The Stand In

Door newbiegac2015

62.5K 2.3K 383

"What do I want?" I ask sucking in a breath. Zak's eyes seem to glow, even in the low lighting. Between his b... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 [m]
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 37

1.4K 50 25
Door newbiegac2015

I yelp as teeth sink into my foot, only for them to disappear and a kiss to seal over it. Zak was a foot man, each to their own but I hated feet, with a passion!

After a wonderful afternoon spent in the bedroom, I was now led on my front, the wrong way in the bed, on Zak's laptop. Whilst he has a rest against the headboard, I'd taken the cuffs off about 20 minutes ago, after his struggling made me think that he was going to break the bed.

"Put the laptop down and get back up here."

"Working." I tell him as he begins to move. The breath in my lungs is huffed out of me as he covers his body with mine and nuzzles in my neck.

"That's not work."

"It is a little bit." I answer, trying not to get distracted as he moves my hair aside and begins exploring my neck and shoulders. The little bites and kisses were slowly pulling me away from what was on the screen.

"Put it down..." He coaxed, his hand shifting down my bare back.


He growls and bites my shoulder harder making me laugh.

"Look, I am trying to find a recipe to feed you here."

"I don't need food. I got you at the moment. You smell amazing."

"I probably smell gross."

"Apples." He notes. "Shampoo... But your skin..."

"That my friend, is coconut oil moisturiser."

He hums "Perfect."

"How is your wrists?" I ask taking his hand to inspect the marks.

"Better now, you evil woman." He replies moving the sheet and pulling one of my legs up at an angle. "Who knew you could be so cruel?"


"Yes?" He asks sounding entirely innocent.

"What are you up to?"

He laughs in my ear "Returning the favour... You are to keep your hands on the laptop now, because I'm gonna be upset if it falls and breaks."

As soon as his body moves against mine, we both groan and I have to curl my fingers around the laptop to stop it from falling.

"Zak.. T-the laptop.."

"Remember what I said." He warns picking up pace.

I could barely remember my name and had to close the laptop and discard it somewhere else on the bed. Gripping the sheet, I heard him chuckle as he ran a hand down my spine.

"Good girl."

I was telling myself that he couldn't be this good every time. Boy, was I wrong.


I'm hung upside down on the couch, reading a book when I feel a hand go around my foot.

"No." I tell Zak instantly which makes him laugh.

"I haven't done or said a thing."

"At the moment." I reply, lifting my head and parting my legs to see him.

The movement doesn't go unnoticed and his brows wiggle.

"You're a fiend." I tell him, crossing over my legs as he puts my foot on his shoulder.

"I like these jeans on you." He says running a hand over my leg before fixing my sock.

"Why thank you.. But I sense you're creeping."

He chuckles and lifts a piece of paper.

"What's that?" I ask, ditching the book and flipping around until I'm knelt on the couch and in front of him.

"This is a list."

"A list.. of Jobs? Of tasks that you need my expertise for? Locations? Haunted items?"


"Of reasons why I'm the best?"

"I think we've established that one. No, this is a list of what I don't know about you."

I blink.

"And I'd like you to tell me, not straight away, but over time. Because I want to know everything..." He says crouching down "Everything about you. What you like, what you don't like, favourite food, drink, movie, music-"

"Eeeeeeverything!" I draw out making him chuckle.

"Exactly." He replies passing me the piece of paper. I give it the once over before smiling.

"Can I tell you one of my favourite things now?"

"If you want to."

I grab him by the scruff and give him a kiss "I really enjoy doing that."

His laugh makes me giggle. "You're such a weirdo sometimes."

"Uh-huh.." I nod watching as he comes around the couch and flops down beside me. "So when you said you had work to do..."

"I was compiling that list in my head."

"Hmm. Never known a guy to call quits in the bedroom to make a list..."

"I never called it quits."

"Uh-huh you keep telling yourself that, honey. Did you know sex burns the same amount of calories as a 5 mile run?"

"No, but it explains why I'm famished."

"Yup, which makes me think... Why do people take up running?"

"Maybe people like running?"

"Then they are weird too. Cause I know which one I prefer."

"Me too." He agrees.

"So you're hungry, what do you fancy for... What's the time?" I ask looking at his watch. 7pm. "What do you fancy for dinner?"

Like a pair of scavengers, we ransack the cupboards and fridge, pulling random items out and putting them on the side until we finally make a meal worth having.

Once it's cooked up, I watch in amazement as Zak begins shovelling food as quickly as he can.

"Oh my god.. Where did you learn how to cook this?" He asks.

"Is-is it bad?" I worry.

"El, this is.. I need a spoon and a second plate."

I grin as he forks another mouthful and grabs my hand moaning with pleasure, his head nodding in appreciation.

"Maybe it's because you're really hungry, that you'll eat anything?"

"No. No this is good. The flavours are exploding in my mouth."

After a second plate of the best chilli Zak's ever had, we clean the kitchen and plant ourselves back on the couch, planning on settling in with a movie.

"Kylo Ren." I tell him, looking up from my list.


"Kylo Ren. The celeb crush.. Him and Chris Hemsworth."

"I- Kylo Ren and Thor? Really?"

I nod. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. Nothing.... Anyone else?" He asks casually.

"Umm... Oh Jensen Ackles. Definitely one of my top five."

"There's five now?"

"He's probably number one. Then Kylo Ren, Thor."

"Uh- huh.. Who is the other two?"

I mull it over. "Tom Hardy and Ryan Reynolds. I might have to rethink that whole order..."

"Right." Zak says making me look over to him.


"Just thought. You know.. I might have been up there somewhere."

I gasp. "Shut up, you are not jealous."

"No, no. It's fine. Just glad I know where I stand if those five were in the room." He says feigning upset.

I laugh softly and creep over to give him a kiss and nuzzle.

"No, it's fine." He says loudly making me giggle. "Clearly I didn't make the cut."

"I would put you in my top 5.."

"But you didn't. Kylo Ren?! I gotta get a lightsaber now. Just in case I gotta fight him off."

My laugh makes him break character and with a growl I'm pulled across his lap. I let out a squeak as he bites my neck and nuzzles in.

"If those 5 and you were in the room, I'd only see one."

"Which one?"


"You're so full of shit." He laughs. "But my pride and ego appreciates it."

I laugh softly and watch as he flicks through the movie section. "What are we going to watch?"

"Not freakin' Star Wars!" He replies, setting me off again.

"You did ask..." I remind him.

"Remind me to re-write that list! I'm wounded..."

"Aww boo."

Just when I think he is over it, I notice him flicking past Star Wars, whilst muttering to himself.

He did ask!


A few days later...

"Can we talk?"

Zak pauses in the bedroom door way. "I don't like the sound of this..."

"It's not bad. Well I don't think it is."

He looks at me and crosses his arms, taking the defence route almost instantly. "Go on.. What's up?"

"I'm going to go back to my house." I tell him.

For the last few days, I had gone over onto my new medication, and boy were the side effects whooping my ass. From headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite to sleep disruption.  Not to mention narcolepsy! One minute I was talking to Zak, the next I'd be out cold! It could be any time of the day, doing whatever and then it was nap time.

"Why?" He asks coming over to me, still led in the bed.

"Because these tablets are putting me through the mill..."

"All the more reason to stay, I can keep an eye on you." He answers with a concerned look.

"It's not your job to keep an eye on me. You've got enough to do during the day, I don't need to be another burden-"

"Bullshit." He interrupts. "You are not a burden and we went through the side effects. I expected this. All of this."

"Did you really? Cause I sure as hell didn't.." I roll back feeling the wave of sickness flood over me.

"Have you been writing all this down?" He asks, picking up my diary and flicking through it.

We had sat down for hours the other day, talking about my condition and what Zak thought was the best thing to do. Forever the supportive type, he told me that the best choice is whatever I was comfortable with, if medication was the way I wanted to go, then he would be right by my side, sickness and all.

I had also shown him my diary, so that he got a clearer picture of what it is really like, I wasn't showing it to him for attention or sympathy, but more to help him understand and give him knowledge. Something he appreciated greatly...

"I don't see how going back home is going to help you." He says, picking up the pen to mark down that I was feeling sick today. My little nurse in training, here.

"El, I know you don't want me to keep an eye on you. But I'm here to keep an eye on you. I know you don't want to be a burden, but I need to know you're okay."

"And I will be. There is no hazards in my home. It's like yours.. Only very very smaller."

He smiles softly. "All the more reason to say here.."

How do I tell this fine creature that I don't want to be moping around his house, I don't want to smile or laugh or cuddle, I just want to climb into my bed, in the biggest shirt I have and sleep... Or maybe throw up without having to worry if I am being too loud or if he is going to walk in on me with my head down the toilet.

Potential embarrassment and home comforts was pulling me back to my house, after two weeks..

It wasn't an easy choice for me to make, but seeing him this morning, looking tired from me constantly waking him up, no matter how quiet I tried to be. It wasn't fair on him.

"I know you want me to stay, but you're exhausted-"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." I tell him. "You look tired and I can see it and feel it in your body. You're not you because of me. Besides, I was leaving in a couple days time anyway. It's not like I was moving in, was it?"

"I know that.. It's just, I'm used to you being here."

"I'll be a phone call away, at all times."

"No, no I don't like it." He says after what appeared to be an argument with himself. "I don't care how tired I am and how sick you feel. You are staying here."

"I'm going home."

"No. You're not. It's not up for discussion, just do as you're told." He answers, his tone and attitude changing.

I know he doesn't mean it, but like I said, we are tired, so it's no surprising how quick we both get our backs up over such a stupid comment. We end up having a row and he storms off to the museum, slamming the door on the way out, whilst I am shoving clothes into my holdall, whilst trying not to throw up.

Two hours later, I have showered, done his washing (not that he deserves it right now), walked Gracie and just securing the house when I hear the front door open.

I spot the snackbox I had made for him on the side and presume he has came back for that and to see if I've left.

I've calmed down enough now to realise he is just concerned. Hell, I might extend the olive branch, or beat him with it. I haven't decided, yet.

Picking up the tupperware box, I head out the kitchen ready to give it to him when I spoke someone else here.

"Bacon." I frown seeing him stood at the front door.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good. Yourself?"

"Awesome.." He replies before letting his eyes drift around the house.

"Zak isn't here, he drove himself today."

"I know.."

I cock a brow "Don't make me pull it out of you."

He crumbles instantly. Maybe it's my technique?

"He called me and asked me to drive you home, says you aren't feeling too good from your new meds... He said not to mention that bit. But I- you're kinda scary when you glare."

We both stare at each other before laughing. "It's alright, it's no secret. The doctors changed my medication, side effects are shitty."

"Maybe Zak is picking up on them too? He is in a real bitch ass mood."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Cranky SOB today."

I give him a sheepish look. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. We are tired from my constant tossing and turning, we also had an argument."

"I guess that.. Want me to put the bag in the car?"

I nod. "Yeah, but can we swing by the museum?"

"You sure about that?" He asks taking my holdall.

"He forgot his mini crafties." I answer, shaking the box.

Bacon pauses "Him without food and tired? We better hurry."

Once I've checked everything again and said bye to Gracie, we head for the museum. As usual there is some traffic but I am able to travel in comfort as Bacon was driving one of Zak's cars.

"Does he let you drive all the cars?" I ask.

"None of the supercars... He's had a few."

"Why not?"

"I think he wasn't taught to share as a child." He jokes. "Boys and their toys. He is a grown man but those cars are his. I get to drive the Bentley and this Mercedes."

"What about the massive truck?"

"Meh, once or twice but this is the car I usually drive him about in."

"It's nice."

He nods in agreement.

"Back at the house, you said something."


"You said, maybe Zak is picking up on them too? What does that mean?"

Bacon looks over at me quickly before looking back at the road. "He's.. I don't know how to put it."

"Weird? Kooky? Funny? Adorable-"

"I wouldn't use him and the word adorable together. I think he would fire me."

I laugh.

"No I mean, Zak is sensitive."

"In what way?" I see the unsure look that Bacon gives. "Come on, Bacon. You know him better than me..."

He sighs. "Zak is sensitive, to almost everything. It's happened over the years of investigating. He's more in tune with emotions, feelings, vibes, environment changes, everything. He picks up on emotions a lot."

Why didn't I know this?

A conversation from the other day pops into my head when Zak came in and laid down with me. Telling me I had a calming presence and that being near me cleared his head.

I just thought it was my nature, that maybe he was picking up my chilled out vibes from having a relaxing day at his home?

"I didn't know that.."

"Maybe he didn't want to weird you out?" He guesses.


Bacon soon changes the subject and we continue on our way. By the time we reach the museum, I notice one thing.

It's busy. Really busy.

"Is something happening today?" I ask, getting out the car with my bag, leaving the hold-all in the trunk.

"Yeah, they got a new exhibition opening. It always causes a huge buzz."

"What kind of exhibition?"

"A Charles Manson one. Come on." Bacon encourages.

The side door is locked and after a few attempts at trying to call for someone, Bacon makes the choice to take us through the front door.

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"What if I go, and I'll come around and open the door?" He suggests.

I almost agree, but then decide against it. "No it's cool. I'll follow you."

I didn't like the idea of walking through the crowd, but there wasn't much choice. So I kept my head down, not wanting to get into anything with the visitors who presume I'm queue jumping.

At first we were good, plain sailing, until we turned the corner to chaos. People took one look at Bacon and began flapping and looking for Zak. The excitement cause some joisting.

One person bumped into another, then they pushed back, like a pack of animal. They got agitated and began shoving and arguing amongst each other, somehow I got shoved from behind and with the dizziness and nausea, my feet decided not to work and I hit the my head off a gargoyle statue.


"Elle." Bacon says grabbing my shoulder and spinning me to face him as security came out to calm people down. "Oh no.. Oh no, oh no."

"What?" I ask before feeling something on my face. Reaching up, I touch the wetness, thinking it's only water from the mist sprayers, when I see blood. "Oh."

"Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Bacon chants, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the museum quickly.

I have to keep up as he navigates the corridors with ease, until we finally reach the break room.

"It's only a scratch." I tell him as he begins pulling cupboards open.

"No, you don't understand.." He says.

"It's not your fault. Security should have been out there sooner. It's too crowded."

Bacon is about to reply when I hear it, or rather him..


"I'm dead." Bacon whispers.

"I got your back." I reassure him just as Zak flies in the room.

Tall, dark, handsome and angry.

"Hey sugar." I smile.

"What is this?!" Zak hisses, ignoring me to point at my face as he glares at Bacon.

"That's not my fault, I didn't do it."

"When I said look after her, I didn't mean bring her here to get hurt!"

"Hey!" I shout, causing Zak to shoot a glare at me. I step in front of him cutting off his view of Bacon. "Listen here, you! I'm here because I told him to, this happened outside because you had no security out there! Do not shout at him!"

I hear a growl rattle his chest.

"Don't you growl at me, you're not a dog. Now back your shit down and apologise."

"No." Zak answers making me cock a brow. His eyes look to my eyebrow which has a small gash in. I can also feel the blood trickling down my face. It's then I see his anger dwindling. "I need the first aid-"

"Nope. You're not fixing it until you say sorry."

"Sorry." He forces.


"It's good enough for me!" Bacon answers. "I'm gonna.. Disappear." He says shooting out the room quickly giving me a mouthed 'phew'.

Once the door is shut, Zak moves across the break room and pulls the first aid box out.

"Sit please." He gestures to a chair, but I take the table and watch as he sets the box down and gets out the alcohol wipe.

"How did you bust your head?" He asks slotting between my knees.

"Someone pushed me, with dizziness and uncooperative feet, I saved myself by head butting the gargoyle."

He exhales deeply, lifting my chin up and begins cleaning me up. I stare up at him, because there is no better view, I'm waiting for him to speak again...

"Stop it." He says.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever you're doing."

"I don't know what I'm doing."

He places a hand either side of me, and lowers himself to my level with narrowed eyes. "You're nothing but trouble."

"Why thank you." I purr, causing his lips to quiver a smile.

"How come you've come down here?" He asks.

"Wanted to see my favourite man, give him this." I say pulling out the crafties box I've made him. "You forgot it."

"You came down here to give me this? Feeling as sick as what you do?"

"It's amazing what you do for the ones you lov- like to be around." I answer.

That didn't happen. That didn't fucking happen!

Suddenly the first aid box is really interesting, like who knew you'd need big bandaids?

"If you need a bandaid that big, you should probably be at a hospital, right?" I ask picking it up.

But my attempt at conversation changing is futile as Zak is staring at me.

"Do I need stitches?" I ask, hoping to find some for my big mouth too..

"What did you say?"

"Do I need stitches?" I repeat.

"Before that."

"Big bandaid.."


I shrug. "Don't know. Concussion?"

He gives me a knowing look, but hasn't ran out the room screaming, so maybe we can gloss over that bit and continue.

When a bit of blood lands on my cheek, Zak stops the staring contest and continues patching me up. I end up with some of those tape stitches, and have my wound sealed with a kiss.

"There." Zak says.

"Thank you, and sorry about this morning."

"We are both tired. But I get why you wanna go home. If you really need to be there, then I understand but I'm gonna miss not seeing you on my couch, upside reading."

I smile. "I can stay over when the side effects have worn off."

"I'd like that, very much."

"Good." I reply, running my hands up his jacket and gripping the lapels. I pull him to my level. "Because I wasn't asking."

He chuckles giving me a kiss. Which leads to another and another.

We go from a harmless kiss to something else as the room begins to heat up and I'm hurrying to undo his belt whilst Zak tries to work me out of my top.

"Wait." He says, pulling away.

"Are you kidding?" I whisper when he goes to the door. When he flicks the lock, I grin and pull him back to me.

I know it's wrong, really wrong, to be doing this, right here, right now but we were in the moment and I just needed him and a few minutes.

"This belt." I huff, pulling away from his mouth to look at what I was doing.

When there is a knock. We both freeze.


My eyes widen at the sound of his mom's voice and we are soon scrabbling around trying to sort each other's clothes.

"Zak, the door is locked." His mom says rattling the handle.

"Fuck sake.." He mutters adjusting himself before heading over to the door and unlocking it as I smooth out my hair from where his hands had been. "Hey, sorry, I locked the door because I didn't want anyone walking in with Elle bloodied up."

His mom glides in and comes straight over to me "Oh my dear, look at you. Are you okay? Bacon has just told me."

"I'm okay, thank you. Zak patched me up."

She smiles and inspects the work herself before nodding "That is good. I'm glad you're okay. Bacon said it was just a bump but I had to come and see you."

I smile, wishing she hadn't because right now I would be doing ungodly things with her son....

I'm a bad person.

"Are we nearly ready?" Zak asks pulling his mom's attention off me and to him.

I don't miss his quick gesture to my shirt.  When she turns, I realise I've buttoned it up wrong and discreetly set my top right before hopping off the desk and cleaning up the used wipes.

"We are. Doors are about to open." His mom says before looking over to me. "I have to shoot now, but you must come over for dinner one evening with Zak. It will be lovely to see you."

"I'd like that." I reply.

"It's a date. Take care Elle, sweetheart." She beams before breezing out the room and down the corridor.

"She likes you, a lot." Zak says.

"I'm a likeable person."

"Nobody has gotten sweetheart before."

"What can I say, I'm amazing."

Zak gives me a look "Yes you are, but you can't lure me into your little game whilst I'm here."

"It kinda happened. But you were all game."

"I know, I can't help myself." He answers setting back the first aid box and picking up his crafties. "Let's go hide in my office."

I take his extended hand before heading down the corridors and into his office. Once inside, we both land on the couch, watching the monitors as visitors begin entering the museum.

Zak cracks the crafties open and sets it onto his lap, nibbling away whilst watching as if he was at the movies.

We both comment on the volume of people, the rooms and activity today as well as talk about the new exhibition, before tiredness comes over me like a blanket.

"Here comes my little narcoleptic." Zak laughs softly as my head wiggles onto his shoulder.

"Hmm. I'm gonna nap." I tell him.

He throws an arm around me, pulling me in closer, as I drape my arm over his stomach for good measure.

"You sleep. I'll be right here."

"You're too good to me." I mumble.

"It's amazing what you do for the people you.... Like to be around." He comments, just as I'm drifting off.

Freakin' smart ass.


Author note: Eeeextra long chapter because I didn't know which to go for, in the end I managed to combine two versions of this chapter together to makes this.

Did Elle almost drop that L bomb?

I try and update nightly but this one took a little longer as I fell into the world of epilepsy medication and research on side effects. (I try to be professional and use facts.) Each symptom I listed is only a few of what the meds can give you.  Always read that leaflet!

I know I've made Zak a simp in this story, but it's nice to write a different version of him. (Even if it's not the real him)

It's nice to try the Zak from Washington, than Zak from Ghost Adventures, am I right?

I'm not sure how much longer this story is gonna go on for.. 😬

We have a few loose ends, first.

My question is, what do you want to see?

Open end? Happy ending? To be continued?

Happy readings my love!

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