Master to Heroes, But an Aven...

By Weebtactics

102K 2.2K 2.3K

Izuku Midoriya, all his life having a vast fascination to heroics. Be it work the heroes of today's modern s... More

Prologue: The Begining of Dispair [1/2]
Prologue: The Beginning of Dispair [2/2]
What is a Magus? A Master or a Hero?
Lords Arriving and Servants Uniting
The Lord, The Prodigy and The Upstart Avenger
Lessons and Arms of War
The Mighty Conquest of Exams is Upon Us!
Onward to Celebrate Today! Tomorrow Comes Orientation!
First Day in School is always a Trial
Enter My Domain as an Avenger, Dear Heroes!
Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My![Part 1]
Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My! [Part 2]
Perceptions of Death and War
Yorokobe Shounen! For Preparations of the Holy Grail!
A Declaration to the Return of the Holy Grail War!
The Reunited Fight Under Shinjuku's Skys
Of Pride, Honor and Beserking Rage
My One True Friend

A Phantasmal Holy Grail War Finally Begins!

3.2K 85 82
By Weebtactics

'It's finally time for this to really begin...' Izuku thought as he and all the others that passed the obstical race were instructed to line up and face the newly made stage for them. Soon watching as the Rated +18 Heroine Midnight strutted to the stand and posed at them. Mostly due to the attention and possible raitings for the broadcast.

"Wow, its Midnight!"

"Is she even allowed to wear that on stage?!"

"So sexy!"

"Quiet little chicks! It's time for this festival to really bring out the big guns and fights if you got them in you~ Ready to burst out in excitement~!" She moaned out as many in the audience and guys standing in front of her blushed and slightly crossed their legs as he voice sounded so lewd.

"But first, I suppose a small speech is in order to get you all motivated for this part of the festival. So would class representative of 1-A please come up. Izuk-"

"Move out of the way you extras!" Bakugou shouted as he pushed others out of the way as he was soon climbing the steps up to the mic. However soon was stopped as then suddenly several ghastly dark and shadow like hands erupted from the ground and grabbed him. Throwing him back down as Izuku passed by him.

"Pathetic. That was the best you could do to try and best me mongrel? Don't you dare take my place." Izuku said down to him as the shadow hands dispursed and walked to the mic. Tapping on it to test if it was clear and no static to disrupt him.

"To those that have made it this far I congradulate you all for your efforts! Whether they were for your own self benefit to advancing or that of trying to beat me in first place. Reguardless! It was your efforts alone that caused you all to be the one of 42 students to continue here and now!" Izuku spoke as some students looked at themselves in pride and smirking with their chest puffed up.

"However! If you feel that you do not belong here and can continue, then you are free to widthdraw. There is no shame in wanting rest for such a trial as the race to the finish. You gave it your all as what should any hero do! But, if you so desire to win, if you desire to become the very best! Then unlike this current festival, I alone shall offer you those still wanting to continue the greatest opportunity the likes of which no one else has seen in decades!" Izuku declared as many of them looked in confusion as he held his palm out.

"Install Caster!" He said as he then shattered the card. Soon his attire changing to a short blue vest on his bare chest. A white turban hardly covering his green-white hair as was held by a blue crown. The bottom of his body covered in a pair of red-blue baggy dessert pants with holes shown off and donning golden blue sandals on his feet and a golden waist guard on his hips with a flowing red cape behind his legs.

His arms with light blue bands and tattoo markings on his shoulders. And on his right arm now having a golden clawed gauntlet of some sort. As from his right hand appeared a stone tomb as he opened it. Rings of golden runes circled around the book as then from high above the stadium, a large golden portal appeared as it rippled and hummed.

Soon falling down slowly was a bright golden chalice slowly decending. As many witnessed it and felt something so holy and beautiful from that single cup of gold falling from the sky. Izuku smirked as he saw their reactions and soon dispersed of the book and held out his right hand waiting for the chalice to fall in his hands.

"In the past Sport's Festival, records show that the winner would have received any whish plausible from UA. So long as it was within their rights. But sadly most wanted money or other frivolous request. And since three years ago, those rewards for all your hard work were ceased as there is no more prize to the winner of the Festival." Izuku spoke as then the chalice fell directly to his hands as he waved it before everyone.

"However! This shall be the prize! The most holy of artifacts to ever exist in human history! It grants you anything you so desire! Money! Fame! Power! Riches beyond imagination! Your own world to create! The Root of all Knowledge and beyond!" Izuku shouted as the cup in hang began to glow in pulse as many golden portals were summoned upon the sky as it illuminated the area.

"Let this not be a simple Sports Festival, but a war to who will become the greatest hero and worthy to lead this era into the next step! I present you this prize! The Holy Grail! The Cup of Christ himself! And this, will now be called as The Holy Grail War!" Izuku said as roars from the students and audience erupted in a applause as the cup soon floated high once again in the sky.

Soon it floated in the middle of the sky in the middle of the arena as it pulsed a warm glow. "Interesting! It appears the grail is highly looking forward to whoever it's new owner shall be! Be prepared! For it may choose those few that seem worthy to its omnipotent eyes!" Izuku shouted as the grail soon glowed until a light shot from the cup high into the air. And then dispersed and parted into ten fragments.

What was surprising was five of those fragments struck to some of the students as their arms were engulfed in a bright red light. And the remaining fragments scattering outside the stadium and soon dissolved.

"Rejoice worthy heroes that have been touched by the Grail's blessings! For it sees you as a potential weilder of its power! If you truly desire for this magnificent which granting treasure for yourselves. Then it be best for you to summon up your courage, muster your will and passion to win this War. At the fullest to what you can will beyond reality!"

Izuku yelled as the students cheered and gave out their own war cries. Chanting of fighting and that they would be the ones to gain that grail for their own wish. As the crowd was in a joyous frenzy, some of those more focused of the Grail were now in thoughts.

"So, five has now appeared here as new masters. And the others outside of the arena. It'll really become like a true holy grail war." Lord El Melloi spoke as his hands and shoulders trembled in excitement and worry of the Grail now appearing before their very eyes.

"Master, should we ask for the Matou's for assistance in covering this up." Kirei asked to the head of the Tohsaka's. As Nagato hummed and looked at his apprentice and then back to his daughter, eyeing the grail and could see the gold and gems in that head of hers.

"Yes, tell them the situation as soon as possible. And perhaps inform the church and request some executioners for any needed assistance. We don't know what the grail is fully capable of truly. Only stories and past records of what it has done." Nagato spoke as they looked at the students once again as the heroine had finished explaining the rules and now the students scattering around in a frenzy.

"Now then...who would be best to team with me..." Izuku thought as he returned to his form once again as he De-Installed Caster and thought of a plan. His thoughts broken as he was soon facing behind him, was Sen Kaibara grinning at him.

"Need a partner dude?" He said as he smirked as both boys grinned and fist bumped.

"Color me surprised to be honest. I thought that...Itsuka was it, was gonna force you to not be my partner. I get the distinct feeling she still doesn't like me." Izuku said as Sen looked back and saw said girl talking with some other members of his class as she looked to him and glared.

"Ohh boy, from the looks of it she still looks pissed I ignored her warning. But still, in this part and next part of the festival I suppose we're all enemies. So why not at least partner one more time before we start going at each others throats." He said nonchalantly as they both grinned and laughed at his remark.

"Alright then, glad to have you on the team." Izuku said as both guys high fived and smiled. Izuku's eyes widened as he saw the back of Sen's right hand, showing markings on it as it was divided into three parts. Two of which look like crescent spiral waves, circled around what looked like to be a javaline in the center.

"Looks like that grail sees you as a potential holder Sen." He said as he looked at his hand and held it. Observing these runes and recalled them to be known as Command Seals. Sen looked puzzled and blushed a bit as his hand was being held.

"Wonder if your gift will be summoned during the cavalry battle."

"Hey Midoriya. I gotta ask, what really is that thing." Sen asked as he pointed up at the floating grail still in the sky. As Izuku looked up and smiled.

"It's like how I said. It's the Holy Grail. And it can grant any wish who ever wins this little war of ours. But then again it does have a mind of its own. So maybe it'll grant a wish, but never give up its ownership. From research I've done, if it grants you a gift or makes you what's know as a Master then you will have a ally to fight alongside you, with you, or combined with you." Izuku said as he then held up Sen's hand as he showed him the markings.

"These things here are what make you a master and a candidate for the grail."

"Wait they can grant any wish!?" Both Sen and Izuku jumped from the sudden yelling voice next to them as they turned to see who it was. In front of their eyes was a pink haired girl in dreadlocks as she had steam punk like goggles on her head as her eyes looked like a crosshair target as she came in way too close to them.

"Oh man that's amazing! The things an inventor can do with something like that! Oh, Mei Hatsume by the way. Say, you need more members on your team? Huh? Huh!? Count me in! My babies will defineatly help win this thing with you!" She said excitedly as she twirled around, showing off her gadgets and pack on her.

"A-Alright I guess...jeez are you this hyper all the time?" Sen asked as he scratched his ear as she looked at him and grinned.

"Only when it comes to my babies and now that fancy cup up there! So turban guy who else for our team?" She asked as Izuku muttered under his breath of being nicknamed as 'turban guy' and thought back a moment.

"H-Hey Midoriya! You need a partner dude! Then mind if I join?" Yosetsu asked as he looked to have ran up to them and was sweating a bit. His hands on his knees as he slouched down a bit as he panted and looked up to them in a weak smile.

"I see no problems with it. But why are you-"

"Yosetsu! Stay away from him!" A girl yelled out as she pushed a few others aside with her big hands before they looked normal again as she grabbed him by the back of his headband. She had a familiar strawberry blonde hair Izuku recognized and soon scowled.

"I-I-Itsuka!? Wait why not!? You don't need another member! Your team is full!" He argued as he pulled on his headband back to prevent her from dragging him more as she scowled at him.

"What did I say about avoiding him. You know what he did at USJ. Can you honestly trust a guy like that? Who doesn't have any qualms about his actions?"

"Y-yeah! He's a good guy! I don't understand why you and especially that stuck up Yaoyarozu girl hate his guts!"

"He could get you killed! Like hell I'm gonna leave you with him! Same for you Sen!"

"Oh shut it with your hate boner Itsuka you're not our mom! I'm still with him in this and Yosetsu can be if he still want's to! You aren't our mom!" Sen said as eh defended his classmate as he pulled him away from Itsuka's grip and handed his headband that fell off.

"No I'm not but I can sure as hell spank your asses like-"

"Hey. Leave them alone and get back to your own team big hands..." A dull voice sounded behind Itsuka as she turned to his eyes and looked at Hitoshi's tired eyes looking down at her. The others couldn't see, but Itsuka's eyes became dull and hazy as she walked past him and headed to her team.

"Honestly she should worry about her team for now. Don't think this is a favor you have to pay back. I just find it annoying how she acts." Hitoshi said as he waved his left hand around and then scratched the back of his head as he walked away.

But what Sen and Izuku noticed and confirmed with one another, was the fact his right arm was in his pockets and shifted around.

"Alright then. Lets think this through. Obvious reasons Midnight has suspended me from using my chariot and horse, saying its kinda unfair. So I do have an alternative means. But as now, Sen you have Gyrate. Yosetsu you could work well with Mei with Weld. And Mei keep using your babies to navigate and get us out of a bind.

"Alright turban guy. What gonna be your role in this?" Mei asked as Izuku smirked as he tightened his headband, reading it as '1,000,000' on it around his head as he smirked and tightened his fist.

Soon after the teams have been set, it was now earily silent as Midnight looked around as she waved her hand in the air. The count down had begun as Present Mic was counting. Five. Four. Three.... Two...One...

"*AND START!!!!*"

"Deku you piece of shit give me that headband!" Bakugou's team roared as he was teamed with Kirishima, Denki, Ashido and Sero who winced from his loud yelling as he pulled on Kirishima's hair to go forward.

"Everyone get Midoriya's team out first!" Momo cried out as she was with Jirou, Tokoyami and Aoyama as they carried Todoroki as their headband bearer. The teams all ran around and scurried away from each other. Not wanting to risk theirs loosed first.

"Color me impressed! You teamed up with the half ass!" Izuku called out as his team was running right past them as everyone now focused where he was from his outcall. But what surprised them all was the fact he was wearing a large set of iron armor as he held his sword on his shoulders.

"Still, come an get us if you can!" Izuku said as he swung the sword down against the ground. Sweeping dust in their eye as they ran elsewhere. He kept sweeping dust and carving cuts into the arena as teams charged at them.

"Sen you traitorous bastard! Why did you team with that loser from 1-A!" Monoma cried as his team came from the dust clouds they had created as he leered and smirked down at him. "Nothing personal but this is what happens when you side with losers from 1-A!"

"Like hell we're sorry for your inferiority complex!" Yosetsu cried out as he touched the ground below as sparks emerged from his hand and went to Monoma's team's feet. Soon the cut from Midoriya's sword formed and then a slab of stone poped up as it crashed their team on the ground.

"Hey! Mei was it! Arms! We need arms at three o'clock!" He cried out as he used his Weld quirk again to anoter slash on the ground to distract and trip over another team. Mei looked back as she nodded. Pressing a button on her pack, out came two claws as they traveled over to Monoma and snatched his headband.

"Got it! Here you go knighty!" Mei said as Izuku grabbed it with his sword and tied it around his head, now becoming a bigger target than before as he saw others fighting for one another. "Alright. Now we need to keep this pace up and we'll be in a good place, even if someone manages to take a headband."

"Midoriya! Incoming! Quick make a U-turn!" Sen spoke as they all shifted their bodies to turn as Sen now spun his arm around quickly and pressed it against the stone floor. Shooting small chunks of rocks and pebbles ahead as the sounds of stone hitting metal was heard. His eyes widened as who it was.

"Brace yourselves its Itsuka's team!"

"YEAH! Iron beats stone dude!" Tetsutetsu roared out with a grin as Itsuka was seen standing atop her team as she reached out to Izuku with her hands widening.

"Wrong decision!" Izuku said as he slashed her hand as he left a shallow gash in her palm. Causing her to wince and pull back her hand as she shrunk it and the cut to being the size of a 10 yen coin. "I have a sword and you were grabbing me! What? Did you think I was just gonna be hitting rocks and picking my teeth with this thing?" Izuku taunted as she scowled and hissed at him.

"Tetsu! Charge right at him!"

"Save him for us orange hair!" An explosion erupted as Bakugo came in with a sadistic smile as he held a headband in his mouth and grinned wickedly. His hands smoking and exploding as they twitched and curled.

"That worthless shit is dead!" He roared as he jumped off from his team carrying him and jumped on Izuku as he reached out to try and grab his face. Soon an explosion happened as he was bounced back to his team barley catching him and Izuku's team scrambled and fell back far.

'Damn that bastard! He's always exploding things for no reason but his own!' Sen thought as he felt his body flying back as he saw through his dusted eyes Itsuka's team and Bakugou's fighting. His eyes shifting to the timer above them on the monitor, and then tried to look behind him.

'We need to get back in this thing. If Midoriya falls then we're out! If we could get back up quick before he falls, then I'll charge in the lead and pierce through them all! Damn it, come on body don't fall! Don't fall!'

"Is this a request you desire my master?" A voice rang in his head as his eyes widened. Looking around to who was talking.

"Such a devotion and loyalty to your partners and allies. Truly a fine warrior. You would have served my kingdom well. A fine master I now have." The voice said as he could make out it's tone. It was deep, but also mature and kind. And yet so alluring in his ears as it sounded so beautiful.

"Now, call for my class master. Call and I shall aid you in arms as knights do for one another. My name and class is [****** ******* *********]" The voice said as Sen felt a burning feeling inside him. As if the world was spiraling and he was the center point of it all. He reached out his hand, almost wanting to be the focal point that spins across the heavens.

"LANCER!" He yelled as the seals on the back of his right hand glowed. Soon a thunderous stomp sounded the field. As then he felt his back hit something soft, bouncy and firm as he looked down to see he was atop some strange creature. A horse from the looks of it as it was black with its mane in snow white.

"Are you well my master?" The voice once again spoke out to him as he turned. To only see flesh before him as he backed away, and blushed realizing his head was in contact with the biggest set of breast he had ever seen and felt. What more that made him, and many men to blush was the fact this woman was wearing skin tight suit with various openings around her chest, armpits and inner thighs as she had little armor on her upper chest and legs and wore a black spiked crown atop her pale blond head.

Her golden eyes staring into his coal black ones as she smirked and smiled down at his blushing appearance. She pulled him back close to her as before as she stroked his hair. "Fret not my master. Your allies are safe with us." She said as she shifted to the side. Showing behind her and on the horse was Yosetsu, Mei and Izuku on top of them as he undid the helmet he summoned and grinned.

"Sen, you did it dude! You might get the grail!" Izuku said as he was happy for his friend to make a summon happen and was curious how he did it. As he looked into the eyes of his servant he was more amazed of who he summoned and perplexed beyond imaginable.

"Amazing, to think I'd ride along with one of Brittan's finest kings. And how odd. Riding with the king in the form of their very own blood." Izuku spoke as he rested his sword on his shoulder as he saw Sen's servant's eyes widened and a smirk to appear before her.

"That sword. So she was summoned as well. I can tell you are quite the peculiar master for my heir. And though I am not her origin, I held no grudge or hate for my heir. Never the less, once this is over I suppose we will be enemies. But for now we ride into battle." She spoke as she gripped the railings of the horse as it stood on its hind legs for a moment before zooming across the field.

"Get Midoriya's team!"

"Worry about your own team first!"

"I've got your headband now!"

"*Just thirty seconds left folks!*" Present Mic said as teams were now focusing on other teams instead of Midoriya. Those struggling to make it to the next round fought more wildly as Midoriya's team with the aid of Sen's servant were evading cannon folder flying around.



They looked before them as they saw Momo and Todoroki's team and Bakugou's team charging right at them. The three of them having a crazed and hated look in their eyes as Momo created a mini cannon on her arm. Bakugou's palms smoking and bursting in sparks. And Todoroki trying to freeze the ground before them.

"Do not fret master. For these foolish knights shall taste my spear." Sen's Lancer spoke as she pointed her lance before them as they continued to charge. It soon began spinning to high speeds as it was now covered in a red and black spiral drill. Sen's eyes widened as he also grabbed the handle as he spun his arms. Increasing the rotation speed.

"You annoying bastards aren't gonna take this headband from us! If you're gonna come at us then we'll just drill you appart! We're the drill that's gonna pierce you apart! And we'll pierce..." Sen said as Lancer snapped on the horse's railings as it cried in a epic war cry as they soon shot at them at blinding speeds.


"We're gonna pierce through this Holy Grail War and become the ones to win! We'll drill away everyone!"

"I'm gonna show my babies all they've got in this thing! They'll be the one's to grab that fancy cup!"

"I-I'm...I'm gonna beat everyone in this and get strong! I'll get strong and brave just like everyone else I look up too!"

"And I will fight any one that faces against my ideals and dreams as a hero! Come at us with everything you got, because those that have the heart to challenge us and everyone with their all! Is worthy to clash against! So come at us! Because we will be the victors!"


"Our drill, our lance will pierce through the heavens!" Sen roared out as then they passed through both teams. Their bodies spiraling and flying away in the air on opposite sides of one another as the lance soon slowed in rotation.

"*ONE! AND THATS IT FOLKS! THE WINNER OF THE CALVALRY BATTLE IS TEAM MIDORIYA! Next winners are Team Bakugou, Team Yaoyarozu, Team Shinso, Team Itsuka and finally Team Hiryu! All twenty four students have made it to the final part of the sports festival!*" Present Mic announced as Lancer came to a stop as everyone got off her horse as they sighed and breathed a breath of fresh air.

"T-Thank Sen we won man...ahh shit..I fell like my heart is running a marathon..." Yosetsu cried out as he held onto his chest as he laughed in a paniced breath.

"Holy crap that was super fast! Hey boob lady! What do you feed this thing!? Is it even a horse or is it machine?" Mei asked Sen's lancer as she inspected the horse closely, but was startled as it snarled and cried at her.

"Foolish child. My horse is strong to have ridden all of Europe in a day and still fit for combat." She spoke as she looked down at Mei with her golden eyes as she was scared and trembled before her gaze.

"Thanks alot for the help there Lancer. Honestly I'm a bit saddened that we may have to kill each other when the tournament begins. But never the less..." Izuku said as he removed his Install form of Saber as he shook her hand and bowed before her.

"It's truly been an honor to ride with you. And for Mordred, I feel she loved it as well. But knowing her..."

"Mmhh. I know my heir, so stubborn against me if I even ask. Yet I must thank you as well..Sir Midoriya was it? If it was not for your connection to my master, even though it may have been brief, I thank you. For making it possible to gain a second experience in life, and with a trustful master I have." She spoke as the two bowed before one another.

"W-Woah wait a sec? Kill? D-Do you guys have to kill each other?" Sen asked as he pulled the two of them aside as he wanted to question more of why the needing to kill. As then two others came before them as they joined in.

"Sen, there's more to this thing than you know. But to be blunt, its a war against masters and servants. And in the past, servants and masters would die." Hiryu spoke as he looked to the side and looked a bit saddened.

"While it is such a violent war, the grail is said to need the sacrafice of servants to give it its omnipotent power to grant the winner their wish they so desire. The sacrafice of blood for a blessing and miracle to occure." Ibara spoke as she prayed above to the grail.

"Well in the past, that was the case. However there is no need for such sacrafices." Izuku spoke as that surprised the three of them. He then held up his hand to stop their questions as he looked around. Noticing many talking amongst one another and Present Mic keeping them all busy in results of some wishing to drop out and getting the results for the tournament.

"In the past of the first five Holy Grail Wars it did need servants sacafice to give its power. However after a mishapp to what became the Apocrophya Holy Grail War, the system changed from the original seven, to sixteen servants. And then with the Lunar Grail War, the system became an odity. Not needing much sacrafice." Izuku spoke as he continued.

"However, I may not be aware of your families magus origins and traditions, but I had assumed that you would have stuck to traditions. So I would plan to see if you wished to fight as how the first five Holy Grail Wars if you wished. I can understand if you do not wish for your partners and servants to die." Izuku said as they gave a soft sigh and smiles spreading on their faces.

"Now, It looks like two have dropped out of the running for the grail." Izuku said as they turned to see the monitors show the fighters that will go against one another in the next round.

They were listed as such:

Kirishima v Tetsutetsu

Iida v Tokoyami

Itsuka v Yosetsu

Bakugou v Mina

Monoma v Jalter

Jeanne v Ibara

Jirou v Uraraka

Hiryu v Izuku

Sen v Kaminari

Todoroki v Sero

Mei v Momo

Hitoshi v Jurota

"Interesting...two holy madien figures fighting it out in the first round. While me and Hiryu get a fight in too. This is becoming interesting." Izuku said as then a sudden cry alerted their attention as they looked over at Yosetsu on his knees.

"Crap....I'm gonna be a dead man...Why did i get picked to go against Kendou..." He whined as then Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Sero and Iida ran to where Izuku and the others were at and started to look excited.

"Holy crap dude we made it to the finals! Hope you're ready to lose TetsuTetsu because I'm gonna beat your manlyness with my own!"

"Like hell! I'll beat you with mine! I'm more manly that it practically shines on me!"

"Iron doesn't count!" Kirishima and Tetsu argued back and forth as the others steatdropped at the two of them bickering of their manlyness.

"W-Well.. Midoriya. I hope this goes without saying, but I hope to see you at the finals. Because I plan, to fight you at the very end." Iida said as he smiled at him. To which almost surprised him and almost installed Gilgamesh at Iida. As his eyes shined for a brief moment of purple and green. And faintly saw a figure behind him, wearing only white and had long flowing hair.

"Heh. I expect nothing less from my vice president. And as your president and friend Iida. I shall hold you to that promise. As I promise that the two of us will be facing each other in the final round. You can guarantee it!" Izuku said as he crossed his arms and smiled back at his friend.

As the others in their gathering talked and goaded to fight right here and now. A figure that had snuck back to the lockers muttered profanity as she banged her locker shut as she gripped something in her hand. Looking like a black band, so old and rustic as it was far bigger than her arms put together.

"Damn him...damn you Izuku Midoriya! Your carelessness and high attitude. Even wearing such ancient clothing from Mesopotamia. You're ruining their history!" She muttered as she gripped on the band as she bit her bottom lip. Blood sleeping out as it fell to the floor from her chin.

"I want you gone. Gone from UA and to take those historic items that you waist away! They're meant to be preserved. For history and for insparation to younger generations to gain insparation." She thought as she remembered fondly of her youth. Taking awe in ancient tales of warriors and their deeds. And to what is agued to be the strongest hero of the world that partially inspired her.

Her left hand glowed as the markings had appeared on the back of her hand. Gripping the old band as her blood was dripping from it as the room was glowing now. Unaware of it as she continued her seething rage.

"Izuku Midoriya...when I fight you. I will break you appart and make you see that relics of the past belong to the future and belong to those that are strong to protect them. That I and my dreams are far stronger than you and your warped ideals!" She cried as her hand soon burned from the seals, as a large shadow behind her caused her to turn. And became wide eyed as she saw a giant of a man.

Having very dark grey skin. The band from her arm missing and now a set appeared on his large hands on his wrist. Holding a stone club that looked to have a blade's edge, coated in black itself. His hair so wild it looked demonic. His lower half being the only thing cogered in cloth and armor as his ankles were covered in spiked bands and was barefoot.

The hulking beast looked down at her. Yet she felt no fear when she saw him. But she couldn't stop herself from grinning madly as she saw the beast of a giant pulled his arms back and looked up to the roof of the room. Letting out a maddening roar as if a miracle, no one else but her could hear it unleash a war cry.

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