The Words You Speak

By HeToldTheMoon

28.7K 859 240

Sequel to The Secret. Book 2 More

The truth
Meeting 2
The fight
Black out
Fiancé problems
11 minutes
Trip part 1
Trip part 2
Trip part 3
Trip part 4
Makeup sex
The truth comes out
Planning tour
Last day
First show
Smut on the bus
Next book


658 14 1
By HeToldTheMoon

The next two shows were pretty boring. The same as the last, actually, but when it got to the last performance....

I was dressed

The hunger was there, but there was this glint in Lauren's eye... guilt?

When I tried to kiss her, she teared up, kissing me back.

We went off stage and just as I was going to grab her so we could talk, she ran out of the arena and to her car.

I did the same, following her but making sure she couldn't see me.

I needed to know what was going on.

I got home a bit after her and walked in to a conversation between the two girls.

"Camila! She'll be here any second, she needs to go!" Lauren shouted as I walked in.

What I saw broke my heart.

Camila on top of another girl, naked.

"Y/N!" Camila immediately covered herself and the girl.

I ignored the fact that she was naked and asked. "Where are the twins?"

She looked at me dumbfounded.

"They're at Lauren's pare- wait, no! Y/N!" She tried to grab me but I pulled away.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I shouted at her, tears in my eyes.

"And the fact that you, Lauren knew about this!" I pointed at Lauren and turned around to the door.

"I want you all out of here when I get back, if I see that you are still here, I won't hesitate to call the cops. Take your shit, whatever is left is going to charity." I spoke, taking off my wedding ring, tossing it on the ground.

"Y/N! Please! I love y-"

"Don't, Lauren." I spoke, grabbing my keys and heading to the Jauregui's.

"Hey, Y/N- woah what's wrong sweetie?" Clara pulled me into her arms, holding me as I cried.

"She cheated, Clara... and Lauren knew...." I cried into her chest, she held me tightly.

"What?! Camila?" She asked and I nodded, forcing myself to calm down.

"Oh, that girl..." she balled her fist. She then went on to tell me how the twins had been here since I left.

"If Lauren comes here, I won't let her near the twins, but Y/N if you need anything, we're here." Clara spoke, making me smile.

"Thank you..." I smiled at her and heard the babbles of the twins.
Taylor decided to go with me just in case.

I lifted both girls, putting them in their car seats before going home.

As I guessed, both girls were still there.

Taylor stayed with the twins in the car while I dealt with the two.

"Y/N! Please! Just listen!" Camila grabbed my arm, making me push her away.

I just stayed silent as I packed the twins and my things.

"You can't take the twins! They're mine too!" Camila glared at me.

"What are you going to do, Camila? Huh? You would probably better off without them since you left them at Clara's." I spoke, pushing past her to grab my stuff.

Lauren just sobbed into her hands.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.." struggled get out, but I knew better.

I brought the bags to the car.

Camila following me.
"So what? You're divorcing us?!" She shouted after me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I spoke nonchalantly as I got into the drivers seat.

I shut the door and started the car.

And that was that last time I saw the girls.

After going through the whole revenge stage of healing, I regretted everything I did.

I keyed Camila's car, and spray painted Lauren's.... you could hear about that in my new album....

I am now living in house in

Single and taking care of the twins.

I still made music on the side, but didn't do the music videos or tours.

It's been about a year and a half since I've seen or heard from the girls.

I'm living with Demi and Lani, and Mani, Dinah, and Ally.

"Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello split after their divorce with Y/N." I rolled my eyes at the news, about to turn it off when I heard "yeah, both Camila and Lauren are going into the music industry as well."

I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as I fed the twins their food.

"Hey, Y/N. What are you planning for the twins' birthday?" Dinah asked as she sat beside me at the table.

"Shhh!" I shushed her and fed Emera as she opened her mouth.

"Yeah, the two are focusing on their music." The reporter spoke.

"You need to stop, Y/N. It's not healthy." Demi spoke as she turned off the tv.

I groaned in annoyance.

"Yeah, you can't just keep thinking about them, focus on the twins." Ally spoke and I nodded, finishing feeding the girls.

I let them roam around, watching them to make sure they didn't get into trouble.

"And to answer your question, Dj, I don't know." I sighed, being stressed about the twins' birthdays.

"Hey, you're not alone, Y/N/N." I smiled and nodded at her before playing with the twins.

Ally offered to take care of the twins for a bit and Lani being Lani said "Y/N, when's the last time you went out? Like actually went out."

I shrugged. "I don't know, a year?" I asked.

"Well, how about Demi and I take you out while the girls watch the twins?" I sighed.

"Lani.. I don't know..." I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"Oh come on. Please!" I sighed as she gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But only for a few hours." I spoke and she squealed.

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