Bound In Ruins

By dinaAbu

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A promise. A secret. A choice. One girl and one guy. Bound by a contract that states they are betrothed to e... More

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 1
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 2
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 3
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 5
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 6
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 7
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 8
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 9
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 10
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 11
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 12
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 13
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 14
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 15
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 16
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 17
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 18
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 20
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 21
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 22
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 23
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 24

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 19

31 3 0
By dinaAbu

Chapter 19

Present Day

"I don't think this is the floorplan I last confirmed. Is it?" I asked confused to the construction manager that was on site of the project that we were on.

It was my fifth day in London finalizing some last minute projects that were to launch by the end of the next year. At this rate, it wouldn't be launching for another two years.

"It's what we were given ma'am," The construction lead replied.

Nodding, I gave him the blueprints back and walked out of the development plan.

I hopped into my car that was waiting and sighed.

This project was going to take much longer than I anticipated.

The drive to my hotel was short as it was only right down the road. I was staying in a hotel right in the heart of London, and I couldn't help but think on my drive home.

It was April so of course, the weather was bit muggy in London. The ride home wasn't too long and I admired the streets still filled with people. They definitely were used to the rain over here.

Pulling up to the hotel, I made my to the penthouse and sighed as I plopped on the bed.

I grabbed my phone from my bag and scanned to see if I had missed any messages or emails.

Kai and I had been communicating via text but strictly about business and out calendar for the upcoming month. It seems as if we were going to be around a whole lot more. He hadn't replied to my last text sent last night and I was quite curious as to what he was up to.

I found myself thinking about him quite more than I should have.

Crazy how my life jumped from zero to one hundred with this.

Deciding to get ready for bed early, I showered and changed into some shorts a long sleeved button down pajama top.

I opened the blinds and admired the view I had. I was on the highest floor and my view overlooked a skyline of the London Eye and Big Ben.

Hearing a knock on the door, I was confused. I hadn't ordered any room service.

Walking away from the window, I went to the door and opened it.

Opening, I immediately felt my jaw drop.

"Pick that jaw back up sweetheart, I don't want to spend all my money on Botox when we're older." Kai stated kissing my cheek and walking past me into the room.

I shut the door quickly and turned around, "What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

I must've been dreaming.

"Came to my surprise my adoring girlfriend," He stated sarcastically, throwing his bag on the bed.

"Kai," I asked again, folding my arms across my chest.

He turned around and I took the moment to admire his new sense of attire. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt topped with a leather jacket.

I could get used to seeing him like this.

He walked closer to me just so that we were a foot apart.

"Devereux Corp was getting a little dull. And besides, I think you could use some input with the development according to what you were telling me over texts." He stated. I noticed that his facial hair was cleaner, like he had just shaped it up.

"That's why you didn't reply," I spoke softly, more for myself than him.

I saw his eyebrow shoot upward and he had an amused expression playing on his lips.

"Mhmm," he agreed.

"Why, miss me?" He asked amused.

I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder, plopping into the bed.

"No," He stated turning around looking at me stupidly.

"What?" I asked confused as I pulled the covers over my body.

Grabbing the bedsheets from the foot of the bed, Kai grabbed them and pulled them off in one swift mood.

"It's only nine, woman. I'm starving." He stated walking over to the side of the bed now.

"Okay so call room service," I stated.

He shook his head, "No. We're going out to eat."

"No, I'm going to sleep. How are you even this energetic, you just got off a five hour flight." I replied.

Grabbing me by my hands, Kai refused my objections and stood me to my feet without letting me protest.

"Exactly. I should be the one tired but I'm not. And besides it's five hours back in New York. We are going to go grab something to eat. It's not every day we're in London." He stated winking at me.

I looked at him, and noticed that he seemed much more lax, as if the different time-zone made him into a much more laid-back person.

"Do I really have to?" I asked annoyed. I really was looking forward to sleeping early tonight as tomorrow was my last day on-site.

"Really, do." He stated.

I sighed, very dramatically to say the least, and walked passed him to grab and outfit. Heading to the bathroom, I didn't bother looking back.

I knew Kai was watching my every move and it seemed as if every time I was around him, I was finding it harder to say no to him.

Washing my face with water, I simply put on concealer and changed into a pair of jeans, knee high boots and an off shoulder shirt.

I brushed my black hair and put it in a high pony tail.

Walking out of the bathroom, I noticed Kai's attention snap directly to me.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, causing me to bite my lip.

"Ready," I broke the silence.

Walking to the door, I felt him walking behind me and we made our way out of the hotel.

"Come on," He stated grabbing my hand and walking us down the street. I took in my surroundings and smiled at the

It was just drizzling, making the walk more bearable to wherever we were headed. Kai hadn't let go of my hand as we walked inside what seemed like a pub.

Taking his coat off, I did the same and followed him to the bar. It was filled with plenty of locals who were happily chatting away.

Sitting on the barstool beside him, Kai lifted his finger and the bartender quickly came.

"Patient are we?" I said sarcastically.

"Hungry I am," Kai answered after telling the bartender what he wanted.

"How did you even know what you wanted to eat? You didn't even see a menu," I asked turning my stool so that I was facing him.

Kai did the same, turning so that he could face me as he spoke, "This isn't the first time I've been here. My memory never falters."

"Sure," I agreed.

"Oh and a dry martini for the lady," Kai told the bartender, locking his attention directly to me.

"And how did you know that?" I asked amused.

I'd typically order that to wind down after a long day of work.

"The first time we met, how could I forget?" He answered winking at me.

I fought back a smile that was creeping its way on my lips.

"Actually, make that three shots, vodka and a Long Island. I'm kind of missing home right now," I joked, telling the bartender on top of Kai's orders.

"Well I hope that isn't the case, because you aren't going back home for another week," Kai stated, moving his stool closer to mine leaving no more between us.

I felt my eyebrow shoot upward, "What are you talking about Devereux?"

He smiled, making me nervous for what words were about to come out of his mouth.

"I've spoken to Harper who adjusted some things around your schedule. Work wouldn't be needing you much next week any way and you can fly private with me when I decide to leave."

"Oh when you decide to leave? And you didn't think to run this by me, why exactly?" I asked annoyed.

I had to get back to New York.

"You'll thank me later," He answered turning his attention to the bartender who placed my drink down and his beer in front of us.

"Kai, what are you planning? Why'd you do this?" I asked confused.

"If this is some way in f*cking with me, save us both the time-"

"Have I given you any reason as of late to not trust me?" He asked slightly more serious.

I felt my jaw clench at his words.

"Loosen up, James. This is good. We leave tomorrow when you finish your finalizations at your development." He stated coolly.

The bartender set his food down and Kai was quick to scarf it down.

Trying to feed me, I literally laughed at the man's thinking.

"I'm good, thanks." I told him sipping on my martini.

Kai winked and finished eating. I had finished drinking the shots and the iced tea and felt the buzz from the alcohol.

I scanned the room and noticed that there was an entire section of billiard tables.

Standing up, I tapped Kai's shoulder, "Follow me."

Walking past him, I made my way over to an empty table.

Glancing back, I saw Kai pay the bartender with his cash and he quickly met me at the table.

"You want me to crush you in a game of Pool?" He asked amused, throwing our jackets on the hooks beside us.

"No. I want us to make a deal," I answered throwing my hands across my chest.

He walked closer to me so that our faces were just inches apart.

"What is that, exactly James?" He asked, his green eyes staring hard into my blues ones.

The intensity of his stare did wonders to me. I felt my stomach tighten and the pit of my stomach immediately get fuzzy.

Whether that was from the alcohol or Kai's close contact, I couldn't exactly tell.

"If you win, we will stay. Go on whatever adventure you have planned for us. But if I win, we go back." I replied softly.

Biting my lip, I noticed a vein in his throat throb.

He spoke soon after, "Don't think I'm going to let you win, James. Because I'm not that guy. I always win."

I laughed slightly, "You better start getting used to losing then."

His lips tugged upward, and he quickly moved his hands so that they rested on my hips, just where I felt his fingertips touch some flesh of my skin.

Immediately, I felt my skin burn at the feel of him touching me.

Pushing me so that I was pressed tightly against his body, I looked at him to gauge his expression. He looked incredibly amused, as if he knew what he was doing.

I leaned in and surprisingly saw him doing the same. Instead of kissing him, I moved my lips so that I whispered against his ear, "Ladies first."

Pulling away, I grabbed a stick. Glancing once upward to look at Kai, I noticed him looking at me closely, as if he were trying to memorize every move I was doing.

About fifteen minutes had passed of us playing and we were down to two of my balls that I needed to knock in, with just the black one for him needing to be knocked in.

It being Kai's turn, he bent down getting ready to shoot his shot.

Bending down, so that I was on his level I spoke, "Just think about how nice it'll be back in New York. Me, you, my apartment."

I saw his vein in his throat pulsate and I internally laughed.

This man was too predictable.

He looked at me and shot me a wicked smile, "Think about us sleeping on your couches in new York? How about you think of us, on a yacht sailing through the Mediterranean with the only pair of clothing on is that bracelet of yours you're wearing in the scorching sun. You and me alone, in that king sized bed."

I felt my face flush at his words, my eyes not leaving his, not for a second. In one swift movement, without even looking back at the table, Kai jerked his stick and the ball landed easily in the pocket.

He threw his stick on the table and walked to whisper in my ear, "I win."

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