Monster (Marvel Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

1.4M 47.4K 27.4K

Y/N L/N doesn't know much about his family or where he came from. All he knows is that he's lived in New York... More

Origin of a Boy
Testing Pt. 1
Testing Pt. 2
Testing Pt. 3
The Next Avengers
Life in The Tower Pt. 1
Life in The Tower Pt. 2
Life in The Tower Pt. 3
First Mission Pt. 1
First Mission Pt. 2
Crossing a Black Cat
Small Time Heroes Pt. 1
Small Time Heroes Pt. 2
Small Time Heros Pt. 3
Capture the Flag
Viv The Human Pt. 1
Viv the Human Pt. 2
Viv the Human Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 1
Avengers Tower Pt. 2
Avengers Tower Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 4
Morning Chat
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 1
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 2
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 3
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 4
Welcome Back
Under the Surface Pt. 1
Under the Surface Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 1
School Days Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 3
Team Shorts
Midtown High's Podcast
Venom's Child
Blood Tests
The Archer and The Monster
Gwen's Music Pt. 1
Gwen's Music Pt. 2
Gwen's Music Pt. 3
A Hero's Dilemma
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up With Monster and Wasp Pt. 1
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up with Monster and Wasp Pt. 2
The Monster's Goals
A Cat's Confession
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 1
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 2
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 3
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 4
The Tokyo Mission
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 1
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 2
The Big Heroes of Japan
Quentin Beck
The Monster's Doom
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 1
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 2
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 3
The Monster's Victory
Confronting a Friend
The Monster's Friends
The Master of Illusions Vs. The Monster of Power
Nadia's Confession
An Old Friend
Team Shorts #2
The Godfather
Investing With The Moon Pt. 1
Investing With The Moon Pt. 2
Investing With The Moon Pt. 3
The Strikers
Absolute Carnage Pt. 1
Absolute Carnage Pt. 2
Absolute Carnage Pt. 3
Family Training
A Runaway
Hail Bones
The Duo
Break Down The Walls
What We Left Behind
In The Desert
The New Strikers
The Restless Monster
Canadian Bros
A New Family Member
A Rather Odd Addition
The Old Monster
The Return Home
Late Night Food Run Pt. 1
Late Night Food Run Pt. 2
Late Night Food Run Pt. 3
Late Night Food Run Pt. 4
Late Night Food Run Pt. 5
Boys Night Out
A New Oppent Arrives
Time Trouble Pt. 1
Time Trouble Pt. 2
Time Trouble Pt. 3
Time Trouble Pt 4
1922 Pt. 1
1922 Pt. 2
1922 Pt. 3
Intermission 1
1969 Pt. 1
1969 Pt. 2
1969 Pt. 3
Intermission 2
1950's Pt. 1
1950's Pt. 2
1950's Pt. 3
Intermisson 3
Team Shorts #3
The Future Avengers
The Dark Future
The Future Tyrant
The Elites
Road to Freedom
Breaking In to Break Out
The Preparation
Future Fight
The Monster of Power Vs. The Emperor Of Power
Kang The Conqueror
The Bad Truth
From The Basics Pt. 1
From The Basics Pt. 2
From The Basics Pt. 3
From The Basics Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 1
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 2
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 3
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 5
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 6
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 7
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 8
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 9
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 10
Celebrity Status Pt. 1
Celebrity Status Pt. 2
Tense Reunions
Reed Richards Pt. 1
Reed Richards Pt. 2
Reed Richards Pt. 3
Godslayer Protocol
The Monster's Mission
Monster in Space
Knowhere Pt. 1
Knowhere Pt. 2
The Story of The Iron Fist
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 1
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 2
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 3
The Story of The Ghost Rider
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 1
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 2
The Story of The Black Cat
The Trip To Asgard
The Story of The Android
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 1
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 2
The Collector
The Story of The Runaway
Sakaar Pt. 1
Sakaar Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 1
Once Upon A Time Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 3
Once Upon A Time Pt. 4
Once Upon A Time Pt. 5
The Gladiator Pt. 1
The Gladiator Pt. 2
The Gladiator Pt 3
The Gladiator Pt 4
The Story of The Illusionist
Last Wishes
The All-Father Vs. The Godslayer
The New King Of Asgard
Declaration of War
The War Council Pt. 1
The War Council Pt. 2
The War Council Pt. 3
The War Council Pt. 4
The Knights and The Children Pt. 1
The Knights and The Children Pt. 2
The Knights and The Children Pt. 3
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 1
Team Shorts #4
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 2
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 3
The War of The Realms

A Little Problem

7.9K 267 122
By IvanBullock

The flight back to New York was uneventful, kind of. Everyone took the news about your new relationship well, kind of. You were actually really comfortable sitting between Viv and Felicia, kind of.

While everyone was happy for the three of you, they had a lot of questions. It was understandable due to the circumstances but in the end, everyone supported you. Sam was a bit jealous though.

Sam: He gets told he's like a God and now he has two girlfriends? Not fair.

You were just glad to finally be returning home. As much as you enjoyed Japan, you missed the tower. You also missed Film Club which was the next day so you were excited to get back. You couldn't wait for whatever Quentin had in store next.

You finished unpacking and settled down in you beloved closet for the afternoon. Everyone was pretty much tired after the flight so you were just happy to be able to lay down. It was officially November now which meant the trees were all changing. That also meant that it would start snowing again. At least it was nice to relax.

Or so you thought.

Viv: Y/N.


Viv looked at you before trying to do her own yell.

Viv: ahhhhhhhh.

You grabbed your chest from the near heart attack Viv gave you from phasing through your closet. You turned on on the light and looked at her.

Y/N: Why?!

Viv: Why what?

Y/N: Why did you phase through my door? Why didn't you knock?

Viv: Apologizes.

She phased out your closet, knocked, and phased back in.

Viv: Is that better?

You just sighed.

Y/N: Did you need something?

Viv nodded.

Viv: Since I do not attend school with you, I was hoping I could spend time with you now.

You yawned.

Y/N: I don't really feel like going out right now. Maybe we could just watch a movie?

Viv phased in a laptop with a charger.

Viv: My thoughts exactly.

You gave her an odd look before shrugging. You were about to open the door but Viv phased completely through and laid against you.

Viv: I believe this is referred to as, cuddling?

You just smiled.

Y/N: This works to.

You ended up falling asleep sometime during the movie but Viv watched it all the way through. Once it was over, she closed the laptop and phased it through the door. She then positioned herself so she was laying on top of you. She then closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.
You never thought you would miss school as much as you do. Seeing faces of people who didn't have powers or wanted to kill you was a nice change of pace. You ended up in the halls to go to your second period when you found Nadia. You lifted your hand to get her attention, and it worked. She rushed over and higged you.

Nadia: Hey Y/N! Welcome back.

You smiled and higged her back. You both separated.

Y/N: Thanks. It feels good to be back.

Nadia: I bet. I saw the news. That was awesome.

You rubbed the back of your neck with a blush.

Y/N: It was nothing. I could've done it without everyone.

Venom: Talk about modesssty.

You were about ask how her week had gone when you spotted a mess of black hair among the crowd. It was your little buddy Quentin. He was heading towards you but you noticed he looked miserable with bags under his eyes.

Y/N: Hey Que....

He walked right past the two of you without even looking up. You watched him dissapear back into the crowd.

Nadia: He's been like that all week. He hasn't answered his phone or talked to me. It's like he's in his own world.

Venom: What'sss wrong with my nerd? Who hurt him? I WILL END THEM!

You pulled out some candy corn and fed it to Venom to calm him down.

Y/N: He is acting kinda odd. Maybe I should talk to him?

Nadia: I already tired. He says he's been busy all week after school. He even canceled Film Club for today.

You dropped your knees and looked up at the sky.


Nadia stared at you until you stood up. You cleared your throat.

Y/N: I mean, dang it.

You slowly died on the inside.

Naida: Whatever happened, it hit him hard. I've only ever seen him like this when his mom and sister died.

So he was in a dark place then. That had to be rough.

Y/N: I can keep an eye on him. Maybe try to talk to him at lunch?

Nadia smiled.

Nadia: I would appreciate that. Thank you.

You shook your head.

Y/N: It's what friends do.
You ended up not being able to find Quentin in the cafeteria which actually worried you a little bit. You didn't find him in the film room which worried you a lot. You checked the two places he would be, where was he?

Venom: If anyone laysss a finger on hisss little nerdy head....

Y/N: I'll fine him. Probably in the bathroom or something.

You ended up in the halls looking for Quentin who was still MIA. Maybe he was making a test or something? You ended up spotting one of Eli's friends walking towards the gym. That could be a clue. You ended up trailing behind him and followed him to behind the gym building. He wasn't alone. Besides the friend, there was about 5 other guys. All much bigger than Quentin, who had his back against the wall.

Venom: Time to break bones.

Y/N: Not yet. Look.

Quentin was surprisingly calm. He actually looked confident.

Jet: What did you call us here for Beck?

Kyle: You want to tell us how much trouble we're in?

Quentin: A-Actaully, yes.

He placed something on his head and smiled.

Quentin: You w-will stay a-away from m-me and the f-film c-club.

Luke: Or what?

Quentin smirked as his bag began to shake. Suddenly, four drones flew out and turned towards the bullies.

Y/N: The projector drones?!

Jake: And what are you gonna do with those?

Quentin didn't say anything. The drone closest to him launched forward and knocked the larger boy down.

Quentin: T-That's them b-being nice. C-Consider this y-you're last w-warning.

He then smiled.

Quentin: U-Unless you w-waht to end u-up like Chester.

Their eyes filled with fear as they all ran away. Quentin began to laugh in amusement before the drones returned to his bag. He took off the headband and tucked it away in his pocket.

Quentin: T-That was f-fun.

He walked away while you covered your mouth. You had heard that some named Chester had passed away in some freak accident earlier. There was no way. Quentin wasn't responsible. Was he?

Venom: Little buddy.

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