By Juvenescent_Life

116K 7.4K 1K

"Don't you want to kiss your husband, y/n?" he purred, deliberately slowing his words to a sultry pace, hopin... More



1.3K 94 10
By Juvenescent_Life


"I want you to keep the blindfold on, alright?" Jungkook instructed Y/N, making sure she couldn't see the surprise he had prepared for her. She appeared curious about their destination, but he wanted to maintain the element of surprise. "Just a few more minutes, baby. We'll be there soon."

Jungkook couldn't help but notice the way she had obliged to his surprise without any denial. It brought a smile to his face as he turned to look at her.

A faint pink blush spread across her cheeks, adding to her charm. It was endearing to see how she reacted to every word he uttered.

As they arrived at their destination, Jungkook pulled the car over and turned to Y/N. "We're here," he announced. Her hands instinctively went to remove the blindfold, but he quickly intervened.

"No, Y/N, not yet. Just wait a little longer. I'll let you know when you can take it off," he instructed. She sighed in frustration but nodded in understanding.

Jungkook stepped out of the car and then reached out his hand to help Y/N out. "Hold my hand and come out," he guided her.

Taking her hand, he gently led her out of the car and positioned her to face the surprise he had prepared. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as she stood before the unknown. "Jungkook, why do I feel like there are lights in front of me?" she questioned, her voice filled with curiosity and excitement.

Even though Y/N was blindfolded, she could sense the presence of lights in front of her. She turned her head slightly, realizing that the lights only surrounded her from the front, while the rest of her surroundings remained in darkness.

Excitement and curiosity filled her as she eagerly anticipated the unveiling of the surprise. "Are you ready to see your gift?" Jungkook asked, causing Y/N to wonder what kind of gift would require such a long journey and emit such a radiant glow.

With no clue as to what awaited her, she patiently waited for her husband to remove the blindfold. Feeling his hand at the back of her head, he carefully untied the knot and removed the cloth from her eyes.

"Slowly open your eyes,," he instructed. Following his words, she cautiously opened her eyes, only to quickly close them again due to the overwhelming brightness of the lights she sensed before.

Blinking her eyes slowly, Y/N's gaze gradually adjusted to the lights before her. As she took in the sight, her eyes widened in surprise. She had never expected this, feeling a mix of emotions that left her slightly confused.

Turning to the person standing beside her, she noticed Jungkook already looking at her with a wide grin on his face.

"Jungkook--" she began, but he interrupted her with a question. "Do you like it?" he asked eagerly, not giving her a chance to finish her sentence. Y/N did like it, but she still had some questions.

"I like it, Jungkook, but what is this for?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. As she turned her attention back to the sight before her, she flinched slightly when she felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close to his chest.

"It's our new home, Y/N," he revealed, his voice filled with excitement. Y/N couldn't believe it. Jungkook had bought them a house near the beach. The house in front of her was beautiful, albeit not as big as their current home, but it looked cozy and inviting. Being surrounded by nature in a beautiful home sounded like a dream to her.

"Come, let's go inside and discover what else awaits you," Jungkook suggested as they approached the main door. He entered the passcode, causing the door to open. The moment they stepped inside, Y/N was greeted by a delightful scent of lavender and vanilla, instantly creating a calming atmosphere.

She decided to venture through the house on her own, leaving Jungkook behind. She couldn't help but admire the flawless design of each room.

The colors, marbles, and tiles used throughout the house contributed to a warm and inviting ambiance, creating a cozy vibe that she absolutely loved.

Y/N noticed a staircase that led to the upper floor, where the bedrooms and possibly a guest room were located. However, she hesitated to explore the upstairs area on her own. She didn't want to accidentally enter Jungkook's bedroom instead of her own, as they hadn't yet discussed the idea of sharing a bed. Uncertainty filled her mind as she wondered if he even wanted to share a bed with her.

Just as her doubtful thoughts consumed her, Y/N suddenly felt strong arms wrap around her waist, while another arm secured her under the knees, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. Startled, she instinctively wrapped her hands around Jungkook's neck for support, worried that she might slip out of his grasp. However, she soon realized that he was steady and confident in holding her.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" she questioned, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. He reassured her, "Don't worry, I won't drop you. You're not as heavy as I thought." Y/N couldn't help but feel comforted by his words and the ease with which he carried her.

Jungkook carried his wife upstairs and stopped in front of a polished wooden door. He confidently declared, "Ready to see our room?" Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and excitement at his words.

He opened the door using his foot and guided them both inside. A captivating fragrance of tonka bean and rose filled the room, instantly calming her senses while also igniting a sense of desire within her.

Y/N looked around, still cradled in her husband's arms. She noticed a corner of the room that led to a balcony, while on the opposite side stood a large glass window adorned with cream curtains.

Directing her gaze forward, she saw a queen-size bed with netted curtains enveloping it, creating a golden glow in the dimly lit room. The bed appeared incredibly soft and inviting.

Still holding Y/N in his arms, Jungkook gracefully walked towards the bed and gently laid her down on its smooth and soft sheets. "Do you like our home, Y/N?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. Instead of verbally responding, she simply nodded, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"I'm glad you like it. It took me a while to design," Jungkook shared, amusement evident in his voice. Curiosity sparked within Y/N, and she couldn't help but inquire, "You did the decor?"

Jungkook clarified that he had enlisted the help of professionals to execute his designs, but he had meticulously planned and conceptualized every corner of the house. Y/N couldn't hide her admiration, expressing her surprise at Jungkook's hidden talent for interior design. His smile grew in response to her compliment.

"It's getting late, Y/N. We should sleep on time so we can fully enjoy our holidays together," Jungkook suggested, mindful of the time.

"Holidays?" Confusion filled Y/N's mind as she questioned Jungkook's mention of holidays. She wondered if he had work to attend to.

Jungkook noticed her confusion and quickly reassured her, his voice filled with certainty, "Yes, we are going to spend our holidays here for 2 weeks. Don't worry about my work, I've settled everything, so there will be no disturbances or distractions for this whole 2 weeks."

The thought of having a full 14 days alone with her husband filled Y/N with a mix of excitement and shyness.

As the room fell silent, neither of them speaking, a sudden realization struck her. She hesitantly spoke up, voicing her concern, "Jungkook, if we are going to stay here for two weeks, we don't have any clothes to change into."

Jungkook's eyes widened momentarily before he let out a chuckle. He responded to Y/N's concern about not having enough clothes by assuring her, "Actually, I already have my clothes here. You can borrow mine for tonight, and tomorrow we can go shopping in town." Y/N couldn't resist his offer to wear his clothes and nodded in agreement.

Seeing her acceptance, Jungkook disappeared into the closet and emerged with a white shirt and sweatpants. Placing the clothes on the bed, he gestured, "You can change here, Y/N. I'll wait outside." With a gentle smile, he exited the room, giving her the privacy she needed.

Feeling grateful, Y/N began to undress. Before slipping into Jungkook's shirt, the thought of taking a quick shower struck her. She decided to freshen up, heading into the bathroom to enjoy a brief moment of relaxation.

Jungkook stepped out of the room, giving Y/N the privacy she needed. He understood that the idea of sleeping together might come as a surprise to her, and he wanted to respect her boundaries.

Although he felt a strong desire to claim her as his own, he knew he needed to be patient and take things slowly.

During these two weeks, Jungkook hoped to build a deeper connection with Y/N, gradually breaking down her walls and earning her trust. He wanted her to feel comfortable opening up to him, both emotionally and physically.

While he hadn't received a clear answer from her yet, he knew he couldn't rush her decision. However, he couldn't help but hope that she would give herself to him within the next week.

Lost in his thoughts, Jungkook snapped out of it, realizing that he needed to change as well. He entered the adjacent bedroom, where he had left some of his clothes, just in case Y/N wasn't comfortable sharing a bed with him. He took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes before finally settling into bed.

Y/N emerged from the bathroom while drying her hair and wearing her husband's shirt. She had considered wearing his pants as well, but they were too big for her waist and even the strings couldn't help tighten them. Nevertheless, she didn't feel exposed since the shirt reached above her knees.

Meanwhile, Jungkook waited patiently outside the room, intending to give Y/N privacy until she called for him. However, his limited patience got the better of him, and he eventually knocked on the door.

Hearing the knock, Y/N paused in her hair drying and realized it was her husband at the door. She walked over, opened the door, and found Jungkook already in his nightclothes. Making way for him to enter, she returned to drying her hair with the towel.

Unbeknownst to the innocent Y/N, Jungkook struggled to keep his composure. He consciously avoided letting his gaze wander to her bare legs. Seeing his wife standing before him in only his shirt, with her wet hair framing her face, stirred intense desires within him. Despite his internal struggle, he managed to maintain control over his bubbling hormones.

Jungkook couldn't suppress a small groan as he felt his arousal stir at the sight before him. His manhood twitched and gradually became hard, making it difficult for him to remain composed.

Without uttering a word, he swiftly retreated into the bathroom, closing the door with a thud.

Unaware of what had transpired, Y/N simply looked at the closed bathroom door, slightly puzzled by the sound. Shaking off her curiosity, she continued drying her hair and settled onto the mattress, patiently waiting for her husband to join her.

After about 20 minutes, Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, his body glistening with sweat. He didn't say much, simply making his way to his side of the bed and slipping under the duvet beside his wife.

Despite having relieved himself, his breathing remained somewhat irregular. Sensing this, Y/N turned around to face him, finding him already gazing intently at her.

Sensing the unfamiliar tension in the air, Y/N turned to fully face her husband, concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay, Jungkook? Your breathing seems off," she inquired, her hand poised to touch his head.

However, he swiftly grabbed her wrist, preventing her from making contact. "I'm fine, Y/N," he reassured her, a smile gracing his lips.

Their eyes locked, both of them unable to tear their gazes away as they absorbed every detail of each other's features. Jungkook's gaze dropped to her lips, and Y/N mirrored the action.

Without the need for words, she leaned in, seeking a goodnight kiss. Jungkook was slightly taken aback by the sudden gesture, but he eagerly responded by parting his lips and capturing her bottom lip with his own.

They succumbed to the passionate kiss, their lips melding together in a fervent embrace. Jungkook seized the opportunity as Y/N lifted herself, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her onto him. Their chests collided, intensifying the sensation as their lips remained locked.

After a few moments, they reluctantly broke the kiss, both needing to catch their breath. Jungkook tenderly pecked her lips and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before enveloping her in his warm embrace.

Y/N gladly reciprocated, wrapping her arm around his waist. Soon, they drifted into a peaceful slumber, finding solace in each other's comforting presence.


As the morning sunrays filtered into the room, they gently caressed the slumbering couple. The melodious chirping of birds and the gentle breeze created a serene ambiance, signaling the start of a new day.

Unbeknownst to them, Y/N and Jungkook remained blissfully unaware of the passing time, still lost in their peaceful slumber, wrapped in each other's arms.

Y/N was the first to stir, her eyes fluttering open as she felt a warm breath on her lips. Blinking her eyes open, she tilted her head back and beheld her husband's peaceful sleeping face.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips at his adorable expression. Glancing down, she realized she was still securely held in his embrace. While she relished the warmth and desired to cuddle him a little longer, she knew she had morning duties to attend to before he could wake up.

Gently extricating herself from his grasp, Y/N carefully slipped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to begin her morning routine.

Emerging from the shower, Y/N draped a towel around her body, concealing her nakedness. She tiptoed silently towards the closet, careful not to disturb her slumbering husband. Once there, she retrieved a black button-up shirt and slipped it on.

Making her way to the kitchen, Y/N began searching for the necessary ingredients to prepare breakfast. After rummaging through the pantry, she gathered the basics needed to make French toast and a strawberry smoothie.

Completing the breakfast preparations, she noticed no sign of her husband stirring downstairs. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was already 8:10 AM. Arranging the meal on the table in the backyard, she returned to the bedroom to wake Jungkook.

Upon entering the room, she spotted his masculine form still cocooned within the sheets, peacefully asleep.

Standing by his side, she gently patted his shoulder, attempting to rouse him. "Jungkook, wake up. It's already morning," she urged, but he remained motionless. "I've made breakfast for us. Wake up before it gets cold," she tried once again to awaken him.

Y/N let out a frustrated sigh when her attempts to wake her husband proved unsuccessful. Just as she was about to give up, a strong hand grasped her wrist and pulled her back onto the bed, with Jungkook looming above her.

"Instead of just patting my shoulder, why don't you try other ways to wake me up?" he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Y/N was taken aback by his sudden playfulness, but her ears registered his words. "Like what?" she found herself daring to ask, curious to see where this was going.

"How about true love's kiss? It's sure to wake me up," Jungkook proposed, a playful smirk on his lips.

Y/N couldn't help but play along, intrigued by this new side of her husband. "But you're already awake from my touch, so why would a kiss be necessary?" she countered, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Unbeknownst to Jungkook, Y/N had a frisky streak before their marriage, often getting scolded by her father or Mr. Jeon. This side of her was unfamiliar to him, adding an element of surprise to their playful banter.

"Wrong, baby. I was awake long enough to see you tiptoeing to our closet, only with a towel wrapped around you," Y/N's boldness quickly faded as Jungkook revealed that he had been awake all along, watching her tiptoe to the closet with only a towel wrapped around her. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, evident by the warmth spreading across her face.

"Oh, why is your face turning red?" Jungkook teased, a impish glint in his eyes. "Could it be that you're lovesick? Don't worry, I know just the cure," he continued, playfully trapping Y/N beneath him.

Y/N stammered, trying to divert the attention away from her embarrassment. "Th-the breakfast will get cold," she managed to say, hoping to shift the focus.

"Let it," Jungkook replied, his playful demeanor showing no signs of relenting. "We can always reheat it later." He had no intention of letting go of his wife just yet, determined to continue teasing and playing with her.

Observing his wife's growing shyness, Jungkook made the decision to let her go and he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable for the time as he still had days to spend with her. "Give me my morning kiss, and then I'll let you go," he proposed, a playful grin on his face. Y/N hesitated but eventually opened her mouth to speak. 

"I-I can't kiss you all of a sudden," she stuttered, her words coming out in a way she didn't even recognize.

"Really? But last night, I didn't hear anything like this. In fact, the moment I thought of a kiss, I already found my lips engaged without any waiting," Jungkook teased her further, enjoying the effect it had on her as her neck and ears turned red.

"Y-you didn't brush your teeth" he chuckled at her response, sensed his wife's uneasiness, and decided to back away from her. "I will go shower and come down for breakfast," he announced, retreating into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Y/N was still blushing, surprised by her husband's naughty nature. She had never expected him to be such a tease, but she found herself enjoying it. Either way, she knew she would have to get used to it. She got up from the mattress to clean up and then went downstairs to reheat the breakfast.


After having their breakfast, Y/N and Jungkook found themselves sitting in the living room, a comfortable silence hanging between them. However, Y/N had something on her mind that she wanted to share with her husband. She turned to him, noticing that he was gazing out at the garden.

"Jungkook," She called out to him, capturing his attention. He turned to look at her, offering a smile. "Is there something you want to say?" he asked, curious about what she had on her mind.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N gathered her courage and began to speak, finally voicing the thoughts that had been weighing on her for the past week.

"Do you remember when you asked me to trust you, to give myself to you?" she asked, to which Jungkook nodded, indicating that he was listening intently. "Well, regarding that, I think I'm ready to give myself to you and trust you with my body," she confessed, a smile forming on her lips.

Y/N waited for a response from Jungkook, but he remained silent, only blinking his eyes. Concerned, he spoke up, "Y/N, are you sure about what you're saying? I don't want to rush you. You can take all the time you need, and I won't force you. Even though I want your approval, I won't touch you without your consent."

"No, I want this," Y/N asserted, her voice filled with determination. "I'm tired of being labeled as 'innocent' by you and Taehyung. I don't want that anymore." Despite her words, Jungkook remained quiet, allowing her to continue.

Y/N expressed her desire to learn and understand the things she felt she needed to know. She confessed that when she heard couples speaking, she couldn't comprehend their words or actions, often left with a sense of confusion.

"I want to know, Jungkook," she pleaded, her willingness to learn evident in her words. "Please teach me, and I'm willing to learn from you."

Still, Jungkook stayed silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as he appeared lost in thought. After a few moments, he lifted his head and turned to face Y/N.

"Fine, I'll teach you," he finally said. However, he emphasized the importance of her promise not to panic or get angry, as everything he would teach her would be normal for couples. He wanted her assurance that she was ready to proceed.

Y/N nodded, assuring him that she was completely ready for whatever he had to teach her.

He smiled at Y/N, who returned the gesture, but soon his smile transformed into a mischievous smirk. "You still haven't given me my morning kiss, right?" he remarked. Y/N nodded, feeling a tad shy.

"I want it now, but with a little addition of something," he added, his intentions unclear to her. Nevertheless, she was willing to go along with whatever he had in mind. "What do I need to do?" she asked, curious.

Still wearing that smirk, he leaned closer to her until their faces were just inches apart. Y/N had no idea what he was alluding to, but she was ready to follow his lead. "Well," he began, his voice low, "Have you ever heard of a 'French kiss'?"

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