The Stand In

By newbiegac2015

64.5K 2.3K 387

"What do I want?" I ask sucking in a breath. Zak's eyes seem to glow, even in the low lighting. Between his b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 [m]
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 41

1.1K 49 2
By newbiegac2015

Pulling up outside the house, I ignore the gasps and state of my car, by going straight into the house to find Zak and Gracie.

I check the entire house before I spot Gracie in the garden, along with Zak. Flying out the back door, Zak looks up from his phone.

"Is she okay?" I ask, hurrying towards them and crouching when I'm close enough.

"Yeah, I think it scared her a little. She's been really needy." He says watching as she comes over to me and shoves herself against my side. Her bumping sets me off kilter and I land on my butt, letting her climb in between my knees and rest against me with her tail wagging furiously.

"Hey sweetheart. It's okay." I coo.

"You'll get covered in white hair." Zak warns.

"I don't mind. As long as this little lady is okay." I mumble.


I look up to see Zak staring at Sophie and Henry who have stepped out my back door cautiously.

"Is the dog okay?" Henry calls over.

I nod giving her a kiss on the forehead before getting up. "They are okay Zak. I don't think they are the problem anymore." I tell him and head back to the house.

"So the car is pretty shit." Zak sighs as we all stand at the back door.

"I'd say. It's Mia. It has to be." Henry says.

"We can't just suspect her-"

"Elle. Whoever did your car was angry and calculated. Who else do you know that is capable of doing that, at the moment?" Sophie questions.

"I know.."

"Keying the car and only doing three tyres is calculating. It also costs more to replace the tyres. The window was anger." Henry explains.

"But why? Because I'm with someone she doesn't like? It seems pretty ridiculous."

"After what I've just told you? I don't think it is at all." Henry replies.

"So this is Mia?" Zak asks looking between us as I rub my forehead in stress.

Henry steps away and pulls Zak aside, probably to inform him of what the hell has been going on, whilst I stay with Sophie and Gracie.

"She's a cute dog." Sophie smiles, crouching down to say hello too.

"Such an amazing and good natured little girl. Nervous at loud noises though."

"Some dogs are like that. You're not only smitten with the owner, but his dog as well."

"Hook, line and sinker.. You know, all Mia has tried to do is take the shine off me and Zak. Plague us with enough shit and hope we split up."

"I bet that is part of her plan. You both have to ensure that it doesn't happen though.."

"Guess we are past boiling bunnies huh?"

Sophie is about to reply when a heavy knock sounds at the front door making me look for Zak instantly.


"It's the police." Zak says. "I had to ring them, we need a report and case number, for the insurance. I'm asking you now, do you want me to include Mia?"

I'm touched that he's even asking, especially after everything that's happened and whilst she was my friend. I also had other people to consider...

"Yes. Henry, you better tell them everything else."

Both men nod before heading into the house to speak with police whilst I head back out into the garden with Gracie and Sophie at my side.

"Not easy, but essential." Sophie tells me.

"I know. I just feel some sort of betrayal. Weird right?"

"Not really. It's always been us three. Charlie's angels if you will. Only one angel has gone rogue. She concerns me Elle, I don't know what she's up to and that terrifies me more than anything."

I glance at Gracie, knowing deep down that if Mia is really hell bent on making trouble, not even a dog will stop her. Which means Gracie here, is at risk too..

Once the police did what they had to do, I stepped out to look at my car for the first time.

Large slashes scarred my tyres, whoever had done this, used a knife, a seriously sharp one at that.

Gouge marks had been dragged all up the side of the car, leaving no panel unscathed. Even the hood had large scratches down.

A rock sat on the backseat of my car, telling me that it was the implement used to take my window out, with glass littering the seat and car floor.

"You okay?" Zak asks as I go around the car and finally stop looking at it.

"It's just a car, right? As long as everyone is okay. That's the main thing, isn't it?"

He nods. "But I also know how much it sucks."

"Yeah it does. But it could have been worse, someone could have put the rock through the window. Gracie could have been hurt.."

"You're way of thinking amazes me, El, it really does."

"Trying to find the silver lining, that's all. The car can be replaced.."

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and tugs me into his chest. "Well it's going to take wild horses to keep me away from you."


After an eventful afternoon which continued into the evening, Zak and I finally sit down. He suggests we talk..

When I say talk, it was more of a request, a demand if you will...

"You're going to stay at my house. Whilst I'm away."

"No -"

"El, I want you to stay at my house. Where I know you're safe." He says.

"Where Mia has been trying to hack the security system? Zak she's out of control, a loose cannon."

"Which is why I want you on my property. It's got cameras, I can have security do a round of the house every hour, you'll be protected there."

"But it's just bringing trouble to your door too. I can't just leave my house, what if something happens?"

He signs "I should have just cancelled this lockdown-"

"No." I tell him, picking up his hand so he looks at me and listens. "You are going to go. Gracie is going to your moms and I am going to stay here. Sophie can come over and stay for a few nights. She told me she would earlier..."


I nod. "I'll be okay."

It takes me another 30 minutes to convince Zak that I'll be okay before he decides that we should go back to his for tonight, and tomorrow I can come back, when Sophie is with me too.

To help his unease, I agree and we both head back to his house, along with Gracie.

We have dinner and settle in for the evening on the couch, whilst Zak tells me where they are off to next, and what type of haunting they are going into.

"Your job intrigues me." I tell him as he lays out the information pack that has been put together by their researcher.

"When we first began Ghost Adventures, we did it all. I used to spend hours trawling websites and finding locations, then finding their credibility."

"That must have taken a lot of time..."

"It did. But it was worth the hard work in the end."

"I agree. Researching is my thing, I love finding answers."

"Which is essentially what I do too. Hey, you ever want a job..."

I laugh "Oh no, I think we spend enough time together. Not that I don't love spending time with you, cause I do. But it's also nice for you to hang out with your crew and be all manly and shit."

"Manly and shit.." he repeats.

"Well whatever you guys do, fishing  and gaming right? Billy told me you guys have done that."

He nods. "Yeah, we take time out and revitalise before lockdowns."

"Well you can't have me crashing that boy time. Huh?"

He smiles shaking his head "They love you being around. The stomach is the way to a man's heart, you cook and make the guys food every time."

I bite my lip trying to hide my smile.

"What? What's that face for?"

"Okay but you gotta keep it a secret..."

"I promise." Zak says putting a hand over his heart.

"I do it because you guys are so darn messy. You're quiet good at tidying up but-"

"But it's not to your standard huh?"

I give him a guilty look "It is, but it's a woman's job to take care of their man, isn't it? I like feeling useful, if that means chopping fruit and making snack boxes whilst you guys film then so be it. Plus it means there's not a huge ton of wild hungry males in the kitchen, making a mess... Aaron almost ate those pretzels too."

"Did he?"

"Yeah I had I stop him."

Zak had this container of pretzels in his pantry, only they were expired and now some sort of science project... Don't ask.

"Aw I bet they would have been gross. But whilst we are on the subject... Come." He says hopping up.

I follow him through the house and into the kitchen where he stands at the table. "Stay right there."

I do as I'm told and watch as he disappears before returning with bags full of items.

"What's all this?" I ask as he sets it down.

"So I was thinking...." He says opening the bag and lifting an empty jar out. "Want to blitz the pantry?"

I gasp. "No..."

He nods "Yours is amazing and I find things so quickly. Plus I like the cleanliness of it."

Zak then proceeds to produce more and more from the bags leaving me flabbergasted. "So what do you think?" He asks unsure.

"When can I start?!"

He grins. "Well I thought maybe, I could give you my key to the house and you can come over one day and sort it. That's if you want? I'll do it otherwise-"

"No you will not." I tell him instantly. "It's my job now."

"Thought you might say that." He smiles pleased with himself.

His pantry has been a big thorn in my side. The size of it was a dream, but the chaos that ensued when you stepped inside it would give anyone a headache. But with all these clear containers and jars, it's going to be organised paradise.

Whilst the cat is away... This little mouse is going to play.

My mind is already planning the shelves out when Zak steers me alway.

"Oh no. Not now. You will have plenty of time for that when I'm not here. For now, I want your whole attention, yes that sounds very needy but I'm going to be gone a whole week.."

"A whole week... Then my love why are we wasting time? Get your butt in that bedroom!"

That's all it takes for him to be pulling me into his room and kicking the door shut. I guess that is what most people call an early night!


Morning comes around too fast, and I'm led in his bed with him on top of me, fully clothed.


"Because I gotta go to work."

"No." I mumble wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tightly. "Tell them you're sick and need to stay."

He chuckles "Maybe I'll try that. But I can't for this one. Let me see you."

I reluctantly let him go so that he can lift his head up and look at me properly. "You're so beautiful.."

Rolling my eye, I try to pull the pillow over my face but he is quick to pin it down.

"No, I look awful."

"I disagree." He replies nuzzling into my neck and leaving kisses.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach and turn my head to stop him. "No.. You know that leads to other activities and you have to go in a few minutes."

"But you smell so good." He replies trying to continue.

"Stop." I laugh pulling his face up to meet mine. I get as many kisses as I can in. "I'm gonna miss this."

"Me too. I'll ring you every morning though, how about that?"

I smile and nod.

"And we got the secret agent bands too." He adds. "Just send me a tap when you're thinking of me and I'll do the same."

Zak is about to say something else when a car horn honks outside, letting us know that it's time. I pout and give him one last kiss.

"Stay safe and enjoy yourself."

"You too. Don't miss me too much."

I swat him with a pillow as he gets up. "I won't. I've got a pantry to reorganise."

"Have fun with that. If you buy anything, keep the receipt and I'll give you the money back. Okay?"

I nod, knowing full well that if I need anything, I won't be keeping a receipt.

Picking up his bag, he gives me a wink. "FaceTime tonight. See you later sweetheart."


Then he is gone. Leaving me alone in his home. If you think I lay in his bed for an hour staring at the empty space, you'd be correct...

How can I miss him already?!

I know I said that I wouldn't stay at his house, but it wouldn't hurt, would it? To work from his home, poolside whilst topping up my tan, and having security around. Sure Mia can hack a system, but she can't hack a human mind!

Maybe I'll stay here, for access to Zak's shirts and—

"Oh pull yourself together." I chide myself. "Just go back to your own house."


I gasp and pull my arm out from the bedding to look at the wrist band, seeing the small rectangular box fade back to black.

One tap meant hi.

Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, I tap back once and wait.

Tap tap tap

Three means...

Looks like I wasn't the only one missing someone.

Gah! How can I last a whole week?!

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