Lowkey - Mark Lee NCT AU (com...

De metaphoricsteph

91.1K 2.6K 1.4K

"I can see people's soulmates when I look into their eyes." He said as he towered over me. He seemed confused... Mais

eleven *
twenty one *
About This Story & More

fifteen *

4.9K 108 21
De metaphoricsteph



{{ Written by Stephanie N }}


《《 All Rights Reserved 》》


Fifteen | Distractions *

"Um, so, the company accepted a song between me and Arin." Mark told me when he came home at the same time as me.

The fans who got arrested had gotten off lightly for whatever reason. To my dismay, the judge just let them off with a warning despite my proof of property damage.

The girls did not have to pay for what they did nor had an official restraining order placed on them. It just showed how screwed up the justice system here was.

"The company wants to give them something else to talk about than just me and you. The company hopes it'll distract them from this rumor." He said.

After the girls had gotten released the day of being held in a holding cell, they were furious. They claimed they were wrongfully arrested and claimed picture of the property damage were photoshopped.

They started rumors about me trying to place blame on them so Mark would see me as a bad person for doing something to his fans. However, Mark was more annoyed with them than anything despite them not wanting to admit Mark hated them. They believed Mark loved them.

A couple of fans international and locally started to believe them because the stalker fans were really pushing the agenda of blaming it on me. Saying it a bunch of times brainwashed a few of the fans into taking their side.

There were threads of how it could be true and how bad of a person I must be. They said I didn't deserve to be working at SM and being near the guys, especially Mark.

"Okay." I said quietly since I hadn't felt the same as I was before. People didn't realize that Mark, the guys, and I saw everything they said about them and the people they associate themselves with. People didn't realize what they said affected people in real life, including me.

Mark wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head. "Don't let it get to you." He said.

"Have you settled the misunderstanding between you and her?" I asked him as he let go of me.

"Um, I--No. Not yet." He said while scratching the back of his head. "I don't think I'll mention it or it'll get awkward."

I just blinked before moving away from him. Instead, I just scooped up Taehyun who was sitting on the floor playing with toy cars and sat him on my lap as I sat down on the floor instead.

I wrapped my arms around Taehyun's waist before placing a kiss on the side of his head.

"It's fine." I said to Mark.

He stayed quietly standing before shifting his weight on either feet. "Do you want to eat a little? I can make pizza. You guys can eat tortilla chips with smashed avocado." He said.

I nodded before bring Taehyun to the table. He dropped his toy on the way there since he knew it was lunch time.

Taehyun dipped his chip with a little bit of avocado as I looked at Mark cooking. "The flour is in the bottom cabinet." I said.

"M-mommy?" Taehyun asked a little timidly.

I turned to look at him before gasping. His body has little red spots all over as he itched them.

"Mark! He's having an allergic reaction!" I said panicking as I picked up Taehyun immediately.

Mark looked up from the cabinet before standing up quickly. He took out out of my arms before running out the door. I followed him and locked the door using the lock button on the pin pad.

We ran through the gate with me locking it so no one could get in our yard. Mark continued running while holding Taehyun in his arms.

The nearest hospital happened to be down the street near SM because this was a popular street.

I caught up with Mark when he was in the lobby room. A nurse saw Taehyun with red, itchy spots all over him.

We followed her and she hit a button on the wall and a doctor came in. "What happened?" The doctor asked.

"He's having an allergic reaction. We didn't know he was allergic to avocados." Mark said since I was crying in his arms now.

"We'll hold him here for a little bit to see if it gets worse. If it does, push epinephrine immediately." The doctor said to the nurse who found an epinephrine pen.

She nodded before moving him to a patient room. Taehyun was just looking around the room curiously.

"It's okay. It didn't look like he was going into a severe reaction. He was just itching and not having trouble breathing." The doctor said when he saw me crying really hard.

A million of thoughts were running through my mind as we ran here. What if it would develop into a severe reaction? What if he stopped breathing?

"It's okay. I'll calm her down, doctor." Mark said which made the doctor move onto his other patients.

"If he gets worse, press this button on the remote above the bed. It signals for a nurse to speak through. Tell us what happened and we will come in." The nurse instructed us before leaving the room.

"Seomin, look. Look at Taehyun." Mark said as his hands rubbed my arm. My own arms were wrapped around his waist.

I tried to calm down which reduced to a sniffle and me breathing unsteadily as sobs tried to escape. I took a peek at Taehyun to see him just sitting on the bed while looking at his spots and itching a few of them.

"He's fine. A little like polka dots, but that's fine!" Mark said. "I don't think it's a severe reaction. It's probably mild."

"I thought he was going to stop breathing!" I said, clearly really upset.

Mark placed a kiss on my forehead before giving me a proper hug. "I know. I know. It's a genuine concern, but he's okay."

"Mommy?" Taehyun asked.

I pulled away from Mark and wiped my tears before facing Taehyun. "Yes, Taehyunie? Mommy's listening." I said.

"What's this?" He asked me as he pointed at his itchy spots before looking back at me. "Why mommy sad?"

I sat down at the edge of his bed and placed his hand in my hand. "This," I said as I pointed at a spot before sniffling.

"This is a allergic reaction. It means your body didn't like something you ate and it says 'no no, Taehyunie. Don't eat that!'. You ate the avocado. The green stuff with the chips, remember?" I asked him while making voices for him to understand.

He nodded.

"So you can't eat it anymore, okay? Never ever. If you do, maybe you'll stop breathing." I said as I took a obvious breath and held it in to show him.

"And then, mommy sad because mommy can't see Taehyunie." I said while running my hand through his hair.

He gasped while having a concerned look on his face. "Tae can't eat avocado. No no." He said seriously while shaking his finger no no.

"Yeah, you have to check what you eat and make sure there's no avocado. If it looks like avocado, do not eat it." I said.

"I check and if no green avocado, then Tae eat. Tae go yum yum yum yum." He said as he raised his hands to his mouth to motion yum yum, mimicking eating.

I heard Mark's phone take a photo of us before he took a photo of Taehyun up close to see his spots.

"Even when he's not feeling so good, he still so cute." Mark said before typing on his phone.

"I sent it to the guys, and they said for us to come over after. They're worried for him too." Mark said.

After a little while of waiting and seeing no progression. The doctor came back in to prescribe a allergy medicine for him to drink.

"The epinephrine pen is not necessary in his case. He's just a little itchy but his airway is perfectly clear." The doctor said while checking Taehyun's throat inside and out.

Mark carried Taehyun out as I got handed the prescription. I immediately to it to the medicine store and got the medicine immediately.

"Taehyunie, we have to drink some medicine." I said as I opened it in the store. He was still covered in spots so I wanted to give it to him as soon as possible.

He opened his mouth and drank the medicine like a good boy. I placed the used medicine cup in the bag it came with.

"Come on. Let's go see the guys." Mark said as we took a little stroll down the street.

There was still concern about fans seeing us so I took Taehyun in my arms instead. I gave him a kiss on his cheek before rubbing his arm to soothe the itchiness.

"Oh, my baby boy. You look so ridiculous." I said.

When we got to the floor, Mark opened the dorm's door. We took off our shoes at the entrance before the guys noticed us.

"Oh, my god." Johnny said as he saw Taehyun. "That's-- that's something."

"Tae look silly?" Taehyun asked.

I showed him himself in the mirror they had on the wall. He looked at him in concern before looking at me.

"No no, avocado." He said.

"Aw, Taehyunie. Do you want some lunch to feel better? You didn't get to eat your pizza." Taeyong said as he caressed the back of Taehyun's head.

His spots were starting to fade as we ate at the dorm. He was a little scared to eat but he didn't see avocado so he ate the rice and beef.

He ate all of it from having a late lunch. After he was done, he let out a little burp before gasping. "Oh, no. 'Cuse me." He said instead of 'excuse me'.

"It's okay. Do you want icecream?" Jaehyun said while chuckling deeply. He stood up to go get it for Taehyun before opening it for him.

Taehyun ate it happily as it gave him a cooling relief. His spots were nearly gone since the medicine kicked in.

"Your eyes are still so puffy. Did you cry a lot?" Haechan asked as he glanced up at me from his rice bowl.

"A ton." Mark butted in. "She freaked out from the beginning and as I was running, I realized Taehyun wasn't even breathing weird for me to be running."

"Well, it could've turned worse." I said. "All I saw was spots and I was like oh my gosh."

Mark smiled before placing a kiss on my cheek. "Don't stress out so much." Mark said. "You'll drive yourself crazy doing that."

"Daddy ran with you in his arms?" Doyoung asked Taehyun.

Taehyun nodded as he licked the ring of icecream around his lips. "Daddy take me and run. Mommy chase, chase, chase." Taehyun said before saying some more.

"Taehyunie," he said before pointing to his head because he didn't know the word for 'think'. He gave a little shrug and face of curiosity. "Why daddy running with Tae?"

"Oh, you were thinking why is daddy running like crazy and mommy chasing him?" Johnny said.

Taehyun nodded. "Tae see itchy itchy and Tae think Tae need help but daddy just run, run, run." He said once he heard Johnny say the word 'think'.

"I was helping you. I brought you to the doctor's." Mark said while laughing since Taehyun didn't understand what the situation was.

"But mommy help Taehyunie." He replied like he didn't understand since I always helped him when he was in a sticky situation or needed extra care. He thought I would be able to help him with everything but that just wasn't the case.

"No, Taehyunie. Mommy can't help you with the red spots. Only doctors help with allergic reactions. Your body said no so mommy and daddy bring you to doctor. Doctors fix you." I explained to him carefully and gently.

He looked like he understood after he nodded. "Okay, mommy." He said softly.

"Mommy loves you a lot. I want to help you the best way I can. It's not that I don't want to. I just don't know how to." I told him since he looked a little sad.

"Really, mommy?" He said with a perkier voice. I nodded which made him smile a little.

"What song are you doing with Arin?" Jungwoo asked Mark.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that after the allergic reaction thing." Mark said. "Um well, I don't know what concept the company chose."

Taehyun handed me the empty icecream stick and looked around for a paper towel before trying to reach it.

His little arms didn't allow him to, so Taeil handed it to him since Taeil was near the napkins. Taehyun wiped his mouth messily before dabbing the towel around his lips.

I held up a water bottle for Taehyun to drink out of. He placed his little lips on the bottle to drink it. He took a few big gulps before pushing the bottle away.

"Can we keep Taehyun around for a little bit?" Doyoung asked me. "I think you need a little break from being a parent after today's events."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. Just no avocados." I said before picking Taehyun up and placing him on my lap.

I pushed his hair back and placed a kiss on his forehead before moving onto his cheeks. "Mommy and daddy will see you later." I said. "Is that okay? Do you want to stay with the guys?"

He nodded. "Yes, mommy. Tae stay here and play all day, but mommy need to come back later for Tae." He said as he reminded me not to just leave him here.

I laughed. "I know. I won't forget about you." I said.

"We'll feed him dinner since it's not that long away. We'll keep him until then." Taeyong said.

"Ask him if he's ever had it before giving it to him. If he hasn't, watch him carefully." I said as I slowly walked over to where our shoes were.

"Also, ask him every once in a while if he needs to go to pee pee or poo poo." I said to them. "He's been doing well at telling us but I don't want him stopping just because he's not at home."

Mark wrapped his arms around me before placing a kiss on my temple. "Stop worrying. He's okay." Mark said before pulling me along outside.

We waved goodbye to Taehyun who seemed happy where he was. "Come on, Taehyun. Let's go play with the stuffed animals. I got a new one!" Johnny said which was the last thing we heard before closing the door.

We walked home together before plopping down in my bedroom. I had added a cabinet to put stuff in and there was also a TV mounted on the wall above it. The cabinet only had bills in the top drawer. It was pretty empty for now since all my clothes were in the closet.

"Ah, I have to go put up the flour. The bag is sitting out on the countertop and the cabinet is still open." Mark said once he remembered.

He ran off before coming back. He plopped down on top of me before moving my hands to beside my head.

"Man, I love looking into your eyes." He said quietly as his gaze shifted between each of my eyes before lowering down to my lips.

He gave a little smirk before leaning down to kiss me. Our lips connected perfectly before he wrapped his arms around my waist instead. My hands ran through the back of his hair.

I smiled through the kiss which made him smile. He let out a few giggles before shyly groaning and burrowing his face in the pillow beside my head.

The tip of his ears were bright red as his neck vein showed through. I moved my hands to his cheeks to make him look at me.

"Why are you shy right now?" I said with a little amused smile.

"You make me so happy is all." He said.

I laid there with my head against the pillow as he hovered over me. My heart was beating quickly at him.

"You make me happy too." I said honestly.

He looked at me before unable to contain a big smile forming on his face. "Okay, okay, okay. Wait a second." He said as he rested his weight against me so he could cover his face from my view.

"Ah, my heart." He said as he took a moment to regain himself.

"I've marked you in your heart?" I teasingly asked him.

"You saw that video?" He said with a shy and embarrassed smile. "I can't believe I really said that."

I smiled. "What do you want to do now that Taehyun isn't here with us?" I asked him.

He kneeled between my legs as he sat up slightly. His fingers started unbuttoning the button of my pants.

"Mark Lee." I gasped as I pretended to be shocked.

"Shhhh." He said, embarrassed that I was consistently teasing him. The apple of his cheeks started turning a light shade of pink.

Eventually getting through his embarrassment and me not teasing him anymore, we were both undressed.

"I asked the guys to get us more condoms because I'm scared the ones we have left might be old." He said before digging through his signature backpack.

"So, throw away the other ones?" I said since he brought out another box. I gave him a look and he immediately turned bright red from the neck up.

"Um--" he coughed to clear his throat. He nervously scratched the back of his neck before tugging on an earlobe habitually.

"Just in case?" He said in more of a question than statement.

"Come here then." I said as I patted the bed beside me. He tossed the old condoms out and placed the new ones in the drawer. He unboxed one of them and took out one condom.

"You know, when I was younger, I used to think wearing two condoms would work better than one." He said as he recalled from his past.

"It wasn't until health class that I learned that's the quickest way to break a condom. The friction of the two rubbery latex material break down each other and the condom rips open." He said as he slid the condom on.

I laughed. "Well, good thing you didn't do anything with anyone back then." I said.

He angled his shaft towards me before pausing. "Wait." He said. I looked up at him as I waited.

"Which hole is it?" He asked.

I covered my face as I bursted out laughing. I forgot that he hadn't been on top yet. I had only taken control during the last couple of times we did it.

Since he was religious, he had been reluctant to have sex a lot but the more he spent time thinking, the more he was open to have sex a couple of times more often.

We had to be very careful and quiet though because it was usually night time when Taehyun was asleep. We'd lock our door so the sound wouldn't travel to Taehyun's bedroom. Luckily he hasn't woken up needing me whenever Mark and I were busy together.

"This one." I said as I spread my legs slightly apart to show him. I guided his tip in me before he placed his hands next to me so he'd hover above me.

"Oh, boy. Here we go." He said to himself before he lowered his hips. He peeked up at me to make sure he was doing everything okay.

I smiled before wrapping my arms around his upper body. I placed a kiss on his lip before moaning when he had his entire shaft in.

He was a little stiff as he tried to figure out what to do, but he started getting the hang of thrusting his hips because he often used them in dancing.

"Oh, fuck." I said as he kept a nice, steady rhythm. I let my arms fall beside me as he leaned his weight against me.

He smirked when I bit my lip from it feeling so good. He pinned my thighs against the bed to spread me wide open.

"Mark Lee, you look so good. You're doing so good. Good job." I said while out of breath. My eyes barely fluttered open to look at him.

He laughed loudly before slamming his hips against mine. My thighs shook from him hitting my g spot.

"I feel you so, so deep. You don't understand." I gasped when he continuously hit the spot.

He ran his hand along my body and gave my breast a squeeze. He slid his hand down to my little nub before gently caressing it.

"I'm about to cum." I managed to warn him with what energy I could muster up to speak.

My entire body was getting tingles as I gradually arched my back. My vision blurred before dimming out.

"F-fuck me, Mark Lee." I moaned out before he removed his hand from my clit when he noticed my body was seriously going through it.

My thighs shook as I gradually came back to my senses. Mark was slowly thrusting in and out to give me a break.

I blinked slowly to regain focus in my vision before I could see him clearly. I gave him a thumbs up as I laid there tiredly.

He bursted out laughing which made me smile. "Ah, really. You're so cute right now." He said.

He gripped my hips as he slowly started to pick up his speed when a little time had passed. He then hosted my waist up and had his arms beneath my legs to keep me up.

"Oh, damn. You really remembered where my g spot is." I moaned out. I was shocked he had found the angle so quickly and kept it there.

"You're not going to get just one round with me." He said as he referred to me going to cum more than once in a session.

Since I had just came, my entire body was extremely sensitive so it wasn't long until I needed to release again.

"M-mark, I--I need to cum really bad." I said to him as he picked up his speed.

He lowered my body against the bed before leaning his weight against me again. His body grinded against me as he continued thrusting in and out.

His lips matched my own pace as we messily kissed. He muffled the sounds of my moans before they got too loud.

My fingers dug into his back as I avoided digging my nails in instead. My legs wrapped around his waist as I felt myself cumming around his shaft.

He leaned his head down beside me as he broke the kiss. He let out a low, raspy moan as he came undone. "S-shit." He breathlessly moaned out. "Oh, damn."

"I'd so go you a hickey, but you are an idol." I said to him when we both finished and were just laying there.

"Luckily, you aren't." He said before attacking my neck.

I bit my lip before thinking responsibly. "No, don't. Taehyun will see that there." I said as I moved his head aside.

He trailed kisses down my neck before finding a spot near the top of my breast. He leaned down and sucked on a part of the skin, gently between his lips.

The suction easily created a hickey and he pulled away. He looked at it and was fine with a small hickey for now.

He leaned back before spreading my legs apart. He removed himself from me before tossing the condom in the trash.

"What do you want for dinner? It's almost time to eat." I asked him as I watched him standing there.

He stood there thinking before quickly leaning down towards my private parts. I closed my legs and squealed," Mark! Quit playing!" I said as I blocked him.

He laughed before stopping. "I'm kidding." He said. "I wouldn't do that. I'm not into oral sex."

He grabbed my hands and helped me up. We got dressed before heading to the kitchen.

"How about the pizza I never got to make?" He said while smiling toward my direction.

I nodded. We made the pizza from scratch and cooked it in the oven. It was ready by the time we normally ate dinner so it was perfectly timed.

He cut it into slices before picking up a slice. He held it towards my direction before saying,"Ah."

"You've gotten all cliche on me." I said but still opening my mouth. Once the point of the pizza was barely passed my lips, he shoved the pizza into my mouth.

"What was that for, Mark?" I said after wiping the pizza sauce away from my face. The pizza had smeared across my cheek when I turned away from his hand.

"To prove it wasn't cliche." He said with a  smile on his face as he took a bite of his slice of pizza.

I shook my head before eating the pizza. "We have to pick Taehyun up in a little bit." I reminded him.

"You know, if we leave him with the guys long enough, they'll drop him off at a fire station. I heard they take kids these days still."

"Mark, we are not giving Taehyun away."

"I was joking."

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