I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul...

By groovy-lennon

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Just when Paul thought he had it all in life, young Victoria Taylor comes to prove him wrong. Paul is forced... More

Chapter 1 "Following a dream"
Chapter 2 "New York"
Chapter 3 "I like you, Paul"
Chapter 4 "Stop"
Chapter 5 "Double surprise"
Chapter 6 "Virgin"
Chapter 7 "The first one"
Chapter 8 "I think I'm in love"
Chapter 9 "Following you"
Chapter 10 "I moan your name"
Chapter 11 " I love you, Victoria"
Chapter 12 "I choose her"
Chapter 13 "A trap"
Chapter 14 "True love"
Chapter 15 "Our new home"
Chapter 16 "Bathtub confessions"
Chapter 17 "Adoption?"
Chapter 19 "I've got a crush on Vicky too"
Chapter 20 "Prisoner of love"
Chapter 21 "They're all gone"
Chapter 22 "Beatle kidnap"
Chapter 23 "The night before"
Chapter 24 "You're going to lose that girl?"
Chapter 25 "Paul"
Chapter 26 "On John's bed"
Chapter 27 "Finally"
Chapter 28 "John's girl"
Chapter 29 "Three no-way"
Chapter 30 "John in the middle"
Chapter 31 "A taste of Paul"
Chapter 32 "Only you"
Chapter 33 "The world is treating me bad"
Chapter 34 "You Really Got a Hold On Me"
Chapter 35 "Ex-Girlfriend"
Chapter 36 "Mummy's favorite Beatle"
Chapter 37 "She's back"
Chapter 38 "It's her only"
Chapter 39 "Michelle Ma Belle"
Chapter 40 "Babysitters"
Chapter 41 "Breastfeeding"
Chapter 42 "No Other Love Will Ever Do"
Chapter 43 "Three of us"
Chapter 44 "Let the world know"
Chapter 45 "It's the girls"
Chapter 46 "We love you, Paul"
Chapter 47 "The girl in the alley"
Chapter 48 "Wife"
Chapter 49 "Forever"
Final Chapter "The Perfect Ending"

Chapter 18 "I fucked my little sister"

364 9 1
By groovy-lennon

Paul's P.O.V.

Is this some kind of joke? Does this guy want me to adopt her little sister? For real?

"Umm...would you explain that?" I asked him.

"What part you don't understand? It's simple. You'll get her custody as a parent or guardian" He said. He was serious; at this point I realized he wasn't joking at all.


"Oh you don't want to?"

"Damian... Where are you going with this?" Victoria was as confused as I was.

"Well Vicky, as you may know already, I 'try' to take care of you as much as I can, so if I leave you with Paul, how can I be sure he won't get bored of you, and leave you on your own someday?"

"Pfft. That is ridiculous. I would never do such thing, and not even now that she's-."

"Willing to accept the deal" Victoria interrupted. I got it. She didn't want me to tell him that she was pregnant.

"What?" He chuckled.

"He will do it" She said.

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Huh... Legally speaking, that is not quite possible, or at least not that easy depending on the situations" I said.

"You're not going to adopt her in terms of legally speaking of course. I'm just saying that in order to protect Vicky's privacy and safety. You'll need to pretend she's your little sister now because she's not old enough to be your daughter right? You'll become her guardian. Do not say to the public that she's your girlfriend. Do you understand now?" Damian said.

"Well, I don't think I'd have a problem with that but-"

"I don't think you will have a problem with that y'know? After all that is basically the same responsibility as having a little sister" He raised an eyebrow.

I got it now. He was challenging me; he was still mad at me somehow.

"I say yes then" I said firmly.

"Are you-"

"I'm 100% sure, Damian"

"That's going to be so weird" Victoria giggled. Oh how I love her

"I hope you will learn to live with that, Victoria" Her brother said to her.

"Of course" She said.

"Have you visited mum and dad lately?"


"Good. So they don't know what you're doing now. Impressive" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Should I tell them?"

"Absolutely not. I promised them I would take good care of you, and apparently this is not what I promised"

"Then... what should I say if they see me around Paul all the time?" She asked him.

"Could you say you're working as his personal assistant? But please, do not tell them you're his girl" He said.

"Okay...I guess yeah. That would work" She nodded.

"Good. You should visit them soon though; they miss you a lot"

"I'll go as soon as I can"

"Alright, but first, you should go see a doctor, Vicky; you're very thin" He said as he got closer to her. She was very uncomfortable when he did that. She unconsciously put her hands on her belly.

"Does it ache?" He asked as he pointed at her stomach.

"Huh-what?" She got very anxious. For a second she thought he already knew she is having a baby.

"Your stomach. Are you feeling sick?"

Just then she realized he was asking because she was grabbing her belly.

"No, it's just-nothing, I'm fine" She almost stuttered.

"Still, Paul will make sure to take you to see a doctor right Paul? From now on he will be in charge of anything that has to do with you. Including any expenses, education, and also helping you with your career as a musician, why not?"

"We should have come up with this idea before; we could have avoided the kidnapping" Said Brian. He almost laughed.

"I'm glad you agree with my conditions, Paul, BUT, if you do ANYTHING to her that could hurt her, or make her slightly sad, I will kill you" Damian said as he stared at me very serious.

I knew I would never hurt her, but I was scared by his threatening anyway.


Victoria's P.O.V.

I did not see that coming, and nor did Paul. I think Damian made sense with what he was asking for; all he wanted was to protect me. Things got out of control before with this situation, and I think we all needed to calm down, and find a solution, but Paul and I acted very impulsively. Anyway, Damian's plan seems like a good idea. As long as I am around Paul, that is fine with me.

Damian and I visited mum and dad the next day. I explained that I had been quite busy with "Working" with Paul as his personal assistant. It's been known that I have no difficulty with telling lies; not even to parents, but for Damian it was. In the end all I have to do is avoid treating Paul like a boyfriend in public.

Paul and Brian talked about the possibility of Paul getting back with The Beatles; that's why Paul and I didn't go back to his house in the farm. Apparently The Beatles were on a "Break" after Paul left. I suppose Brian always knew Paul would come back. Paul was not sure to get back in the group because he said he wanted to take care of me and the baby; he said he promised Damian he'd never let me down. I don't know how long I could keep my pregnancy in secret; I knew I'd have to tell Damian and my parents eventually.

In the mean time I was trying to convince Paul to get back with The Beatles. I know he loves music as much as I do, and how much he enjoyed being part of the group, and so I didn't want to be reason why he quitted again.

We were still in his house in London talking about that subject. We were sitting by the edge of the pool.

"Pauile, I do think people would start thinking I am your girl if you leave the group to wander around with me" I said as I swung my feet on the water.

"Not really. We can live a lifetime in the farm, and no one would notice" He shrugged.

"That would be lovely, Paulie, but I don't want you to stop following your dreams..."

"I'm okay with that as long as we're together, dear"

"Mhmmm, how about you do it for me?"

"Get back with the group to make you happy?"


"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes" I smiled.

"Well in that case-"

"Let's play a game. We play hide and seek. I hide inside the house while you count to 10 here, and if you can't find me quickly, then you'll get back with The Beatles"

"Sounds fun" He grinned.

"But don't cheat okay? Start counting as soon as I get in the house" I said as I got up.

"Alright" He giggled, and covered his eyes with his hand.

I laughed as I rushed inside the house, and heard him yell "Two" as I hid inside a big empty closet behind the stairs; Paul barely remembered he had it because he said he's never used it.

"Here I come!" I heard his voice approaching. "I'm going to find you! I can smell you already!" He joked.

I couldn't help but giggle; I did it too loud because he must have heard me. One second later he opened the door to reveal me sitting on the floor giggling like a five-year-old.

He was amused by this "Aw. I win" He smiled.

"You cheated!" I chuckled as I pointed at him.

"Does following your giggling sounds count as cheating?" He smirked.

"Kind of" I laughed.

"Sure" He laughed too as he reached out his hand to help me stand up.

"Thank you" I pulled on his hand too hard making him fall to floor with me. We started laughing like idiots when Paul fell on his bum.

"Fuck" He groaned.

"That's what you get for cheating!" I said as I started tickling on his stomach.

"Stop! You want me to pee in my trousers?" He couldn't stop laughing and squirming.

"I'll stop" I smiled. Then I looked into his beautiful eyes, and kissed him slowly.

He grabbed my neck with both hands as he kissed back. He then began sliding his hand up and down my thigh.

"Let me take this off..." He mumbled into the kiss as he unzipped my dress from the back.

"Paulie?" I pulled away.

"Yes?" He smirked, and then removed my dress leaving me in my underwear.

"Is this safe...?"

"Very safe. I won't hurt you, love" He said before he laid me down on the floor. He grabbed my hand, and kissed it before he laid down beside. He kissed me slowly again while he was getting rid of my underwear with one hand. Once he was done, he sat up briefly to get rid of his clothes too, and then he spread my legs apart, and positioned on top of me very careful to not put all of his weight on my body. Soon the heat of that closet began to increase. Paul and I started to make out more and more passionately. He began rubbing his crotch on mine, and then suddenly I found myself moaning at his member getting inside me quicker then it usually does.

"Could something go wrong...?" I asked as I moaned.

"Not at all... mummy and daddy are making love... nothing could go wrong" He hissed as he rested his forehead on mine, and then started thrusting slowly.

"Paulie" I bit on my lip, and started moaning for more.

"Aw you want more..." He mumbled, and moved faster; we learned to communicate with moans.


"Good girl" He groaned.

Then he sat up, and placed my legs on each of his shoulders. He thrusted about ten times harder which caused me to scream for a while; it turned him on even more, and so I felt him getting closer since he was panting a lot.

"You're close, Paulie..." I giggled.

"Aha..." He grinned. "But I can wait until you're close..." He said, and after that, he began thrusting harder. Yes, harder. Our screams began sounding like an echo inside the empty closet.

Ever heard that cumming at the same time your partner does is the most beautiful thing a person can experience? Well, Paul and I have the pleasure to experience that. One more final deep thrust, and we found ourselves cumming together "Just like that, baby girl..." He groaned as he closed his eyes. I reached a level a pleasure in which I made no sound; I just gasped, and my whole body tensed up.

Once he was done filling me with his cum. He opened his eyes, and put my legs down; he spread them wide apart to watch the tiny little drops of his cum coming out of me.

"I just fucked my little sister" He giggled.

"You're so nasty, Paulie..." I grinned while I was still catching my breath.

He nodded, and smiled before he laid down beside me. He grabbed my face to kiss my lips softly, and then he ran his thumb through my lips.

"Everything changed. Myself, my life, my world. Everything changed when I saw this face... and I will always be grateful for that moment..." He mumbled quietly. "Thank you, Vicky" He said before he laid his head on my shoulder.

If someone were to tell me how a teenage girl changed Paul McCartney's life...I swear I would never ever believe it, and I can't even believe that girl is me.

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