It's Only The Heat [TharnType...

By GumbieN

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Tharn is hopelessly in love with his childhood best friend, Type. At least, he thought it was hopeless, until... More

Foreword / Cast
-01- 🌕 I Feel Alive
-02- 🌕 Not Afraid
-03- 🌕 Lied To
-04- 🌕 Tied To Someone Else
-05- 🌖 Don't Need Your Love
-06- 🌖 Devil's On Your Shoulder
-07- 🌖 By My Side
-08- 🌖 Lips Pressed In My Neck
-09- 🌗 I'm Okay
-10- 🌗 Make Me Sweat
-11- 🌗 Get In My Way
-12- 🌗 Liberate You
-13- 🌗 Come Close ( + Q&A pt. 1)
Q&A pt. 2
-14- 🌘 Little One
-15- 🌘 Where You Belong
-16- 🌘 Been So Blind
-17- 🌘 Give Me All Of You
-18- 🌑 This Moment
-19- 🌑 Run Into My Arms
-20- 🌑 With You, I'm Safe
-21- 🌑 Hellish
-22- 🌒 We've All Made Mistakes
-23- 🌒 Beyond Help
-24- 🌒 Feeling Of Betrayal
-25- 🌒 The Man That Left My Bed
-26- 🌓 Come Back To You
-27- 🌓 Wrapped Up In You
-28- 🌓 Sound Of Your Body
-29- 🌓 Home
-30- 🌔 Teenage Dream
-31- 🌔 Tell You Now
-32- 🌔 Hold You Tight
-33- 🌔 Keeping You Safe
-34- 🌕 Take It Off
-35- 🌕 Stars Are Above You
-36- 🌕 Tiny Hands
-37- 🌕 Wherever I Go
It's Only The Heat [BxB 18+]
Extra #2 🌙
Extra #3 🌙
Extra #4 🌙
CANON EXTRA: Tum & Tar adopt a child
CANON EXTRA: Interrupted
CANON EXTRA: Halloween Special
NON-CANON EXTRA: Team, Champ, and Techno

Extra #1 🌙

14.7K 478 206
By GumbieN

Thorn & Lhong

[A/N - the following events take place after chapter 33. Also peep that header photo I made of these two cuties ^]


*Lhong's POV*

I stare at the entrance of my pack, my mind in complete and utter chaos.

Today is the first day I'm returning home after the death of my father. I am returning as Alpha, with my mate by my side.

A hurricane of emotions swirl through me, keeping me rooted in my spot as I continue to stare at the gates.

Grief over losing my father.
Guilt for grieving a terrible monster.
Fear that I'm not ready to lead.
Worry that my mate won't like it here.

When I told Thorn I would be returning home, he said he was coming with me, and that it wasn't up for debate. I didn't argue with him, knowing it would've been pointless.

Ever since I woke up, Thorn has been by my side. I can feel his fear seeping through our bond; the fear of losing me again. It sends a stab of pain through my heart, knowing how scared Thorn was when my father nearly killed me.

Although we've only been together for a short time, and we haven't even completed the mating bond, I can see now that I never really understood what love is. Not with my family. Not with Tharn. Not until I became Thorn's mate.

He goes above and beyond to remind me that I am worthy of love, even when I don't agree. Looking at him now, I still don't think I'm worthy of his love. He's too good. The Moon really fucked him over by making me his mate.

A warm hand slides into mine, pulling me out of my thoughts as tingles run up my arm. Thorn looks at me with a warm smile, silently encouraging me to enter my pack.

Taking a deep breath, I hold tightly to Thorn's hand and walk through the pack gates.

Eyes follow us from every angle as we walk towards the pack house. My hands grow sweaty as I try not to let my fear shine through; a good leader isn't supposed to show fear.

"Lhong," Thorn whispers lowly. "I can feel how scared you are, baby. You have nothing to afraid of. Just relax."

"I can't relax," I say through clenched teeth. "If they all knew how scared I am, they wouldn't take me seriously. An Alpha shouldn't let his pack know that he's afraid."

Thorn stops us in our track, his iron grip on my hand forcing me to stop walking.

"Lhong, look at me," Thorn commands in a stern tone I've never heard from him before. "That was the way your father chose to lead this pack. He raised you to believe all the fucked up ideals he had. You do not have to be like him. You are your own person. The pack will only thrive if you lead the way you want to."

I stare at my mate, completely dumbfounded. The urge to jump into his arms and finally kiss him overwhelms me, and makes my cheeks feel warm. Clearing my throat, I simply nod my head and look away. Thorn sighs, but tugs my hand to signal that we can keep walking.

When we arrive at the pack house, I find the elders, warriors, and my father's Beta waiting for me. I take a deep breath, keeping my fingers intertwined with Thorn's for support.

"Alpha Lhong," the elders say in unison with a bow of respect. It takes me by surprise, as I wasn't expecting them to call me their Alpha so quickly.

One of the elders steps forward. "We need to prepare for your ceremony for the Moon Goddess to bless you as our Alpha. Is this your Luna?" He asks, gesturing towards Thorn.

I look at Thorn, stammering nervously. We haven't talked about whether or not he wants to be my Luna. I mean, being my mate already makes him my Luna, but I won't force the job title on him if he doesn't want it.

"Yes, I am," Thorn answers easily with a smile. My shoulders relax with the relief that Thorn doesn't mind being my Luna.

"Excellent," the elder nods. "We will get started on the preparations. Everything will be ready tomorrow night for the ceremony."

"Tomorrow?" I echo with wide eyes.

"Yes, Alpha. I'm afraid we cannot wait long to announce you as the Alpha. The pack will grow restless without a leader. It must be done as soon as possible."

I slowly nod my head, letting everything sink in.

"Do you have a Beta selected?" The elder questions.

"Tum," I answer without a second thought. I knew from the start that I wanted Tum as my Beta, and watching him take control over the wolves when my father attacked us only solidified my belief that he is the most suited for the job.

"We will make the necessary preparations. Take the evening to rest, and we will discuss this further with you tomorrow. I'm sure you're exhausted."

On the contrary, I'm actually wide awake with everything spinning around in my head. I nod my head in agreement anyway, not really in the mood to have them stick around and stuff my head with even more information. The wolves exit the house, leaving me alone with Thorn.

"How are you feeling?" Thorn asks, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"I'm fine," I answer curtly. Without even glancing at him, I head up the stairs to my old room.

"Don't do this, Lhong," Thorn sighs as he follows me.

"Do what?"

"This. Pushing me away. Acting like you're okay when you're not," he says, exasperated. "We made so much progress in a short amount of time, and I would hate to see all of that undone because you're scared."

"I'm not scared," I fume defiantly.

"Yes, you are. And that's okay."

"No, it's not! And I'm not scared anyway so just drop it!"

"Lhong, we're mates. I can feel your fear through the bond," Thorn reminds me. "You can't hide from this. You have to face your fears head on, or they will eat you alive. Now, tell me exactly what you're afraid of."

"Everything!" I explode. "I'm afraid I'm going to fuck up running a pack! I'm afraid I'm going to be exactly like my father, or even worse! I'm afraid I'm going to let everyone down, including you!" I pause to take a breath, focusing my eyes directly on Thorn. "And most of all, I'm afraid I'm going to mess this up. I've done some stupid stuff in my life, Thorn, and it's only a matter of time before I ruin us."

"Okay..." Thorn starts slowly as he processes everything I just threw at him. "First of all, you're not going to fuck up running the pack. Sure, you might make some mistakes here and there, but no one is perfect. Everyone slips up. The important thing is that you learn from it."

Thorn steps closer to me. "Secondly, the fact that you're afraid of turning into your father just proves that you're nothing like him. Your father was vicious and power hungry. He didn't fear the monster he was becoming. You do. That's how I know you will never be like your father."

He takes another step towards me, and even though everything he says makes my soul a little lighter, the closing distance between us makes my heart pound in my chest.

"Thirdly," he continues, "you shouldn't worry about letting everyone down. From time to time, you'll make decisions that not everyone agrees with. But if you have pure intentions, you won't disappoint anyone."

Another step, and we're only inches apart.

"As for the last part..." Thorn says softly as he takes my hands in his. "I don't see how you could possibly mess this up. Unless you're planning on rejecting me. You're not, right?" He checks, and I earnestly shake my head. "I see the goodness in you, Lhong. Even if you don't see it in yourself. I see someone that is in need of and beyond worthy of love. And as long as we love each other, what else do we have to worry about?"

My breath hitches. While I have thought to myself that I am falling in love with Thorn, neither of us have actually said it out loud. Granted, Thorn has implied it heavily, but he's never directly said 'I love you' to me.

"You..." I take a deep breath, licking my lips nervously. "You love me?"

Thorn softly chuckles. "Of course I do. You know that."

"I... you've never directly said it, so I didn't want to assume..." I mumble, trailing off.

Thorn blinks before he offers me a loving smile, sweeping his thumbs over the backs of my hands. My heart is pounding so hard that I would be surprised if he couldn't hear it.

"I love you," Thorn tells me with the most tender voice I have ever heard. "I loved you before I knew we were mates. I loved you, even from halfway across the world. I loved you, even when you ran away from me. And I love you still, as you stand in front of me, baring all your fears. The Moon made us mates for a reason, Lhong. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you that you are loved."

My face is wet with the tears that started trickling down my cheeks, I'm not sure when. I sniffle, closing the space between us and throwing my arms around his neck. Thorn hugs me close to him as I bury my face into his neck, breathing in his comforting scent.

"I love you too," I murmur against his neck. Thorn releases a weighted breath as he tightens his arms around me, holding me in his warm embrace.

He pulls back slightly, moving a hand under my chin to tilt my head up. His captivating dark eyes search mine, peering deep into my soul and cradling my healing heart.

"Lhong," he whispers, our lips just a breath apart. "Can I...?"

I press my lips to his as my answer, feeling the joyous song of our mate bond rejoicing in the connection.

Thorn hums happily, moving his lips slowly against mine. His lips are so much softer than I could have ever imagined, so much sweeter. When he sweeps his tongue along my bottom lip, I have no problem parting my lips and giving him full access to roam my mouth. He takes my offering gladly, swirling his tongue with mine in such a way that I feel weak in the knees.

I'm suddenly lifted into the air when Thorn wraps his hands under my thighs. I link my legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. He walks us over to the bed without parting our lips, sitting down so that I'm straddling his lap.

Thorn's lips leave mine, only to trail down to my neck. I tilt my head back, granting him all the access he wants. He suckles and nips at my throat, earning whimpered moans from my lips whenever his tongue would flick across my skin.

"You know, while you were in that coma," Thorn murmurs against my neck. "I hit my heat. Alone."

"W-What did you do?" I stammer, having trouble thinking clearly with his lips on my neck.

"Tharn and Type locked me in my room for three days," he growls at the memory. "It was hell being in there, but I knew I wouldn't even be able to do anything regardless while you weren't conscious. So I just thought about you... a lot."

"What did you think about?" I question breathlessly, running my fingers through the silky strands of his hair. Thorn rolls his hips up, making me gasp.

"I thought about what it would be like to finally touch you, to feel your skin on mine. Fuck, baby, you have no idea how badly I've been wanting you."

I moan, my eyes squeezing shut as he continues his pleasurable attacks on my body. Thorn moves his lips to the opposite side of my neck. My eyes fly open when his lips brush against my scar, and I push myself off of him.

Thorn looks at me with wide eyes, his cheeks flushed and hair disheveled. My hand covers my scar as I try to catch my breath. The scars left behind from when my own father tried to kill me in an attempt for more power.

I turn away from him, hating the fact that he's always seeing me at my weakest. I want to be strong for him, not weak.

"Lhong," Thorn says softly, moving behind me and placing his hands on my hips. "Baby, look at me." Reluctantly, I turn around and look at my mate. "You don't have to be ashamed around me, baby. You don't have to hide yourself from me."

"I'm scarred," my voice breaks, and we both know I'm not only talking about the physical scars on my neck.

Thorn sighs through his nose, stepping back and pulling his shirt off. My eyes are instinctively drawn towards his sculpted chest, but I know that's not what he's trying to show me. He tugs his pants down, leaving him only in his underwear.

Scars cross over his skin, decorating his arms and legs. I unconsciously reach forward, brushing my fingers over the scar on his thigh. He shivers under my touch, but remains still.

"I have scars too," he tells me. "I have parts of myself that I'm ashamed of. But I don't want to hide them anymore. Not from you."

The room buzzes as I circle around Thorn, never taking my hands off him for a second. A thick scar starts from his shoulder blade, crossing down to the middle of his back. I run my fingertips over the raised skin, sadness settling in from the pain my mate endured at the hands of my father.

Pressing my lips to his scar, I silently apologize for his pain, as well as thank him for putting his trust in me. Thorn shivers as I lay soft kisses to his skin, replacing the malicious touches with tender ones.

I circle back in front of him before pressing soft kisses to the scar at his temple. I hold his gaze, lifting my shirt off and sliding my pants down. "I don't want to hide from you, either."

Thorn's eyes shimmer as his gaze sweeps over my body, not only taking in the large scars on my neck, but also the smaller ones from years of abuse.

His lips brush over my scars once more, but rather than pushing him away, I melt into his touch. We kiss each other's scars, providing love to the areas that were once shown only hatred.

Thorn's lips find mine again, only this time it's a lot more heated, fueled by the intensity of emotions raging between us. We stumble back onto the bed, Thorn holding himself up on his forearms so he's not putting his full weight on me. Needing to feel all of him, I wrap my legs around him and yank him down towards me.

Thorn groans into my mouth as our pelvises collide. I slide my hands into his hair, kissing him with everyone I have as tears of happiness prickle at the corners of my eyes.

"Baby, I need you. Now," I plead against his lips. "Please?"

"Oh, thank the Moon," Thorn groans in response. "I didn't think I could wait much longer."

Thorn hungrily explores my mouth with his tongue. I buck my hips up, creating a heavenly friction that makes my eyes roll back.

Thorn kisses down my body, making me squirm when he passes over a particularly ticklish area. His thumbs hook around the waistband of my boxers, glancing up at me as I give him an eager nod. He pulls the remainder of my clothing down, leaving me completely exposed to him.

"How are you so beautiful?" Thorn whispers in awe, although it sounds more like a rhetorical question.

"Stop it," I mumble, my cheeks heating up. "It makes me feel shy."

A kiss is pressed to my inner thigh before Thorn smiles at me. "You don't need to be shy around me, baby. I'm going to spend the night worshiping your body, so you better get over your shyness really quick."

My blush deepens as Thorn nibbles at the sensitive parts of my thighs, leaving a trail of dark hickeys. For the first time, I love how bruises look on my skin, knowing they were made only out of the love of my mate.

Thorn pauses to look up at me. "Shit. Do you have any—"

"Bottom drawer," I answer him automatically. Thorn reaches for the bottom drawer of my nightstand, pulling out a small bottle of lube. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and I simply shrug. "Lonely nights. Sometimes, a guy's gotta take care of himself."

Just like that, it's like a flip is switched in Thorn as his eyes darken. Thorn growls before grasping my cock in his hand. I gasp, arching into his touch. "Only I can touch your pretty little cock from now on. No one can touch what's mine, not even you."

I moan, bucking my hips in an attempt to relieve the ache in my cock. Thorn tightens his grip around me, denying me the satisfaction.

"Not until you say you understand," he growls lowly, making me leak precum. "Do you understand, baby?"

"Yes, daddy."

The words slip out before I can stop them. But from the way Thorn's eyes flash gold, I realize I wouldn't take them back even if I could.

"Fuck, baby, what are you doing to me?" Thorn groans, his voice strained as he grinds his clothed erection against mine.

"What am I doing to you?" I whisper lowly. "Tell me, daddy."

"You..." he breathed out, locking his glowing eyes with mine, "are driving me absolutely insane with need."

"Good, because I need you too," I smirk, tugging on his hair. "I need you... to mark me."

Thorn's eyes widen. "Are— are you sure?"

"Positive," I promise with a smile, one that Thorn returns tenfold before hungrily capturing my lips. His hand moves up and down my cock, making me whine as I cling to him.

I snatch the bottle of lube, grabbing Thorn's hand and pouring the liquid on his fingers. Guiding his hand to my hole, I watch him suck in a breath as I push one of his fingers inside of me.

I move his hand at a steady rhythm, using him to finger myself. His eyes are dark as he watches me; the scent of his arousal permeating through the room and making the air thick.

"Daddy," I whine, biting my bottom lip. "Help me."

My plea is met with just as much enthusiasm as Thorn shoves two fingers deep inside of me. I moan as my back arches off the bed, relishing in the feeling of Thorn stretching my walls.

"You're so soft, baby," Thorn muses as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me. "So soft and so warm."

He curls his fingers, brushing the spot deep inside of me that has my toes curling and my cock leaking. Thorn watches me with glowing eyes as I mewl and plead for more, which he gladly gives to me.

"Daddy— fuck," I gasp, trying to catch my breath when I have four fingers in me, stretching me wide open for him. "Please— please, can I cum?"

"Cum as much as you want, baby," he leans over me to nip at my ear. "I want to see you come undone for me."

His husky tone pushes me over the edge, and a mantra of his name spills past my lips as I cry out, clutching onto him. My cock kicks as my release shoots out onto my stomach. Thorn uses his free hand to wipe up my cum before bringing it to his lips. I watch through heavy-lidded eyes as his tongue swirls around his coated fingers, swallowing down every last bit of my cum.

A fire blooms in me at the lewd action. My inner Alpha wolf growls with the need to pleasure my mate in the same way he has done for me. I take him by surprise by flipping us over, so I'm now straddling him.

"Thank you for making me feel so good, daddy," I purr. "Allow me to return the favor?"

"I'm all yours," he responds with a grin. I finally remove his boxers that have been annoyingly keeping me from seeing Thorn completely bare. The sight of his cock leaves me breathless; I wasn't expecting him to be so huge. Rather than feeling intimidated, my mouth waters as I lick my lips in anticipation.

My lips fit around his cock so perfectly, and I hum as if I can't imagine anything better than swallowing Thorn whole. Thorn's breath comes out in gasps as his hand finds my hair, tugging lightly. I place my hand over his, encouraging him to be a bit more rough.

Thorn pulls my hair, making me moan at the delicious sting that follows. I bob my head enthusiastically, relaxing my throat and allowing his tip to tap the back of my throat.

"Baby, you gotta stop," Thorn pants, trying to pull me off his cock. "You feel too good, I'll cum too soon."

I smile around his thick length, tightening my mouth and sucking him harder. Thorn's head falls back as he moans, his eyes squeezing shut. I don't dare take my eyes off of him for even a second as I memorize exactly how he looks in this moment.

"Lhong!!" Thorn cries out, shooting his hot release down my throat. I happily swallow everything he gives me, sucking him dry until he's whimpering from overstimulation.

Thorn springs forward and tackles me on the bed, causing shrieked giggles to escape from my lips. Our mouths crash together, and I moan at the taste of our combined fluids on our tongues.

He pins me beneath him, intertwining our hands above our heads and holding me down to the bed. My hips roll against him, and I smile when I feel his cock already hardening again.

"Daddy, please, I'm ready for you," I say as I hook my legs around him.

Thorn gives me a chaste kiss before releasing my hands and grabbing the bottle of lube. I take the bottle from his hands, drizzling the liquid on my fingers before rubbing it on his cock.

I pull my legs up, wrapping my hand under my calves and stretching my legs up next to my head. Thorn jaw drops as he watches me, in awe at my flexibility.

"Are you going to keep staring at me, or are you going to fuck me?" I smirk, challenging him. Thorn growls before he positions himself at my entrance. A shudder racks through me at the feeling of his tip against my hole.

He slowly pushes into me, his cock stretching my walls and making my eyes water. I cling to him, inhaling deeply through the pain.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?" Thorn asks, clenching his jaw as he forces himself to stay still.

I shake my head rapidly, desperate to keep him inside of me. "No, no, just give me a second."

Thorn peppers kisses around my face, whispering words so sweet that my body begins to melt against his. He presses his lips beneath my eyes, kissing away the escaped tears. I smile at my mate, cupping his cheeks and giving him a small nod.

His hips begin to rock forward, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into me.

"Oh my god," I moan, eyes rolling back from how complete my body feels as it becomes intwined with Thorn. We are one, in every sense of the way; body, soul, and heart.

Sweat mixes between our bodies, our chests and abdomens gliding against one another with each one of Thorn's power-driven thrusts. My hands clutch at his back, fingernails digging into his skin when he slams into my sweet spot. Thorn hisses, but I can tell he loves the pain as his eyes begin to glow brighter.

His canines drop down, and I'm floored by how sexy he looks in this primal state. Eyes glowing gold, fangs elongated, bare skin glistening with sweat. He is the definition of beauty, and he is all mine.

My eyes burn as they begin to glow, and I let my canines grow longer. We press open-mouth kisses at each other's necks, searching for the place where our scents are strongest. I whimper escapes me when his lips brush a particularly sensitive area. Thorn moans against my skin when I kiss the area directly between his shoulder and his neck, letting me know I've found the right spot.

Thorn's fangs pierce my skin at the exact moment I sink my teeth into him. I'm thrown into a blinding state of euphoria, and I sob as I hit the most intense orgasm of my life. Thorn continues to thrust erratically until I'm knocked over the edge again, cum continuously spilling from my cock.

I withdraw my canines, licking at the puncture marks on Thorn's skin to clean the wound. Thorn does the same for me, flicking his silky tongue over the newly-formed mark. The intimacy of it causes me to tighten around him, and Thorn growls loudly as he cums inside of me.

"Holy fuck," Thorn gasps, his voice guttural. "That's was..."

"Perfect," I finish for him, brushing the damp strands of hair away from his face. "It was perfect, you are perfect."

"I love you," Thorn smiles warmly, touching our foreheads together.

I grin and nuzzle my nose to his. "I love you too, Thorn."




Did you guys like it??

Someone suggested that I publish a second version of this story as a non-fanfiction (I wouldn't delete this one, I would just make another version with different names and change some details)

Would more people be interested in that?
Let me know!

Comment and vote!

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