It's Only The Heat [TharnType...

By GumbieN

1M 36K 12.4K

Tharn is hopelessly in love with his childhood best friend, Type. At least, he thought it was hopeless, until... More

Foreword / Cast
-01- πŸŒ• I Feel Alive
-02- πŸŒ• Not Afraid
-03- πŸŒ• Lied To
-04- πŸŒ• Tied To Someone Else
-05- πŸŒ– Don't Need Your Love
-06- πŸŒ– Devil's On Your Shoulder
-07- πŸŒ– By My Side
-08- πŸŒ– Lips Pressed In My Neck
-09- πŸŒ— I'm Okay
-10- πŸŒ— Make Me Sweat
-11- πŸŒ— Get In My Way
-12- πŸŒ— Liberate You
-13- πŸŒ— Come Close ( + Q&A pt. 1)
Q&A pt. 2
-14- 🌘 Little One
-15- 🌘 Where You Belong
-16- 🌘 Been So Blind
-17- 🌘 Give Me All Of You
-18- πŸŒ‘ This Moment
-19- πŸŒ‘ Run Into My Arms
-20- πŸŒ‘ With You, I'm Safe
-21- πŸŒ‘ Hellish
-22- πŸŒ’ We've All Made Mistakes
-23- πŸŒ’ Beyond Help
-24- πŸŒ’ Feeling Of Betrayal
-25- πŸŒ’ The Man That Left My Bed
-26- πŸŒ“ Come Back To You
-27- πŸŒ“ Wrapped Up In You
-28- πŸŒ“ Sound Of Your Body
-29- πŸŒ“ Home
-30- πŸŒ” Teenage Dream
-31- πŸŒ” Tell You Now
-32- πŸŒ” Hold You Tight
-33- πŸŒ” Keeping You Safe
-34- πŸŒ• Take It Off
-35- πŸŒ• Stars Are Above You
-36- πŸŒ• Tiny Hands
Extra #1 πŸŒ™
It's Only The Heat [BxB 18+]
Extra #2 πŸŒ™
Extra #3 πŸŒ™
Extra #4 πŸŒ™
CANON EXTRA: Tum & Tar adopt a child
CANON EXTRA: Interrupted
CANON EXTRA: Halloween Special
NON-CANON EXTRA: Team, Champ, and Techno

-37- πŸŒ• Wherever I Go

19K 693 312
By GumbieN

"So please keep loving me, because our hearts speak fluently. Wherever I go, whatever I do, the map on my heart leads to you. So baby, please keep loving me."
~James TW, 'Please Keep Loving Me'


*Tharn's POV*

| Five years later |

I lean against the doorframe, admiring the spectacular beauty that I have the honor of calling my mate. Even after being together for six years, I still can't believe how lucky I am.

Type stands in front of a full-length mirror, nervously running his hands over his clothes and smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles. His slender fingers move up to his hair, pushing any stray strands into place. Beyond his nervous movements, I can see something more.

Excitement and pride glows in his eyes. We've both been looking forward to this day for many years, but I know it's different for Type. I always knew this day would happen for me, but Type began to prepare for it only a few years ago.

The day we both officially become the Alphas of the Golden Moon Pack.

Being born an Alpha, I knew from a young age that I would one day take over the pack. But Type was born an omega; the lowest status among wolves. Yet, that title never mattered to me. Type was always Type, no matter what. And today, he finally gets to shed his former title of omega and take on the one of Alpha, in front of every single person who ever thought of him as weak.

And I couldn't be more fucking proud to be by his side.

| Flashback - 20 years ago |

"Tharn, there's someone we want you to meet," my mom said to me. "Years ago, a dear friend of mine moved away from our pack to be closer to her sick mother. She's recently moved back with her family, and they have a son your age. He could be a good friend to you. Would you like to meet him?"

I smiled widely. "Yeah!"

My mom took my hand, leading me out of my room and into the living room. I saw two grown-ups talking to my dad, and a smaller boy like me sitting on the ground.

I ran over to him, startling him with my overeager attitude. "Hi! I'm Tharn!"

"I'm Type," he said, straightening his back.

"Wanna come play in my room?" I asked, ignoring his obvious glare.


I grinned and grabbed his arm, pulling him behind me up the stairs. I closed the door behind us, proudly beaming while showing off my room and my toys.

"I know why you brought me up here," Type said, his small fists clenched at his side.


"You wanted to brag about being an Alpha," Type jammed a finger at my chest accusingly. "You wanted to make fun of me for being an omega! Everyone makes fun of me!"

"N-No I didn't!" I stuttered, eyes wide. "I didn't know you were an omega!"

He stopped, tilting his head to the side in a way I secretly found adorable.

But don't tell him that.

"You didn't smell it on me?" He questioned suspiciously.

I shook my head. "My dad said wolves should sniff each other to find out what kind of wolf they are, but I don't really like to."

"Why not?"

"I don't really care. I just want to make friends."

"You... you wanna be my friend?"

"Yeah!" I grinned. "My mom said you would be a good friend, and my mom is always right!"

"You really don't care that I'm an omega?"

"Why would I?" I asked, genuinely confused. "It doesn't change what kind of person you are."

Type stared at me before slowly smiling. "Yeah, okay!"

I showed him my favorite toys, letting him play with whatever he wanted. I didn't even get upset when he accidentally broke my action figure! I was just happy to have a new friend!

"Type! It's time to go!"

We ran down the stairs back to our parents. Type climbed into his dad's lap with the biggest smile on his face.

"Dad! Can we come back soon? I wanna play some more with Tharn!"

Type's dad smiled and ruffled his hair. "Of course. Whenever you boys want."

Type giggled, hugging his dad. "Thanks, dad!"

| Present day |


Can bursts into the room through the back door with wide eyes, running straight for Type. He wraps his arms around Type's leg, hugging him tight. Type smiles and leans down to pick up our son, balancing Can on his hip. I stay quiet, watching the two that are still oblivious to my presence.

"What is it?" Type asks him.

"H-He's chasing me!" Can whines, snuggling into Type's arms.


Another small boy dashes into the room breathlessly. "Can!" He shouts, glaring at my son. "You stole my snacks!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

The boy growls — at least, his best attempt at a growl — before advancing towards my frightened son and very amused mate.

"Tin!" Champ scolds, running into the room and grabbing his son by the arm. "I told you not to bother the Alphas today." He looks up at Type with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Type."

Type shakes his head with a grin. "Don't worry about it. Kids, right?"

Champ chuckles. "You're not wrong." He turns back to Tin with a stern expression. "If you and Can can't play nicely, you won't be able to play together at all."

Tin frowns at that while Type looks down at Can.

"Did you steal his snacks?" Type asks him.



"Yes," Can mumbles, hanging his head in shame.

Type sighs, setting Can on the ground. "If you did something wrong, you need to apologize. Tell Tin that you're sorry."

Can shuffles over to Tin, looking up at him shyly. "Sorry, Tin."

"Good," Type nods his head approvingly. "Go down to the kitchen and ask your grandmother nicely if she will make some snacks for you and Tin."

Can flashes a toothy grin before grabbing Tin's wrist and dragging him along down to the kitchen.

Champ slumps in an empty chair, rubbing his temples. Type chuckles and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Fifty bucks says they're mates."

Champ looks at Type in horror at the prospect. "The Moon Goddess would not be that cruel."

Type shrugs. "Who knows? Maybe they'll balance each other out."

"Yeah? Seems like they just rile each other up," Champ grumbles. Type laughs at Champ's misery, eventually making Champ crack a smile. I jump when a hand falls on my shoulder, and I turn my head to see Team standing behind me.

"It's almost time," Team informs me.

I nod my head, walking into the room towards my mate. Type smiles at me, grabbing my hand. "Is it time?" He asks.

"Yup. Are you ready?"

"Hell yes."


The full moon shines down on us as we stand on the large marble balcony, the entire pack watching from below. My father extends his talons before creating a cut in his palm. I do the same, holding my hand out to him. My dad takes my hand, our blood mixing together. Our eyes glow gold as the power of the Alpha is transferred from my father to me.

I feel the newfound strength and power coursing through my veins. There's a deeper connection to the pack as the role of Alpha officially settles on my head.

The crowd erupts in cheers when we separate hands; my dad pulling me into a tight hug. I smile at him when he pulls back before I turn to Type.

He's already holding his hand out to me, palm cut and waiting. I slip my hand into his, sinking into the warmth of our bond. Type's eyes begin to glow as my power is shared with him; my blood and the power of the Moon turning him into an Alpha wolf.

"I present to you," my father booms over the crowd, "Alpha Tharn and Alpha Type!"

Not even a second after his eyes fade back to their normal color, I yank Type towards me and capture his lips in a searing kiss.

The crowd is deafening as their unyielding love and support echoes through the woods. I release Type's lips before kissing his forehead. He smiles at me, taking my hand before we face the crowd.

The ceremony continues with Team being blessed by the Moon as our Beta. Champ cheers excitedly while holding the hands of both young boys.

This is it.

The start of our life together.

And it's going to be one hell of an adventure.


*Type's POV*

| Another five years later |

"This is ridiculous!"

"You can't be serious!"

"This goes against our oldest traditions!"

I roll my eyes as I listen to the various protests of the pack elders. We've had to deal with a lot of bullshit over the years, but this one takes the cake.

What are they complaining about this time?
They're upset that we're naming Can our heir, instead of choosing a 'natural born Alpha'.

To clarify, they're upset that Tharn won't impregnate a female omega in our pack to produce a natural born Alpha.

I would be blinded by rage at the mere suggestion, but this isn't the first time I've heard it. The elders have been trying to convince Tharn to impregnate a female wolf for years, and he's always shut them down immediately.

And yet, they continue to act surprised that we're naming our son as our heir.

"Why is that ridiculous?" Tharn questions, glaring at the elders.

"He's not your blood!" One of the elders shouts. "Every one of our Alphas has been the blood son of the previous Alpha."

Tharn's eyes flash as he leans over the elder menacingly. "Are you saying my son is less worthy because he was adopted?" He growls.

I cross my arms over my chest, watching my mate defend our son with pride.

"N-No, Alpha Tharn," the man cowers. "I only meant that a natural born Alpha would be a lot stronger, and more effective to lead."

This time, I push myself off the wall and stalk over to the elder. "I'm not a natural born Alpha," I point out, my tone icy. "Are you saying I am a weak and ineffective leader?"

The elder pales as he realizes he can't possibly win this conversation. "N-No, Alpha Type."

I sigh, lightly touching Tharn's arm. Tharn stands up straight so that he's no longer leaning over the trembling elder. He looks out over the room of elders, all of whom have fallen silent.

"Can will be the next Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack," Tharn announces firmly. "End of discussion."

"You're dismissed," I tell them, and they all rise from their seats before walking out of the pack house. I turn to my mate, frowning at the exhaustion on his face. Reaching up, I rub his back soothingly. "Don't let them get to you."

Tharn grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. "I won't. Nothing can ruin this day."

I smile at him, leaning in to quickly peck him on the lips. "Is everything set for tonight?"

Tharn nods his head. "Can is spending the weekend with Champ and Team since he's able to hang out with Tin. I've prepared everything else, so you don't have to worry about a thing."

I hum with a small smile, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him to me. Our lips clash together, and Tharn growls into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around my waist, Tharn holds me tightly as my tongue roams his mouth greedily. All too soon, I break the kiss, pressing my hands against his chest to keep him from coming back for more.

"Save it for tonight," I wink at him before sauntering away.

"Fucking tease," I hear Tharn growl behind me, making me chuckle.

Only a few hours later, we're stuffing our bags into the back of our car. Can clings to my arm as he buries his face into my chest.

"Text me when you get there so I know you're safe, okay dad?" Can requests, making me chuckle.

"You're starting to sound like you're the parent instead of me," I tease, ruffling his hair. "We'll be okay, don't worry. Be good for Uncle Team and Uncle Champ, okay? And don't fight too much with Tin."

Can grumbles something that sort of sounds like an agreement before turning to Tharn and hugging him tight. "Bye, dad. See you in a few days."

Tharn returns the hug, lifting Can off the ground and making him squeak. With a laugh, Tharn sets Can back on the ground and helps put the final bag in the car. After making sure Can gets to Team and Champ's without an issue, we head off to our weekend location.


"It's still as breathtaking as I remember," I note, looking around the resort that we visited eleven years ago today.

Eleven years have passed since Tharn and I marked each other. One of the best nights of my life; unforgettable and irreplaceable. To celebrate our anniversary, Tharn suggested we spend the weekend at the same resort we were at when we completed the mating process.

"As are you," Tharn grins before kissing my cheek.

I roll my eyes, but I can't hold back my smile. "So fucking cheesy."

It doesn't matter how many years have passed. Tharn always manages to make my cheeks blush, the butterflies flutter, and my dick hard.

Tharn smiles and takes my hand, leading us up to our suite. The decor has changed over the years, but it's still one of the most special places in my heart. It's the place Tharn became mine forever, and I gave myself completely to him.

Our bags hit the floor and not even a second later, Tharn's hands are gripping my waist. His lips find my neck, making me moan from the skillful use of his tongue across my skin.

"Tharn," I groan, yet I still tilt my neck to give him more access. "W-We have to unpack."

"Later," he growls, moving a hand up my shirt to run his fingertips over my nipples.

"We h-have dinner reservations," I remind him while panting from his pleasurably attacks on my body.

"We have time," Tharn says, grinding against me from behind. "It's been too long since I've fucked you without worrying about our son hearing, or a member of the pack needing assistance. I'm going to have my way with you tonight, and I'm not going to stop until you're screaming from pleasure."

A moan slips past my lips at the promise, and I melt back into my mate. Tharn spins me around, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a kiss so deep that I'm left gasping for air. Our lips know exactly how to move together, creating a harmonious dance of love and lust.

Tharn's hands roughly grab my ass, pulling me forward and crashing our pelvises together. I whimper at the feeling of his already hardened cock against me; the desperation for him to fill me growing rapidly.

"Tharn, please," I mewl, wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing my own erection against him.

He gets the message, dragging his hands down to my thighs and lifting me up. My legs wrap around his waist as he carries us over to the bed.

A gasp escapes me as my back hits the soft mattress, causing me to bounce a bit. Tharn stands at the edge of the bed, slowly stripping off his clothes. My mouth waters at the sight of his thick cock, already leaking with precum. I scramble to my knees and crawl to the edge of the bed, grasping his length in my hand. I flick my tongue out, moaning at how sweet his precum tastes.

I flatten my tongue over his slit before sucking the head of his cock into my mouth. Tharn groans, his hand finding my hair and tugging roughly. I moan around his cock, absolutely loving the feeling of my mate dominating me in this way.

"Fuck, Type," Tharn groans as I continue to focus on the swollen head. "You tease me too much, baby. Your mouth feels too fucking good."

I hum at the praise, slowly taking more of his cock into my mouth. I take him in agonizingly slowly, looking up at him with innocent eyes. I need to keep pushing him, drive him crazy until he takes control of the situation.

His cock is only halfway into my mouth when I stop, swirling my tongue around his length. Tharn pants breathlessly, his eyes flashing between gold and chocolate as pleasure overwhelms him.

Frustrated that he has yet to take me as roughly as he promised, I pull back and pout as innocently as I could, tilting my head to the side as I add a slight arch to my back.

"Will you please fuck my mouth, Alpha?"

An earth-shaking growl ripples from Tharn's chest before he grabs the back of my head, shoving his thick cock down my throat. I choke initially before relaxing my throat, allowing him to easily push his entire length in and out of my mouth.

My eyes water from the pleasure of Tharn fucking my mouth. I quickly unzip my pants, pulling my own length out and stroking myself.

Tharn suddenly pulls his cock out of my mouth, and I look up at him in confusion. Before I can even ask, Tharn pushes me back onto the bed.

The sound of fabric tearing fills the room as Tharn rips my clothes off, leaving me exposed to him. I stretch out on the bed, spreading my legs as Tharn watches me with hungry eyes.

"Stunning," Tharn praises with a slight growl, his hand trailing over my leg. "Absolutely stunning."

Tharn grips my hips and flips me over before pulling my ass to the edge of the bed. My vision whitens momentarily when I feel his lips press against my entrance, and my slick begins to drip down my thighs.

His tongue breeches my hole, and I cry out as his wet muscle pushes in and out of me.

"Tharn— fuck!" I mewl, grabbing the sheets beneath me in my fists.

He withdraws his tongue before licking a strip from my balls to my hole, causing my legs to shake.

"Tell me what you want, pup," Tharn demands, blowing cool air against my quivering hole.

"Y-You!" I choke out, pushing my ass back toward him. "I want you to fuck me with your thick cock. Take me over and over until your cock is all I can think about. Please, I need your inside of me!"

Tharn's heat vanishes, making me whine from the lack of contact. I turn my head to see him grabbing a cup from the kitchen and filling it with.... something, but I can't tell what it is.

He returns, setting the cup beneath the bed, out of sight. Before I can ask what he was doing, he roughly shoves two fingers in me, and I collapse back onto the bed.

The feeling of his long digits sweeping into my channel makes my balls tighten, and I know I'm merely seconds away from releasing.

"Tharn, please, I'm so close," I plead, sweat causing my black hair to stick to my forehead.

"Cum for me, pup," Tharn growls, pressing his fingers to my prostate. My body spasms as I cry out, my release shooting out onto the bed. Tharn rolls me over as I try to catch my breath. "You're so fucking sexy," Tharn whispers lowly. "Look at you, already so fucked out when we've barely begun."

Tharn pushes my legs up to my chest, and I wrap my hands under my thighs to keep my legs in place. Tharn rewards this by nipping at the inside of my thigh, making me whimper with need.

Something cold suddenly touches my hole, and I yelp as my eyes widen.

"What the hell?" I ask, craning my neck to see what he's doing.

The cup from before is in his hand, and I can now see that it's filled with ice. Tharn smirks at me as he takes a piece of ice between his fingers, rubbing it against my hole.

"W-What are you doing?" I question, trying and failing to hold back the moans at the strange pleasure the ice brings.

"Just enjoy, my love," Tharn simply answers with a smile before pushing the ice past my ring.

"O-oh s-shit," I stammer, my eyes rolling back as Tharn pushes the ice deeper inside of me.

"Are you ready for me, Type?" Tharn checks as he positions his cock at my entrance.

I nod enthusiastically, holding my legs tighter to my chest to welcome him inside of me.

The head of Tharn's cock pushes into me, and I gasp at the feeling of his cock filling me up as he glides into me.

"Tharn, baby, oh fuck," I whimper, tangling my fingers into his hair.

His cock pushes the ice in deeper until it's pressing against my prostate, and I can't hold back the moans and pleas that are pouring past my lips like a faucet.

He pulls back before thrusting back in, taking me just as hard and rough as he promised. My toes curl as he plunges in and out of me at a back-breaking pace.

Streams of curses fly from my mouth as I wrap my arms around Tharn's neck, pulling him down to me and crashing our lips together. 

Our moans float back and forth between our open mouths, nearly being drowned out by the wet sounds coming from Tharn's cock thrusting in and out of my tight entrance.

My body bounces on the mattress from the brutal pace at which Tharn fucks me. Tears of pleasure begin to roll down my cheeks as I grow needier and needier for my mate.

"Tharn, I need, ah, I need you to—"

"I know, baby, I got you," Tharn soothes. Tingles of excitement shoot through me when I see his canines extending. His teeth scrape against my mark, making me shiver before I do the same.

My release hits me hard the moment Tharn sinks his teeth into my mark, and I scream as stream after stream of cum shoots from my pulsing cock.

I force myself to take a deep breath before sinking my teeth into Tharn's mark in return. The most beautiful cries leave Tharn's mouth as he shoots his cum into me, filling me to the brim with his hot release.

Tharn collapses on top of me, but still holds himself up on his arms so he's not crushing me. His lips brush over my skin, glistening from sweat, before he presses tender kisses to my neck.

"I love you so much," Tharn whispers. My already heated body warms up even more, and I rub my nose against Tharn's forehead.

"I love you too, baby. So fucking much," I promise, nuzzling into him.

Tharn wraps his arms around me, rolling us over so that I'm on top of him. I rest my head on his chest, resting my hands on his firm pecks.

We laze around on the bed, Tharn tracing his fingertips up and down my bare back as I listen to the rhythm of his beating heart.

"We need to get ready for dinner," Tharn reminds me, but makes no effort to move.

"Let's order in," I suggest, snuggling into his chest. "I want to stay just like this. With you."

"Okay," Tharn smiles, kissing the top of my head.

And so we stay together on the large bed, neither of us wanting to separate. We have all the time in the world to worry about other things. For now, we're perfectly happy to stay wrapped together, soaking in each other's presence.

I love Tharn with every fiber of my being, and I will continue to love him for the rest of our lives, and perhaps even beyond that.

He's my other half, my lover, my best friend, and my mate. And I thank the Moon Goddess every day for blessing me with Tharn.

"So," Tharn starts, looking down at me with a grin. "Round two?"

I smile and straddle him, grinding against his growing erection. "Do you even have to ask?"

The End



P.S. - the ice thing was inspired from the novel!

Stay tuned for the afterword (which has questions for you guys!) and the extras!

Bye, babies!!

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