The Doctor

By Anonymous_The_Writer

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18 year old Lacy Von Alluni is no stranger to family disfunction. Its this disfunction that leads her to be s... More

The Doctor
Chapter 1: Saved
Chapter 2: Examination
Chapter 3: Bickering
Chapter 4: Luke
Chapter 5: A Walk in the Garden
Chapter 6: The Truth
Chapter 7: Pain
Chapter 8: Linked by the Mark
Chapter 10: Paranoid Senses
Chapter 11: A Meeting With Evil
Chapter 12: History
Chapter 13: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 14: Into The Garden
Chapter 15: The End
The Sequel

Chapter 9: A Ticking Time Bomb

180 1 0
By Anonymous_The_Writer

   "Nurse?" I called though the open door and Susan materialized in the door way. 

   "Are you alright Lacy?" She asked looking worried again.

   "Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to know if I can go back to my room yet? I've just been sitting here for hours now with people randomly popping in and out just to make sure I'm still awake but it seems like I'm fine."

   "The Doctor wants to keep you here because you suffered a concussion and so you have to stay awake for 24 hours so we know you wont laps into a coma."

   "If I was going to go into a coma wouldn't I have done it already? I'm going back to my room." I told her defiantly.

   "Not without The Doctor's permission you aren't."

   "Screw him, I haven't even seen him since this morning and I'm tired of being here. I hate hospitals and there is no real reason I need to be here so I'm leaving." I said starting to take off my monitors.

   "He has been held up in his office all day and wont come out, but I wouldn't do that if I were you, all the heart monitors are connected to his office so he can make sure everyone's still alive, if you take that off he'll be here in and instant." She explained.

   "I really don't care. If he isn't coming out of his office I'll be fine then." She sighed and walked away. I started disconnecting everything, leaving the heart monitor for last so I could dart out quick. The machine started screeching but I ignored it and went for the door but ran right into someone. 

   "What the hell?" I said looking up at The Doctor. "How did you get here?" He smiled looking proud of himself.

   "I've already told you, I'm not human." He said looking down at me, he was wearing his guarded expression again so I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

   "I'm going back to my room. I hate hospitals and I'm fine, I don't need to be here anymore." I said putting my hands of my hips.

   "No your not. We can't monitor you there, what happens if you go into a coma?"

   "Then I'll actually get some good sleep for once, now move." I growled, glaring up at him. I so wasn't in the mood for him right now. He chuckled a little.

   "Why don't you make me move then?" I knew I couldn't move him so we exchanged glares for a few minutes. 

   "What time is it?" I asked, noticing he wasn't wearing a watch. He took a step back and looked at a clock down the hall.

   "10 past 9pm" He said but when he looked back I was gone. I quickly squeezed through the gap he had given me and was running down the hall. "Nice try." He growled catching back up to me in and instant and grabbing me around the waist. He tried to calmly walk me back at first but I struggled so much that he gave up and just threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to the room.

   "ugh, I hate you!" I yelled at him as he threw me back in the room and locked the door behind me. 'If you hate him so much why can you never stay away from him?' my mind thought. I sat down on the bed again, frustrated and angry. 'he could be so nice, compassionate, and open at times and make me love him but the next be a total, closed off, asshole and make me want to scream at him.' I heard the door open and I turned to see Susan sneaking in.

   "Its against my better judgement but if you want to go I'll look the other way. At this point I seriously doubt you'll have any problems, I'm not sure why he is doing this to you." She said, pushing the door open and standing aside. 

   "I wish I could understand too..." I said looking down but realizing if I wanted to go it had to be now. "Thanks." I said looking back up at her and leaving. I headed straight to my room but was cut off mid way by Luke.

   "Hey Lacy I heard your were attacked, are you alright?" He said, appearing to be worried.

   "Yeah." I muttered, attempting to go around him but he stepped to the side and blocked my path. I looked up at him now pissed, was every guy I knew going to be an asshole today?

   "I heard concussion patients must be watched for 24 hours, want to come back to my room?" He said wiggling his eye brows and grabbing my wrist slightly but not enough to be alarming, I could tell he had done this a lot before. I yanked away from him.

   "That's the last place I want to go right now... last place I want to go ever." I growled. His pretty boy charm finally faltered and his try icy glare started to show through. 

   "Let her go." I heard someone growl from behind me. It was so deep and threatening that it scared even me. The Doctor walked up behind me and the two equally sized guys glared each other down with me stuck in the middle. I swear they were about to start circling like sharks when finally Luke gave in and stepped away. When he did I didn't even look at them or say anything, I just walked away. I knew if I did stay I'd have to face The Doc again for leaving and I was done with today. I'll thank him for that later but right now all I wanted to do was sleep.

The Doctor

   I was happy Lacy walked away. He may have stepped back but he may also still have some fight in him and if it went that way I didn't want her here. After she left we still stood in silence sizing each other up. When it came to establishing male dominance it wasn't just about fighting, that actually came last and only if someone didn't back down, it was about intimidation. 

   "So I guess she's another one of your groupie now huh?" He said trying to get into my head.

   "No, she isn't, and she'll never be because she can think for herself. She's smart, smart enough to realize the only one of us trying to manipulate her is you, she told me herself." I shot back, he seemed taken aback by this. He must have thought he still had the advantage over her by twisting her thoughts but she figured him out. His spotless acting was failing him and he started to get flustered, realizing he wouldn't win this fight verbally or physically and he suddenly turned and stormed away. I smiled, knowing he would, no body is stupid enough to actually try to fight me weather they know I'm immortal or not. I went back into the clinic to close up for the night.

   "I'm sorry Sir but she's had a traumatizing day and I didn't want her to stay here and suffer if she was really that unhappy." Susan started explaining as I neared her desk.

   "Yeah I know, its fine. I wasn't going out there to get her back I was getting her away from Luke. His mask is finally cracking and he knows she can see right through him now so I was afraid he might try something stupid." She nodded, "Time to close up for the night." She nodded again and started walking around and hitting the lights in the unused areas. We only had one patient that needed to be watched over night so the nurses decided among themselves who would do it and I was comfortable with their selection. She wasn't happy about it but I knew she would know what to do if something happened, some of the others wouldn't even think to call me in the heat of chaos. I sighed as I locked up my office. I was really worried about Lacy and did want to watch over her for the entire 24 hour period but I guess my avoidance of her all day help attributed to her frustration and anger but after I saw she wanted to leave I just couldn't face her because I didn't know what I'd say. I started towards the boy's dorms but decided to take a detour instead. She was asleep when I got to her room so I let myself in and took her back to my room with me. She didn't want to be in the clinic anymore so I didn't take her back but at least this way I knew she would be alright because I could watch her. 


   When I woke up I smiled, I felt so warm and safe all of a sudden, something I hadn't felt when I went to bed but that's when I realized you couldn't sleep wrapped in the arms of a bed. I opened my eyes half expecting to see Luke but who I did see freaked me out even more.

   "Doctor?!" I gasped in shock and jumped, almost falling off the bed. He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

   "What are you doing?" He asked sleepily.

   "Yeah, cameron. What am I doing? This isn't my room!" 

   "You didn't want to stay in the clinic and be watched so I brought you here to watch you."

   "Yeah and hows that going?" I asked "You fell asleep too."

   "Badly but at least I didn't wake you up." He said rolling over and attempting to fall asleep again. "Just go back to sleep."

   "Its not everyday that I wake up in your bed, sorry if I'm a little shocked." I hissed. 

   "I could have let Luke take you if you would have liked that better." He shot back. 

   "God no..." I said with a shudder. 

   "What happened between the two of you anyways?" He asked rolling back over and facing me, giving up on going back to sleep.

   "I rather not talk about it.." I said looking away from him. I heard him chuckle. 

   "What can you possibly be so ashamed of?" He asked, I stayed silent. He waiting but then sighed knowing I wasn't going to spill. "Besides getting attacked how have you been feeling lately?"

   "Fine, I told you I don't need a doctor."

   "Really? The front desk mentioned that you collapsed at the front door the other day but ran away before they could help you."

   "And if I could still run it obviously didn't hurt that bad."

   "No body said anything about pain, you brought that up on your own. So if you're in pain that's not good."

   "Its cause of the damn mark."

   "Mark?" He said sitting up and suddenly seeming really interested. 

   "Do you guys have a mark that you put on everyone here? When I saw it that's what I just assumed it was."

   "No, we don't."

   "Then what the hell it is?" I asked getting frustrated. 

   "Can I see it?"

   "No." I said slapping his hand away.

   "How can I help if I haven't seen it?"

   "I don't know, you're a doctor what have you seen with a mark before?"

   "Its not an illness or anything that usually marks around here, marks only happen for one reason and for that reason I have to see it."

   "Well I'm not showing you." I said defiantly and he started unbuttoning his shirt. "What are you doing?!" I said jumping away from him.

   "I'm not trying to sleep with you, I'm showing you my mark since you wont show me yours."

   "I didn't say sleep with me, you came up with that one on your own." I shot back mocking him. He gave me a stern look that told me he wasn't playing around. 

   To one side of his chest sat the black mark that exactly matched mine. I tried not to show any emotional response but I couldn't help gasping. He knew what this was! I leaned forward and touched it gently and a jolt of electricity shot through us. He tried unsuccessfully to stifle a moan as he fell back onto the bed. His reaction made me laugh and want to tease him more so I started to trace the lines with my finger. His body stiffened and his head rolled back.

   "Stop." He moaned, breathing heavily. I laughed again,

   "Whats wrong with you?"

   "You have no idea how that feels." He panted. I was about to laugh again but he reached out and grabbed my hip, touching the mark on it through my shirt. It sent a jolt of pleasure through me and my skin tingled beneath his fingers. I gasped as his fingers found the bottom of my shirt and slid up to the mark. It felt so good when he touched it that I moaned too. He looked smug and grinned now that it was his turn to torture me, he started to massage it and I lost my balance, falling forward into the pillow. "So I guess I don't have to look at your mark to know what it looks like." He said looking down at me with a grin. I turned my head towards him and glared but only enough to show my eyes past the pillow.

   "What is it? Why do I have it?" I questioned him, getting muffled by my face still being covered. Now I was just using the pillow to hide my redden face. 

   "Its a soul mark. Every immortal has one and when they touch their mate in an intimate or emotional way it transfers to them. Usually the two people feel a draw to each other and when they get close it allows the mark to transfer."

   "That must have been one hell of a hug." I said snickering, hugging was the only way we've touched in a way that he was talking about. He smiled and nodded in agreement then started staring at the ground. 

   "I'm so sorry..." He said quietly. I perked up, finally taking my head off the pillow and looking at him but he wouldn't look at me. "I don't know how long you've had that but I know I caused you a lot of pain and I'm so sorry." I crawled closer to him and took his chin forcing him to look at me.

   "What do you mean? You had something to do with the pain attacks?" I asked shocked.

   "It's because I had marked you and so when..."

   "When?" I said trying to coax him on when he took a long pause.

   "When... I was sleeping with other girls" He blurted quickly, "it hurt you because I was cheating even if I didn't know it yet." Suddenly things started to make sense. How I could never hate him enough to stay away from him, the random pains, how I felt so close to him yet I barely knew him... it all clicked. 

   "You slept with a chick twice in the same day?!" I gasped in shock as everything finally set in, "Damn! how needy are you?" He laughed,

   "I'm not, I just never care enough to stop Lexi when ever she comes over and she happen to come over twice that day." Then suddenly things dawned on him too.

   "You slept with Luke?!" He said in horror, I blushed.

   "I would have sworn you had figured that out by now..."

   "I was in denial!" Suddenly things were awkward and tense and I didn't like it. I turned away from him and stared at the wall for a while. 

   "So are you never going to talk to me again?" Cam finally asked after a while.

   "No, after learning about the mark I think that'll be hard to do. I also frequently tell myself I'm never gonna talk to you again but I keep doing it anyways so..." He chuckled,

   "Does it make you fall asleep better at night to convince yourself that you hate me?"


   "Well convince yourself that you hate me cause I'm tired and think we should go back to sleep." He yawned.

   "No, I'm keeping you up all night for this." I said looking at him evilly, he groaned. 

   "You hurt me back, you got your revenge."

   "Hey, its two to one buddy! It is far from even!"

   "Then punch me in the face or something and let me go to sleep."

   "No, that would be to easy." He rolled his eyes then turned over away from me. I waited a few minutes before stroking the mark on his chest again making him jump. 

   "Stop it!" He growled

   "Oh you know you like it." I teased. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arms , lying on his back.

   "I'm going to be so grumpy tomorrow."

   "and this is different from any other day.. how?" 

   "I'm going to get you back for this when you least expect it..." He said glaring at me. 

   "Cant wait, I'm always game sweetie." I said sarcastically. 

   I felt restless so I got up and began to walk around some. Cameron's room was huge! The bed was a step up from the rest of the room and was shielded by red drapes and across from it was a fire place with a raging fire in it and two arm chairs sitting in front of it. I sat in one and looked around, there was a mini bar, which I was definitely planning to raid after he fell sleep again.

   "Wow you sure do like your luxuries.." I said, taking in the fancy rugs and chandeliers. He didn't reply but I could hear him chuckling from behind the curtains around the bed. I stood up again and walked to the fire place, random photos were spread all about the mantle. One in particular stood out among the rest. It was a picture of a family. A big, tall, middle-aged man with black hair and a cold black gaze stood with his arm around a much younger, and slightly frail, looking girl with flowing white-blond hair and happy blue eyes. Between them stood a young boy with the hair of his mother and the eyes of his dad with his hand in his mother's. It was a seemingly normal family photo but I sensed a darkness lurking beneath their smiles. The mother and son stood partially away from the father, not enough to be alarming but enough to hint that everything wasn't as it seemed. I hadn't noticed that I had picked it up while examining it and suddenly Cam appeared behind me and gently grabbed my hand, guiding it and the picture back to the shelf. 

   "While you do have your father's eyes that's about the only part of him I see in you." I said gently, still starting at the photo. "You took mostly after you mom." I looked up at him but he was lost in examining the family photo as well. He gave a little smile looking at it and squeezed my hand that he was still holding. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in it. He wrapped his arms protectively around my shoulders.

   "Yeah, everyone used to tell her that. When people said it it always made her smile." He said quietly. 

   "I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass." I said, suddenly finding myself feeling guilty. He chuckled,

   "A good one though." He pulled away and it made me sad but I realized it was only so he could see my face. He cupped it between his hands and leaned his forehead onto mine. We started into each others eyes for what seemed like forever but it was torture to be so close yet so far away. When I couldn't take it anymore I finally leaned up on my tippy toes and touched his lips to mine. It was light at first like two people who were just crushing on each other and were kissing for the first time but then he pulled me closer, making it become deep and passionate. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and gently set me down still kissing me. I turned my head to catch a deep breath. My head was spinning and there were butterflies in my stomach but my turn of the head didn't deter him. He began to trail kisses down my jaw and neck making me gasp and shiver in pleasure. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and gently coaxed him back to my lips. We were beginning to dance on the thin line of a harmless kiss and losing all control and I wasn't sure how I felt about that yet. He sensed this and reluctantly pulled away but stayed close, gazing down into my eyes. He was cupping my face again and his thumbs moved in circles on my cheeks. I was afraid of what I saw in his eyes, love, but neither of us could fight it. We were both scared of opening up and getting hurt but the mark was almost forcing us to.

   "Your so beautiful." He whispered. I smiled and leaned my head up to peck him on the lips again but the more I did it the more addicting it got and the harder it was to stop. 

Hello everyone, its your friendly writer here. I just wanted to say thanks for reading and I hope your enjoying the story so far! :) It might get a little hot and heavy in the next chapter so get ready. ;) I've heard that its getting a little addicting so far lol. Also if you have any comments or feed back I love to hear them so don't be afraid to comment! Ciao!

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