adore you // [h.s]


129K 2.5K 312

He placed his hands on the side of my face before he pulled me in for a kiss. I stared into his eyes as I la... Еще

Meet the Characters
Epilogue - 2


3.6K 68 25


I woke in my bed with the sunlight blinding me. I wasn't a morning person at all, but I wasn't a night person either. Hell, most days I was barely even a person.

"Hey baby, did you have fun yesterday?" My mom asked as she entered my room. I nodded with a soft smile across my lips. "Kai is here." I looked over at the clock I had sitting beside the table. 9:30 a.m.

"Why?" She shrugged. "Is he okay?" I asked, pulling myself onto my forearms. She shrugged.

"I'll go get him." I nodded, pulling myself up against the headboard. I pushed my hair behind my ears before I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

Kai walked into my room, throwing himself on the bed beside me. He looked upset, and I didn't like it.

"Are you going to leave me?" He whispered as he laid his head in my lap. I furrowed my brows at him.

"What are you talking about?" He remained silent while he stared at the ceiling, "I'm not Kai, you're my best friend." I laid my hand over on his chest as a reassuring gesture, but I don't think it did much.

"I'm just worried about losing you to Harry, that's all." He closed his eyes peacefully. "You are my best friend and I don't want to lose you."

As much as I love Kai, this may be a bit dramatic. Losing my best friend over someone I've hung out with two times, c'mon now, I may be dumb but I'm not stupid.

Kai, like me, has the tendency to overthink. He can't help it and he lets it get the best of him. We've had serious discussions about this on numerous occasions. His brain is wired to think everyone in his life is destined to leave at some point, and I understand that feeling but it's hard to think I could ever leave Kai.

He's my best friend.

He shrugged. "I like Harry, but I really don't think you need to worry about him." Kai half-smiled, he didn't seem so upset anymore

"Harry is a really great guy" I smiled, thinking of him. "You both get a stupid smile on your faces when you are around each other. " I blushed. "He likes you." My eyes grew larger as I shook my head no.

"I don't know if that would work honestly. I mean, look at me then look at him. " Kai rolled his eyes and gently smacked the top of my head.

"Don't," He wanted, narrowing his eyes at me. "You are beautiful. Maybe you don't see it, but everyone else does." He gave me a reassuring smile that made me smile back.

I was just referring to the fact that he was famous and I was not, but it felt nice to have the reassurance.

"Ya know, he actually wanted to come over with me, but I forgot to pick him up." I laughed at him, as he joined in. "I'm not kidding. I just forgot to go pick him up." I laughed even harder.

"Where does he even live?" I asked but then I realized how awkward that sounded. I made it sound like I was gonna stalk him from the bushes or something crazy.

"A really nice neighborhood just a couple miles from here," he said as he pulled himself off the bed, "I'll send you the address, and tell him you want to come see him. I've gotta go." Kai started walking toward the bedroom door, "Start getting ready, I'm gonna tell him you'll be there by noon. " My heart sank and my eyes grew as wide as the smile on Kai's face, " I love you!"

"I love you." I pulled myself from my bed and ran into the bathroom to get ready.


I followed every turn Siri told me to take. I could feel the anxiety creating a pit in my stomach whenever I pulled into the neighborhood.

Kai was right, this was a really nice neighborhood.

"Destination is on your right." Siri announced. I turned on my turn signal.

I pulled into the driveway, and quickly parked my car. I sat there for a few minutes giving myself a mental pep talk, thinking that would make some of the anxiety go away.... it didn't.

Maybe I should just go home. I can't make a fool of myself if I go home, but I'd be stupid to turn down a day with Harry Styles.

I took a deep breath in before I pulled myself out of my car. I think I adjusted my outfit at least five times before I arrived at his front door then I sat there thinking of how I should knock.

Why am I like this?

I slammed my palm into my forehead before I let out a deep sigh. I shook away all the anxiety, literally. I raised my hand to hit the door.

Was that too quiet? Too loud? Too persistent or urgent?

"I've got it!" I heard someone yell.

The door swung open; a boy with long, messy, dark brown hair opened the door, his face held a blank expression. "Who are you?" He furrowed his brows in confusion as his eyes scanned over my body.

"I'm one of Harry's friends. ''I said in a soft yet shaky voice.

calm down, you're okay.

"Harry!" His eyes looked over my body once again, "There's a girl here for you!" He yelled through the house. "You can come in." He moved out of the doorway so I could step inside.

"Hey, love!" Harry's accent filled the room as he ran down the stairs. He wrapped his arms tightly around me pulling me closer to him. "Everybody, this is Audrey."

I looked around to see a house filled with people. I didn't recognize any of them, but they all gave me a friendly smile. I could tell they were all wondering what he was doing with me, and honestly that's an excellent question.

I waved to them, very awkwardly if I must add.

"I feel awkward." I mumbled to Harry and he only smiled. They all stared a hole through me as they tried to figure me out.

"Let's get you upstairs." He grabbed my hand gently pulling me behind him. "I'm sorry about them, they don't know how to admire someone as beautiful as you are." I blushed.

"Thanks for coming to hang out with me, love." Harry said as he opened his bedroom door for me. I followed in behind him.

"Anytime. " He plopped down on the bed while I stood awkwardly in the middle of this room.

I felt so awkward. I was nervous and I didn't know what to do. Like do I join him? Is that too much? Would he think I was trying to sleep with him? Do I just keep standing here?

"You can come sit." He patted the bed directly beside him. I made my way to the bed beside him. "My friends are loud so I apologize in advance. " he said with a polite grin across his lips.

"It's okay, I'm not this quiet once you get to know me." I shrugged.

"Dude! " I heard this guy yell as he busted into Harry's room. "We are going to play Mario Kart, do you wanna join?"

It was the same boy that answered the door. You could see it in his eyes how excited he was and I thought that was sweet. He reminded me of a child on Christmas morning which was even sweeter.

"I'm with Audrey, Mitch," Harry said as his eyes shifted over to me.

"If you want to come Audrey, it'd be lovely." The guy winked at me. "Oh, I'm Mitch Rowland, but you can call me whatever you want. " He waved as he properly introduced himself.

"If you want to go, " I paused for a minute looking over at Harry, "I haven't played Mario Kart since I was a kid, so it would be fun." I said with an awkward smile pressed against my lips.

"Let's go then." Harry said with a small smile forming on his face. He helped me off his bed, never letting go of my hands.


I had absolutely no clue what time it was. I just know this house was almost completely full of people by eleven.

I didn't really peg Harry as the party type, but he looked to be enjoying himself. I could tell he was a social butterfly. I'm not sure if this man has ever met a stranger.

"A drink?" Harry asked me as he approached with two red solo cups in his hands, I shook my head no.

"I'm driving tonight, so I can't. I don't wanna risk anything."

"You could just stay here for the night." He suggested as his eyes wandered over the crowd, "I mean that's only if you want to, of course, but we have the room. I could take the couch tonight."

"I don't want to kick you out of your own bed," I said as I looked over at him.

"I wouldn't mind, love." He took a sip of whatever was in his red solo cup, "Kai tells me you're always editing or busy with classes, maybe you could enjoy yourself tonight." I raised my eyebrow at him. "It's just an offer, you don't have to take it, love."

"I guess, I could." He smiled as he handed me a cup. "What's in this?" I asked as I pulled the drink to my nose.

"Rum and coke, more rum than coke." He joked as he took another sip of his drink.

"Aye, come play beer pong." A boy yelled to Harry. "Bring your girl." I watched Harry's eyes grow wide as color started to appear in his cheeks.

his girl.

"I'm actually really good at beer pong." I nudged him with my arm, "You would totally kick ass with me on your team." He chuckled.

"Let's go kick some ass then." He held out his hand for me to take which I gladly did. He led the way through the crowded room, making sure no one was going to trample over me.

i kinda like you styles..

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