The Omega Prince

By SproutsPerson

170K 9.2K 2K

Once a upon a time a king and queen were loved by their people. They were a traditional family, an omega moth... More

The Era of the Eclipse


3.7K 227 44
By SproutsPerson

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Boy was the city busy. It always is but for the two princes it was hard to walk around without someone trying to sell them something or try to make small talk.

It didn't take long for Hoseok to notice  Yoongi staying super close whole linking their arms.

Hoseok: are you ok?

Yoongi: Im not the best in crowds..

Hoseok:ah.. How about we find somewhere were quiet so we can read the books we got earlier?

Yoongi: that sounds nice.. But I don't know any place we could go..

Hoseok: I saw a place when I was still in the carrige.


Hoseok: how come you don't known your way around?

Yoongi: I'm not aloud outside unless I'm accompanied by someone else.. I don't get your much unless I try to escape.. And well you know how well that's goes.

Hoseok: oh.. I see it!

Yoongi: oh- slow down!

Once the two were in a quiet place then pulled out there books and began reading.

Hoseok glanced over and saw that the other was writing.

Hoseok: what are you writing?

Yoongi: oh.. Uhm... It's nothing.. I you that I like writing..

Hoseok: oh right.

Yoongi: what are you reading?

Hoseok: ah.. Well I got many different books. This one is about the history of Dionne and the other one is an old favorite-

Yoongi: your reading about Dionne? Why?

Hoseok: because, even though I don't plan to take over I'd like to know about the country I'll be living in.

Yoongi:wow... W-what is the other book?

Hoseok: as I was saying, it's an old favorite. It's the legend of the sun and the moon.. My mom used to read it to me.

Yoongi: mine did too.. I don't really remember it..

Hoseok: how about I read it to you?

Yoongi: that would be nice.

Hoseok: alright.

Many centuries ago when the first alpha , the sun,was watching its people it caught a glance of something beautiful and began looking for it. Once the sun found what it was looking for it was met with the first omega, the moon. Contrast to the Suns bright orange hair the moon had bright blonde hair. They instantly felt a connection and spent much time together and eventually fell in love.

They were the first to ever mate. Then they began having their own pups.

Eventually fighting broke out with other countries and a massive genocide happened leaveing only thing moon, the Suns and their children.

After the war the two relised they were need at their kingdoms and renames then Dionne and Soleil.

After years of ruling secretly the sun got word that the moon had passed on. The night after rthe passing a new object was in the sky. It was bright and beautiful and reminded the sun if their last lover and dubbed it the moon.

After a few days the sun eventually died too, many believe to heart break. Thanks to the suns, what provided light to the word, death the world went dark but quickly lit up again because the day after the Suns death a giant light had appearwd in the sky and was bed after the fallen ruler.

Now, every now and then the two lovers are to be reborn to fix their past mistakes of seperateing.

Yoongi: wow.. Do you think that's why our parents...

Hoseok: could be..all I know is that this story is the reason for my hopless Roma trait..

Yoongi: can you promise me something?

Hoseok: depends on the promise.

Yoongi: promise me that if you ever love me that you love me for me, and not the stupid legend?

Hoseok: as long as you do the same I promise.

Yoongi: me too.

They smiled at each other and went back to reading, this time with them leaning on each other.

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