Battle to Recover (Male Reade...

By Nardarion18

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This is volume four of the series I have been writing. This volume begins the story of what happened to (F/N... More

Images of Main Characters
Chapter 1: A Glimpse at Fate
Chapter 2: A New World
Chapter 3: The Eighth Master
Chapter 4: Betrayal
Chapter 5: The Witch of Colchis
Chapter 6: The King of Heroes
Chapter 7: The Truth of the Grail
Chapter 8: One Night of Peace
Chapter 9: The False Assassin
Chapter 10: The End of a War
Chapter 11: Those that Survived

Chapter 12: Dimensional Pocket

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By Nardarion18

With Rin now one of (F/N)'s peerage members she starts to gather things to take with her back to his world. She goes through all of her belongings while (F/N) explores the city more as he doesn't really have anything else to do. After a day of doing this Rin finally tells (F/N) that she is ready to go. (F/N) asks, "Do you have everything that you need? I am not exactly sure how to get back here, so you may never be able to return.?" Rin says, "Yeah I have got everything. There is not really anything left in this world for me, so I don't mind that I will not be able to return." (F/N) says, "Alright then, let's head off." He opens his dimensional pocket and they step through.

Once inside (F/N) and Rin see Ophis standing over (F/N)'s body.

Rin: "Who is that?"

(F/N): "That would be Ophis. She lives here. Apparently she has done so for over a year, but I found out recently."

Ophis looks up and sees the two that just entered.

Ophis: "Oh so you really did bring along a new peerage member. Well that is fine. Get comfortable, you will both be here a while."

(F/N): "What do you mean by that?"

Ophis: "It is going to take a while to repair your body using the power from that destroyed Holy Grail. Since it was so tainted I have to extract the good magic and use it while cleansing the bad magic. It takes a lot of effort. It would have been much easier had you just won a nice and clean Holy Grail instead of getting this one."

(F/N): "I didn't really have a choice in that."

Ophis: "Perhaps not. Regardless it will take a long time to fix your body."

Rin: "Do you have food in here, so that we can actually survive?"

Ophis: "While you are in here, your body stands still in time. You cannot die and will not get hungry, or have any need for any food. When (F/N) leaves using his spiritual body instead of his really body it has the same effect on his real body. His spiritual body does need food in the world he goes to, but anything that happens to it as long as he stays alive, has no effect on his actual body. That being said you really should send some chocolate in here every once and awhile. It is the least you could do for all the help I give you."

(F/N): "Duly noted. I will do that next time."

Rin: "Well since we have a ton of time on your hands we should organize your stuff in here. It is quite a mess."

Ophis: "Yeah he just kind of throws things in when he gets them. However, strangely enough if he returns it the item goes back to exactly where he pulled it from."

Rin: "We should organize all of this then. It will stay organized when you pull it out. Then you will know all of what you have in here."

(F/N): "We might as well do that."

Rin and (F/N) start going through the items in the dimensional pocket. Using magic (F/N) creates display cases to put things in with labels on them. As they are going through everything Rin says, "Why is there so much baby stuff in here? Do you have a thing for stealing from babies?"

(F/N): "No when I was little I would open my dimensional pocket on accident and stuff would end up here. This is only the second time I have been in here, so I don't know exactly what is in here."

Rin: "So all these baby diapers are from when you were a baby."

(F/N): "Yes that would be my guess."

Rin: "They are all used. That is really disgusting."

(F/N): "We can just destroy those, I won't need them. Although the fact that they are all used probably means that I was easy to change since I removed the diaper for my parents."

Rin starts to giggle at that comment.

As they go through all the baby stuff, they find an old photo album. Rin says, "Is this yours?" (F/N) replies, "I am pretty sure everything here is mine, so yes. Although I don't know how it got here." Rin and (F/N) take a break from looking through the stuff he has to look at the photo album. It is from when he was a baby and has a ton of pictures. Apparently, his parents took him on a ton of trips when he was little. Rin says, "This is really cool that you have this." (F/N) replies, "Yeah now that they are gone this is basically all I have left of them. I didn't even know it was here."

Once they finish looking at the photo album they start to go through all the weapons that (F/N) collected from Gilgamesh. Rin says, "I guess it is convenient that Gilgamesh threw all those weapons at us. Now you have tons of legendary weapons at your beck and call." (F/N) replies, "Yeah it will come in handy to have all of these weapons in here." They start to label the weapons and put them in display cases. When they come to Ea Rin goes to pick it up and cannot. She says, "I cannot touch this one. That is odd." (F/N) walks over and picks it up. He says, "Gilgamesh did say something about this being his strongest weapon. I wonder if it is a noble phantasm that only he was able to ever use." Rin says, "If that is the case why can you pick it up." (F/N) replies, "Well everything in here is mine, so as soon as it entered my dimensional pocket it became my weapon, which means that I can use it. My guess is that it is really powerful." Ophis overhears and comes to look at the weapon. She says, "That thing could probably level the planet if you wanted to use it for that." (F/N) says, "Really it is that strong." Ophis replies, "It can be. If you channel your magical power into it you will be able to amplify the power that it puts out to epic proportions." (F/N) comments, "I am going to need to learn how to use this one then."

As they are just about finished searching (F/N) comes to a sword that he does not recognize.

(F/N): "I don't remember grabbing this one. Also it seems different than the others."

Rin: "Don't ask me, this is your weird pocket dimension."

(F/N) carries the sword over to Ophis.

(F/N): "Do you know where this sword came from?"

Ophis: "I brought it with me when I came into your dimension."

(F/N): "Why did you have a sword like this with you when you came here."

Ophis: "I thought it may be good to keep it hidden away and your pocket dimension seemed like a good place to hide it."

(F/N): "What is this sword that you thought was worth hiding?"

Ophis: "The Sword of God."

(F/N) chokes at hearing this.

Rin: "Is the Sword of God important or something?"

(F/N): "It is rumored to be the most powerful weapon in existence. Also it is the last key to the prison that Trihexa is looked away in. This sword is the only thing that is keeping the Khaos Union from destroying me world."

Rin: "It is a good thing that you have it here then."

Ophis: "Given enough time, they will figure out how to realize Trihexa without the sword. However, having it here probably will buy us several years. It being here should buy us enough time for me to at least repair your body all the way."

Rin: "Wait are you saying it is going to take years to repair his body."

Ophis: "It might. I am not sure at the moment on the exact amount of time. I not only have to repair the damage that he did. I also have to alter it, so that he is able to use the full strength that he will acquire without destroying his body. Basically I have to completely remake his body into one that can handle any amount of power."

(F/N): "So when you are done, I will be able to use my full power in my body."

Ophis: "Not at first. You will only ever be able to access as much power as you can control. As you keep training and getting stronger you will eventually be able to use it all including all of mine, Great Red's, and Trihexa's powers when you acquire them."

(F/N): "So at the start I will not be able to use much power."

Ophis: "Compared to your eventual amount of power no. However, the amount you will be able to use at the start will be around that of a god, so I would not say it is a small amount of power."

Rin: "He will start being as strong as a god?"

Ophis: "Yes, that is how much power he could control originally before his body failed. The only issue was that his body could not handle that much power, not that he could not control that much power."

(F/N): "Well it is good to know that I will not be starting at square one again."

Ophis: "Don't be lazy in training though."

(F/N): "I won't."

(F/N) now decides to take the Sword of God and put it in a special cabinet that he then locks tightly. He says to himself, "It is best that this never leaves this dimension." Rin walks up to him and says, "At least for now. You may need it at some point in combat, so I would not say that you will never use it." (F/N) says, "You are probably right. I should learn how to use every weapon that I have in here to its fullest."

Rin and (F/N) spend the next several months training in the pocket dimension while Ophis continues to work on repairing (F/N)'s body. During that time Rin gets much stronger in magic. She still specializes in using gems in her spells, but is now able to easily use magic without a catalyst as well. (F/N) has become proficient with most of the weapons that he has in his collection. He has not actually used Ea or the Sword of God as they could be too dangerous to use in his pocket dimension. He has studied them though and understands how to better use their innate powers.

Six months after they first arrived in the Dimension Pocket, (F/N) and Rin are still there. Ophis claims she is getting close to finishing, but they are not hopeful. While Rin and (F/N) are relaxing after training, (F/N)'s spiritual body begins to glow. (F/N) says, "What is happening here?" Rin says, "I am not sure you are glowing though." She then calls over to Ophis, "Do you know why (F/N) is glowing?" Ophis says, "He is getting summoned to another world." (F/N) says, "How exactly is someone able to summon me out of my dimensional pocket?" Ophis replies, "My guess is the same way you would summon someone from anywhere else. You are strong enough that you could refuse the summoning. Although I recommend you just go with it. This will be a good chance for you to try out your new power." (F/N) says, "What do you mean by that?" Ophis replies, "I have mostly finished your body, so now you should be able to use power close to that of a god even in your body you will have when you are summoned. You should try it out a bit to get better used to the power that you will soon possess." Rin asks, "What am I supposed to do while he is off in another world?" Ophis says, "That is not my problem. You cannot go with him, so you will be stuck here until he gets back." (F/N) asks, "Is it going to be a problem for me leaving here like this? Are you going to finish my body while I am gone?" Ophis replies, "I might, but just enjoy your time in the new world. When you get back I should have your body ready for you so that you can finally return to your world." With that comment (F/N) allows the summoning to happen and he begins to be teleported to another world.

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