Monster (Marvel Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

1.4M 47.3K 27.4K

Y/N L/N doesn't know much about his family or where he came from. All he knows is that he's lived in New York... More

Origin of a Boy
Testing Pt. 1
Testing Pt. 2
Testing Pt. 3
The Next Avengers
Life in The Tower Pt. 1
Life in The Tower Pt. 2
Life in The Tower Pt. 3
First Mission Pt. 1
First Mission Pt. 2
Crossing a Black Cat
Small Time Heroes Pt. 1
Small Time Heroes Pt. 2
Small Time Heros Pt. 3
Capture the Flag
Viv The Human Pt. 1
Viv the Human Pt. 2
Viv the Human Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 1
Avengers Tower Pt. 2
Avengers Tower Pt. 3
Avengers Tower Pt. 4
Morning Chat
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 1
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 2
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 3
Adventures with Felicia Pt. 4
Welcome Back
Under the Surface Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 1
School Days Pt. 2
School Days Pt. 3
Team Shorts
Midtown High's Podcast
Venom's Child
Blood Tests
The Archer and The Monster
Gwen's Music Pt. 1
Gwen's Music Pt. 2
Gwen's Music Pt. 3
A Hero's Dilemma
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up With Monster and Wasp Pt. 1
Gwenpool's Totally Cool Team Up with Monster and Wasp Pt. 2
The Monster's Goals
A Cat's Confession
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 1
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 2
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 3
Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 4
The Tokyo Mission
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 1
Trouble in Tokyo Pt. 2
The Big Heroes of Japan
Quentin Beck
The Monster's Doom
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 1
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 2
Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 3
The Monster's Victory
A Little Problem
Confronting a Friend
The Monster's Friends
The Master of Illusions Vs. The Monster of Power
Nadia's Confession
An Old Friend
Team Shorts #2
The Godfather
Investing With The Moon Pt. 1
Investing With The Moon Pt. 2
Investing With The Moon Pt. 3
The Strikers
Absolute Carnage Pt. 1
Absolute Carnage Pt. 2
Absolute Carnage Pt. 3
Family Training
A Runaway
Hail Bones
The Duo
Break Down The Walls
What We Left Behind
In The Desert
The New Strikers
The Restless Monster
Canadian Bros
A New Family Member
A Rather Odd Addition
The Old Monster
The Return Home
Late Night Food Run Pt. 1
Late Night Food Run Pt. 2
Late Night Food Run Pt. 3
Late Night Food Run Pt. 4
Late Night Food Run Pt. 5
Boys Night Out
A New Oppent Arrives
Time Trouble Pt. 1
Time Trouble Pt. 2
Time Trouble Pt. 3
Time Trouble Pt 4
1922 Pt. 1
1922 Pt. 2
1922 Pt. 3
Intermission 1
1969 Pt. 1
1969 Pt. 2
1969 Pt. 3
Intermission 2
1950's Pt. 1
1950's Pt. 2
1950's Pt. 3
Intermisson 3
Team Shorts #3
The Future Avengers
The Dark Future
The Future Tyrant
The Elites
Road to Freedom
Breaking In to Break Out
The Preparation
Future Fight
The Monster of Power Vs. The Emperor Of Power
Kang The Conqueror
The Bad Truth
From The Basics Pt. 1
From The Basics Pt. 2
From The Basics Pt. 3
From The Basics Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 1
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 2
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 3
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 4
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 5
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 6
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 7
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 8
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 9
Battle Of The Champions Pt. 10
Celebrity Status Pt. 1
Celebrity Status Pt. 2
Tense Reunions
Reed Richards Pt. 1
Reed Richards Pt. 2
Reed Richards Pt. 3
Godslayer Protocol
The Monster's Mission
Monster in Space
Knowhere Pt. 1
Knowhere Pt. 2
The Story of The Iron Fist
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 1
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 2
The Morons of the Galaxy Pt. 3
The Story of The Ghost Rider
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 1
The Outcast Asgardian Pt. 2
The Story of The Black Cat
The Trip To Asgard
The Story of The Android
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 1
Arrival to Asgard Pt. 2
The Collector
The Story of The Runaway
Sakaar Pt. 1
Sakaar Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 1
Once Upon A Time Pt. 2
Once Upon A Time Pt. 3
Once Upon A Time Pt. 4
Once Upon A Time Pt. 5
The Gladiator Pt. 1
The Gladiator Pt. 2
The Gladiator Pt 3
The Gladiator Pt 4
The Story of The Illusionist
Last Wishes
The All-Father Vs. The Godslayer
The New King Of Asgard
Declaration of War
The War Council Pt. 1
The War Council Pt. 2
The War Council Pt. 3
The War Council Pt. 4
The Knights and The Children Pt. 1
The Knights and The Children Pt. 2
The Knights and The Children Pt. 3
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 1
Team Shorts #4
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 2
The Neiffleheim War Pt. 3
The War of The Realms

Under the Surface Pt. 1

13.7K 411 104
By IvanBullock

You woke up more sore than ever. You chest was still numb from getting shot. When you looked down you found that you had a scar from where you were hit. Looks like your healing factor didn't heal fast enough. Your body also felt colder. Was it because your fire wasn't as hot anymore? You remembered you were in Miles' room and got up. You stumbled to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't look so good. You splashed your face with water and sighed. You were still a bit rattled from last night.

You left Miles' room and headed to yours. On your way there you ended up passing by Laura's room. Her door opened and she shuffled out. She noticed you causing you to stop. She was in the living room when Riri carried you back last night. Widow filled her in on everything that had happened. She was smiling now.

Laura: So you're still alive huh?

You turned to face her causing her smile to disappear.

Laura: God you look like shit.

Y/N: Thanks.

You passed her and entered your room before she could say anything. You ended up changing clothes before sighing. You were still shirtless when Venom woke up.

Venom: How are you feeling? The drug isss ssstill in your sssyssstem.

Y/N: I feel like crap.

You looked down at your hand and tried to ignite it. It only sparked a bit which burnt your hand. You watched the burn slowly heal. You looked at your other hand and tried to summon ice. Most of it ended up melting. You got rid of it and tried to use your claws. You tried to force them out and got half way there before they forced their way back in. You sighed and placed your hand on the wall. You just couldn't phase through. You walked over to the desk and tried to lift it. You barely got it off the ground.

You let it drop before falling against the wall. You slid down and sighed. So your powers were really drain for the time being. Looks like you might have to wait it out. It didn't help that you felt sick to your stomach as well. Your skin was a bit pale to.

Venom: Maybe you ssshould ressst today.

Widow: I agree with the alien.

You looked over to see Widow standing there with her arms crossed. She was holding a file. She walked over to you and handed you the folder. You opened it and noticed it was about the bullet.

Widow: That drug that's in your system is somehow preventing all of your powers. Your cells are now moving slower and you're getting sicker. You're out of commission until it's gone.

Y/N: How long will that take?

Widow: Who knows? A week at most is what Banner is guessing.

A week? This week is going to be a long week. You looked back at the file and felt your head start to hurt again. You sat back down and shook your head.

Venom: He'sss having another headache.

Widow: Then it's settled. You're going to rest until it's completely out of your system.

Great. You rolled your eyes and dragged yourself to your closet. You opened the door and climbed in. You rolled to your side and closed the door. Widow watched this and felt almost bad. She knew that you were unfit to run missions. Your powers weren't working and you were drugged. She'd be an awful human being. It didn't help that your room was still bare after being here for as long as you've been.

Maybe you didn't feel welcomed? She wondered if you were just uncomfortable. She had an idea to cheer you up and headed out. Inside your closet, you were pulling a blanket over you. You waited until she closed the door before you sat up and pulled out your phone.

Venom: What are you doing?

Y/N: I read the entire report. The drug had traces of a chemical on Roosevelt Island. Whatever that bastard shot me with, it was made there. I'm going to check it out.

Venom: I do not approve of thisss! You are ill and unable to fight!

You opened the door and crawled out. You grabbed your gear and pulled on your scarf.

Y/N: I'll be fine. I have you if I run into anything.

Venom: And how are you going to get there?

Y/N: You're going to swing me. Cover me up. Or whatever it is you do.

Venom: Thisss isss a bad idea.

Y/N: I know. We need answers.

You opened your window and looked around to make sure no one was looking out or any bad guys were around. You climbed onto the ledge and closed your window. You then looked down below. Since your healing factor wasn't working so well, this drop would definitely kill you.

Y/N: God I hope this works.

You took a deep breath and leaned forward. As you fell you felt Venom spread through your body. Once he completely covered you, he shot out black fluid and swung down the street. Good. You didn't die. You continued to swing down the street while looking at your phone. Venom was mostly in control so you were able to look down.

You were unaware that someone did actually see you leave. A particular black cat who smirked once she got an idea.
You finally made it to the bridge and pearched yourself on top. You looked around and heard the sounds of someone flying. You quickly dropped down and had Venom hide back under your shirt. You quickly hid behind a hotdog cart. You looked up and saw none other than Iron Man fly by. That was a close one. You then looked over to the island.

Y/N: I can't just swing across can I?

Venom: No. We can sssswim.

You nodded and walked over to the drop off. You looked around before jumping over. Venom covered you before you hit the water. You found yourself gliding through the water. You reached the island shortly after and you leaped onshore. You ducked behind some trees and changed back to normal. You began to look around.

Y/N: Hey Venom, do you think you can track the chemicals using the ones in my body?

Venom: Give me a minute.

You began to walk around, trying to not get seen, while looking around. You ended up standing in one place and looked up at the trees. This place was very calming. Too bad it might get destroyed. You heard the tree behind you shake and Venom covered you. You turned around ready to fight.

Black Cat: Hey there handsome. I'm liking the new look.

She leaped down from the tree and approached you. Your senses weren't going off. Damn it.

Black Cat: I'm not here to fight. I saw you swinging through town and I was wondering if you needed help.

Y/N: Why would you want to help me?

Black Cat: Call it entertainment. So what are you looking for?

You weren't going to tell her you were near powerless.

Y/N: I'm looking for a lab of some kind. Somewhere drugs could be made.

Black Cat smiled.

Black Cat: I think I know a place.
You were both hiding in a tree looking at the building across the street. Hammer Industries. Weren't they rivals with Stark Industries? You think you saw it on a newspaper somewhere.

Black Cat: Word on the street is that the CEO is working with some shady organizations.

Y/N: Do all criminals know about each other?

Black Cat shot you a look telling you to shut up. You just smirked, showing off the row of sharp teeth, before turning back to the building.

Y/N: How are we going to get in?

It was her turn to smile.
Y/N: I'm not breaking into a building with a criminal right now.

Black Cat: Suck it up buttercup.

The two of you were sneaking through the halls trying to not be seen.

Y/N: Hey Venom, can you sense anything yet?

Venom: It'sss getting sssstronger. It feelsss like it'ssss below usss.

You looked around before you spotted a man in a lab coat enter an elevator. He used a key card.

Y/N: We need one of those.

Black Cat: Already ahead of you.

She lifted up a green card with a smirk. Maybe she could be useful. You both moved to the elevator where she used the card. It opened and you both stepped in. You used the card again and the elevator began to descend.

As you stood their in silence, your phone went off. You slid it out and looked at the caller ID. Viv. You closed it. It rang again. Widow. Shit. You closed it again. It rang one more time and you just turned it off.

Black Cat: Someone's popular.

Y/N: Just some co workers checking in.

That sounded harsh. You were hoping Viv wasn't able to track you right now. The elevator came to a stop and you both stepped out.

Black Cat: Oh

Y/N: My.

Venom: God isssn't real.

Black Cat glared at you. You just shrugged. Before you was a lab unlike any you have ever seen. Men in yellow suits were working on various things from drugs to weapons.

Black Cat: A.I.M.

Y/N: Who are they?

Black Cat: Advanced Idea Mechanics. Think evil scientists.

Evil scientists making drugs that can take away powers and weapons. Sounds like a fun time. You both snuck around before climbing up the wall. You watched from the shadows as the men worked. A door opened and two people walked out.

Andrew Forson: What's the word regarding the Anti-Cells?

Sunspot: We got great feedback. That rugrat we had shot last night only fought with 40% of his power. He should only have 20% at most right now.

Forson: Perfect. Seems that everything is going according to plan.

They walked down the aisle of men working as you watched.

Black Cat: He shoot someone you know?

You sighed.

Y/N: Yeah. Uh, me.

She suddenly looked at you worried. She grabbed your shoulder and looked you over which confused you.

Y/N: What are you doing?!

Black Cat: You were shot last night and you're already working?! Are you insane? They said you only have 20% of your power right now!

You pushed her off of yourself and straighten out your uniform.

Y/N: I'm fine. This stuff I'm covered in is giving me the strength I need.

You turned back to the labs and looked to where the men entered. You began to crawl on the wall while Black Cat followed. You found a vent and opened it up. You were now in the enclosed space with Black Cat a bit too close for comfort. You were so glad Felicia and Cat didn't know about this.

Black Cat: I hate places like this.

Y/N: You could always leave.

Black Cat: Jerk.

You both peeked through the vent and looked into the room. You found Forson and Sunspot talking about something. You looked closer and saw that it was something about a project.

Black Cat: God Slayer? Could they get any lamer?

You rolled your eyes before squinting them. You also listened in to try and figure out what was going on.

Forson: The project was originally thought to be a failure. We hired someone to get rid of any loose ends but it appears that he missed the most important one.

Sunspot: You hired a moron to do a simple job.

Forson: To be fair, the target was the only product of the project.

What were they talking about? What was this project?

Forson: Moving on...


Forson: Do you have word on our little problem?

Sunspot started to laugh before clicking an image on screen.

Black Cat: One of yours?

Y/N: No. Yours?

She shook her head.

Sunspot: The Wasp won't be a problem for much long.

The Wasp? Wasn't she yellow or something? She also looked a lot younger. Who the hell is this chick?

Forson: Good. We should finish that new batch of Anti-Cells.

New batch?! This can't be good. You needed to do something. If these could do what they did to you, there's no telling what they could do to the other Heroes.

Venom: If we move now, we can reach them before they do.

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go.

You turned back to Black Cat and signaled her to follow. Looks like you were on the search for drugs. Not the fun kind either.

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