The Gods of Fairy Tail

By Fantasyandromance516

24.4K 828 561

Plenty of Gods and Goddesses live on Mount Olympus and they do their job by aiding the mortals on earth. But... More

The Gods
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
My Friend's YouTube Page
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

773 30 36
By Fantasyandromance516

Erza watched as the people of the city she ruled over left offerings to her and prayed to her for great wisdom. One in particular was a woman who's husband was away at war and she prayed that Erza would protect him in battle. Despite being a goddess of battle, Erza did not enjoy watching blood shed and would often avoid violence unless it was absolutely necessary.

"War truly is barbaric." She told her pet owl. "I truly wish that mortals wouldn't resort to this so often."

She fed her owl and later decided to go for a stroll in her chariot to look out over her city. During her trip she caught sight of the sea and through it's waters she could see Jellal. He was sitting on his throne watching beautiful sea nymphs dance for him. Erza felt herself become very cross with this sight. Here she thought Jellal was too mature to fool around with nymphs like his younger brother Natsu. Did he have no shame?

Wait a moment? Since when did she care if Jellal flirted with other women or not? She had no romantic interest in him so it shouldn't bother her, right? The goddess of wisdom wouldn't admit it to herself til much later but in that moment she felt very jealous.

However if Erza had looked closer at Jellal's face, she would have seen how bored and miserable he looked. This nymphs did nothing to satisfy his love sick heart.

"My Lord why waste your time fawning for a woman who will not accept you?" One of the nymphs asked. "Why not dance with us and make merry?"

"Alas I don't have it in my heart to do either." He said.

"Are we not pretty enough for you?"

"You are all very lovely." He admitted. "But it is impossible for me to look at any woman the way I look at Erza. I appreciate you all trying to ease my pain but right now I wish to be alone."

The nymphs abided by his wishes and left him be. He left the sea and went on to the land to watch wild horses run across the earth. The wild and majestic beasts were one of his most amazing creations and he enjoyed watching them run. It didn't ease his pain completely but it made it silent for a little while.

Many gods had given him different bits of advice on how to deal with his feelings for Erza. Some suggested that he should forget her and pursue other women, then there were those who suggested that he abduct her and force her to be his wife but he would never resort to such a revolting tactic. He still couldn't believe that there were some gods out there who would force themselves on to women. How sick and depraved some people could be.

"Hey fish boy, what's up?" He looked up to see Bickslow flying over head. "Thinking about Erza again?"

"If you've come to mock my pain then leave before I lose my patience and drown you."

"Typical God of sea, you can go from a perfect gentleman to an angry tyrant just like that. Don't worry I haven't come to mock you I've just come to inform you that your brother Natsu has been found."

"Well it's about time. Where has he been?"

"He won't say but now he's insisting that we all help look for the goddess of spring."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Apparently he feels sorry for the goddess of the harvest and wants to help her find her sister. Can you believe that?"

"Actually I can. My brother may be immature but he is compassionate."

"I think it's just a ruse to get on the good side of all the gods."

"I'll have you know that Natsu would never fake kindness for any reason."

"Whatever you say."

"While you're here may I ask, how is my other brother? Gray? I haven't seen him for a long time either."

"The underworld is still on lockdown. I haven't been able to get messages to him. Only the dead can get through there. I wonder how long he plans on doing this."

"He may be going a little overboard with this but I can't blame him. If I were in his shoes I would do the same thing."


"Because if the titans we locked away ever got loose, Sonya help us all."

"Oh right. I forgot they're down there. Do you think Gray will be able to keep them there for good?"

"Sonya willing but my mother thinks that we should consider releasing my father."

"But wasn't he their leader? In other words the worst of them all?"

"She's convinced that she's finally found a cure for his madness and once he's cured he will be safe to release back on earth."

"I wouldn't do it but hey it's not my call."

"Technically speaking it's not mine either, not mine completely anyway. Since my brothers and I put him in there all three of us have to agree to let him out. That was the pact we made centuries ago."

"You guys are thinking about turning him loose are you?"

"Gray? Absolutely not. Natsu? Wouldn't dream of it."

"And you?"

"Well..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Don't get me wrong he's dangerous and I still harbor some feelings of anger to him but when you think about it wasn't his fault and if this cure works then he won't be a threat anymore. And the way Mother talks about how much she loved him and how he used to be, it makes me consider giving him a second chance. For her sake."

"Mama's boy." Bickslow teased.

"Very funny. Listen don't tell my brothers that I've considered this. They'll think I've lost my mind."

"Don't worry I can keep a secret. I've kept hundreds for centuries."

"But you're the god of messages."

"That's my main occupation but on the side I'm also the god of secrets. Don't worry I won't tell a soul."

"Thank you because if you do you'll be sleeping with the fishes."

"Again from a gentleman to a tyrant just like that." Bickslow said snapping.

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