Monster (Marvel Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

1.4M 46.4K 27K

Y/N L/N doesn't know much about his family or where he came from. All he knows is that he's lived in New York... More

Origin of a Boy
Testing Pt. 1
Testing Pt. 2
Testing Pt. 3
The Next Avengers
Life in The Tower Pt. 1
Life in The Tower Pt. 2
Life in The Tower Pt. 3
First Mission Pt. 1
First Mission Pt. 2
Crossing a Black Cat
Small Time Heroes Pt. 1
Small Time Heroes Pt. 2
Small Time Heros Pt. 3
Capture the Flag
Viv The Human Pt. 1
Viv the Human Pt. 2
Viv the Human Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 1
Avengers Tower Pt. 2
Avengers Tower Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 4
Morning Chat
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 1
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 2
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 3
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 4
Welcome Back
Under the Surface Pt. 1
Under the Surface Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 1
School Days Pt. 3
Team Shorts
Midtown High's Podcast
Venom's Child
Blood Tests
The Archer and The Monster
Gwen's Music Pt. 1
Gwen's Music Pt. 2
Gwen's Music Pt. 3
A Hero's Dilemma
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up With Monster and Wasp Pt. 1
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up with Monster and Wasp Pt. 2
The Monster's Goals
A Cat's Confession
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 1
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 2
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 3
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 4
The Tokyo Mission
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 1
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 2
The Big Heroes of Japan
Quentin Beck
The Monster's Doom
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 1
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 2
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 3
The Monster's Victory
A Little Problem
Confronting a Friend
The Monster's Friends
The Master of Illusions Vs. The Monster of Power
Nadia's Confession
An Old Friend
Team Shorts #2
The Godfather
Investing With The Moon Pt. 1
Investing With The Moon Pt. 2
Investing With The Moon Pt. 3
The Strikers
Absolute Carnage Pt. 1
Absolute Carnage Pt. 2
Absolute Carnage Pt. 3
Family Training
A Runaway
Hail Bones
The Duo
Break Down The Walls
What We Left Behind
In The Desert
The New Strikers
The Restless Monster
Canadian Bros
A New Family Member
A Rather Odd Addition
The Old Monster
The Return Home
Late Night Food Run Pt. 1
Late Night Food Run Pt. 2
Late Night Food Run Pt. 3
Late Night Food Run Pt. 4
Late Night Food Run Pt. 5
Boys Night Out
A New Oppent Arrives
Time Trouble Pt. 1
Time Trouble Pt. 2
Time Trouble Pt. 3
Time Trouble Pt 4
1922 Pt. 1
1922 Pt. 2
1922 Pt. 3
Intermission 1
1969 Pt. 1
1969 Pt. 2
1969 Pt. 3
Intermission 2
1950's Pt. 1
1950's Pt. 2
1950's Pt. 3
Intermisson 3
Team Shorts #3
The Future Avengers
The Dark Future
The Future Tyrant
The Elites
Road to Freedom
Breaking In to Break Out
The Preparation
Future Fight
The Monster of Power Vs. The Emperor Of Power
Kang The Conqueror
The Bad Truth
From The Basics Pt. 1
From The Basics Pt. 2
From The Basics Pt. 3
From The Basics Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 1
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 2
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 3
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 5
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 6
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 7
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 8
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 9
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 10
Celebrity Status Pt. 1
Celebrity Status Pt. 2
Tense Reunions
Reed Richards Pt. 1
Reed Richards Pt. 2
Reed Richards Pt. 3
Godslayer Protocol
The Monster's Mission
Monster in Space
Knowhere Pt. 1
Knowhere Pt. 2
The Story of The Iron Fist
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 1
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 2
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 3
The Story of The Ghost Rider
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 1
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 2
The Story of The Black Cat
The Trip To Asgard
The Story of The Android
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 1
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 2
The Collector
The Story of The Runaway
Sakaar Pt. 1
Sakaar Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 1
Once Upon A Time Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 3
Once Upon A Time Pt. 4
Once Upon A Time Pt. 5
The Gladiator Pt. 1
The Gladiator Pt. 2
The Gladiator Pt 3
The Gladiator Pt 4
The Story of The Illusionist
Last Wishes
The All-Father Vs. The Godslayer
The New King Of Asgard
Declaration of War
The War Council Pt. 1
The War Council Pt. 2
The War Council Pt. 3
The War Council Pt. 4
The Knights and The Children Pt. 1
The Knights and The Children Pt. 2
The Knights and The Children Pt. 3
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 1
Team Shorts #4
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 2
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 3
The War of The Realms

School Days Pt. 2

12.3K 402 389
By IvanBullock

Ok. So maybe school wasn't as great as it looked on TV. The classes were just long introductions and the teachers were way to serious. Even your classmates seemed stale.

Y/N: Super Life Syndrome.

Venom: What?

Y/N: That's what I'm going to call it. Super Life Syndrome. Because our lives are usually filled with excitement, normal stuff like going to school is boring.

Yeah. That will be your reasoning. You were at least thankful to have two classes with Miles and one with Danny. And, maybe unfortunately, you had one with that Gwendolyn girl from earlier. She just kept staring at you which was very uncomfortable. Even Venom was starting to get unnerved. Seriously. What the hell was her problem?

Thankfully lunch finally came. You were lucky enough to get the same lunch period as Gwen, Miles, Danny, Kitty, and Felicia. You paid for your food and walked out to the busy cafeteria. That's a lot of people. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

Venom: Do you have ssssocial anxiety or ssssomething?

Y/N: I'm just not good with big crowds.

You calmed down and slowly made your way past the chattering students. You can do this. You can. Just stay calm and focus on finding your friends. Your senses went off and you stopped walking. You looked up and saw a boy with a grin. He was just looking at you.

???: I've never seen you around here before.

Venom: I don't like thisss guy.

You didn't either. The look in his eye and that grin. He just looked like a bad guy. Maybe someone arrested his dad at one point. You heard the sound of heals and turned to see Felicia walking towards you. Oh, no. That look was Cat.

Cat: Leave him alone Cletus.

Cletus: I was just introducing myself. There's no harm in that is there?

You felt your eye twitch at the way he was eyeing her. He wasn't even trying to hide it either. Felicia grabbed your hand and pulled you away. You looked back at the boy around your shoulder. He was waving with that same grin.

Cat: Stay away from him.

You turned back to Cat who looked beyond furious.

Y/N: I mean, he's creepy so I was going to stay away anyway. Why do you not want me around him?

Cat didn't answer. She pushed her way through the crowd like it was nothing until you could see your friends. She kept pulling you along though.

Venom: Table isss that way.

Y/N: I can see that.

Cat lead you out of the cafeteria and looked around to make sure no one was around. She reached up and kissed you which surprised you.

Y/N: Uh...

Cat: I've been wanting to do that since this morning. The school isn't very friendly when it comes to PDA. I brought you here to talk to you.

Y/N: Alright. What's up?

Cat: That guy, Cletus, is bad news. He's not right in the head. I, I really don't want you around him.

Was she scared? Cat was scared. Then again Venom even said something about him. That look in his eye was what bothered you. He was just looking at you. He triggered your senses. That meant he had some kind of malicious intent.

That wasn't the problem you should be focusing on. Your girlfriend was clearly worried which made you feel like you had to do something.

Y/N: Alright. I'll stay away. I promise.

You gave an assuring smile to show her you were being serious. She attempted to smile but continued to shake. Was this guy that bad? You almost wanted to look into it but you just gave your word.

Cat: Ok. I'll let you get to your friends now. Felicia has some stuff she needs to do anyway.

You said your goodbye and headed back into the cafeteria. You spotted your friends and headed over.

Miles: There you are. I was starting to think you got lost.

You placed your tray down onto the table and sat down. You scanned the crowd for that Cletus guy but found that he was gone.

Danny: Are you ok? You seem disturbed. Like a mouse watching for an owl.

Kitty: That's dark.

Y/N: I'm fine. Sorry it took me a bit. I was talking to Felicia.

Venom: "Talking"

Gwen: Why did he say it like that?

Y/N: Cause it's Venom.

Venom was already reaching his arm out of your jacket to grab a tater tot. You all fell into conversation talking about your first day, Danny seemed to have gotten hit on several girls, and what you were going to do after school. You heard what sounded like someone coming to a halt and Venom cringed.

Gwendolyn: If it isn't my new friend.

She slammed her tray down next to you and took a seat. Miles let his head drop to the table while Gwen smiled.

Gwen: Hey Gwen.

Gwendolyn: Hey Gwen.

You looked between the two of them and sighed. Kitty even looked mildly confused. You flicked a tater tot towards her which she caught in her mouth.

Gwen: So you two already met?

Gwendolyn: In the hall this morning. It was one of those cliché meetings. Nothing special.

Y/N: Seriously, what are you talking about?

Gwen laughed.

Gwen: Y/N, Gwendolyn here is a hero like us. She's known as Gwenpool.

Y/N: What kind of name is that?

Gwendolyn: You have a cooler one Mr. Protagonist?

Y/N: Definitely not that. I don't have a "name" yet.

Gwendolyn: Well what can you do?

Kitty: Maybe the two of you can talk about this later. When you aren't in public. Or near me. Please.

You sighed before dropping your head to the table. Venom grabbed another tot and nibbled on it under your shirt. You heard someone drop something and turned to see a boy getting picked on.

Gwendolyn: Oh. We're already at that scene. Alright Mr. Protagonist, time for you to shine.

You were going to get a headache just listening to her talk. You got up to help the kid but Danny grabbed your arm.

Danny: Maybe you should sit this one out. We can't use our powers in public.

Miles: Plus that's Eli Bradley. The star quarterback. If you mess with him you'll end up committing social suicide.

Y/N: Good thing I have no idea what that is.

You stood up and headed over to where the big guy, Eli, was messing with the kid who looked to be in your grade. He definitely wasn't built like a fighter. He was short and scrawny. Eli pushed him again and swiped his apple away.

Eli: Thanks for the lunch point dexter.

There's the unbelievable bully.

???: T-that's m-m-mine.

Eli: What're you gonna do about with Beck? Go home and whine to your daddy? Maybe that cute girlfriend you got will come help.

Eli's friends started to laugh while Beck kid looked just about ready to break down into tears. Eli went to bite the apple only to find it missing. You handed the fruit back to Beck and turned back around.

Y/N: Hi there. I don't think we've met yet. I'm Y/N.

Eli looked at you for a moment before crossing his arms.

Eli: I saw you walking around with Felicia Hardy this morning. You got some balls to step up to me kid.

Y/N: And you got none to pick on this kid.

Venom: Finally. Ssssome sssmack talk. Give him hell kid.

Eli seemed surprised at the retort before unrolling his arms.

Eli: Last chance. I don't care if you know Felicia or not. I will kick your ass into next Tuesday.

Y/N: I don't care if I know Felicia or not either. I'll kick your ass into next month.

The two of your glared at each other. You didn't back down. It was quiet. Everyone had their eyes on the two of you to see what would happen next. Finally Eli let up and turned away.

Eli: Whatever.

He and his friends left while shooting looks at you.

Venom: You better run you punksss. Now let'sss take thisss kid'sss money.

Y/N: What?! No! We stepped in to help him. The hell Venom?

Venom: I like money.

You turned back around to the kid who was looking at his apple. He looked up at you and awkwardly smiled.

Beck: T-thanks.

Y/N: No problem. You ok? They didn't rough you up too much did they?

Beck: N-no. I-I n-never h-had a-anyone h-help m-me l-like t-that b-before.

Oh he had a stutter. A really bad one to. Yikes.

Y/N: Like I said, no problem. What's your name?

Beck: Q-quentin. Q-quentin B-beck.

You shook his hand.

Y/N: Nice to meet you Quentin.

He seemed to calm down a bit.

Quentin: You t-to. What's your n-name?

So his stutter was only bad when he's scared or nervous. Good to know.

Y/N: Y/N. I just transferred here.

Suddenly his eyes grew wide.

Quentin: Then y-you aren't a-apart of any c-clubs?!

You shook your head. He quickly dug around in his bag and pulled out a piece of paper.

Quentin: T-then would y-you like to join the f-film club?

Y/N: What's that?

Quentin: W-well e-every f-friday after school, w-we meet up a-and watch movies. W-we then t-talk about t-them and p-post it online. W-we have 106 s-subs.

That sounds like it could be fun. You liked watching TV anyway. Plus this could be a good way to come up with new moves.

Venom: I vote no.

Y/N: Why?

Venom: Thisss kid isss a nerd who likesss watching moviesss for fun. He looksss like sssomeone who wearsss a fedora becauszze he thinksss it lookssss cool.

Y/N: Like movies. I'm a nerd.

Venom: But you're a cool nerd with a hot girlfriend.

Y/N: Did you really have to add that last part?

Venom: She is.

You ignored him and took the flyer from Quentin.

Y/N: I'd love to. Where and when do you all meet?

Quentin: R-right. W-we start a-around 7 w-when Nadia g-gets o-o-off of work.

Y/N: Who's Nadia?

Quentin: The other m-member.

There were only two? Well that would work out great. You were awful in a big crowd so maybe just having two other people could make you a bit more comfortable. Especially if they're normal people.

Y/N: Eli said something about your girlfriend helping you. Is that her?

Quentin began to blush.

Quentin: A-actually i-i'm s-single. S-she's j-j-just a g-good f-friend.

Y/N: Oh. Sorry for assuming.

Venom: Like thisss dork can get a girl.

Quentin: O-oh. And i-if you ever n-need to f-fine me I'm u-usually in the f-film room.

Y/N: You spend a lot of time there?

Quentin nodded. Looks like you made a new friend.

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