that (Y/n) wasn't able to speak, she decided to go outside and ask David.

"What are you doing?"

David began screaming as he saw Gwen wearing a green sleeping mask and a robe. Gwen gave him an angry look as he continued to scream, which caused her to close the door on him.

"Fine, let the idiot freeze outside," Gwen mumbled to herself as she walked back to her bed.

(Y/n) waited for Gwen to go back to sleep as she walked over to the door. She slowly opened the door, making sure to not make a single sound. As the door open she took notice of David's face, not scared but still look deep in shock.

"C'mon, let's try to get some sleep,"


Early in the morning David sat by himself eating cereal. Usually (Y/n) sits with him for breakfast but got up and left him alone to go prepare her morning cup of (coffee/tea/warmdrink).

David stayed behind holding a picture of when they were young. As David lifted another spoonful of cereal to his mouth, his hands shaking uncontrollably, he failed to notice Nikki and Max walking up to him.

"Morning David! Man I'm so hungry I could DIE!" Nikki shouted as she slammed down her tray of food.

The sudden shouting caused David to drop his spoon. He immediately tried to hide the old picture and tried his hardest to keep his nervousness under control.

"G-good morning Nikki" David managed to say

"The fuck wrong with you?" Max asked while leaning against the table, "you look like you've seen a ghost or something,"

"What! No I didn't!"

David fidget around the question before asking his own.

"Hey unrelated," David placed both of his hands together, "have you've ever been visited by a childhood version of one of your friends?"

"David I'm ten," Max raised an eyebrow, "all of my friends are childhood version of themselves,"

"Sounds like David DID see a ghost!" Nikki smiled

"So who's this 'friend' anyway? Birds and trees don't count!" Max glared at him

"No one! I didn't mean!" David slapped his face. Tears threatening to fall out as he grabbed his red hair, "LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M SORRY!"

Nikki and Max watched as David ran out the mess hall. The commotion was heard by (Y/n), who was in the kitchen preparing her cup. She walked out with her warm drink as Max picked up a picture. Neil and Nikki sat down next to  him to talk about what happened.

"Huh? Usually it's Gwen who cries before lunch," Max pointed out as the three looked at the picture, gasping at the sight.

(Y/n) walked over, hearing them talk in secret. She grew slightly suspicious when she heard how surprised each kid was.

"What the hell? What's that kid from Spooky Island doing in this picture?"

"There's...there's gotta be a normal explantation for this!" Max mumbled to his friends. Neil suggested on asking David, before he looked up and made eye contact with (Y/n).

"Oh...shit," Neil said under his breath as (y/n) moved her head towards the side

"Uh hey guys?" (Y/n) forced a smile out, trying her best to not show her exhaustion "Where's Davey?"

"Why is the kid from Spooky Island on this old photo with you and David?" Max shouted at her while pointing at the picture

When (Y/n)'s eyes landed on the old picture, she let immediately go of the mug. The mug shattered onto the ground causing all campers to look over at her.

(Y/n) placed both hands over her mouth, her own eyes watering at the picture as she took a couple steps back. Max gave her a look of worry, seeing how distraught she looked.

"Mom, why is he on this picture and on Spooky Island?" He asked quieter

"I-I d-dont," (Y/n) stuttered, "h-he"

She began panicking before her eyes landed on the mug on the ground.

"OH MY!" (Y/n) forced a fake smile, "I MADE A MESS I SHOULD GO AND GET THIS CLEAN!"

"Mom-" Max tried to stop her but (Y/n) shouted over him

"DON'T WORRY I GOT THIS BYE!" (Y/n) shouted as she also ran out the mess hall

The troubled trio watched in shock and confusion at how (Y/n) reacted. She was never the type to fake being happy, seeing her act like a mindless counsler was just wrong.

"Should we ask David?" Neil asked while getting up. Max pulled him closer,

"No! He straight up acts like he murdered this kid!" Max looked at the picture closely, "I bet he's hiding something and is keeping my mom hostage,"

"I know you care about (Y/n) cause she's going to adopt you or whatever," Neil crossed his arms, "but she's also not inncoent in this, she also acted suspicious,"

"Yeah! Maybe her and David got a Bonnie and Clyde thing going on!" Nikki chimed in

"No! She wouldn't do something like that!" Max said defensively

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Neil asked

"We have to find the truth, from an unbiased source. Get some info on someone else who was there,"

Max and Neil looked over the picture. The picture featured little David, (Y/n) and Jasper as the three had their arms around each other, although Jasper wasn't smiling like the other two. In the back there was Cameron, Greg, Darla and Quartermaster.

"That guy!" Nikki pointed at Greg

"What? Nikki, No," Max moved her finger. "From Quartermaster,"



"You were supposed to make me the coolest kid at camp! Now I'm nothing but a square, a big round embarrassed square," Jasper talked to his shoes next to a fire he put on

While Jasper talked, little Davey gleefully walked over to him. A large smile was painted across his face.

"Good morning Jasper! I see you got a fire going! I say its a bit too early but hey," he nudged Jasper, "it's eight'clock somewhere am I right?"

Jasper ignored him as he threw his shoes into the fire. Davey shouted at him over how bad it was for the environment but Jasper continue to ignore him. Davey only sighed before rubbing his little arm.

"Why are you even here Davey? I thought you'd be hugging a tree or something," Jasper glared at the young boy

"Well I was wondering if you've seen (Y/n/n)?"

As Davey said her Nickname he felt an acorn hit his head. He looked around confused before another acorn hit his head again.

Jasper began to smile, before another acorn hit his head. He rubbed the spot in confusion before looking around to see where the acorns were coming from.

"Jasper! The squirrels are attacking!"

"No Davey, it's just (Y/n/n)," Jasper pointed up at the nearest pine tree.

Davey looked over and saw little (Y/n/n) sitting on the tree branch, smiling down at the two. Davey waved at her which caused her to smile bigger.

(Y/n/n) attempted to jump down gracefully, however she missed and faceplant instead.

"Owie," she mumbled against the dirt

"That's what you get," Jasper teased her.

Davey helped her up. Although she wasn't going to let that stop her from smiling at the two.

"So what's up?" She asked, ignoring the fact that she just faceplant

"Jasper is saying crazy things!" Davey waved his arms around


"I hate this dang place! I told him I want it to shut down so that we can go home,"

"Careful with those dang's Jasper, it's just like Mr. Campbell says, there boomerdangs!"

(Y/n/n) smiled, remembering how not long ago it was Jasper who was saying those words to Davey.

"Mr. Campbell can suck an egg too!"

(Y/n/n) looked at Jasper in shock when he mentioned her "uncle", "but if the camp shuts down, then I won't be able to see you guys again,"

Jasper face soften at the thought, but before he could say anything else Campbell arrived.

"Bad news kids, the camps shutting down,"

"It is?!" The three asked, however Jasper's was from excitement

"Well that is, if we can think of a way to bring attendance back up. Apparently things like outdoors isn't "rad" or "hip" anymore. If we don't come up with something I'm afraid I'm going to have to sell this place off and start a new money laundering....I,"

"What's that about a money laundering?" (Y/n/n) asked him, confused on why he said that

Davey grabbed her hand while looking up at him. "We can't let this camp shut down! Or else we can't see each other, Mr. Campbell isn't there something we can do?"

Before Cameron spoke, he placed his hands on (Y/n/n) and separated the two. Subconsciously, (Y/n/n) and Davey reached out for each other when their hands separated.

Cameron placed (Y/n/n) on his shoulders before continuing, "well since everyone asked,"

"I didn't," Jasper said plainly

"You could grab my ideas folder from my office, it's full of my brilliant schemes and movie ideas that are too good for Hollywood,"

"With gusto Mr. Campbell! Where is it?" Davey asked while doing the Camp Campbell salute

"Why it's at my summer home over at Regular Island!"

"I hate that name," (Y/n/n) giggled at herself

"Wait why are you sending us? We're just kids!" Jasper asked, crossing his arms

"What am I going to do Jasper? Ask those two counselors? I can't do that! I just fired them!"

(Y/n/n) pouted at the news as Cameron grabbed her and sat her down next to Jasper.

Davey went over and placed his little arms around (Y/n/n) and Jasper. "We won't let you down Mr. Campbell! We'll save the camp and smile while doing it!"

"Why are you butt kissing him?" (Y/n/n) whispered over at Davey

"Oh! And make sure to stick to the paths! The last thing we need is another incident like last time," Cameron grabbed (Y/n/n)'s shoulders, "which reminds me, you can't go along with them. There's dangerous things out in that island."

"Wait what can possibly be out there that can be so dangerous?" Jasper asked confused, "out of curiosity"

"Nothing to worry about," Cameron said between laughs

"Then that means I can also go!" (Y/n/n) stomped her foot down, "If there's nothing dangerous, then there's no reason to keep me here,"

"Kids," Cameron sighed out, "fine you can go. But stick to the paths and make sure to bring me that folder,"

"I think he's hiding something," Jasper told the two as Cameron walked away from earshot

"Uh yeah," (Y/n/n) grabbed both sides of her Flower Scout skirt, "ideas in a folder! C'mon let's go,"


The trouble trio entered the kitchen and immediately started asking questions at QM, who was putting forks in the microwave.

"Who's this kid?"

"Why did we see him on Spooky Island?"

"Are ghosts real?"

"Why is David so guilty about him?"

"Do you think his shorts are cool?"

"Are you also keeping my mom hostage you sick fuck!"

Quartermaster didn't even blink, he only placed his hook up to his mouth. "Hush, not infront of the microwave,"

He then moved the kids to the back where the spare food was. "Not supposed to talk to what happened to that poor boy,"

"Why? What happened to him! Spill the beans or else!" Max threatened

When Quartermaster saw how the three weren't backing down he sighed. He agreed reluctantly, "Fine I'll talk,"

Nikki crossed her fingers in hopes that her theory that Jasper was a Terminator was right.

"Jasper did disappear from camp one day. The last time anyone saw him was when he went to Spooky Island," he pointed his hook at the three, "With David and (Y/n),"


Davey continued looking for the folder inside of Campbell's desk. (Y/n/n) was helping him at first but quickly for bored and began drinking a chocolate milk she found in the ground from the 70's.

"Should you even be drinking that?" Davey asked her while he continued to look. "I'm pretty sure it's old,"

"No! It's aged!" (Y/n/n) told him while continuing to drink

"Aged to what?"

"Perfection," she stuck her tounge at him

As Davey continued to look for the folder, Jasper came back. He looked at the two confused.

"You two are still bugging out for that folder? I've been down in the basement playing pogs for hours!" Jasper jumped ontop of the table next to (Y/n/n), "If the fate of the camp really did hang in the balance you think that Campbell would care enough to do this himself,"

"You just don't get it Jasper! Mr. Campbell is the type to set up others to succeed!" Davey said with hope

"That's wack Davey. He seems the type of guy to set you up to take the fall,"

"Why are we even talking about this? My uncle is a smart guy who works hard," (Y/n/n) looked away with a small frown, "but he isn't the best. I'm noticing he's not the hero he is,"

"Your the one who's wack (Y/n/n)!" Davey shouted at her, "you just had one bad day doesn't make Mr. Campbell a bad person!"

"I fell off a cliff to save you and Jasper and nearly got killed off by a bear!" (Y/n/n) looked at him in shock

"And Mr. Campbell saved you! Cause he's a hero!"

"But you don't know him like I do!" (Y/n/n) threw the empty can at Davey, which he avoided.

"I just don't want to find this stupid folder," Jasper slammed his hand onto the desk. A secret drawer opened up to reveal the folder the trio was supposed to find.

"Aw dang"


"It was sure nice of the Quartermaster to let us use the boat," Neil looked down and questioned why the floor was so sticky

"Better question is how do we summon a ghost?" Max asked as he lead them through the wood with a flashlight.

"Last time we saw him he popped out of the bushes!" Nikki smiled

The three heard the sound of bushes moving as the platypus jumped out. The sudden movement caused Neil to jump in fear and the trio fell over a small cliff.

"Can we call it a mascot if it does whatever it wants?" Neil questioned outloud as he saw Max pick up a vanilla folder

"A clue?"

"Nah it's filled with racist scams and terrible movie ideas," Max squinted a bit closely when he saw a different handwriting, "it seems like someone else wrote down a plan to sell a bunch of cookies, but this isn't going to lead us closer to Jasper,"

"Someone say my name? That's right! It's me, Jasper!" Jasper appeared from out of nowhere before Nikki stepped in infront of her friends

"Get back guys! He'll have to terminate me first!"

"Woah! No need to get postal dudes," Jasper said while showing them no harm

"Explain this picture then!" Neil pointed at the picture that Max was holding.

" you figured it out then?" Jasper rubbed his arm. The hand he rubbed with had the matching friendship bracelet (Y/n) made him, "look don't be mad at them, it wasn't their fault,"

" mom and David killed you?"

"No, that's not what happened,"


"We're going to do it guys! We're going to save the camp!" Davey punched the air in excitement

(Y/n/n) walked behind him as she was writing down different ideas to sell Flower Scout cookies.

The two heard Jasper's footsteps as he ran off the path. The two noticed immediately and ran after him calling his name.

"Jasper! Your going to get us introuble!" Davey stomped his foot down

"The only one getting in trouble is Campbell," Jasper began to walk into the cave he found, but before he entered (Y/n/n) grabbed his arm

"Jasper no, it's too dangerous!"

"And if you were our friend you wouldn't ruin this camp for us," Davey added

"Campbell is a bogus loser who wants to use you two! And if you guys were my friends then you two would help me put him away,"

"My uncle maybe a terrible person like you say," (Y/n/n) gripped her bracelet tightly, "but this camp was my one escape from the Flower Scouts. It was the only place where I felt like I had friends!"

(Y/n/n) took off her bracelet which caused both boys to gasp. She threw it onto the ground.

"Talk to me when you two stop fighting over this stupid camp! Until then I'm not your friend anymore!"

Both boys watched as (Y/n/n) ran off. In the opposite direction towards the Flower Scouts. Jasper quickly picked up her braclete and put it in his pocket in order to talk to her later. Davey glared at Jasper and pointed at him.

"I'm telling on you,"

"So you made your choice, well good luck getting here in time" Jasper pulled out his camera, "once I get the evidence, I'll show everyone! As soon as I get the film developed and find a way to share the imagines quickly and on mass,"

Both boys glared at each other and ran off in their opposite direction. When Jasper entered the cave he saw a huge amount of priceless treasure. He smiled as he tried to take a picture, but broke the lamp. When he tried to find light he accidentally lit T.n.t.

Jasper only sighed as he saw various T.N.T light up.

"If only I had my L.A Gear-"


"And I've been a rad ghost ever since!" Jasper placed both hands on his side

"So wait, David didn't have anything to do with your death? Why are you haunting him?" Max asked confused

"I'm not haunting him! It's hard for my ghostly body to leave the island, I mostly wanted to say...I'm sorry,"

The trio looked at Jasper as he continued.

"I've already spoken to (Y/n/n), but I feel bad for what happened all those years ago. The three of us weren't good friends, if you could tell Davey that for me, maybe my body will finally find some peace,"

"Of course we'll tell-" Neil tried putting his hand on Jasper's shoulder, instead he fell through him.


After talking with David, Max decided to look for (Y/n) as she wasn't in the cabin. Max was worried about her when he found out that David still thinks Jasper's alive. He knew that (Y/n) knows the truth. Max began searching around for her.

He wondered around the camp grounds until he found her sitting next to a large pine tree. He walked closer and noticed she was throwing acorns at the lake that was nearby.

"Hey mom," Max sat down next to her as she threw another acorn

"So you found out about Jasper yet?"

Max looked over at her, surprised she figured it out. She only shrugged,

"QM told me after he let you guys use the boat," (Y/n)'s voice cracked a bit as she spoke

Max stayed quiet after a few minutes before speaking again, "are you okay Mom?"

She didn't hear his question as she began to cry. Max silently panicked, not knowing how to react to someone crying. After a few seconds, Max could only hugged her arm, clinging tightly as (Y/n) continued to cry as she watched the sky.

Wether or not she'll admit it, (Y/n) felt guilty. As much as she knew it wasn't, she couldn't help blame herself. Maybe if she didn't left Jasper would still be here. Maybe her friend would be sitting next to her watching the starry night.


Inside the base of Super Guantanamo, Cameron Campbell continued to explain a familiar story to the Millers on how the camp scam began.

"I'm telling you, it was all Davey's idea! He was the mastermind behind the whole operation!"

"Do you really except us to believe a crazy story like that?" Mr. Miller asked him

"What a joke. C'mon hunny, let's go spy on civilians through their microwaves," Mr. Miller suggested as he held onto his partner's hand

"No wait," Cameron shouted, seeing as how the two were about to leave, "it really was Davey! And I can prove it!"

"If that's really true, we'll make sure he goes away for a long time,"

Cameron smiled at the thought, after confirming that David takes his place at Super Guantanamo.


On an unrelated note, I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing, so I thought it was good idea to look at fan art BUT WHY ARE THEY HOT??

Like the human versions of Wilbur and Orville...

I'm not a furry I swear...

I swear I'm not debating on writing a new story on human Orville and Wilbur! 


I'm debating....

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