By MimiNado

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I stood on my tippy toes a couple inches away from the pole before spinning with my hand still remaining firm... More

Part title
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Merry Christmas 🎄
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 5

404 15 0
By MimiNado

Christine grabbed my hand and led me towards a room. The second we got inside, it looks exactly like a room where strippers work with a stripping pole right in the middle of it. Chairs circled around it and the thought of me being up there caused a blushed to form on my cheeks.

"Today, I am going to teach you all the basics. We can practice every single day until you're perfect but mere looking at you, I think you're going to make a fast and excellent learner" she smiled. "So the first thing I'm going to teach you is called "A pirouette" she said. I turned towards her to see that she was already removing her shirt right before standing in her tippy toes a couple inches away from the pile before spinning with her hold still remaining on the metal. Then, she leaned back against it with her foot against her knee. She gave me a curt nod before getting off. I took that as my cue, so I repeated exactly as she did. I had to do it several times to get the hang of it, but once I did it, Sam and Christine were both clapping their hands.

"That was amazing, you're a fast learner" Christine complemented. A smile made its way onto my face as I got off the pole to allow Christine to teach me something else.

Hours dragged on. She had taught me everything I needed to know for my interview tomorrow. Who would have guessed that stripping is a lot harder than it looks? It was absolutely draining as I practiced each move but I loved every bit of it.

"How about doing an assessment before calling it quit?" Christine suggested

"Okay, I'm up for that" I said

"Yaaaaaas, that's my baby" Sam whistled

"Do a chair spin" Christine said. I grabbed onto the pole before spinning my body around all while sitting on air as if I were sitting on a chair. It took a lot of muscle.

"Do the outside step" she said. I planted my foot a centimeter away from the pole, before circling my leg around it and repeating the process.

"Do a back hook spin" Sam shouted. I grabbed into the pole before spinning around and hooking my back right leg around the pole just as my body slid down all while keeping that spin.

"perfezionare!" We are finished, you did well and I'm sure you're going to kill it out there tomorrow. I happily jumped down from the pole and out back on my clothes. I was supposed to go the hospital but I'm too tired, I mustered all the strength left in me to drive to the drive home. There was already electricity by the time I got home. I just went straight to my room and straight to bed.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked. I wanted to tell her the truth because I hate lying to her but I knew telling her the truth would break her heart and would cause her to talk me out of it and I need to get this job no matter what. So, I plastered a fake smile on my face as I answered

"I have a job interview today" I told her

"Why are you getting a different job? I thought you liked working at the diner. Or did something happen? Don't tell me you got fired" she said all tensed

"No, I'm still working at the diner. I just want a second job to the able to pay all the bills faster. I want you out of this hospital as fast as I can" I stated honestly

"Oh, my poor baby" she sighed "I'm sorry for putting you through all that at this stage of your life. I'm suppose to be the one fending for you but now it's the other way round. I'm so sorry my princess, I really am" she sobbed

I leaned down to kiss her on top of her head "it's okay mommy, don't cry. Everything is going to be alright. You just need to promise me not to give up. Promise me you're going to make it out her alive" I pleaded

"I will baby, I will try for you and as soon as I'm out of here, i will help pay for everything. She said, her eyes drifting off to sleep.

"Go to sleep mommy, I'll be back" I kissed her forehead. She nodded slowly. I gave her one last glance before walking out of the hospital ward. I met with the doctor on the way and with the look on his face, it looked as though he has something to say. I walked out of the hospital as fast as I could before getting into my car.

I got to the front of the club and told the big guy at the entrance my mission there. He allowed me in and there was this girl that was looking at me, so I had to go meet her.

Looking around the dimly lit club, it wasn't as packed with many people. There were two girls dancing on the pole with nothing but a pair of panties. As I looked around, I noticed all eyes on them. The entire vibe for it being a club at noon wasn't bad.

I turned back towards the girl. She had her auburn hair in a tight ponytail and her lips pained in dark lipstick. I watched as she began to walk towards me.

"You must be Georgina?" She said more of a question

"Yes, I am and I am assuming that you are the woman I spoke to on the phone" I confidently replied

"Yes, my name is Carmella. Come with me, I'll be taking you to the employment director" she stated

"Okay ma" I replied

"Enough of the ma, I'm nobody's ma. I just told you my name is Carmella. Sweet sexy Carmella" she smiled seductively

"Okay Carmella" I purred

"That's the spirit baby" she winked as she turned around and began to walk me in a direction that led to the back of some stage

I strolled in right behind her just before an automatic door could close. It took a good couple of minutes before we finally made it to a door.

"I know you can do it. Go in there and do your thing" she encouraged. She twisted the doorknob and opened it up.

"Santi. We have a new girl" Carmella spoke. I stepped into the room a little more to see a man with a golden-brownish blonde hair. He was wearing a black suit and was seated inside of a large room on the couch. I glanced up towards the stripper pole and realization dawned on me that I'm actually doing this but do I have any regrets? Maybe a little bit but I'm doing this for my family.

"Okay, Mel, you may leave" he suggested. She sent a smile encouraging smile my way, whispering the light sound of "good luck". I turned back to look at the man in front of me. He looked so breathtaking, is this how every guy here look? Damn, it's going to be hard working without any distractions.

"Your name is Georgina, correct?" He had asked. His accent was thick.

"Georgina Miles" I answered. He smiled lightly, nodding his head as he looked down at my body before his eyes settled on mine once again. For some strange reason, I was not fearful.

"My name is Santiago, the girls and everybody here call me Santi. Now let's get down to business. This interview isn't going to be something you may be used to but if at some point you feel uncomfortable, please make sure to let me know" he replied kindly. Nodding my head, I felt a feeling of relief flow through me.

"I'm sure you're experienced and you know the do's and don'ts of stripping" he said

"No, I don't. I've only had one job in my life and that was as a waitress in a diner" I told him truthfully

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it's something you've you know, done before but it's not bad. Mere looking at you, I can bet you can do better than someone that's experienced. Let me tell you something dancing is the body's way of releasing stress and emotions without having to speak. It isn't dirty and it ain't scary, it is so beautiful. So, I am going to dim the lights a little and play some soft music. All I want is for you to convince with your body that you are beautiful" he stated

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