amor na máfia

By JosieS11

714K 13.4K 1.4K

Book one in the Ricci Men. Lara is an innocent girl in his eyes but neither of them knew that she wasn't that... More

Part one: Chapter 1-Introductions
Chapter 2-sorvete
Chapter 3-festa
Chapter 4- Strano
Chapter 5-flores
Chapter 6-Jantar
Chapter 7- Parque
Chapter 8-Pior encontro
Chapter 10-Encontro
Chapter 11-Controllo dei precedenti
Chapter 12- O sucesso
Chapter 13-Dramática
Chapter 14-Abuso
Chapter 15-Incazzata
Chapter 16-Dia das Bruxas
Chapter 17- Namorado
Chapter 18-Pranzo
Chapter 19-Doente
Chapter 20-Chamadas noturnas
Chapter 21-Melhor
Chapter 22-Tempestade
Chapter 23- Abraços
Chapter 24- Feira de diversões
Chapter 25- Pernoitar
Chapter 26- James
Chapter 27- Emozioni
Chapter 28- Ação de graças
Chapter 29- Forte
Chapter 30- Banho
Chapter 31- Tchau
Chapter 32- Os Pais
Chapter 33- Você Está?
Chapter 34- Dormire
Chapter 35- Primeira Vez
Chapter 36- Doccia
Chapter 37- Eu te amo
Chapter 38- Raiva
Chapter 39- Sexo
Chapter 40- Queda de energia
Chapter 41- Mentirosa?
Chapter 42- Rabbia
Chapter 43- Seis dias
Chapter 44- Depois de
Chapter 45- Natal
Chapter 46- Tchau Nova York
Part 2: Chapter 1- new characters
Chapter 2- Vida Nova
Chapter 3- Cresciuto
Chapter 4- Dia De Piscina
Chapter 5- Acessórios
Chapter 6- Preparação
Chapter 7- Baile
Chapter 8- O Incómodo
Chapter 9- A Direita
Chapter 10- Hurt
Chapter 11- Traidora
Chapter 12- Pavor
Chapter 13- Adoção
Chapter 14- Invasão
Chapter 15- De volta pra você
Chapter 16- Não se foi mais
Chapter 17- Estresse pós-traumático
Chapter 18- Pai
Chapter 19- O Pesadelo
Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica
Chapter 21- Sequestrada
Chapter 22- A Descer
Chapter 23- Eu lembro
Chapter 24- Seguida
Chapter 25- Melhor amiga
Chapter 26- Juntos novamente
Chapter 27- A corrida em
Chapter 28- Armas
Chapter 29- Brasil caiu
Chapter 30- Uma forma de dor
Chapter 31- Diverso
Chapter 32- Guerra
Chapter 33- Casa segura
Chapter 34- O Acordo
Chapter 35- A Conversa
Chapter 36- Grata
Chapter 37- Preparando
Chapter 38- Tchau
Extra chapter 1
Extra chapter 2
Extra chapter 3
Extra chapter 4
Extra chapter 5

Chapter 9-Folga

13.9K 248 45
By JosieS11

My alarm rings at 8am not only waking me but Alannah up as well. She unhooks her arm from around mine and then stretches. I switch my alarm off then look around the familiar room.

The room was white and grey themed before Nicole found out Alannah's favourite colour was yellow. They added hints of yellow round the room to make it more homely for us. This was basically our room. We had a joined bathroom with James between our rooms. The desk that was opposite the bed still had some pens from when I did school work on it. It also had some of Alannah's hair ties. I know in the wardrobe you could find my prom dress because I kept it here this whole time.

A knock on the door snaps my attention away from the wardrobe I was staring at.

"Breakfast is done." Nicole announces opening the door.

"Alright we'll be down in a second." I say. I take Alannah's hand and we walk down to dinning room.

I stood in the dining room to see David and Nicole up and ready for work. They were both in suits. David in his typical work suit and Nicole in a dress suit. Her's was more a dress and a blazer then anything.

"Good morning." Nicole says enthusiastically.

"Morning." I say sitting me and Alannah down at the table.

We make basic conversation about how we slept and what everyones plans for the day was whilst I sorted Alannah out.

Once David finished his breakfast he looked to Nicole and as if something clicked, she turns to me.

"So darling me and David were talking last night." She says looking at David. Please don't let it be something bad, please.

"We want you to know that we love you both as our own and that's why we're giving you a key to our house. Incase something happens with your mom or something like that. We want you to know you're welcome here anytime. Even when we're on a business trip anything." She says. My heart melts into a puddle on the floor. I love them so much. Like so much. I wish they were my parents.

"You guys are the best." I say and they look at each other and smile. I get up from the table and hug them.

"I don't think there's enough words to express how thankful I am for everything you do for us." I tell them and Nicole hugs me back.

"Its alright sweetheart." She says and smiling.

After about 10 minutes Nicole and David had to leave for work and the spare key was on the kitchen island.

After watching sofia the first for a little while with Alannah I decide for us to head upstairs and get ready.

I sit Alannah on the bed and put something on the tv to entertain her so I can have a shower.

"You have to stay on the bed till I get out of the shower okay?" I say to Alannah and she nods.

I tie my hair in a bun because I'm not washing it today, then get in the shower. Once I get out I go into our room and check through the draws to see what clothes I have.

I find some jeans that I left here a couple of months ago and put them and then go into James room. I find a grey hoodie that goes with my plain Black Jean's very well.

Once I was dressed I help Alannah brush her teeth then I clean her face. I go over to where Nicole had folded her clothes neatly on the desk chair. I pick them up and then help Alannah get dressed. I help her put on some black leggings and a white top. The top had bananas patterned all over the top.

When children are young you'll ask them what's their favourite thing. Most will say something like unicorns, however Alannah's in bananas. She loves dressing up being a princess and she loves acting like a doctor. However do not confuse that with her love of bananas.

After getting Alannah ready I make our bed and then sit down and brush Alannah's hair. I put her hair into 2 pony tails on either side of her head.

Once she was done she sat at the desk and started drawing on a notepad that I must of left there from when I was doing some school work. I then take my hair out of the bun it was in and brush through it.

It was still fairly curly which made Alannah run over and play with my hair. I decided to just leave our stuff and I grab Alannah's hand and bag. She only had her hair brush and toothbrush in side it so it was fairly empty.

Once we were downstairs I put her bag in the hall. I clean up the little mess of her toys she clearly made with Jax last night before checking my phone. It was now 11am and I decided for me and Alannah to leave.

I grab the key from the island and then head out the door holding Alannah's hand and my other holding her bag. I lock the front door and hold Alannah's hand and head over to my car.

We get to the passenger seat and I pick Alannah up and make sure she's secure in her seat before putting her bag in the boot.

Once I get into the car I connect my phone to the aux and play some of Alannah's music.

When I got home I get out of the car and help Alannah out. I then grab her bag and make my way to the door. I unlock the front door and head inside. Alannah sits on the sofa and I put sofia the first on. I make Alannah a drink in her beaker and put it on the coffee table. I sit beside her on the sofa till lunch time.

When lunch time rolls around I head into the kitchen and get two plates out. I end up making a grilled cheese sandwich for us both. We sit at island and eat it.

Half way through eating the front door opens.

"Lara Marie Fernandez." Mom shouts causing Alannah to jump out of her skin.

"You'll be fine I promise." I reassure her then kiss her cheek.

I stand up and walk into the living room to see mom standing there.

"Your home early." I point out and she raises an eyebrow.

"You wanna tell me why your the office talk today?" She asks and I raise an eyebrow. Talk of the office? She doesn't even work in an office.

"Please elaborate." I say and she sighs.

"Jake came into work today with a red mark on his face." She says and I smirk. Serves him right.

"Apparently you were trying to force yourself on him but when he said no you hit him." She says and I look at her confused. You are joking!

"That did not happen." I say and she laughs.

"Well your such a liar because he has a mark to go with it." She shouts at me.

"Screw this." I mutter and go into the kitchen and grab Alannah and her beaker and head upstairs.

I grab some clothes and put it in my bag. I put things like my toothbrush and charger in as well before heading into Alannah's room.

I choose out some outfits for her then throw them in a bag. I pick Alannah up and hold the bags. I head out grabbing my car keys. I open the front door and Jax was stood there.

Oh for gods sake. Not now.

"And where do you think your going?" Mom asks accusingly from behind me.

"I'm going to talk to him" I say stepping out past Jax.

"Um..." Jax says awkwardly.

"What do you want?" Mom asks him and he raises an eyebrow. That was rude.

"Just ignore her." I tell Jax.

"Lara what's up?" Gio asks climbing out of Jax's car.

There's too much going on right now.

"Lara you dare embarrass me!" Mom tells me and I sigh.

"What's going on?" Jax asks picking Alannah up.

"Its uh a long story." I say throwing our bags into the trunk of the car.

"Lara who are these people?" Mom asks as I open the passenger seat.

"Doesn't matter." I say taking Alannah off of Jax.

I start doing Alannah's seatbelt and she calls for Jax. I walk away from the passenger seat so Jax can talk to Alannah.

"Lara I swear to god if I find you down there I'll go crazy." She says and I scoff. As if she isn't already.

"Lara what the hell is going on?" Gio asks as I walk over to my side of the door.

"Someone is sprouting out lies so I need to put them in their place." I say getting into the driver seat.

"Where you going?" Jax asks as Alannah plays with his hand.

I shrug my shoulders and switch the engine on. Jax whispers something to Gio before closing the passenger door.

The drive to the hospital was accompanied by the the sniffles of Alannah crying. I held her hand but it just wasn't enough. I get to the hospital and park in the parking lot.

Seconds later Jax pulls up beside me which causes me to sigh. I get out of the car and so does Jax and Gio.

"You're here. Good that means Alannah doesn't need to see this." I say and they look at me confused.

"Keep her company, I'll be back in five." I say and before they can question it head I to the hospital.

I head to the break room and funny enough Jake was in there talking to some people.

"Jake." I shout and Rebecca walks over to me.

"You shouldn't be back here." She tells me and I roll my eyes. I walk over to Jake and push him.

"Incase you're confused about the events of last night. You tried to go further and I tried to stop you but you wouldn't. So when I finally could I slapped you, I did not force myself on you at all." I shout and someone puts their hand on my shoulder which I shrug off.

"I have a mark." He says pointing to it.

"So do I but yours doesn't back you up!" I say.

He furrows his eyebrows confused and I then pull James's hoodie to the side to show the hickey on my neck.

"Don't you dare lie about me again or you'll have something much worse then that mark on you cheek." I say and push him before walking out.

"Lara!" Jax voices calls from behind me, he puts his hand on my shoulder and I instantly recognize it as the hand from earlier.

I stop dead in my tracks and he turns me around. Isn't he supposed to be with Alannah?

"Wait whose with Alannah?" and start to rush off.

"Gio." He tells me, grabbing my wrist. I calm down instantly remembering Gio was with Jax.

"He deserved a lot worse" he says and I shrug my shoulders. He does. But what more can you do?

"Ah well if he woke up tomorrow dead I wouldn't mind." I say shrugging and he just nods.

"I'm sorry he said those things about you." He says and I shrug again.

"All men are like it nowadays." I say and sigh and we begin to walk back to the cars. All they want is sex and then they leave.

"No he was not a man he is a boy." He says and I laugh.

"No, all men act like that anyway." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'll show you how a real man is supposed to treat you." Jax says and I laugh. Yeah okay.  "What? I will." He says and I smile.

"I'll take you on a date, tomorrow night." He tells me and I stop and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Come on." He says and I look at him confused. Is he being serious?

"I can't tell if your joking or not." I say and he looks at me firmly.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He asks and I shake my head and he laughs.

"Yes or no?" He asks smiling.

"Hmmm" I say and he raises an eyebrow. "Yeah" I say and he smiles. What's the worse that can happen?

We get back to the car and Gio was holding Alannah and leaning on the trunk of the car.

"What happened in there?" Gio asks.

"Mama." Alannah shouts, jumping out of Gio's arms and Gio hands her to me. I rest her on my hip and I tighten one of her pony tails.

"She put the douche in his place." Jax says and Gio furrows his eyebrows clearly confused.

"He said that Lara was forcing herself on him and when he told her to stop she slapped him." Jax says and Gio high fives me.

"So what happened with your mom?" Jax asks and Alannah flinches but I rub a soothing hand up and down her back and she puts her head in my shoulder and falls to sleep.

"Speaking of the devil." I say as I see mom walk into walk.

"What happened?" Jax asks more firmly and Gio puts his hand on his shoulder.

"She works with Jake and all that. She was the one who told me and once I told her he was lying she began to call me a liar and well I packed a bag for a few nights and you saw the rest." I say leaning my head on Alannah's head.

"Where are you going now?" Jax asks as the tone in his voice changes.

Gio puts a hand on his shoulder signalling him to calm down. Some flicks in Jax's eyes and he takes a deep breath.

"Nicole and David's." I say and they nod.

"Thanks for watching Alannah." I say to Gio and he nods.

I place Alannah in her car seat and strap her in. Before leaning against the door. Jax and Gio were leaning against Jax's car with their arms folded over their chests.

"How come you don't wear a suit like Jax?" I ask Gio.

"They're uncomfortable." He says and I laugh.

"You get used to it after a while." Jax says nudging Gio. Gio rolls his eyes which makes me laugh.

"Your going to have to start wearing a suit in January." Jax says and Gio shrugs.

"What's happening in January?" I ask and you can see Jax tense up. Maybe it's a rough subject.

"We're taking over from our dads." Gio says and I nod.

"Are you scared about it?" I ask and Jax laughs.

"Why would you think that?" Jax asks and I smile.

"I'm uh good at reading body language." I say and Jax nods.

"Right I should probably head off." I say gesturing to Alannah sleeping.

"Yeah. Oh! Can I have your number now?" Jax asks and I laugh.

"Why?" I ask as Gio walks round to the passenger seat.

"So I can text you the details about our date." He says and Gio stops dead in his tracks.

"Woah what?" He says and Jax rolls his eyes. Jax hands me his hand which I put my number.

"I'll see you tomorrow night." Jax says and kisses my cheek again. I smile then walk round and then driver seat of my car.

When I get Nicole and David's house I unlock the front door. I go over to the passenger seat and pick Alannah up. I take Alannah into the living room before going back out to the car. I get our stuff from the car then press the clicker on my keys to lock the car.

I hadn't had the heart to wake Alannah after 30 minutes. I was sat in silence staring at the wall. I don't know how to tell Alannah because there is no doubt that she'll ask you.

I was just thinking about everything when someone walks through the door.

"Are you still here?" Nicole calls walking into the living room.

"Here I am." I say and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Nicole asks and sits beside me.

After telling Nicole everything she hugs me and tells me to stay as long as I would like. I thank her then Alannah starts to stir.

Alannah fell asleep at about one ish and now Nicole was home so that meant it was easily past 5pm. I sigh knowing full well Alannah is not going to sleep tonight.

When Alannah wakes up she hugs me tightly. If I had known a hug from Alannah would be the best I would have woken her up ages ago.

"Mama it's okay." She says and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Are you feeling okay? You were asleep for ages." I ask and she nods.

"Just tired." She says nodding.

"Auntie Nicole is in the kitchen." I say and Alannah shrugs and hugs me again. "

I love you Mama." She says giving me the tightest hug possible with her little arms.

"I love you too bubba." I say hugging her back.

When David gets home Nicole filled him in on everything. I was sat watching doc mcstuffins with Alannah when he came in and hugged me. After him telling me the same as Nicole he talked to Alannah.

Once dinner was done we all went into the dinning room to eat.

"So how was work?" I ask cutting up Alannah's food.

"Same old, same old." Nicole says.

"Have you got plans for the weekend?" David asks me and I take a sip of my water.

"Well tomorrow um Jax-" as soon as Jax's name left my mouth David was looking at me with a firm look. "He was there today and he said he wanted to show me how a real man should treat me" I say nervously and Nicole smiles.

"That's sweet." She says and I smile.

"Wait does this mean you and Jax are gonna be in love and get married?" Alannah says causing me to laugh.

"Probably not." I say and she frowns.

"Well we'll watch Alannah for you, we can go to the movies." She says to Alannah and she nods her head excitedly.

After dinner David takes Alannah into the living room whilst I help Nicole with the dishes.

"So Jax huh?" Nicole asks with a raised eyebrow and I smile.

"He's been nothing but nice since I've met him. He's great with Alannah and I don't want to ruin that." I say and Nicole smiles.

"You have a heart of gold you know that." She says hugging me slightly.

"Jax is a handsome boy, you just have to be careful." She says and I smile.

"I know." I say and she smiles.

We spent the rest of the evening in the living room watching a movie. Once the movie was finished I took Alannah upstairs and ran her a bath. I bathed her and then got her ready for bed. I lied her in bed at about 8pm which was an hour after her bed time.

"Mama I'm not tired." She says and I sigh.

"I knew I should have woken you up." I say and she giggles. I put the tv on and then put Sofia the first on.

Whilst she watches that I unpack our clothes into the draws and wardrobe. After I do that Alannah was still wide awake so we just watched some films till we fell to sleep.

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